kill the immortal flying knife

Chapter 3 Teacher

At this time, the hall was extremely quiet, and the chrys in the outer courtyard kept screaming, and Li Xiaohe's heartbeat was also tight.

Mr. Liang was about to go on, but Lu Guang suddenly interrupted him and said, "Xiaohe, would you like to worship me as your teacher?"

Lu Guang's words use Zhuang words such as "I" instead of "I". Li Xiaohe thundered in his heart and worshipped his teacher? Why is there such a mysterious old man who wants to take himself as an apprentice? What did the master want to say to himself just now? Why did it stop suddenly after being interrupted?

Li Xiaohe raised his head, looked at Lu Guang and then at Mr. Liang. At this time, he had all kinds of questions in his heart.

Lu Guang didn't say anything when he saw this, but Mr. Liang turned his eyes and said, "Xiaohe, you can go with Mr. Lu in the future. Mr. Lu is your elder. He will treat you well, and you will make a difference in the future with him."

"No, I don't want to. Doesn't the master want Xiaohe? It's Xiaohe who didn't do well. Xiaohe changed it. Xiaohe, don't leave the Liang family and begged the master. Hearing this, Li Xiaohe knelt on the ground and looked straight at Mr. Liang with wet eyes.

When Mr. Liang saw this, there were many more wrinkles on his face, and his dry eyes were also a little damp, so he wanted to help Li Xiaohe up. Liang Ziqiao next to him stepped forward and pulled up Li Xiaohe and shouted, "Grandpa, what are you doing? Why do you drive Xiaohe away? I usually make mistakes, but how can I blame Xiaohe?"

Liang Ziqiao always whispered in front of Mr. Liang, and somehow roared like crazy. Mr. Liang said nothing more abnormally. He buried his head deeply and sighed.

Lu Guang's eyes, which had been indifferent in front of him, suddenly became deep and didn't know what he was thinking. He said earnestly, "Xiaohe, do you know who your father is?"

Lu Guang's sudden words shocked Li Xiaohe. The sentence "Who is your father" was like an echo in the valley, constantly buzzing in Li Xiaohe's mind, and Li Xiaohe suddenly felt dizzy.

"Do you know who I am? I can be your teacher or your father. Come with me. I'll tell you everything about you." Lu Guang said word by word.

When Li Xiaohe heard Lu Guang's words, his mind suddenly turned upside down, and his chest was stuffy but he couldn't spit it out. Liang Ziqiao next to him was also stunned by Lu Guang's words.

"This old gentleman is your father's good friends. Xiaohe, you can go with him. He will tell you everything about you. Mr. Liang raised his head and seemed to be much older in an instant.

"I...I..." Li Xiaohe only felt the blood surging, and his heart was stuffy, but he couldn't spit out anything. He couldn't say anything. He swallowed for a long time, and finally his eyes were black and he fainted.

The sun rose slowly like yesterday, sprinkling sunlight on the earth, illuminating the sleepless night, illuminating the deep hills, and illuminating the forests in the distance.

Li Xiaohe slept all night, and the same dream appeared repeatedly.

The long snow was heavy, and the world was white. He stood in front of the gate of Liang's mansion. A distant black spot was getting farther and farther away from him. He shouted loudly, but he couldn't make a sound. He ran hard but was still in place.

The black spot is getting farther and farther away. How he hopes that the black spot can turn around before it disappears, although Li Xiaohe may not be able to see his face clearly. Even if he sees it clearly, he may not remember it when he wakes up, but Li Xiaohe shouts in the bottom of his heart, even if it's just a glance, even if it's just a dream, he may not remember it after waking up.

Slowly, Li Xiaohe opened his eyes, and the sun floated lazily through the window paper, but he felt extremely dazzling. He hurriedly turned around and saw Liang Ziqiao lying next to him, and suddenly felt much more at ease.

He sat like this until Liang Ziqiao called him.

"Xiaohe, you're awake." Liang Ziqiao rubbed his eyes and said.

"Ye." Only then did Li Xiaohe come to his senses.

At this time, a maid came in with a basin and whispered, "Young master, the master said that when Xiaohe woke up, he would take him to the front hall."

When Li Xiaohe heard the maid's words, his body couldn't help trembling. It turned out that everything yesterday was not a dream, and he still had to face it.

After all, the Liang family is a relatively large family. Together with Chenguang, the busy figures of the subordinates began to walk around the Liang Mansion. Liang Ziqiao took Li Xiaohe through these busy figures. From time to time, he only saw Li Xiaohe's eyes blank and didn't know what he was thinking, just like sleepwalking.

Soon they came to the front hall. Mr. Liang and Mr. Lu Guang were already sitting in front of the hall.

After Li Xiaohe fainted last night, Liang Ziqiao already knew from the old man that Li Xiaohe turned out to be the son of the general that Mr. Liang had followed before. Later, the general sent Li Xiaohe to the Liang family and only let the Liang family be raised as a subordinate. Someone may come to pick him up in the future, and Li at that time Xiaohe is only two years old and less than three years old, and his walking is still bumpy. It has been almost ten years in a blink of an eye. Mr. Lu came to pick up Li Xiaohe.

Although Liang Ziqiao and Li Xiaohe are brothers, he knows that the road ahead of Li Xiaohe is different from him. He must have an important mission, so although he is reluctant to leave, he did not keep him. He said more, and even hopes that Li Xiaohe will leave in his heart and become as famous as his father in the future. I don't stay with myself and live in this Liang family village for the rest of my life.

When Mr. Liang and Lu Guang saw that Liang Ziqiao and Li Xiaohe were coming, they both turned their eyes to Li Xiaohe. It could be that when they were about to speak, Li Xiaohe suddenly spoke in a low voice and stared at Lu Guang and said, "You know my father, then tell me about my father."

Mr. Liang was a little stunned. Why did Li Xiaohe, who had always been silent, suddenly become a person today and took the initiative to speak before himself and Lu Guang. He turned his head and looked at Lu Guang, but saw that Lu Guang buried his head and seemed to be thinking about something.

After a long time, Lu Guangcai said, "I'm your father's brother, and I am like brothers. You can worship me as your teacher or recognize me as your godfather. Naturally, I will treat you as your own.

"I want to know everything about my father." Li Xiaohe was a little unrelent and clenched his lips.

"Of course I will tell you about your father, but it's inconvenient to talk about it here. When I take you to a place, naturally everything will be told." Lu Guang sighed after saying that.

Li Xiaohe lowered his head and was meditating. Liang Ziqiao naturally saw everything and was very surprised by his words and deeds today, and Mr. Liang and Lu Guang also looked at him and waited for his answer.

"Master!" Until a long time, Li Xiaohe suddenly knelt down on Lu Guang and kowtowed his head deeply.

Lu Guang's eyes suddenly became wet. He slowly picked up Li Xiaohe and sighed and said, "One day as a teacher, I will be a father for life. From now on, being a teacher will be like your father.

Li Xiaohe also cried at this moment.

In fact, he has never cried since Li Xiaohe came to the Liang family, but he felt that Lu Guang really regarded himself as a relative. Although the Liang family treated him very well since childhood, he also regarded Mr. Liang, Liang Ziqiao and others as his relatives, but he was more eager to have a father. At this time, he felt it from Lu Guang's eyes. Loved by my father.

Since the first time he saw the old man by the river, Li Xiaohe felt very kind, so when he heard him ask questions in the book, he would unconsciously grab Liang Ziqiao's words. This is also the first time that Li Xiaohe speaks loudly in front of others without hesitation.

Then Lu Guang said goodbye to Mr. Liang. Although Mr. Liang kept him again and again, Lu Guang didn't have to leave without lunch. When Master Liang saw that Lu Guang had decided to go, he had no choice but to ask Liang Ziqiao and Li Xiaohe to pack up, and then he waited in the hall with Lu Guang.

"You know, son. I came to the Liang family when I was more than three years old, and I didn't have my own parents. Although I don't remember what my parents look like, everyone thinks that I will no longer remember everything before I came to the Liang family. But only I know it, and I know it. I clearly remember that my father is a general.

"I often think about why they don't want me. As I get older, I gradually start to be afraid. I know that they don't love me and don't want me anymore. I know that something must have happened to them. Although I don't want to admit it, I know that something must have happened to them. As I grew older, I became more and more afraid. I knew that one day I would face all this, but I didn't expect it to be now.

"I'm sorry, I have to go, prince." In the end, Li Xiaohe was already sobbing.

"Don't call me prince anymore. We are brothers." Liang Ziqiao saw Li Xiaohe's words and deeds today, who had always been silent, and immediately understood that his seemingly silent brother had been carrying so many things in his heart and suddenly cried confusedly.

In the face of the upcoming parting, the two children held each other and cried for a long time. It was not until both of them dried up the tears before they stopped, but their bodies kept trembling and twitching.