kill the immortal flying knife

Taixiao Heavenly Kingdom New book uploaded! There is a transmission channel next to it!

(My new work "Taixiao Heaven" will cast the supreme fairyland with you!)

Zhou Tianxingdou opened his way, laid the foundation for the world's dragon veins, soared with one world, and set up in the sky!

The lord of a dynasty rises step by step, competes with the princes of the world, and competes with thousands of immortals!

When you gather the world's luck, you should take the people of the world to soar together! This is the emperor's ambition!

After flying to the fairyland, in the face of the immortality and the unification of the immortal world, the heavenly court of the immortal emperors and the emperor's expedition will continue...

[Heavenly Emperor] forge the immortal kingdom of heaven, replace the herdsmen, and take the luck of the world!

[Saint] creates a holy place of Taoism, teaches the people on behalf of heaven and gathers infinite merits!

[Heavenly Master] Absorb the power of the stars, the layout of the stars, peep at the sky, and change the sky!

[Grounder] Fengshui magic, the earth veins are arrayed, connect yin and yang, and reverse yin and yang!