kill the immortal flying knife

Chapter 7 separately

In the dim moonlight, Li Xiaohe buried his head with a haze on his face.

Xiao Zi has a life-saving kindness to him, how can he ignore Xiao Zi?

Xiaozi stared at Li Xiaohe's changing look. After a long time, her eyes moistened and smiled, "Looking that you care about me so much, I have nothing else to ask for. Let's break up. I just hope you are all right."

Hearing Xiaozi's words, Li Xiaohe raised his head, but his eyes were unbearable. He only said slowly, "At this time, it's getting late. Let's take a break and go tomorrow."

The two immediately looked at each other and said nothing, but slowly followed Ning Kun to the town.

When he stayed in the inn, Li Xiaohe lay down **, tossing and turning, and couldn't sleep.

Fuer felt stuffy in the room again, so she opened the wooden window in front of the bed.

In the dark night, the moonlight was cold, and the west wind only blew the forest shadow in the distance, rustling.

"Dong Dong•••••"

There was a crisp knock on the door.

Xiao Zi turned around and opened the door and saw that Ning Kun was already standing outside.

"I knew you were coming. Come in." Xiao Zi said lonely.

Ning Kun entered the room and was silent for a moment before saying, "Presumably the girl also knows the purpose of my coming here."

Little Zi didn't say anything, just buried her head.

"The girl is so smart that she must have already seen that my brother is a temperamental person." Ning Kun paused and then said, "I naturally see the girl's feelings for him, but if the girl really thinks about him, it's better to leave early."

"I know if you don't tell me." Xiao Zi whispered.

Ning Kun only sighed and turned around and said, "That's all right. I won't bother the girl anymore."

"Wait!" Xiao Zi said urgently.

"Hmm?" Ning Kun had turned around and was about to leave the room. Hearing this, he stopped and slowly turned around.

Xiao Zi slowly stepped forward, but took out an envelope from her arms, handed it to Ning Kun, and then said, "Give this to him tomorrow morning."

Ning Kun took the envelope, hesitated for a moment, and finally put it away carefully and slowly left.

Xiao Zi walked to the window, with a trace of determination flashing in her eyes, but the two lines of tears slipped gently from her cheeks.

Then he saw a thin figure, slowly falling from the window of the inn, leaping through the night, and only a few steps away into the darkness in the distance, and there was no trace.

The moonlight only spread over her shoulders, and her back trembled slowly, but it never slowed down and never looked back.

It's like a lonely goose that goes alone, and it's like falling flowers being rolled into the sky by the breeze.

Li Xiaohe only stood at the window, looking at the fading back, clenched his fists, and finally he did not get up to chase out.

Just let her wear a star and moon and disappear into the endless darkness.

It was not until the figure disappeared for a long time that he slowly closed his eyes and felt that the world was dark, and tears couldn't help scratching his cheeks.

The next morning, Ning Kun had come to look for Li Xiaohe.

"This is what she left behind." Ning Kun only handed the envelope to Li Xiaohe and whispered.

Li Xiaohe carefully took over the white paper and gently opened it, but his mood surged in an instant, bitter and unbearable.

On the white paper on that side, only a few words are remembered.

"She often laughs about her dreams, but sends her infatuation to the clouds. Take a step back when you are drunk, and don't meet each other when you wake up alone today.

"I'll go alone, and I hope I can cherish myself!"

Ning Kun saw Li Xiaohe looking at the white paper, but a sadness and desolation appeared on his body in an instant.

Ning Kun only sighed, "I have always been regarded as the devil's door to do many evils, and I don't expect that there are also sincere people in it."

Hearing this, Li Xiaohe carefully folded the white paper and put it in his arms, but said silently, "Although Xiaozi has learned from the magic door, her heart is sincere and icy."

"Do you know why I came out alone this time?" Ning Kun took the sigh and said seriously.

Li Xiaohe saw that his tone suddenly changed, but he was puzzled and said, "Why?"

"Ha ha!" Ning Kun smiled and said, "It's just that I can't get used to those pretentious ugly faces, dominate, and turn right and wrong upside down black and white, so I came out alone to relax."

"Oh?" Ning Kun suddenly said this, and Li Xiaohe was even more confused.

"Yesterday you also said that the burning tower obviously attacked and killed you for no reason, but afterwards it slandered you and colluded with the devil." Ning Kun said angrily.

Li Xiaohe only said, "Those people are really too hateful."

"It's just that there is something more hateful than this." Ning Kun became more and more angry.

"Hmm?" Li Xiaohe suddenly turned his head in surprise. Look straight at Ning Kun.

"Do you remember that Brother Chang Fan was attacked and killed by the immortalsmen in Shuzhong?" Ning Kun calmed down and then said again.

Li Xiaohe only said, "Of course I remember."

"After inspection, it has been confirmed that the people who attacked and killed Changfan are all immortal swords." Ning Kun said slowly.

It's actually a person from the fairy sword school, so now the major immortals gather in the fairy sword school, isn't it?

Thinking of Xiaozi's inference the day before yesterday, Li Xiaohe was shocked.

Ning Kun looked at Li Xiaohe and said, "You are right. This gathering of immortal swords is really because of this. However, I feel that there is a bigger conspiracy in it. I'm afraid it's just a matter.

"How to say this?" Li Xiaohe asked urgently.

"This time, I asked the elders of Tian Xing Hall to come here because the elders were highly valued and asked him to find out the reason of the matter. The intention is to let Elder Zhan and the Xianjian faction quietly solve this matter in private, and I don't want to make a big deal of it. Ning Kun paused and then said, "But somehow, this matter turned out to be known to the people of the Heavenly Burning Tower, and the Heavenly Burning Tower immediately spread the matter. Now it is even more widely invited to gather the immortal sword faction and ask the immortal sword faction to give an explanation.

"Hmm! Isn't this the entanglement between the sect and the fairy sword faction? Why is the heavenly burning tower interfering in now? Li Xiaohe was surprised.

"Hmm! But you don't know that the Tianburning Tower has always been at odds with the Immortal Sword School, and there is no need for him to uphold justice in this matter. I'm afraid he wants to take the opportunity to suppress the Immortal Sword School. Ning Kun snorted coldly, "But I don't know why it was originally a matter of my family, but now the elders let the sky burn the tower to do so recklessly without stopping it. I was so angry that I ran out alone.

"This•••••" Li Xiaohe was shocked to hear Ning Kun say so.

"The Heavenly Burning Tower and the Fairy Sword School belong to the Southwest Xianmen School. However, because the Fairy Sword School originally had a profound background, it is now becoming stronger and stronger after years of development. That day, the Burning Tower ranked among the three major schools of the right path, and it was used to be the first in this southwest. However, if it goes on like this, the fairy sword faction is likely to threaten the reputation of the Heavenly Burning Tower in the southwest, so the two factions have had a lot of conflicts. This time, the Sky Burning Tower immediately grabbed it and wanted to use the right hand of the world to suppress the Immortal Sword School together. Ning Kun said slowly.

"Now the Devil's Gate is also gathered in the southwest, which is the right path. Shouldn't we fight against the Devil's Gate together?" Li Xiaohe was surprised.

"Hehe! When I saw Miss Zi yesterday, I felt that we were too naive before. Ning Kun smiled and said.

Li Xiaohe did not expect that Ning Kun would say such words. If this was heard by the elders in the door, it was a great crime.

Just as Li Xiaohe kept thinking about this matter in his heart, Ning Kun suddenly said like thunder, "But you have to remember that no matter what the right path is, it is good for us to be clean, but we can never have an affair with the devil's door, which will only be doomed."

Li Xiaohe was only shocked when he heard this. He also knew that Ning Kun was worried about him, but now he was confused.

"I remember myself!" Li Xiaohe only said seriously, but then asked, "What happened to the demon wolf the day before yesterday?"

"Do you know the 'Wolf Hall'?" Ning Kun asked.

"The wolf Hall!" Li Xiaohe's eyes were contemplative.

For a moment, he thought that there was a vast grassland in the north beyond the Central Plains.

There are many wolves in this northern grassland, hunting cattle and sheep. At night and full moon, they look up to Sirius everywhere.

And the "Corvet Wolf Hall", one of the four sects of the Demon Sect, is in this grassland.

It is said that the wolf god is worshipped in the greedy wolf hall. Everyone in this school knows wolf language, and everyone takes wolves as their friends.

"I'm afraid that the demon wolf is raised by the demon in the greedy wolf hall. I'm also waiting for the demon to come and kill him for the people." Ning Kun continued.

"So it is." Only then did Li Xiaohe come to light.

Just as the two were talking, they heard a sudden shout over the town.

"Who killed my wolf pet and came out to die quickly?"

Li Xiaohe and Ning Kun suddenly had a solemn eyebrow.