Star of War

Oh, just a little bit of relevant information

I have a whim and want to study the principle of the original law of the universe. Well, first of all, I'm not a science student and I don't know much about this...

I found a lot of things about the origin of the universe on Du Niang, including mysterious and mysterious things, scientific things, and metaphysical scientific things, all of which have been read a lot.

I still have a lot of reverie about the mystery of the universe, and I have been smoking for a long time.

Ha ha! The following things are posted for everyone to see...

•Ancient China believed that the origin of the world

1. Ancient times

Pangu gave birth to heaven and earth, and Nuwa made people.

2. Taoist

I. I first regarded Tao as the original and universal law of the universe.

There is a mixture of things. Born before the world, lonely, independent but unchanged, Zhou Xing but not defeated, can be the mother of the world, I don't know

The name, the word is Tao, the strong name is big, the big is dead, the dead is far away, and far away is the opposite.

Tao gives birth to one, two in one, two in three, three in three

two. Zhuangzi's anon-knowing theory

Zhuangzi's dream butterfly can't distinguish between reality and dreams.

Zhuangzi said: Zi is not a fish, and it is the joy of Anzhi fish.

When Zhuangzi's wife dies, he drums and sings--the life of people, the gathering of anger is also the gathering of life, and the dispersion of dispersion is the anger

3. Yin and Yang family

Gold, wood, water, fire and soil correspond to benevolence, righteousness, courtesy and wisdom

Wuji gives birth to Taiji, Taiji gives birth to two instruments (yin and yang), two instruments give birth to four elephants, four elephants give birth to gossip, and gossip gives birth to all things.

•Some local doctrines in the world

1. Buddhism in India

The "four major" in ancient India said that everything in the universe is made of water, wind, earth and fire

Buddhism in India believes that the origin of the world is "empty". The color (the thing in front of you) is empty.

The law arises from the heart and is destroyed by the heart, which is the origin of the law. All laws are born from the heart, so the heart is born with all laws

(Philosophical views in the Matrix and the Himalayan stars come from here)

2. Christianity

Christians believe that the world was created by God. God said: There should be light.

3. Islam

The world was originally a titleless truth, and this theory itself is a real truth

•Atom model of planetary structure

Neutral model

 Solid electric ball mold

raisin cake model

Saturn model

Solar system model

Bohr model

Modern quantum mechanics model

•Modern Quantum Mechanics Model

Atoms are composed of electron neutrons and protons.

Modern physics holds that electrons belong to leptons and are the bases that make up matter

One of this unit (the other is a quark).

Netron: The neutron contains two lower quarks with -1/3 charge and one

An upper quark with +2/3 charge, whose total charge is zero.

Proton: two upper quarks and one lower quark

•Elementsic particles (smaller than atoms)

Elementary particles refer to the structure of people's cognition (and of course, beyond our cognition)

The smallest and most basic unit of material.

But after the introduction of quark theory, people realized that elementary particles are also complex

structure, so the term "basic particle" is generally not mentioned now. According to the role

With different forces, particles are divided into three categories: hadon, lepton and propagator


hadon is the general term for all particles involved in the action of force. They are exaggerated

gram composition, there are six kinds of quarks found, which are: top quarks and upper quarks

grams, lower quarks, strange quarks, cann quarks and bottom quarks. Among them, theoretical pre

The existence of Yanding quark was discovered in the Fermi experiment in the United States on January 30, 2007

room. Most of the existing particles are hadons, protons, neutrons, π mesons, etc.

are all strongons. In addition, antimatter has been found, with famous antiquarks, now

It has been discovered and its utilization method is being studied, from which we speculate that it may even

There is anti-Earth, anti-universe)


The lepton only participates in weak forces, electromagnetic forces and gravity, but not in strong

The general term for interacting particles. There are six kinds of lepton, including electronics and electricity

son neutrinos, muons, muon neutrinos, tauons, tau neutons. Electronic,

μons and τons are charged, all neutrinos are not charged, and all

neutrinos have antiparticles; τons are important particles discovered in 1975,

It does not participate in the strong role and belongs to lepton, but its quality is very heavy. It is electronic

3600 times that of

and 1.8 times that of protons, so it is also called leopon.

•What is photon

The propagator also belongs to elementary particles. There are 8 kinds of gluons that transmit strong effects,

In 1979, it was indirectly discovered in the three injection phenomenon, and they can form gluons

Ball, due to color confinement, cannot be directly observed so far. Photon transfer

Electromagnetic interaction, while W+, W- and Z0, gluons that transmit weak effects

Transmits strong interactions. Heavy vector boson was discovered in 1983, very

is 80-90 times heavier than the proton.

The propagator is a particle that transmits power in the microscopic world (what is the force

West? Have you ever thought about transmitting powerful gluons, and transmitting electromagnetic forces is light

, the propagator of weak force is the intermediate boson W+, W+ and Z0

•Are quarks and leptons the most basic structural units of matter? Nor

Yes. There are many signs that they may also have internal structures.

The exploration of a more micro level is one of the forefront of contemporary scientific research.

Grashaw, winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics, once suggested that once in

Smaller particles than quarks were found in the experiment, which should be named "hair" to

Commemorate Mao Ze~dong's philosophical thoughts on the infinitely divisable of matter. Although

has not yet been realized, but it shows the importance that scientists attach to dialectical thinking.

 Stringtheory, or string theory, is theoretical physics

A theory of

. A basic point of string theory is the basic

of nature.

units are not particles such as electrons, photons, neutions and quarks. These

What looks like particles is actually a closed circle of very small strings

(called closed string or closed string), different vibrations and movements of closed strings produce

A variety of different elementary particles. Although the string scale in string theory is very small,

The basic principle of manipulating their properties predicts that there are several thin scales

membranous object, the latter is referred to as "membrane". Intuitively speaking, the universe we live in

Space may be a three-dimensional film in nine-dimensional space. String theory is the most promising now

The theory of unifying the basic particles of nature and the four interaction forces.

•Each elementary particle is composed of vibrating strings, and different elementary particles are just different manifestations of string fluctuations.

 string theory has only half of the theoretical proof of its feasibility so far, and this problem is more a philosophical idea.

The string theory represents a dream of physicists that it is likely to become the ultimate theory and complete the unification of four types of forces (gravity, magnetic force, strong interaction and weak interaction).

•Eleven-dimensional space in string theory

First quote Einstein's words: Fish live in water, but there is no water

will die, but how much does it know about water?

We know the world and are limited by our senses, but we are an individual

In order to constantly make such attempts beyond this limitation, you know what we do

Is there a space at


Scientists have recognized dimensions that may exist but have not been recognized

How is the difference between

explained? They made an example: a

Ant walks on a piece of paper, and it can only go right or left, forward or backward

Go. High and low are meaningless to it, that is to say, the 3D space

exists, but is not recognized by ants. Similarly, our world is

It is composed of 4 dimensions (3 spatial dimensions, 1 time dimension), but we don't have

Aware of all other dimensions.

•1, the current time-travel novels are actually supported by some scientific theories (string theory, quantum mechanics).

2, the uncertain principle in quantum mechanics denies that there is only one beginning in the physical system in classical physics, so its conclusion has only one conclusion. Perhaps what we do is supported by the laws of cause and effect. Similar to butterfly effect, chaos theory.

1. Time is a dimension of our world.

2. In the theory of relativity, the time of each of us changes due to different speeds.

3. Time is just a scale of matter. The time of this coordinate we live in is 16 billion years, and on the edge of the universe, its time is 0.

4. At the position of the singularity, time is stationary, that is, at this moment, there is no concept of time at all.

5. Time is the expression of movement and change, the inherent regulation and component of the world and all things. It is a "thing" or substance with objective reality and other components of the world and all things in a united relationship.