Star of War

Chapter 72 Night Giant Bow

In Fabio Magic Academy, the competition for warrior magicians of 18 colleges in the mainland has been held for more than 40 days and is coming to an end.

Ke Lan Luofeng, and Rui Ningna and other three others, in addition to Rui Ningna won the championship of the fourth-level warrior group, Ke Lan and Luo Feng won the second place in the third place in the third-level warrior group and the third place in the first-class warrior group.

Originally, according to their plan, the prize was received by the college tutor, but they went to the Warcraft Mountains first to find Haotian and practice. However, a rumor came out of nowhere that all the students participating in the competition were not allowed to enter the Warcraft Mountains, and the violator's college would punish him, and the prizes of the famous students would be confisitioned. This made some students who had the intention to enter the Warcraft Mountains to hunt Warcraft have great complaints, and Ke Lan and others can only stay in the audience as an audience and cheer for their classmates at Dichen College!

"The next day, another sentence came out from the students and vaguely clicked out. After the game, the students could actually enter the Warcraft Mountains for experience.

When this sentence came out, in just half a day, the number of students immediately decreased by half after the competition.

"Old Cuomo, as soon as your words spread, it made the students resent it to death!"

In a luxuriously decorated living room, a group of middle-aged and elderly warriors and magicians sat together. An old man in a magician's robe, about 70 years old, stroked his white beard on his chin and smiled.

"However, another sentence from Mr. Yan spread that the group of little guys with excess energy rushed to the Warcraft Mountains more crazily!" Another middle-aged person in a warrior's uniform patted the back of his head and curled his lips.


The deans and vice deans of the college who led the students to the competition laughed loudly.

Five people, including Kelan Luofeng William and Reningna Haoying, immediately left Fabio City and ran west at the mouth of the second sentence.

The target is the Warcraft Mountains.


After eating the roasted leopard meat, Haotian began to feel the power of the wind and strode into the canyon.

Go with your heart and be at ease. This is the best way to understand nature and feel the power of nature.

Another inspiration suddenly appeared in his heart, so he stayed in the exercise. Sometimes he had a deeper understanding of the wind, so he sat on the ground, listened to the call of the wind, and touched the joy, sadness, tenderness and courage of the wind.

It took him five days to walk through a hundred-mile-long canyon.

During this period, he continued to meet two nine-level warcraft thunderstorm electric leopards and Jingbei dragons. They met on a narrow road, and naturally they were aggressive again. However, he did not kill the two nine-level Warcrafts again, but left directly after practicing the seven-killing exercises.

After he walked out of the canyon, he found that he had traveled almost half of the mountains from the north in the middle of the Warcraft Mountains to the intersection of the main vein and branches in the south.

Not far from here, there is a mountain town, which, like Clarke City, is a defense-line city that prevents animal tides from entering the human gathering place, called Verdo Town.

says it is a town, but in fact, it should be called a city. Haotian stood on the mountain and looked at it from afar. It was surrounded by a high wall, and there was an endless stream of pedestrians. It was prosperous and lively, no smaller than the ordinary city.

Haotian smiled and said to himself, "In order to taste the taste of wine in a few months, let's go to the city for a drink today!"

He took out his clothes from the space crystal beads, put them on, and then floated dozens of meters down the mountain with the wind.

The Fabio imperial army, which defended the city, saw that he came down from the Warcraft Mountains. His hair was messy, his face was bearded, and his skin was tanned bronze, but his eyes were bright and deep. He knew that he was a powerful warrior. Instead of questioning him, he respectfully avoided side and let him enter.

Those who dare to enter the Warcraft Mountains alone are all powerful warriors.

Even powerful magicians may not dare to go into the mountains to hunt demons alone.

"The wind here has a different feeling... The wind of nature is really everywhere!" Haotian walked on the street and felt a gentle wind like protecting the hemp, and couldn't help sighing.

"Hmm! First, find a barber shop to straighten your hair and shave.


Suddenly, a delicate cry came from the door of a weapons store selling weapons on the right side of the street in front of him. Haotian turned his head and saw that it was Haoying and couldn't help but be stunned.

"Where is Haotian?"

Then, several young people rushed out of the store, not William.

"Wow~~~" Ke Lan and the other three looked at Haotian with stunned eyes and said all the words.

"Haotian, have you been arrested and locked up by Warcraft? How did you do this..." Luo Feng rolled his eyes at Haotian with a beard on his face.

"Where is Haotian?"

Then, several young people rushed out of the store, not William.

"Wow~~~" Ke Lan and the other three looked at Haotian with stunned eyes and said all the words.

"Haotian, have you been captured by a female warcraft or something? How did you do this..." Luo Feng ridiculed.

This made Haoying, who was full of charming taste, have a burst of white eyes.

"Apart from that, you are all here, where's Riinina?" The big beauty is already in front of us, can the little beauty be far away?

"She chooses weapons in it." Haoying turned around Haotian's slender waist, and the tip of his tongue gently licked on his sexy lips. The muttering voice of the soul was in Haotian's ear and said, "Haotian, you are so wild now! I like it."

This made Haotian's body shake and almost sat on the ground. He looked at the beautiful woman close to him, smiled bitterly and said, "You wait for Reina here. I'll find a place to clean it first." After saying that, he walked to a hotel diagonally opposite.

"I'll go with you." Haoying's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a faint smile, and chased after him.

"Haotian has been in the Warcraft Mountains for a few months and is estimated to be suffocated. They may be suffocated for a long time... Or shall we go to have a drink next door?"

Luo Feng gave a bad laugh and said to Colin William.

"Walk away, we are at the door, and Rui Ningna can also see us when she comes out." The three are good young men with good wine. When it comes to having a drink, they are really addicted. They immediately ordered a pot of good wine and a few dishes in the tavern next to the weapons store.

This is a young warrior wearing a gorgeous white warrior, holding a little beauty in a magician's robe and walking into the weapons store. Behind them, there are three warriors, a magician, who seems to be a young man's follower or bodyguard.

"Boss Dole, take out your best magic wand and let me have a look." The young soldier in white patted the counter in the store and shouted loudly, with a rather arrogant tone.

The boss accompanied Reina's warehouse to look at the weapons. At this time, there was only a sixteen- or seven-year-old man in the store. He came out from behind the counter tremblingly, bowed and bowed to the soldiers in white and said, "Master Ganemon, please wait a moment. I'll call the boss out immediately." The guy wiped the sweat from his forehead and ran into it.

In an underground warehouse, a pink Ronina slowly looked at the rows of weapons racks, and behind her was a middle-aged soldier about 50 years old. When he saw her staying slightly in front of a weapon, he would introduce the origin and level of the weapons.


"This is the wild orc, the bone shield of the tiger tribe, and the first-class fighting soldier..."

"The war hammer forged by the Samong forger of the Maple Leaf Empire, a second-class fighter..."

"Heavy spear forged by Kara forger in the kingdom of the five kingdoms, second-class fighters..."


"Boss, this sword should be the green sword forged by the beautiful forging method of the Parker family!" Reina stopped in front of a row of long swords and reached out to pick up a three-foot-long, two-finger-wide dark cyan sword on the shelf.

Rininga seems to know a lot about all kinds of weapons. Many times, without the boss behind her, she has told the origin of the weapons.

"Yes, this is a seven-level fighter from the Parker family." The owner of the weapons store praised that for Rui Ningna's erudence in weapons, he, a weapon seller, had a feeling of meeting a confidant. Finally, he added another sentence and said, "This green sword is the best fighter here."

"Huh? In the dark forest in the far south of the 18th Principality, there is a long bow made by the dark elves, the bow of the dark night..."

Rui Ningna turned her head and looked at the rich weapons here. Suddenly, she glanced at a bow and arrow shelf in the corner of the left wall and saw a giant long black bow. Her eyes lit up and ran over.