kill the immortal flying knife

Chapter 4 Calculation

"Look at the divination, catch ghosts and exorcise demons; don't talk about heaven, just talk about misfortunes and blessings."

The fortune-telling Taoist, carrying a mahogany sword, holding the yin and yang disk in his hand, only shouted and slowly walked out from the gate of Jiange City.

He walked all the way to Li Xiaohe before he stopped, smiled at Li Xiaohe and said, "Little brother, this is really predestined. We meet again."

Li Xiaohe also suddenly remembered that this person was the fortune teller he met in Kangcheng that night before he went to Longmen Valley to attend the Tongtian Conference.

The fortune-telling old Taoist also calculated a gossip for Li Xiaohe that day and night, and said nothing about Li Xiaohe's direction, but Li Xiaohe was deeply impressed by the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist priest behind said that he would go east with a fierce appearance and great disaster.

Sure enough, at the Tongtian Conference in Longmen Valley, Li Xiaohe was first attacked and killed by the immortals of Shuzhong in the tower, and then the ancient fierce Mingjiao attacked, but he almost died twice.

At this time, when he met this fortune-teller here, Li Xiaohe was surprised and only said, "The boy is polite. Kangcheng said goodbye in a hurry that day, but he hasn't asked the old gentleman's name yet."

Xiaozi beside her was surprised to see that Li Xiaohe actually knew the old Taoist priest of fortune-telling, but she saw that the old Taoist priest was spoiled but turned her face with disgust.

"Ha ha, old divination and fortune-telling, everything is big or small, and there have been mistakes, but all eyes and fetuses can peep into a line of heaven. Jiang and lakes give praise 'heavenly magic calculation', and you can call it old 'heavenly old'." The old fortune teller narrowed his eyebrows, shook his head, stroked his beard and smiled.

"Old!" Li Xiaohe didn't expect that the old Taoist priest had such a big name, so he said, "Don't blame the boy for being rude that day."

Xiaozi was disgusted when she saw that the old Taoist priest was spoiled. At this time, she heard that the old Taoist priest actually claimed to be an old man. Li Xiaohe also respected the old Taoist priest and immediately frowned and said, "It's really a dare to say that a Jianghu warlock who claims himself so much. Don't be deceived, stupid boy."

Xiao Zi said so, Li Xiaohe could only laugh at Tianlao, which was very helpless.

Tianlao was not angry. He only took a meaningful look at Xiaozi and turned to Li Xiaohe and said, "You are so blessed. Every time you are in great trouble, you have a noble to help you and save danger."

"The boy was lucky, but he was also extremely embarrassed, which made the old gentleman laugh." Li Xiaohe was surprised to see that Tianlao looked at Xiaozi with depth in his eyes. Could he have calculated what he had killed the day before yesterday?

I remembered that I was saved by Lin Mengyao when I encountered a life-and-death disaster in the Tongtian Tower, and escaped from the belly of the underworld, but I was accidentally saved by the magic master.

Tian Lao said that he could have a noble man to help him every time. Could it be that this old Taoist priest even figured out the first two things?

"Hmm!" Xiaozi next to him snorted coldly at this time, "I saved him from the disaster of life and death the day before yesterday, but it is not difficult to see this matter. Just by looking at the sword marks on his robe, you can know that he has just suffered great trouble, but I am intact on the same road with him at this time. Looking at me covering my face and blindfolded him from him from seeing my face, but he was polite to me. Let three points, although we seem to be close, he always has a trace of estrangement from me. This knows that we have just met. Naturally, I helped him and met him all the way.

Xiao Zi only talked, but shocked Li Xiaohe beside him. Hearing Xiao Zi's words, it was true that Tian Lao's calculation could be guessed in this way.

Thinking of the previous Xiaozi, through Lin Yichen, she speculated that there might be a big event in the Fairy Sword School, which is like a future thing, which only makes people believe.

Is this divination and fortune-telling calculated in this way?

Li Xiaohe was shocked and looked at Tianlao, only to see what he wanted to say.

Unexpectedly, Tianlao smiled and said, "The little girl is quick-minded. Indeed, as long as these things are from people's appearance, it can be seen that this is 'looking'."

Li Xiaohe was only surprised to expect Tianlao to admit Xiao Zi's words so easily.

Xiao Zi also smiled and said coldly, "Since you, the old Taoist priest who was abducted, have been recognized by me, why don't you escape quickly and stay here? Do you want me to interrupt your dog's leg?"

Xiaozi suddenly said such words, which only made Li Xiaohe feel stunned, so he said to Tianlao urgently, "Don't blame the old gentleman. My friend is angry for a moment. The boy will apologize for you on his behalf."

"You•••••" Li Xiaohe said this, but Xiaozi's face turned red, as if she had suffered some grievances, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak.

Tianlao just smiled, as if he didn't pay attention to these, and only said, "Ha ha, this girl must be afraid that you will be deceived, so she talks to the old man, but she is sincere to you."

"Hmm!" Hearing this, Xiao Zi only snorted coldly and turned her eyes to Li Xiaohe.

Li Xiaohe thought carefully and immediately apologized. He only buried his head and dared not look at her.

"What the little girl just said is really good, but those are just my shallow skills, but I still have a lot of real talents and learning, but I won't do such things as deceiving people's money and tempting." Tian Lao only held the yellow beard on his chest and said lightly.

Li Xiaohe then turned to Xiaozi and said, "Yes, the old gentleman calculated for me that day, but he didn't charge any money."

Xiaozi looked at Li Xiaohe's apologetic face, but her heart was still lingering. She turned to the old man and said harshly, "Well, since you have real talent and practical knowledge, you can calculate a gossip for me today."

"This is the gossip money." Xiaozi took out a certain amount of gold ingot from her arms and sneered and said, "If it's accurate, it's enough for you to eat and drink for a while. If it's not, I'll just break your dog's leg and tell you not to go out to walk again."

"This..." Li Xiaohe was anxious, but he didn't know how to speak, for fear of making Xiao Zi angry again.

"Hahaha•••••" Tianlao looked up and smiled for a long time.

"What, do you dare?" Xiao Zi said dodly.

Tian Lao only stopped laughing and said lightly, "The old man will bet with you and let you know some etiquette in the future."

At this time, the three were standing on the official road at the gate of Jiange City, and saw a tea stop next to the official road.

"I'm dry now, so I'll go to the pavilion and listen to what you have to say." Xiao Ziyu closed and turned to the tea pavilion.

Li Xiaohe was helpless and went to the tea pavilion with Xiaozi. If Xiaozi was strong for a while, Li Xiaohe would not let her break other people's legs and feet.

The three only sat down in the secluded corner.

After the servant was served with tea, Tianlao took a sip and said, "Then please ask the girl."

"Good." Xiao Zi answered and asked Li Xiaohe, "What did he count for you that day?"

Li Xiaohe hesitated for a while before telling him the story from beginning to end that night in Kangcheng Tianlao.

It was not until Li Xiaohe finished speaking that Xiaozi turned to Tianlao and said, "Today is gambling, so I need to distinguish between true and false. I don't ask about tomorrow, but only about yesterday's past."

"Ha ha, that's what it should be." The old man answered.

"Well, you can also count where I'm from and where I'm going. What else do you need to do on this trip?" Xiao Zi smiled.

"Then please wait a moment." Tian Lao also smiled.

Li Xiaohe is also interested in listening to whether Tianlao can figure out some things about Xiaozi, so that he can know more about Xiaozi.

After Tianlao finished speaking, he picked up the covered bowl on the table and tasted the tea carefully, as if the tea in the cup was agar jade drink. He only drank it with relish. After a long time, he didn't see that he had the intention to gossip and didn't speak.

Li Xiaohe only felt that he was very strange at this time, and he was even more confused about him.

"You old man, have you drunk enough? When will you tell me a fortune? Isn't it that you are afraid? If you delay any longer, I will immediately break your legs and feet. Until a long time later, half of the sunset had fallen to the ground, but Xiao Zi could no longer stand it and said angrily.

"The old man has been asked by the girl." Tian Lao then put down the bowl in his hand and smiled.

"Then you should tell me." Xiao Zi then asked.

Li Xiaohe suddenly looked at the old man with a focused expression.

He suddenly became extremely deep and said, "You are from the northwest."

"The northwest is so big, you can be specific." Xiao Zi asked.

"Outside the Central Plains, the northwest is desert." Tian Lao said in a low voice.

Li Xiaohe and Xiaozi were shocked when they heard this.

Xiaozi is a member of the True God Pavilion of the Demon Gate, and the True God Pavilion is located in the northwest desert.

It is said that the sun is as hot as real fire in the northwest desert, and the whole desert is baked like boiling water. When the heat dissipates at night, the desert is cold wind and dripping into ice.

The northwest desert does not know the wide geometry. If mortals go deep into it, they will definitely lose their way and can't get out. From time to time, there are tornadoes and hurricanes. The sky and the earth are suddenly dizzy, and the sand is rolling. Even if the mules and horses are rolled by the strong wind, they will be thrown out of the sky in an instant.

But the True God Pavilion stands in this forbidden area of life, as illusory and looming as a mirage.

So far, except for the people of this family, no one outside knows where his specific mountain gate is.

"Okay, I'm not afraid to tell you that I'm the person of the Northwest Yanmo True God Pavilion." Xiaozi looked back and said in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, Tianlao smiled and said, "I have already calculated who you are."

"Then go on, where am I going and what do I have to do?" Xiao Zi looked solemn and said in a tight voice.

"Ha ha." Tian Lao only smiled, and his voice suddenly became low and said, "I don't know where you are going, but what you have to do..."

He suddenly stopped here, and Li Xiaohe and Xiaozi suddenly tightened their hearts.

"What you have to do is hurtful." The sky is gloomy between the old eyebrows, and the sound is as shocking as thunder.