Battle Dome

Chapter 38 Trouble

Chapter 38 Difficulty

A storm swept by, and another huge wave hit. At this time, the war began to break out again. The soldiers on the ice field hit me one by one, sad and spectacular, the sound of broken bones, the sound of gasping.

This war is a physical struggle, which looks clumsy, but it is the most direct way. Countless soldiers are howling. They are either howling because of physical pain or howling for the honor of the clan. These water moon warriors have fought crazily.

In the sky, the power of countless elements is flying, either turning into a unicorn, or turning into a colorful phoenix, or turning into a white tiger, or turning into a green dragon, or turning into a knife and axe.

All kinds of foreign animal weapons are flying in the sky, which is completely manipulating the power of nature to fight. Sometimes they also fight with their bodies. Every time they collide, the space will tremble. Every time the body attacks, there will be a muffled hum from heaven and earth. They are interpreting their own tragedy.

At this time, it seemed that God couldn't bear it. The sky suddenly changed color, as if a heavy snow was coming. Although the icefield was full of ice, it had never snowed once.

Snowflakes are flying, as if to pay tribute to these dead soldiers, or maybe God is laughing at their stupidity, but anyway, it's snowing now.

And the broken sky lay there like that, and the snowflake spread her body and did not respond. However, if you look carefully, you can see a very dim cyan light arc on the body of the broken sky. This light arc also appeared in the competition with Shuizi. At that time, it was also so weak that no one saw it.

At this time, the cyan light arc was already dim and covered by heavy snow, so it was naturally more impossible to see and no one paid attention to it.


"Tukun, take people away quickly. Hurry up. I'll block it here. Go quickly. If you don't leave, you won't be in a hurry. You can go quickly and Shuifei. Maybe there will be a glimmer of life, otherwise we will all die. Do you hear?" Tu Feng said to his brother Tu Kun urgently.

At the same time as Shuifei fought on the ice field, their Turkish clan also ushered in a group of inhuman-like monsters. These people have bodies, but they don't look like people at all. The leading man has four hands, and the people behind him have two hands and mucus flowing all over their bodies, which is very disgusting. No one Knowing where they come from is as if they appeared out of thin air.

Under the wave of the man, a group of monsters rushed to the earth wind. At this time, there is nothing the earth wind can do. There may be a way to survive. This group of monsters of unknown origin don't know how powerful they are. They can only inform Shuifei immediately, otherwise their five clans will be destroyed.

Who knew that there were only so many monsters in front of them? Who knows that they are not exploring the way? Who knows that they have other strong men watching? This unknown thing puts a lot of pressure on the earth.

"Tu Kun, why don't you leave? It's really late if you don't leave. Not only my Tutian people, but also the other four ethnic groups may be persecuted. At this time, you have to send the news out to have a glimmer of hope!" The wind said solemnly and anxiously.

"No, big brother, because I can't go out. These four sides are surrounded by these monsters and I can't go out at all." Tu Kun also replied anxiously.

"Then you are next to me, with some young children of the family. They are the hope of our clan. As long as they live, our Turkish clan will not perish. I'll find a way for you later. Hurry up and go, okay?" The earthy wind said heavily.

"Father, I won't leave. I want to stay with my father. Even if I die, I will coexist with my people." Tu Lin, the son of Tufeng, said firmly.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the monsters, his eyes full of hatred.

"Nonsense, what time is it now? You are still fighting with me. Don't say anything. You must follow the earth. Whoever doesn't leave, you will be driven out of our natives forever."


"Don't say any more."

"Tu Kun, you take them behind me, and I'll take you out of the siege." After saying that, Tufeng rushed to those monsters. These monsters are strange-fashioned, and their claws are sharper. Most of their strength is at the mysterious level.

But when fighting with them, Turkish people often need a higher level than them to kill them. The blood of these monsters is not red, but orange, and some are also yellow. It often takes several people to work together to kill a monster.

Tu Feng met the leading man, and then said to Tu Kun, "I will stop him. Go quickly and be sure to break out."

In another direction of the ice field, the ice and snow here are stained with a little dark green color. On the white snowflakes, there are dark green spots, which are sad and touching. This is where the Mu clan is located.

At this time, the Mu clan is also staged a disaster of extermination. These black-robed people, without saying a word, came forward to fight when they saw the Mu clan, regardless of anything and didn't care about anything.

Seeing this, Mu Sen also fought forward with his people. Like the Turkish people, they don't know where these people in front of them came from.

These black-robed people are extremely bloodthirsty. Every time they kill a person, they will be dismembered, let the blood of the Mu people scratch their palms of their hands and flow on their bodies. Every time they do it, they shout, as if they are expressing the happy feelings in their hearts.

This scene made the Mu people heartbreaking and couldn't wait to rush to eat their meat and drink their blood.

Angry, the wooden people were completely angry. These were all their relatives, but they were killed tragically by these beasts in front of their own eyes, and there was not even a whole body after death.

The Mu people rushed up crazily. Even if they died, they would pull a person to the bottom. Mu Sen watched the people die one by one, and there was nothing he could do. All he could do was to get rid of the green-eyed man in front of him as soon as possible.

These patriarchs and young people of the Mu clan are also fighting. In order to survive and save the Mu clan, they must work hard.

These young girls living in the greenhouse had no fear at this time, but only hatred. They were pale and injured countless times, which were caught by the enemy. Watching the enemies fall one by one, they did not have joy and cheering. Instead, their hearts were extremely heavy, because their own people fell more than the enemy.

Mulin's whole body is full of blood. This blood is not his but the enemy's. Obviously, he has killed a lot of enemies.

He looked at his eldest brother Musen, and then said to the earthy stone beside him, "Mushi, you take everyone to rush out, and I'll break it for you."

He looked at these indignant young people. He knew that if it went on like this, they would die, so they must survive and save some blood.

He said, "These children are the last hope of our Mu clan. They must live. Mu Shi, you must take them and rush out and tell the aquarium chief. She will know what happened. You go immediately, do you know?"

Mu Shi also knew that this was not the time to be braver than anyone else. Now he took these young people to break out, and Mulin watched them leave.

At this time, I only heard a "ah", but at a glance, it was Musen's wife Mu Qing. She was torn by a man in a yellow-eyed black robe. Musen listened to this voice and looked back at her own wife. At this moment, her eyes were about to crack, blood-blooded pupils, and instantly flew to her wife and punched out the man in black robe. Killed.

"Madam, ah..." Mu Sen howled in pain.

"Mother." Mufeng and Mu Luan shouted together.

"sister-in-law." Mu Shi suppressed his voice and shouted softly, and then dragged the two brothers and sisters with tears and other young elders away.

"Brother, I have arranged for Mu Shi and some elders to send them out." Mulin said.

Mu Sen didn't seem to hear it and said to the devils in front of him, "You inhuman beasts, I'm fighting with you."

"Mulin, go quickly, take these people with you, and remember to take good care of my children!" After saying that, Musen condensed the wood elements of his whole body and kept rapidly absorbing the wood elements in heaven and earth and crashed into the green-eyed man. Musen was completely crazy. His wife died. He was completely crazy. He was completely going to blow himself up and die together.

"No, big brother."

"Pear, don't."


This sounded a "boom", the space shook, and countless fragments flew around, like a * explosion, sounding all over the wild.