Star of War

Chapter 19 One punch and one foot, knock them all down

"Brother, that fool was robbed of the magic core by us and even threatened us to seek justice from us, haha..."

The spring door of the hotel was pushed open, and two young soldiers with epee swords came in.

The man on the left has long dark brown hair tied behind his head with a thin rope. The rough face is angular and majestic. The other one who laughed and spoke was a bald head, shiny and flowing in appearance.

Just as the two soldiers walked into the hotel and sat in the hotel full of guests, the noisy scene immediately became much quieter. These warrior magicians felt the brown-haired young soldiers from afar, with blood and anger all over their bodies.

This is a kind of bloody killing that gradually settles in the body and goes deep into the bone marrow.

The two walked into the hotel, and the two strong soldiers near their table immediately stood up and avoided far away. The bald warrior sat down directly, slapped the table with a bang, and shouted, "Give us a bottle of flame wine."

Flame wine is a very strong wine, which is hot and hot in the mouth, which is very popular with maple leaf imperial warriors.

"Haotian, they robbed my magic core. The bald head is a six-level warrior, and the long-haired one has seven-level strength. As soon as Krahim saw the two people, his eyes suddenly erupted with anger.

When he said this to Haotian, he also hoped that Haotian would get justice for him.

Cooper's nose moved slightly and immediately smelled the strength of the two. Indeed, as Krahim said, the six-level warrior and the seven-level warrior.

The strength is much stronger than them.

Not to mention the long brown hair that is murderous all over, the bald head alone, the strength of the six-level warrior can be completely defeated by them.

"Huh? Brother, that fool is there." When the two sat down, the bald head sat opposite Haotian and saw Krahim at once.

The long-haired soldier turned his head and looked at Krahim coldly. Then he glanced at the five people in Haotian and turned back to drink his wine.

The bald head sat lazily in the chair, raised his legs, picked up the glass and shook it at Krahim, grinned, and had a strong sense of provocation.

A level 7 and a level 6 do have arrogant capital.

"Haotian..." Krahim looked at Haotian with a sign of prayer in his eyes.

The bald head saw Krahim looking at Haotian as if he was saying something to him. His eyes were full of pleading, so he looked over with disdain and ridiculed, "It's the same as a fool."

Haotian didn't want to make this head for Krahim, but the bald head aroused his anger.

In the sunset mountains, the seven-level warcraft meets him and basically kills him with a sword. Even if he meets the eight-level warcraft, he dares to fight against it. The seven-level Warcraft is better than the human warrior magician of the same level. These two people, one level seven and one level six. For him, even if the two of them go together, it is not enough for him to practice his fists.

He stood up, walked to the bald head, looked at him, and said coldly, "Apologize and get out of the hotel."

The bald warrior looked at him in surprise, and then said to his eldest brother, the brown-haired young man, "Brother, this stupid fool, ask me to apologize to him!"

The brunette young man curled his lips and smiled, looking up at Haotian, with a fierce murderous look in his eyes. He only looked at Haotian, and then lowered his head to drink the flame wine in his hand, as if Haotian was air. With a 'grout' throat, he swallowed the liquor, and then said in a very cold voice, "Kid, you'd better get out of here before I get angry."

Suddenly, the warriors and magicians who came to hunt monsters in the sunset mountains calmed down. Some were ready to watch the play, while others were slightly frightened.

The brown-haired young soldier even has a murderous voice.

Haotian ignored him and still looked at the bald young man, his eyes getting colder and colder.

"Apologize and get out of the hotel."

is still the same sentence, but it gives people a completely different feeling from the previous one, with a stronger murderous atmosphere than the brown-haired youth, slowly emerging in his eyes.

The bald young man not only scolded him, but also his parents, which he did not allow and what he hated the most.

My father lived like a slave in the Hao family. Since he was a child, he often heard those direct families in the family scold his father. Whenever someone scolds his father, whether he is an adult or a child, he will rush to fight with him. Even if you are beaten all over, you will not hesitate to do so.

At this time, someone scolded his father, and he was really angry.

"I don't want it!"

The bald head was stared at by his cold and murderous eyes, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with some trembling. Then when he saw the eldest brother cast a supportive look, he seemed to be full of power and stood up and confronted against Haotian.

Seeing that the two sides were in a stalemate and were about to fight, Cooper quickly ran over, pulled Haotian, and then bent down to the bald head and smiled, "I'm sorry, you two, my little brother is drunk."

A six-level warrior and a seven-level warrior can't afford it. He doesn't want Haotian to die because of his anger.

Haotian pushed Kub away, then took a step back, bounced up his body vigorously, twisted his waist and adjusted his crotch, and kicked directly on the bald head.


The defenseless bald head was immediately kicked out by him and hit the wall. Without screaming, he fell into a coma.

It's straightforward.

He has always been so straightforward, simple and clear to the enemy.

This is Haotian, who has been bold since childhood and doesn't like to procrastinate.

However, the warrior magician who was drinking around was not as calm as him and was completely shocked.

"I've never seen such a straightforward warrior. He's so fucking handsome!" A soldier showed the light of worship and muttered.

Cooper's big eyes opened wider, his mouth was grinding several times, and he looked at Haotian speechless.

This bald head is a six-level warrior, while Haotian is only a five-level warrior. A simple whirlwind kick of a five-level warrior knocked the six-level warrior unconscious.

It completely subverted the scope of his normal understanding as a five-level warrior.

"Looking for death." The brown-haired young man was no longer calm and cold, but stood up angrily and overturned the table with a loud shout.

Krahim was still righteous. At this time, he also came over and stood beside Haotian. And both France and Christine came over.

Being able to kick the level 6 soldier unconscious with one kick was a three-point accident and a three-point fluke. At this time, it is not as simple as facing the seven-level warrior head-on.

"What are you doing? If you want to fight, go out."

The owner of Leizi Hotel, Boss Lei came down from upstairs. He came over, looked at Haotian and the brown-haired young man, and shouted coldly.

"Haotian, Boss Lei is an eight-level warrior." Cooper was worried that Haotian would lose his temper in front of Boss Lei and quickly whispered in his ear.

Warriors and magicians are divided into three levels: junior three levels, middle three levels, and senior three levels. In the third level of junior high school, the strength difference is not very big, while the strength of the third level is about twice that of middle school. However, the third level is different. The strength gap of each level is simply a huge gap.

Level 7 can easily defeat three Level 6 warriors, while Level 8 can defeat at least five Level 7 warriors. Level 9, one person can pick seven to eight Level 8 warriors alone.

So Boss Lei, an eighth-level warrior, is definitely a strong authority here.

The brown-haired young man also heard Cooper's words. His eyes shrank slightly and said coldly, "If you have the guts, come out with me." After saying that, he stepped out of the hotel.

Haotian still didn't say a word and followed silently.

Cooper and the others have no choice but to know that Haotian must fight this brunette young man. In the battle between warriors, if they are timid, there will be cracks in the hearts of warriors, which will have great resistance to their future cultivation. Seriously, it can't even be promoted again. So they can only follow him out. If Haotian is in danger, they will fight to save him.

"Let's go and have a look."

The group of warrior magicians who were drinking in the hotel suddenly ran out in a noisy way.

Outside the hotel, on the flat street, Haotian and the brown-haired young man stood face to face, and their eyes were cold and murderous.

Haotian's body is loose, and he doesn't need to prepare for the seven-level warrior at all. If it hadn't been for the concern about Boss Lei, he would have been able to blow away the brown-haired young man with just one punch in the hotel.

The unicorn arm, which can enhance ten times its strength, will lie down for a long time even if the eight-level warrior is punched.

The brown-haired young man pulled out the epee on his back, held his hands tightly on the handle, looked at Haotian, and said coldly, "If you can't die under my strongest sword, I will let you go."

The tone is full of confidence.

Haotian curled his lips and smiled and said likewise, "If you can't die under my punch, I will let you go."


The brown-haired young man stared and shouted loudly. His feet were like two steel claws. He grabbed and pushed them on the ground. His vigorous body rushed forward and jumped five meters in front of Haotian. He suddenly jumped up like a Warcraft ape. The heavy sword in his hand was raised and fell heavily.


The heavy sword roared through the air, declaring that the power of this sword was unparalleled.

However, he met Haotian, a five-war star who practiced star power, and a star who killed countless warcrafts in the sunset mountains for more than a month.

Haotian's feet were wrong, and he stepped forward, and his right arm suddenly rolled with a strong star power, huh!!! The fierce star power was about to blow up the sleeves into pieces, and a golden arm twice as thick as the left arm was like a galloping dragon, punching out with a heavy sword.

With a crisp metal collision sound, the epee broke into two sections. Then, the fist peak did not stop at all and directly bombarded the chest of the brown-haired young man who began to fall.


It sounded like thunder, and Haotian Fist Peak waved a circle of light silver air with gold wire.

Intermediate combat skills, shaking the dragon fist!

The strong body of the brown-haired young man was punched out directly by him and fell a few meters away.

The silence of the whole audience, and the warrior magicians watching on both sides looked at Haotian with wide eyes.

It's so strong!

This is the voice of everyone present.

"He's dead... The brunette warrior is dead..."

A middle-aged magician swallowed a mouthful of water, looked down at the voiceless brown-haired young man with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, and trembled.