Battle Dome

Chapter 16 A Big Hand

Chapter 16 A Big Hand

The earth is ups and down, the sun and moon are lightless, and the east side is like a purgatory. A scene of slaughter is rolling dark clouds and scattered, echoing with harsh sounds in the world. The sky is changing, the earth is collapsing, the plate of the earth is also moving and changing, and the originally rich and fertile land is disappearing; the originally simple and sincere people are lying in a pool of blood. The bones are empty; the originally beautiful river has also become dirty and emitting a rotten smell.

In the sky, dark shadows flashed, and monks fell one by one, and then were swallowed up; electric arcs were dancing and tumbling around those black holes; the extremely deep black hole, I don't know which side it is connected to, and the irresistible devouring force, seems to leak out from it, as if to This area has been swallowed.

At the edge of the black hole, there stood devils wrapped in black robes. They were expressionless and could not see their faces. They could only see their deep and seductive eyes, emitting enchanting light. Their eyes were extremely evil. When they only saw their monks on the earth, they immediately saw that there was no sound. The scream disappeared between heaven and earth, only turning into a wisp of green smoke, floating in this sky.

Each of them exudes the atmosphere of ancient and vicissitudes, as if they have experienced endless years and are returning now. I can't see their bodies. I can only see a black robe wrapped around them, which is mysterious.

However, at this time, the sky in the east looked up to the sky and shouted, "The demon clan has appeared." What does this mean? Are these people from the demon clan? Why did he say that the demon clan has appeared? Has he ever seen or learned about the description of the demon clan? Or is there any story that is not human?

Just as the sky said the three words "magic appeared" in the east, a voice came out of the world with the word "dead". This word was like a hammer, hitting the hearts of everyone on the east side fiercely. Suddenly, most of the monks below could not resist this magical sound and spewed blood. Some people with low cultivation fainted directly and turned pale.

The sky in the east listened to this sound, and his whole body trembled. He looked at the sky and stared at a place fiercely. In the center of these countless black holes, there was a black hole that seemed to be a volcano that was about to erupt. It had a diameter of more than 100 feet and kept rotating at high speed, but it looked like it was still. Generally, this is because the speed has reached the extreme and the movement is extremely quiet. With this sound, a hand is poked out from it. This hand is completely condensed by an energy storm. Countless black sands hovered on this big hand and fell from the sky. Wherever it passed, an energy channel emerged and the space shattered in an instant. This should What a lot of energy and what a terrible cultivation can cause such a movement.

This hand is like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves without any feelings; like death, without any mercy, it goes directly to the east to the sky. Dongfang Shangtian looked at the palm that grabbed him, and his face seemed to show an expression of understanding, and then a fierce expression appeared. With incomparable determination and perseverance, he stood still waiting for its arrival.

"Father, don't..." In a war zone on the east side, a girl shouted sadly, and the heartbreaking sound penetrated the air through the space and sounded in everyone's heart. This girl has a fairy-like face, a nose, sheep fat ball skin, exquisite facial features, a beautiful face, with a heroic momentum, and looks particularly heroic. However, at this moment, her white clothes have been dyed red by blood, and her tied hair has also been dyed red by blood and condensed into a piece. She is the daughter of the sky in the east, the moon.

Dongfang Shangtian turned his head to look at his daughter, looked at his daughter with kind eyes, then turned back decisively, turned his back to her, raised his hand and shook back, and said, "Xiaoyue, go quickly." The voice is extremely desolate, and there is a sad emotion in it. The voice is not loud, but it expresses its reluctance.

"Father." Dongfangyue bit her lips tightly and shouted to her father with a cry.

"Lord, don't..." A group of strong men in white shouted. Countless common monks, as well as the strong men in the rear, and even the strong men in the world knelt down, as if they were the last etiquette, and as if they were expressing their admiration in their hearts, and all knelt down.

This group of monks in white are the people of Xuanyue Palace, and there are many sects on the east side, but in this land, everyone wants to enter the Xuanyue Palace in their hearts, because that is the dream of everyone in the east bank. Xuanyue Palace is equivalent to a country on the east side, leading various sects, and those small sects are like provincial capitals, and the sky in the east is the status of the state, so when everyone looks at the hand attacking the sky in the east, they can't help shouting and feel extremely sad.

The reason is that there is no such thing, because of the existence of Xuanyue Palace. It is the leaders of the East that the people here will live so well that there will be so harmony and fights so little. Imagine that such a palace owner is about to leave them. Can they not be sad and heartbroken?

But nothing can be changed now. This is a doomed ending. Everything here is destined to disappear, destined to be erase, and occupied by a group of people who have worn out human nature. No, it should not be a race that wears out human nature, because they are not human beings, but demons, demons, and inhumanity at all. Where did they come from? The theory of human nature.

Dongfangyue looked at his father, a middle-aged man who had been fighting for the east bank all his life, but he seemed so vicissitudes and powerless at this time. He had no ability to save everyone here. He could only choose to fight with this big hand to win a little time to escape for his ethnic group.

"Why don't you go, the fourth old man of Xuanyue Palace, take the lady and everyone quickly. Do you hear me?" The sky in the east said harshly.

"But..." The words came to his mouth, but finally he was swallowed by the elder abruptly. "Yes, palace lord, we will try our best to take everyone and protect the young lady."

At this time, all the monks ran desperately to the south, and the big hand of the black energy storm also came to the sky in the east and slapped the sky in the east.

"The origin returns, and heaven and earth are also me." The eastern sky shouted such a sentence, and the body of the eastern sky suddenly ignited a nameless fire, burning from the inside of the body. The energy between heaven and earth, the large amount of quenched body gas was also rushing towards him crazily. A vast and vast original power suddenly penetrated the heaven and earth, and the infinite orange brilliance turned to It surged in all directions, like a persistent explosion, constantly radiating from the body.

This vast and pure energy will have a faint feeling of purification on the east side that has become hellish, but after the energy will dissipate, those strong demons standing on the edge of the black hole with green eyes shining in their eyes take action one after another and suppress this breath in an instant.

And this big hand of energy emitted by someone suddenly fell on the body of the sky in the east, accompanied by a roar of the sky in the east: "Why, I'm unwilling!" And dissipated, and the eastern sky disappeared like other monks in this world, no longer exists, and there is nothing left.

"No, Lord." The sad voice of the four elders sounded, and Dongfang Yue had been sad and unconscious before.

He died in the east, in order to delay this last moment and to preserve a trace of blood in the east. In fact, when the East uses the move of "returning from the origin, heaven and earth are also me", it is doomed to fall, because this move is to burn with the real fire of his own destiny and integrate himself with the energy of heaven and earth with the help of heaven and earth, which is also the most anti-sky in Xuanyue Palace martial arts classics, and the same time the most A sad move. No matter whether this big power of energy touches the sky in the east or not, he will definitely die today. When the people in Xuanyue Palace heard their palace owner perform this move, their hearts were full of hatred except sadness.

This big energy hand passed through the body of the sky in the east and did not disappear, but directly grabbed it down. Suddenly, the east bank disappeared, replaced by an abys, palaces, and endless purgatory. Countless magma flowed on this land, which became a veritable hell, demon Hell.

This big hand condensed by energy actually has such energy and means. How horrible it is that the sky and earth change, geological changes, and countless buildings stand up in an instant.