Battle Dome

Chapter 127 Battle

Chapter 127 Barbarian Battle

A figure disappeared in front of his eyes, but a slight word fell in the wind. Who knows what he said and who knows what his way forward is? Who knows what kind of ups and downs he will go through in his life?

Since his birth, since the moment he stepped out of the alien forest, a series of things have happened to him, seemingly unrelated to him, but they are involved everywhere.

Along the way, the blood flowed out several times, and I don't know how many times the body was destroyed. The battle all the way has never stopped, and the battle all the way has never been tired, as if he had to spend his life in the battle.

Who knows what kind of past he has, living for a game, three generations, two generations to complete it. What was his past like? What kind of person is he? Why is he in everything? Is this the situation he put out?

All this is a mystery. No one can know what kind of past he has with the two demons, no one can know what kind of cause and effect he has with all ethnic groups. There are too many unknowns, but it is left for such a person to bear it. On the way, only loneliness is accompanied by him and asks the world. Why is this?

In the past, because of what, he was involved in it, lost his lover, and was separated from his beloved forever. Now, he can only meet countless times in memories.

Yao Wuhui looked at the back of the distant sky. His eyes were a little helpless and confused, and then left Yao Feng. He didn't know where he had gone. Many strong men on the immortal battlefield did not see it. A figure directly cut through the space, leaving a green smoke and disappeared without a trace.

The broken sky rushed out of Yaofeng and quietly came to the side of the camp of Songhe, while Wan'er also flew into the sky with the blessing of Songhe's energy.

In the Hengduan Mountains, the broken sentence echoed: "I promise you." Suddenly, it aroused the fighting spirit of countless hot-blooded young people, and a stream of blood drowned the clouds and rushed straight to the sky.

His words are not only agreeing to the people of the two demons, but also responding to his own people.

"Okay, break the horizontal, we won't waste any more time. Let's start now." The leader of the demon clan said that in his blue eyes, an invisible murderous intention was swept away, as if to kill many creatures, destroy the last new force of the human race, and make their blood sprinkle all over the sky.

"Compare, who is afraid of whom? Who will come first? Grandpa will teach you a few tricks. Manpan roared first, looking anxious, which made people laugh, but at this moment, no one laughed at him, and they were all extremely serious.

A remnant wind rolled up, countless fallen leaves flew all over the sky, and the withered yellow leaves flew without a trace, but pieces were in the air.

Wan'er is next to the sky. He can feel what the mood of the sky is at this time. Even if he doesn't know the past, as long as he understands that a few days ago, the demon clan sent people to assassinate the sky, he can understand that the enmity between the sky and the demon clan can't be washed away by the water of the Yellow River.

Think about it, if someone wants your life, how will you feel? In the case of the rest of the disaster, are you also full of anger and want to avenge this to vent your anger? Wan'er judged the terrible hatred in Duan Tian's heart from this point. However, how did she know that the hatred between Duan Tian and these races? Do you understand?

Wan'er couldn't help holding the broken sky's hand tightly and comforting him.

They quietly looked at the battlefield and were waiting for the order to break the horizontal.

"Okay, brother, you will fight in the first battle." He said majestically, and in his tone, a strong power came out, and no one could resist.

"It's so strong. It's really worthy of being a star in Nanling. It's a little powerful, but I hope you can still be so arrogant later. I'll wait for you to pray to us like dogs and forgive your sins." The leading man in the black robe said loudly.

"Yes, if you just admit defeat, we can still spare your life and protect you, but it's too late now. We can only lay you down and crawl under our feet, haha..." The leader of the demon clan, with a sharp voice, has completely transformed and is very vivid, like a human, but She has four eyes on her face, each of which is a phoenix eye, which is extremely charming, but her voice is extremely cold and vicious.

So when people heard this, they suddenly had a lot of energy and blood. They couldn't wait to destroy all these demons immediately. These two demons are really more hateful than the other.

After listening to this, Manpan stepped out one step, and a sense of anger came out, and he roared viciously, "Who is going to do you, such a group of inhuman pickles? Let your grandfather teach you a good lesson."

"That's right, barbarian brothers (brothers) teach them a good lesson. We must use their blood to cleanse our shame with demon blood."

The mountain-broken faction, the peak owners of other peaks said viciously, and their hearts were very angry.

"In this big game, we will fight against you in the name of Nanling and the east side of the wilderness. The form of the competition is a wheel battle. One person is defeated and the other person continues. As long as one person admits defeat, then the other party will not be killed. Do you agree?" He said to the people of the two demons.

"And, this big game, if we win Nanling, then you two demons must return part of the land of our human race. Do you agree?" Broken and roared.

"Okay, I promise you that if you lose, you will crawl under our feet and recognize us as masters, or we will destroy the clan." The leader of the demon clan said.

"What, you want to destroy... clan... don't go too much." Duan Heng was shocked and then roared.

"Well, don't talk nonsense. Do you think you still have the right to speak if you lose? Haha... It's really a fool to talk in his sleep. He's talking in his sleep. Ling Kill, I hope you won't let me down. The leader of the demon clan said coldly.

On one side of the demon clan, a man in a black robe, all wrapped in black clothes, with blue eyes came out. As soon as he stepped out, a bloodthirsty breath suddenly permeated, and the substances in the space were rotating, which was extremely horrible.

Everyone retreated from the battlefield, and saw that the immortal battlefield of Fang Yuan's thousand feet was exposed. The barbarians and the black-robed demons were killed and stood on the battlefield without wind. The peaks outside the battlefield turned into ashes in an instant, and all the substances around them were annihilated.

Duan Tian looked at them. His blood was burning, his body was hot, and his fighting spirit was improving, but his expression was extremely cold. His hands were clenched, trying his best to control himself from rushing out.

Outside the body of the barbarian disk, a heavy breath is flowing, with incomparable anger, rushing to the nine heavens, and the space is also creating cracks, which is very horrible.

Compared with him, the murderous momentum was even more permeating. The blood gushed out and dyed half of the sky red, like a bloody sky, with a strange red, which was very terrible.

They completely released their own pressure, a bloodthirsty pressure and a heavy and vigorous pressure, like two hurricanes, confronting each other in space.

The matter is annihilating, and everything in the space they live in is steamed dry, leaving only the empty shell of space. It also appears to crack horizontally, that is, a piece of glass. A trace of crack spreads in it. If you don't pay attention, the space will break, and a large amount of space power will permeate.

The two pressures kept intertwining and suppressing the other party. The rough beards stood upside down, and the killing black robes were also constantly flying, and a beam of blood light was emitted from the body. This was the blood light that killed countless people would have.

Now everyone is suppressed. They didn't expect that the people of the demon clan would be so horrible that they could split the space and create cracks. This is the third-order "thought-level" cultivation.


The short fight was like a test. In an instant, the pressure receded like a tide, but in the space where the pressure collided, the power of space overflowed. It was like a cold thin blade, flying out, directly crushing a mountain peak in the distance and annihilating it in heaven and earth. It no longer exists.

This is the power of space. It's terrible. Everyone looked at this scene nervously. They could tell that each other was at least a three-level cultivation.

The so-called mixed sky level is divided into nine levels. The first and second levels are the control of the energy of heaven and earth. The energy can be gathered by the heart and the energy is generated by the heart. This process is achieved overnight, and the energy released has a taste of heaven and earth, that is, the will of heaven and earth. This is the biggest difference from the sky level, which is "watching at the disaster" respectively. , "Think about the heavenly level".

That is to say, when entering the peak of the heavenly level, the first thing is to understand the origin of heaven and earth, that is, to understand the origin of heaven and earth. This origin can be an aspect, such as the view of a thing can investigate the origin and thoroughly understand it, so as to enter the mixed level and enter another level, that is, imitation Heaven and earth are actually mixed with the sky.

And "Thinking about the Heavenly Level" is a view of your own origin, which is equivalent to the idea of inference, which is thinking about the sky.

At the third level, it is a watershed. At this level, the first and second levels are countless times more powerful. This stage is the "worldly level", that is, after careful thinking and consideration, it opens up a space. Of course, this space is definitely not the same as the space in reality. Because the aggressiveness and destructiveness of the space in reality is too powerful to bear at all.

The space they open up is just a pseudo-space, which is the space opened up according to the origin of their affinity, that is, the origin of what they know.

For example, if you are the body of the fire element, then you open up the space of the fire element. The power of the fire element space will not only not hurt you, but also be close to you and let you command. However, this command is very small. Generally, you will not listen to the command unless your cultivation is raised to the ninth level, and finally If you really master this space and evolve into your own world, then you can use it to fight.

At this moment, outside the bodies of the two people, a miniature world appeared, covering them. On the surface of the miniature world of the barbarians, a thick and surly energy was flowing, completely covering him up.

He rushed up, and the surface of Ling's body was covered by a blood-colored miniature world. He also rushed up. After the test of the two, the war broke out.