Battle Dome

Chapter 82 Sea of Death

Chapter 82 Sea of Death

The unconscious broken sky is dragged forward by an invisible air machine, which is beyond his control and cannot be resisted. In front of this invisible air machine, the sky will only feel a sense of powerlessness.

Like a demon god, the blood Shura-like broken sky stepped into this black hole at a heavy pace.

As soon as the broken sky stepped into it, the first thing I felt was the incomparable cold. A wind blew and drew a red mark on the broken sky's body. What a terrible wind it was. After passing through the body of unknown body weight, it would be marked like this.

The Kemi on his back and the mother-in-law in his arms did not have such a strong body as the sky. Drops of blood flowed out of their bodies. Obviously, their bodies had been cut in this wind, forming blood mouths.

When the blood-red eyes and ferocious face broke the sky entered here, the invisible air machine traction had disappeared, but this consciousness eroded by the killing was unable to resist, and he fell again.

In this space, the snow is flying, the cold wind is cold, the wind sweeping, and the snowflakes falling on the ground are swept up. It is completely white, similar to the icefield, but the wind of the icefield is gentler than the wind here, and the climate is not as bad as here.

Duan Tian looked at the white space through his blood-red eyes, and countless phantoms appeared, like phantoms with teeth and claws one by one. Duan Tian seemed to be crazy. He rushed into the white world with his mother-in-law and Komi. He didn't care what kind of world it was. Under the guidance of killing consciousness, he could not think at all.

The phantom appeared. He kept fighting with the space and running wildly. He was getting farther and farther away from the black hole.

When the sky disappeared from this black hole, it slowly disappeared and returned to its original state.

The stone tablet with the words Life-eating Spring has been restored to its original state and turned into a stone tablet ten feet high, and the weeds that were cut open by the sky covered it again.

This has become a beautiful place again, and everything has returned to its original state, no different from before.

The wind is bleak and the water is cold, and the sky is like a madman in this empty space, running aimlessly.

Except for white or white, snowflakes are flying here, but the sky does not feel cold at all. He ran wildly, but he did not notice that the places he stepped on had melted and turned into water-like substances.

Finally, the sky stopped. In front of him is a calm sea, which is infinitely wide and will never see the end.

The sea is extremely blue, and under the sunlight, it reflects sparkling light, which is extremely beautiful.

Duan Tian stood on the shore, and his blood-red eyes looked at here, as if he were a little familiar with it. At this moment, a trace of light appeared in his eyes, but it dimmed in an instant.

It turned out that he was not running around just now, but like a subconscious guide that brought him here.

"Ah, kill..." He suddenly shouted.

Through his blood-red eyes, what he saw was not the blue sea, but the blood rolling.

"Um..." Mother-in-law frowned slightly and her eyes slowly opened. Looking at the incredible scene in front of her, she suddenly exclaimed, "Sea of Death."

The broken sky seemed to have a reaction. He turned his head and looked at the broken sky confusedly.

It didn't matter to him, but it scared his mother-in-law.

She looked at Duan Tian and asked Duan Tian in a frightened and timid voice: "Dian, what's wrong with you? How did you become like this? Ah, yours, your right chest... It's bleeding."

When the mother-in-law saw this scene of breaking the sky, her face was extremely shocked and scared.

Duan Tian did not respond to her. At this time, he was completely dominated by the killing. He could not listen to her mother-in-law's question at all. He looked at her mother-in-law numbly and read with difficulty: "Death...death...the sea..."

But in an instant, he went crazy, and the boundless murderous intention was released, and another roar: "Kill kill..."

Then, he threw out Kemi and her mother-in-law on his back at the same time.


Two falling sounds sounded, splashing a string of waves, but in the eyes of the broken sky, countless blood splashed and blood stained the sky.

After the mother-in-law and Komi were still in the water, they sank in an instant. The blood flowed out of their bodies and quickly. The mother-in-law who just woke up fell into a coma again. Her last consciousness was, "Are you finally going to die?"

Dian didn't feel anything about this moment. His blood-red eyes revealed blood. He looked at the scenes of blood splashing, the bloody sea, blood rolled, and Duan Tian's head seemed to explode, which was incomparable pain.


The broken sky attracted the energy of heaven and earth. Suddenly, the sea splashed and the waves flew up. He was angry with the sky as if he wanted to say endless words, but he couldn't say it. He hated it in his heart.

The extremely broken sky also jumped into the sea at this moment and jumped into the sea that was said to be the "sea of death" by her mother-in-law.

Why is this called the sea of death? Why does the mother-in-law call it like this? Is this seemingly beautiful and sparkling sea just illusory?

Duan Tian gradually sank, and he felt countless blood pouring towards him, and he was shouting and crazy at the bottom of his heart.

"Blood, blood, blood..." Duan Tian wanted to shout out, but he couldn't shout out.

The sea is infinitely deep, and the broken sky has been sinking. The rolling sea is pressing towards him. The sea is getting heavier and heavier. His body seems to be torn apart, but it can't be torn, and there is an invisible force to maintain it.

He finally sank to the bottom of the sea. It was extremely dark here, and the light outside could not shine here at all.

What comes to mind is not the beautiful scenery outside. There are many corpses immersed here. Each corpse is extremely perfect, and there is no trace of dilapidated place.

These corpses, including women, men, and strange monsters, and all kinds of races lie here. They lie peacefully on the bottom of the sea, not only as the years go by, but also as eternal and immortal.

What the hell is going on here? Why are there so many bodies? Is this the real life-eating spring? But why is it called the Sea of Death?

Kemi and her mother-in-law have long disappeared.

Looking at all this in front of him, he seemed to see countless soldiers fighting in blood. Their blood flowed thousands of miles, their heads were thrown away, their internal organs were scattered all over the earth, and their limbs were thrown all over the sky, which was extremely tragic and spectacular.

On the dark seabed, his right chest was bleeding, and soon his surroundings were dyed blood red. The sea flowed in and out of his chest, but he didn't feel it at all. In the end, he seemed to be tired and lay with these bodies. It was extremely quiet, and it was calm here. .

The seabed is calm, and there is only one corpse lying across it. It is extremely quiet, and his eyes are closed tightly. Is he going to sleep completely?

Suddenly, the originally calm sea waved, and the originally extremely blue sea became extremely turbid and gray, as if the dirtiest and evil thing in the world had been thrown into it.

The huge waves surged up, like a butterfly effect, causing countless sounds.

"Well, why did his breath become so weak? Well, how could this happen? How did he get there? In the endless abyss, a man bound by chains said.

"No, this is the movement of the sea of death. Well, why did his breath appear?" In the endless star field, a man locked by the power of the starry sky said.

"The sea of death, he actually went to the sea of death." Infinity time and space, a woman sighed softly.

"I believe you, you will be fine, and there are many things waiting for you. Even the sea of death can't stop you." In the endless mountains of Nanling, a man nailed to a stone said.

"Sea of death, why did it reappear again? Alas, creation, it depends on your life." In the endless mountains of Nanling, an old man carrying a bamboo tower sighed.

"No matter how many times you are reborn, you will eventually lose this game. If you want to save it, hum, it's simply a fool to dream and fight against the way of heaven. You simply don't know the depth of heaven and earth." In the endless void, an extremely cold voice said.