kill the immortal flying knife

Chapter 39 ji ji

It is said that at the beginning of the opening of heaven and earth, there were frequent hurricanes in China, thunder and continuous floods, earth cracks and landslides, and many fierce beasts and demons.

At that time, on the vast land of China, human beings were killed by hundreds of beasts, afraid of thunder and earth, and disaster.

After that, there were many great powers of their ancestors, who cremated dragons, penetrated the mysteries of heaven and earth, and cultivated the road to heaven. Control the wind and thunder, calm the mountains and the sea, kill demons and demons, and set the vast land of China to clear the Qing Dynasty.

This is the only way that today's vast land of China, the universe, the prosperity of the human race, and the spirit of all things.

At that time, the capital city was a ghost connecting the mortal world with the nine underworlds.

It is said that there was no such a huge capital city at that time. The whole earth was full of bones, and there were countless ghosts. Among them, there was a ghost gate that could lead to the yellow spring and the underworld.

Later, the ghosts on this land were a disaster, and the people who often harassed the pass by, so a great power took action to bury the countless bones under the loess, drive the countless ghosts back to the yellow spring after the ghost gate, and created this capital city to suppress the ghost gate.

After that, it gradually disappeared, and the capital city was no longer haunted by ghosts. Gradually, people gradually came here to settle down. Until now, this capital city is no different from other cities in the Central Plains, and the world is prosperous.

But after all, because of this legend, some people now call it a ghost city, and the capital city is like the legendary nine ghosts, with various underworld buildings such as "Huangquan Road", "Nahe Bridge" and "Rebirth Gate".

And the wall of the capital city is also dark and black, and all kinds of strange ghosts are carved on it. From afar, it is really like seeing the scene under Jiuyou.

On this day, Li Xiaohe and Liang Ziqiao finally came to the capital city.

Millions of troops were only stationed a few miles away from the city, and there was a black pressure.

And looking at the banners on the capital city, the armor is clear, and the moat is even more sinking.

Looking at the distant capital city, Liang Ziqiao smiled and said, "It seems that the king of Pingnan is fully prepared. You see, the moat has dug dozens of feet."

"Now the king of Pingnan is also leading a million army and has the advantage of defending the city. Are you still confident that you can win this battle?" Li Xiaohe said lightly.

Liang Ziqiao thought about it and said, "I, Liang Ziqiao, have never done anything useless. Since I have come, half of this capital city is already mine. He has the advantage of defending the city, but he is a remnant soldier after the defeat. Although I have no land advantage, our army is a hero after the victory. His morale is strong, and he will undoubtedly be defeated.

Li Xiaohe listened to Liang Ziqiao's talk, and couldn't help but think of the picture of the previous Liang family.

At that time, who would have thought that two naughty boys who played fish and shrimp would stand in front of millions of soldiers today and guide the country.

At this time, the sound suddenly broke through the sky above the sky.

Li Xiaohe and Liang Ziqiao couldn't help looking up at the sky.

There was a faint light flowing after the cloud.

Liang Ziqiao smiled and said, "You see, now the major immortals have also arrived here."

After a long time, there was the same sound of breaking the air.

Li Xiaohe also said slowly, "The Devil's Gate is also here."

Liang Ziqiao thought deeply for a moment before saying, "I will attack the city in a few days, and this time it is bound to break into the capital one day. But before that, I have to get in touch with Mr. You.

"Oh." Li Xiaohe was slightly stunned and said, "Since you are leaving for a few days, I won't stay here. I had an appointment with the brother in the door to come back only to see you, but now it's been many days, and I should go back."

"Aren't you going to fight this battle with me again?" Liang Ziqiao frowned.

"hehe." Li Xiaohe smiled and said, "I can't help you here. On the day you attack the city, I will see how you break into the city."

When Liang Ziqiao heard this, his face suddenly showed a haze.

Li Xiaohe said again, "This handsome armor, save it for me, and I will pick it up again and fight with you again."

"You boy, you have been stubborn since you were a child. Now that you have made up your mind, I won't keep you, but I don't know when I will see you again." Liang Ziqiao said slowly.

"There will always be a day of goodbye." Li Xiaohe said silently.

Li Xiaohe also said goodbye to General Li and took off his handsome armor, but he carried the cyan mask with him and went to the capital.

At this moment, there are Taoist figures on a mountain in the distance of the capital.

The first two were Wang Renfeng and Xiao Zi.

At this time, Wang Renfeng and Xiao Zi both looked at Fengdu City in the distance.

Then Xiao Zi said, "Dad, that array has been laid. When will we enter the city again?"

Wang Renfeng thought for a moment before saying, "Wait a few more days."

Between the conversation between the two, another dark shadow slowly came.

When the disciples of the True God Pavilion on the mountains saw this figure, they bowed slightly and made a way for him.

The figure covered in a black robe went directly behind Wang Renfeng.

At this time, Xiao Zi said to the man, "Mr. You is back."

Wang Renfeng also turned around and looked at the man in black: "How's it, sir?"

Mr. You only said lightly, "Everything is fine."

"Okay, you have to do more for this matter, sir." Wang Renfeng bowed to Mr. You.

And Mr. You did not move, so he firmly accepted this worship and said, "At this time, both demons have also arrived here. This matter must not be disturbed by these people. At that time, it's better to care about it."

"Hmm." Wang Renfeng frowned and said, "There are no masters in the two demons who came to the southwest this time. The only thing that is in the way is Lin Changkong, the head of the Fairy Sword School, but he broke his own vitality before, and now he can't stop us. At that time, you just need to use some means to restrain each other.

Mr. You looked at Xiao Zi beside him and said, "This matter is hurtful. Do you really want her to participate?"

"My father's business is my business, and I naturally have to participate in it." Xiao Zi was indignant when she heard this.

Wang Renfeng sighed and said, "I didn't want her to participate in this matter, but because the elder had been injured for no reason before, the injury had not healed at this time, and she had to replace the elder. This matter is very big. If it is handed over to others, I won't worry about it."

Mr. You was silent for a moment when he heard this, and then said, "There is another person who may become a hindrance to us."

"Who?" Wang Renfeng said in a low voice.

"Hui Yin." Mr. You said lightly.

Xiao Zi smiled and said, "Isn't the old monk already poisoned and lost his cultivation?"

Wang Renfeng also looked at Mr. You in surprise.

Then he heard Mr. You say slowly, "I happened to meet him when I came here. Now he has recovered, even more so in the past."

"Isn't the poisonous master's colorful centipede cureless?" Wang Renfeng frowned.

"I think Hui Yin must have taken the death elixir for three days. I see that although he has recovered, he has no vitality." Mr. You said in a low voice.

"Three days of death!" Xiao Zi heard this and only exclaimed.

Wang Renfeng sighed, "This wisdom is one of the few people I admire in the right path, but I didn't expect it to be in such a situation now. Well, if he doesn't take action, otherwise, please ask Mr. You to take action.

"Hmm." Mr. You answered softly, and then Fu'er said, "I will take action at that time."