Star of War

Chapter 128 The Collar of Chaos

The territory of chaos is located in the northwest of the Qiyuan mainland, adjacent to the Maple Leaf Empire, covering an area of about 10,000 square miles, only one-third of the size of the Maple Leaf Empire. However, this place, which is called a criminal paradise by human beings, is one of the six major forces.

For this reason, its geographical location is quite strange, with maple leaves in the east, 18 duchies in the south, and barbarians in the north. However, the border with the three forces is blocked by mountains and mountains, separating the land from the sight of ordinary civilians and becoming a special place isolated from the world.

Of course, these obstacles are useless for the strong people who practice fighting spirit and magic.

For this reason, criminals who commit crimes in various parts of the Qiyuan mainland prefer the leader of chaos on the route of escape. Therefore, the territory of chaos has become a demon cellar in the eyes of human beings and a paradise in the hearts of criminals. Killing can be said to be the theme here, and the bloody atmosphere covers the sky of the earth.

In the territory of chaos, you can't find any country, but all the cities are independently under their jurisdiction and govern themselves. Moreover, these cities change their owners frequently. Today, a strong man is in charge of a city. Perhaps, when people wake up early the next morning, they will find that the city owner has been replaced.

Only two cities have not changed their owners for countless years. These two cities, one is located in the northeast of the chaotic territory. It is a huge city covering an area of about 200 miles, called Peacock City, which is under the jurisdiction of the Peacock King Blood Warrior Family, one of the seven blood warriors of Qiyuan. Another city is located in the southeast, covering an area of about 180 miles and is called Mingwang City. The owner of the city is the Elf King Blood Warrior Family, one of the seven blood warrior families.

There are hundreds of large and small cities in the chaos, and the city owner of each city can be in charge for up to 100 years, and the shortest is even only half a day. Only Peacock City and Mingwang City, two huge and prosperous cities, have always been under the control of the two blood warrior families.

The bloodline warrior of the Peacock King is said to contain the blood of the mythical beast peacock in his body. The awakening bloodline power can display the peacock's body, and has two talented skills 'peacock feather, ice soul arrow', which is extremely powerful.

And the Elf King Blood Warrior is an alternative to the seven blood warrior systems. Although the elf king blood warrior also has the blood of the elf king in his body, it has nothing to do with the elf clan in the elf forest at the southernmost of the five kingdoms. Although the ancient elf king is also an elf family, the elf king's blood warrior family is human, and only the blood of the ancient elf king has in his body. The body of the blood warrior family of the elf king does not have a strong resistance ability, but the speed of the elf warrior will increase by one to three times.

According to legend, there is also a kind of ultimate awakening in the Elf King Blood Warrior family. This kind of Elf King warrior, which ultimately awakens the blood power, is extremely close to the ancient Elf King, and his speed will increase ten times.

Indifferently, the legend is a legend, and no one has seen it, so the Elf King blood warrior family can only succumb to one of the three blood warrior families, and cannot jump to the four ultimate blood warrior families.

The leader of chaos can become one of the six major forces because of the existence of these two blood warrior families.

Haotian turned over the snowy mountains on the western border of the Maple Leaf Empire and entered the territory of chaos. He recalled some information he had inquired all the way. With slight integration, we have a clearer understanding of the power structure of the chaotic leader.

At this time, he had entered the territory of chaos and turned to the northeast. His destination is Peacock City, one of the two major cities, and the family that worships his eldest brother Mogang is in Peacock City.



Haotian entered the territory of chaos and arrived at the first human-inhabited town. Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked into the town, I immediately saw dozens of people fighting in the street with steel knives and swords.

"It's really messy. It deserves to be called the leader of chaos." As soon as he entered the chaos for less than a hundred miles, he had already encountered two fights. At this time, the group fight that appeared in his eyes was the third wave. The first two groups were killed in the mountains, and there were not many people, but the battle here was a melee of more than 10 or 20 people on each side. From time to time, there were wailing, limbs flew out of the body, blood soaring, and the scene was quite chaotic and bloody.

Haotian stood at the mouth of the town and glanced slightly. He saw that these people who were fighting were all soldiers, but they were only level one, two and three soldiers. Even the two leaders were only four-level soldiers, and their strength was very low.

He smiled, walked into the town, came to a small restaurant next to the melee, ordered a few wine and dishes, and sat at a table by the door and ate it. And there are also some individual customers eating in the store, but the scene of everyone fighting on the street outside the door is simply ignored, as if they are used to it.

After lunch, the melee outside the store was coming to an end. More than a dozen bodies lay vertically on the street, and many disabled people with broken hands and feet howled on the ground.

Haotian shook his head, broke through the battlefield, walked to the end of the town, and left the town.

This place is about 3,000 miles away from Peacock City. According to Haotian's current strength, it can be reached in two hours at most. However, he was not in a hurry to go to Peacock City. He came out to visit his elder brother Mogang, but he could also travel all the way. He was not in a hurry.

Within three thousand miles of this only way, there are also several small cities, and there is also a big city 'Wild Wind City' that can rank in the top ten in the chaos.

According to the information obtained, this wild wind city can be ranked as one of the top ten cities because the city is one of the most chaotic cities in chaos, and at the same time, the city owners are replaced here most frequently.

Soon, in the evening, Haotian came to Yefeng City.

At the ancient and old gate, the four city owners and private soldiers leaned lazily against the gate of the city gate, with their eyes drooping and weapons in the corner of the wall. And the people who enter and leave the gate are too lazy to look at it, as if they are just resting here, not guarding the gate.

Haotian glanced at the four sergeants guarding the gate and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling. It is really one of the most chaotic cities. Because the city owners are replaced too frequently, they don't have much time to manage the city. These soldiers are already tired and lazy.

Entering the Wild Wind City, what emerged was a huge city covering an area of about 50 miles. Although the houses were not dilapidated, pedestrians were cold and fierce, and their eyes were faintly murderous. Even some old people, children, and women can smell blood.

In the territory of chaos, there are no so-called permanent residents, no so-called passers-by. Here, no one is a passer-by. The whole city is private property belonging to the city owner. If you come to the chaotic territory and want to live, you can buy a house from the city owner. If you want to open a store, you can rent a facade from the city owner.

Therefore, Haotian walked on the street, and passers-by did not come forward to do some nonsense such as provocation and bullying.

Haotian walked on the main road of Yefeng City, and finally found a store with a restaurant and inn, and then walked in.

"Boss, do you have a room?" Haotian came to the counter of the store and asked an old man sitting in the counter holding a cigarette rod.

Fortunately, the people who open the store are not like passers-by outside. They don't fart except for those who look like thieves.

"One gold coin a day, meals are counted separately."

Although the old shopkeeper's face is cold, his tone is still gentle. However, this inn is really fucking expensive to live in. One gold coin a day is more expensive than the high-end hotel in Maple Leaf City.

Haotian didn't care. He took out a money bag from his arms, took out two gold coins from it, and said, "Stay for a day and give me a few more wine and vegetables."

The clerk in the store, a young man about 30 years old, said coldly to Haotian, "Follow me." It's just the diameter of the stairs to the second floor.

Haotian followed, but behind him, several diners stared into his arms, with a strong greed in their cold eyes...