Cut the world

Chapter 193: Method!


A fist wind passed, which was also regarded as Zhou Lingxuan's timely dodge and dangerously dodged the replicator's punch. But such an ordinary punch can bring a boxing style, and you can imagine how powerful the replicator is.

"Good, so powerful!" Just now, it also made Zhou Lingxuan feel that the replicator is really powerful and extraordinary, which cannot be underestimated.

Zhou Lingxuan still can't let go for the time being, and the replicator has no ability to think at all. He only knows how to attack constantly, and he still has an absolute power advantage. Therefore, there is a comparison between the two and a judgment.


With another punch, Zhou Lingxuan failed to escape this time and was severely knocked to the ground by another himself. He couldn't help spitting out blood. You can imagine how powerful the power of this replicator is.


Zhou Lingxuan was so angry that he was punched and spit blood by his replica, so that he couldn't stand it and burst out a swearing.

Er, but this is also because he knows that no one here can understand what he means.

"Damn, I won't hit you if you look exactly like me!" Zhou Lingxuan's eyes turned cold in an instant. He really saw that if he didn't defeat the other party, he was likely to be beaten by the other party and even Lan Er didn't even know him. This is absolutely impossible for Zhou Lingxuan to accept.

A flip stood up and took out the black god knife from the hidden ring. Zhou Lingxuan didn't care whether he took advantage of the other party or not, and bullied the replicator without weapons.

"Anyway, no one knows." This is what someone is thinking now.

With the black god knife, Zhou Lingxuan's confidence has become more full. Watching the clones rush towards him one after another, Zhou Lingxuan did not dare to underestimate him. Stepping forward, he looked at the extremely short gap when the replicator punched and closed his fist. His figure flashed and appeared in front of the replicator like a floating light.

The three-color knife flashed and took away one of the right arms of the replicator.

However, before Zhou Lingxuan could have a good time, the replicator's next move made him almost collapse and be insane.

I saw the replicator who had been cut off an arm by Zhou Lingxuan, and there was still no expression on his face. After Zhou Lingxuan withdrew from the knife, the replicator did not attack Zhou Lingxuan, but turned to the arm he had been cut off.

In Zhou Lingxuan's doubtful eyes, the replicator picked up his arm and slowly put it towards the wound on his shoulder, as if he wanted to connect his arm.

"This, this should not be, impossible?" Seeing this scene, the corners of Zhou Lingxuan's mouth twitched a little.

However, as he thought, when the replicator put his broken arm on the wound, a small array appeared out of thin air, wrapping the wound like a bandage.

After a few breaths, the tiny array disappeared, and the replicator's arm came back to itself intact.

Fac! Oh, Falk!!

Zhou Lingxuan was dumbfounded. How can he fight this? Damn, his hands have been cut off, and he can still take it back. And no wonder the replicator didn't drop a drop of blood just now. Seeing the replicator's wound, Zhou Lingxuan finally understood that emotion is an energy aggregate.

It's not to blame that Yu didn't tell them, because poor Xiaobai rarely had a chance to fight back when he came here before, and he didn't know that this situation was normal.

The same thing happened to the other three people.

Because of the intelligence of Baiyu, several of them also had no reservations from the beginning, hoping to kill their replicators when they were the most powerful. So it didn't take long for them to hurt the replicator.

But the result is not surprising. The tiny array will appear, and after a while, the replicator will become intact.

"What's going on? Why is it like this?" After seeing this again, Tianyu felt extremely strange: "Why does this replicator's wound recover from itself?" Could it be..."

Shaking his head and temporarily forgetting the idea in his mind, Yu thought about it during the day: "The third brother should also have noticed the strangeness of this replicator! Everyone, you must hold on!"

Yuhuangtian and Yuye also encountered this situation, but they both have unwavering determination and firm perseverance. They will only keep looking for flaws and will not give up.

One knife, another knife. Zhou Lingxuan carefully dodged the attack of the replicator every time, but every time he tried his best to attack otherwise, the damage caused by him would be completely erased in a short time.


Under Zhou Lingxuan's wild attack, he couldn't help but feel a little weak: "You must think of a way, otherwise you will only be killed by this guy if it goes on like this."

Suddenly, looking at the replicator in front of him who was constantly recovering from his injury again and again, Zhou Lingxuan had a light in his mind and muttered to himself, "After each injury, the array appeared to recover, and there was about a second or two. That is to say, as long as I attack the replicator in these two seconds and give him more damage than the recovery speed of the array, I should be able to completely defeat the replicator!"

To put it simply, Zhou Lingxuan wants to have a race about time with that array.

Since we already have a plan, we need to prepare for the implementation. At this moment, Zhou Lingxuan's power consumed a lot, so he only concentrated on avoiding the terrible attack of the replicator, and then took the opportunity to condense his remaining strength.

There is no aura to absorb in this fantasy, but fortunately, Zhou Lingxuan found that he seemed to be able to control the sealed energy in Dantian very well yesterday. However, he did not dare to use such a huge power at will, because his body could not bear it at this time.

Although you can't use all the energy, it's still okay to open a little seal and release the power of the seal there. At present, this is also the maximum limit that Zhou Lingxuan can do.

Although he was punched and kicked by the replicator in the continuous dodging, Zhou Lingxuan's face showed a faint smile.


He spit out the blood in his mouth and stared at the replicator in front of him coldly. Zhou Lingxuan, who had recovered his strength, suddenly spewed out. Like millions of times compressed air, there is a strong power in the flashing small electric light.

The clone rushed to Zhou Lingxuan again completely tirelessly. At this time, Zhou Lingxuan was not dodged. Of course, he would not be stupid enough to fight with the clone, which was simply looking for abuse.

Now that there is no chance to attack, Zhou Lingxuan simply retreated, making the clone's attacks fail again and again. Zhou Lingxuan is waiting, and he is waiting for the opportunity to appear.

Fortunately, God didn't let him wait too long. Even if he is a tireless replicator, there is always a pause. And this is the long-awaited opportunity for Zhou Lingxuan.

The left hand threw out, and a long chain formed by the pure power of thunder and lightning flew towards the replicator, tightly locking the replicator, and at the same time constantly hitting the other party with the power of thunder.

Zhou Lingxuan seized the opportunity, shook his body like a ghost, and appeared in front of the replicator again in the blink of an eye. This time, Zhou Lingxuan is not ready to stay.

"Shu, s..."

The shadow of the knife flies and the dark light floats. Zhou Lingxuan's right hand was like a motor running at full speed, and the knife in his hand waved without hesitation.

Fragments, fragments all over the ground, poor replicators, even if the power is much stronger than Zhou Lingxuan, the stiff action gives Zhou Lingxuan too many opportunities. So in the end, the replicator still can't escape the fate of being cut into pieces.


Finally, he got rid of another himself. After this, Zhou Lingxuan himself was really tired, so he lay down directly without rudely.


Zhou Lingxuan, who was originally lying on the ground comfortably, suddenly flew directly from the ground, and then flew far away before falling to the ground in a free fall.


"What the hell is going on?!" Zhou Lingxuan got up from the ground and turned around and saw the replicator standing in front of him intact. Zhou Lingxuan felt that his brain nerves had been extremely stimulated. If no one had explained to him what was going on, he would have been really crazy.

After that, there was no need to think much about the ending. Zhou Lingxuan was powerless to resist and was punched and kicked countless times by another himself. The grievance in his heart was far better than the physical torture. 1

The same thing happened to the other three people. When the three Yu tried their best and thought that they had completely defeated their opponents, another punch after him stunned them in an instant.