kill the immortal flying knife

Chapter 32 Life

"Master•••••My master doesn't know life or death now." Li Xiaohe said in a mournful voice.

"Hmm!" Hearing Li Xiaohe's words, Liang Ziqiao was stunned.

Li Xiaohe raised his head and looked at Liang Ziqiao and said, "It turns out that everything is like this, so it's normal for you to have a grudge against me."

"hehe." Liang Ziqiao smiled, and Fu'er's face softened. He only said, "At first, I did resent you, but you and I have been together since we were children, like brothers. Since I saw you fighting against my sword that night, my hatred for you has been swept away.

"Hmm." When Li Xiaohe heard this, he couldn't help but be shocked and asked urgently, "So, now..."

"You and I are brothers, and we can't blame you for these things, but the royal family is too hateful." Liang Ziqiao said calmly.

"This•••••" heard that Liang Ziqiao no longer had a grudge in his heart, but Li Xiaohe was excited for a moment.

Then, Li Xiaohe said slowly, "That day, my master and I arrived in Kangcheng, and we fell down in Kangcheng at night. But I didn't expect that a demon man suddenly attacked that night. I was in a coma at that time. It was the head of the Qionghua faction who saved me back to the Qionghua faction. There has been no news about the master since that night. Now I don't know if he is still in the world.

Li Xiaohe slowed down the events in Kangcheng and Qionghua's faction that night, and Liang Ziqiao only listened silently.

"How did you get into the magic door?" When everything was finished, Li Xiaohe couldn't help asking.

Liang Ziqiao sighed and said, "After Uncle Li rescued me that day, we came all the way to the southwest. On the way, we met two masters of the magic gate, one was the 'poison master' of the Hidden Magic Valley, and the other was the head of the True God Pavilion..."

Li Xiaohe silently listened to Liang Ziqiao's complaint. Only then did he know that Feng, the head of the True God Pavilion, saw that Liang Ziqiao was very talented and his identity was also special, so he was included in the True God Pavilion.

However, the poisonous master gave Liang Ziqiao a "colored centipede". The people of the night demon family invaded Qianjing, led by Liang Ziqiao, who was blocked by Master Hui Yin and released this colorful centipede, resulting in the loss of Hui Yin's cultivation.

Li Xiaohe couldn't help thinking of what Hui Yin said to him that day in Mount Emei, so he said to Liang Ziqiao, "Master Hui Yin was originally kind-hearted, but now you have hurt him. If he sees him again, you have to complain to him."

Liang Ziqiao thought slightly and said, "That monk is indeed not like an ordinary righteous person. When he met my demon family, he wanted to shout and kill. I also knew that he was kind-hearted, but when something was urgent that day, I had no choice but to release colorful centipedes, which really hurt good people."

Li Xiaohe couldn't help but be happy when he heard Liang Ziqiao's words. It seems that Hui Yin is right. Liang Ziqiao is indeed not yet deeply enchanted.

"Now do you really want to attack Qianjing and destroy the royal family all the time?" Li Xiaohe looked at the armor that attacked Yuzhou City during the day and walked slowly.

"Of course. Look at the current situation, but I can take this Yuzhou city in two days. At that time, the army will march eastward and hit Qianjing sooner or later, killing the mediocre royal family, and venting my hatred. Liang Ziqiao gritted his teeth.

When Li Xiaohe saw that Liang Ziqiao said that these were full of anger, he thought that he was afraid that he could not persuade him now, so he had to care about it in the future.

Li Xiaohe said, "Do you know about my father?"

"Hmm." Liang Ziqiao nodded slightly and turned to General Li and said, "Uncle Li, you'd better talk to him."

Li Xiaohe immediately looked at General Li beside him. At this time, General Li's eyes were already full of tears.

Seeing Li Xiaohe looking at him in a blink of an eye, General Li was only shocked, but Fu'er said hoarsely, "Young master, do you still recognize me?"

Hearing this question, Li Xiaohe suddenly frowned and gradually felt that the old figure in front of him seemed to be extremely familiar, but he could not remember where he had seen it.

When General Li saw that Li Xiaohe couldn't remember him after all, he sighed softly, "The young master was still young, and now it's normal that he can't remember."

"I hope the old general will not hesitate to teach me." Li Xiaohe only bowed to General Li.

Hearing this, General Li only looked at the endless night sky, and his eyes were full of melancholy. He slowly said, "I remember that day, the goose feathers and snow were flying, the sky and the earth were white, and the cold wind roared. At that time, the young master was only two or three years old. I didn't expect that it had been more than ten years, and I sent the young master to the Liang Mansion."

General Li told for a while, and gradually a picture began to appear in Li Xiaohe's mind, a dream that he had been repeating for many years.

In the ice and snow, he stood in front of Liangfu's door, and a distant figure stepped across the snow-white sky and gradually faded away. Every time he wanted to shout, but he couldn't shout. The figure only became farther and farther away, gradually turning into a black spot and disappearing.

Until today, Li Xiaohe finally knew that the figure that was getting farther and farther away was the old general in front of him.

But the endless sadness suddenly hit his heart. The figure turned out to be the old general in front of him. What about his parents?

He tried his best to recall, but it was endless nothingness, and there was no longer the outline of his parents in his mind.

A drop of tears finally slowly slipped from the corners of his eyes. He only said hoarsely, "It turned out that the old general sent me to Liang's house that day."

"I have been following the old general for a long time and trusted by the old general. Only then did I entrust such a heavy responsibility to me in the face of danger." General Li said lonelyly.

When Li Xiaohe heard this, he couldn't help asking urgently, "What about my parents? How are they?"

"The general and the princess have gone." General Li said silently.

Li Xiaohe's body was shocked. Although he had known that his parents were no longer in the world, he couldn't help but accept it now.

"Do you know who your name is now?" General Li stretched out his hand with a touch of fog from the corners of his eyes and said loudly.

"This•••••" Li Xiaohe was only puzzled.

"hehe." General Li smiled cheerfully, as if comforting, and only said, "The young master's name is given by me, an old man."

"Hmm." Li Xiaohe couldn't help but be stunned, but Fu'er said urgently, "So, this is not my real name, so what's my real name?" What's the name my father gave me?

When General Li heard Li Xiaohe ask here, he looked solemn and said, "The old general gave you the name 'Li Zhi'. The old general said that a man stands in heaven and earth, but his ambition is higher than the sky."

"Li Zhi•••••••" Li Xiaohe took a deep breath and asked deeply, "Then my father•••••••My father is••••••"

General Li also paused for a moment before he suddenly made a sound and said, "Old General Li Mu is famous all over the world. The reason why I named you Li Xiaohe is to hide your eyes and ears, so I gave you such an ordinary name, but it is next to the old general 'Mu' and 'He', which means that you are after the old general.

"Li Mu!" Li Xiaohe's heart was suddenly shocked.

No matter how he guessed, he never thought that his father would be General Li Mu.

General Li Mu personally led thousands of cavalry, went deep into the northern grassland, invaded the barbarian royal court, beheaded tens of thousands of enemies, and the barbarian king was crowned.

General Li Mu set up an ambush in the mountains in the southwest and annihilated more than 200,000 enemies with tens of thousands of soldiers to calm the southwest.

General Li Mu sent troops to the northeast, and the thieves fled from the wind. All the way, he took away 20 cities in Northeast China.


"Last year, the beacon gold armor was buried, and today the peach blossoms are blooming."

General Li Mu was ambushed by barbarians in the northern grassland. The whole country was shocked, all the insurgents, annihilated hundreds of thousands of barbarians, and sacrificed the loyal soul of the general.

Li Xiaohe has remembered this paragraph describing Li Mu's words since he was a child, but how could he think that the general praised by thousands of people was his father?

At this moment, I heard General Li say it himself, and I couldn't help thinking of this paragraph. His mind was as straight as being struck by lightning and had not been calmed down for a long time.

It was not until a long time that Li Xiaohe gradually came to his senses, and his chest was still undulating.

Fu'er thought of Liang Ziqiao's words and asked urgently, "How did my father suffer?" Did he really die in battle?"

"Haha•••••" General Li only laughed and said, "How can the general god Wu Yingjie really be in the hands of that barbarian?"

"Please tell General Li the truth." Hearing this, Li Xiaohe suddenly shook his body and knelt down on General Li's knees.

General Li was shocked when he saw this and hurriedly bowed to help Li Xiaohe.

But Li Xiaohe was as heavy as iron. He bowed straight to General Li three times before standing up.