kill the immortal flying knife

Chapter 25 Ghost Flag

Li Xiaohe did not hesitate and stepped into the endless Moyun in the center of the hall, while Ning Kun was blocked by the ghost, only standing quietly in the hall full of worry, waiting for Li Xiaohe to return for the treasure.

After a long time, Chang Fan and Yan Qing also found this hall, and then many people from the Devil's Gate and other people from the Fairy Gate also found this hall.

There are more and more people in the hall, but everyone is blocked by the ghost and can't enter the clouds.

The two demons can only face each other on both sides of the hall, and Ning Kun will naturally not tell others that Li Xiaohe entered the Moyun.

Looking at the gathering of more and more people in the hall, Ning Kun was more worried. If Li Xiaohe really won the treasure and walk out of the clouds, I'm afraid that everyone here will rush up to grab the treasure from him.

But compared with the scene in this hall, there is a crisis in the capital city under the ground at this moment, which is like purgatory on earth.

The cloud vortex over the capital is still slowly turning, and the power is unmatched by manpower.

At this moment, it has been three days and three nights, but because of the thick ink clouds covering the sky, these three days of the capital are like night, and there is no sunlight shining through the cloud curtain below the city.

Liang Ziqiao's army finally destroyed all the four gates of the capital city at this moment. After three days and nights of war, Liang Ziqiao's million army lost nearly 300,000 people, and although the army of the king of Pingnan was on the side of the city, it was almost half of the casualties.

The originally dark wall of the capital city has now been washed by the blood of countless soldiers and turned into a burst of blood. The ghosts and god carvings all over the wall have become extremely demonic after being soaked in blood, as if they began to struggle and howl in the sea of blood.


The gate of the four directions was broken, and Liang Ziqiao pointed straight to the capital city with his swords, and the horse looked up to the sky and shouted, hissing like thunder, shocking the world.

The bloody siege army that had been fighting for a long time turned out to be more murderous at this moment. One after another, pieces of blood-stained ink armor rushed into the city of the capital.

At this moment, the whole capital city was shocked, and the cloud curtain over the city was suddenly thunderous. Then it was seen that twelve black evil spirits gushed into the sky on all directions of the capital city.

These twelve black evil spirits are like twelve giant beams of light suddenly propped up from the capital city and directly broke into the cloud curtain above the city, and the thunder light suddenly in the cloud curtain was pulled away by these twelve black light columns. These twelve evil beams of light were dark and rolling for a moment, and their inner thunder Mang jumped, like twelve black dragons rising in the air, surrounded the whole capital city with endless power.

When these twelve black and rolling beams of light were formed, the people in the True God Pavilion hidden in a corner of the capital city suddenly showed joy.


Wang Renfeng laughed loudly, and then said, "The twelve heavenly arrays have been formed. Let's begin."

Mr. You's whole body was shrouded in a black robe, and he couldn't see his expression, so he only heard him say lightly: "The six-way ghost flag can begin to sacrifice."

"Hmm." Wang Renfeng nodded slightly, raised her eyebrows, and shouted in a low voice, "Let's go."

Feng, the king, rose first, and there were Mr. You, Xiao Zi, and the black-shirted woman who had been following Xiao Zi. The other two masters of the True God Pavilion followed Wang Renfeng, and several senior masters of the True God Pavilion protected the six people in the center and followed them closely.

At this moment, the young disciples of the two schools of Zhengmo and demons have sneaked into the ground to compete for the birth of strange treasures, while the two generations of Zhengmo and demons are facing each other in the city. During this period, they inevitably fight. There are magic weapons everywhere in the city, and there are magic colliding with each other and roaring into one. pian pian.

Everywhere in the capital is flying stone and dust, and the tall buildings are bursting one by one. At this moment, these twelve dark beams of light are rising like dragons. The masters everywhere who are fighting between the two demons are a meal. Only the army that besieged the city is still fighting with the army defending the city, and is not moved by these strange scenes at all.

And when the masters of the two schools of Zhengmo stopped to come, he saw Wang Renfeng rising to the sky with a group of masters of the True God Pavilion.

Everyone is shocked. Because since the beginning of the battle, no one has seen the half-person figure of the True God Pavilion. At this time, when it was fierce, Wang Renfeng, the head of the True God Pavilion, suddenly appeared, and the Taoist figure immediately after Wang Renfeng was obviously a group of elder masters in the Zhenshen Pavilion that had not appeared for a long time.

Wang Renfeng suddenly appeared with a group of masters of the True God Pavilion at this moment. What happened?

And what are the twelve black pillars of light that surround the whole capital city?

At this moment, the people of the two schools of Zhengmo have stopped fighting, because everyone found it at this moment. I'm afraid this incident is not as simple as the birth of Qibao.

Wang Renfeng rose to the sky with a group of masters of the True God Pavilion. Although there are many people from the two sects below, the people of the True God Pavilion did not pay attention to them at all.

Wang Renfeng has been staring at the cloud curtain whirlpool over the city, constantly approaching the cloud curtain whirlpool.

When flying close to the cloud curtain, Wang Renfeng stopped and looked down and had a panoramic view of the whole capital city. At this moment, Wang Renfeng burst into endless power, as if he were the king of the world and the only one in the world.

Then Mr. You, Xiao Zi and other six people also stopped beside Wang Renfeng, while more Elder masters of the True God Pavilion stopped a hundred feet away from the six people and only dispersed, like a big net isolated in mid-air and protected the six people above.


After that, Wang Renfeng just shouted in a low voice.

The six people were under the cloud curtain whirlpool, scattered around the center of the cloud curtain whirlpool and formed a circle.

The six people took out a flag surrounded by black fog. The six flags were painted with various statues of ghosts and gods, and the statues of ghosts and gods were still moving faintly on the flag, roaring in a low voice, as if countless ghosts and gods were trapped in the flag by the six flag, wanting to break the shackles of the flag and return to heaven and earth.

It's just that the statues of ghosts and gods are all a little weak and uncondensed, so that even though they keep struggling, they have never broken the power to break the six-way ghost flag.

When the people of the two sects and demons below saw such actions of the people of the True God Pavilion, they were shocked and made up their minds. Wang Renfeng came to Fengdu City with a group of masters of the True God Pavilion.

At this time, Wang Renfeng, Mr. You and Xiao Zi have begun to urge the ghost flag in their hands. Suddenly, a hurricane suddenly rose under the cloud curtain, and the space under the cloud curtain was blown by the hurricane. The figures of the six people were also covered by the sudden hurricane. The six ghost flags opened in the wind, grinning and roaring ghosts. The sound shocked all directions in an instant.

After that, the twelve ink-black light pillars surrounding the capital also began to sink and roll, and the thunder in the beam was even better than just now.

When the twelve ink and black light columns were rolling in the capital city, suddenly the black evil souls were pulled away by the twelve ink and black light columns, and then all the black evil souls were roaring and thrown into the cloud vortex over the city by the twelve ink and black light pillars.

The cloud curtain whirlpool suddenly accelerated the rotation speed. All the evil spirits were rotated by the cloud curtain whirlpool to the center of the whirlpool, converging into a dark spring stream slowly pouring down from the center, and this large dark spring was pulled by the ghost flag in the hands of Wang Renfeng, Mr. You, Xiaozi and other six people. Go.

After the pouring of this endless dark spring, the six ghost flags continue to grow, and the various statues of ghosts and gods depicted on the flag are gradually solid.

Seeing this scene, how can the people of the two schools of Zhengmo understand what the people of the True God Pavilion are doing now.

This absorption of evil ghosts and sacrificial magic weapons is not too secret in the world of cultivation, but because this method is too evil and harmful to the sky, so even the people of the demon sect rarely use it. Moreover, the evil ghosts used to sacrifice powerful magic weapons are quite large, and it is not so easy to find.

However, he did not expect that now Wang Renfeng was taking advantage of Liang Ziqiao's million army to fight against the million army of the king of Pingnan to absorb the fierce spirit and ghost spirit after his death, and also placed the twelve black pillars of light to trap the eight sides of the capital, making the fierce spirit of all the soldiers and ghosts after death unable to escape.

The soldiers who died in the battle are often full of anger, and the evil spirit is also more evil, which is unmatched by ordinary ghosts.

If Wang Renfeng is allowed to continue and wait to absorb the fierce ghost spirit of these countless soldiers after his death to refine the six-way ghost flag, I'm afraid that an evil magic weapon will reappear in the world.

The people of the Demon Sect are just shocked to see this, but those righteous people who see this are all gritted their teeth after being shocked, because this method of extracting ghosts and evil spirits to sacrifice magic weapons is harmful to heaven and deprive people of the opportunity of reincarnation after death, which is not allowed by the right path.

But looking at the people of the True God Pavilion under the cloud curtain, they are all masters who have not been born for a long time. None of them are comparable to these ordinary righteous sect elders. Even if they are angry at this moment, how dare they act rashly?


When a group of righteous people were anxious and helpless, a sudden shout exploded in the city of the capital.

Then he saw Lin Changkong, the head of the fairy sword faction dressed in white, rise up to the sky and go straight to the people of the True God Pavilion.

Moreover, Lin Changkong was full of great power. Within a hundred feet of his body, he was full of swords, as if thousands of divine swords followed him to the sky.

Where Lin Changkong passed, the hurricane dissipated, the sky was restored, and all evils were broken.

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