Star of War

Chapter 133 Amazing Strike

Shocking words came from the Mo clan. And a group of Haotian friends such as Kub Frennia were also surprised. On the contrary, the two geniuses of the two major families in chaos were a little stupid, staring at each other, looking at each other incredulously and speechless.

The nine-level warrior, who was despised by them, turned into a holy strong man in a blink of an eye... Just now, he was so light to others that he wanted to make friends again... It was difficult.

The two began to regret their previous indifference to Haotian.

"Hahaha... Second brother, your boy has been promoted to the holy level." Mo Gang's eyes lit up and immediately laughed. His body suddenly shook, and the star power of holy strength suddenly rolled like a wave.

"I hope you don't blame me." Haotian also laughed and said.

Both of them have the kind of rough, bold and cheerful personalities. They say something bluntly, and there are not so many twists and turns.

"Come on! Brother, let me see the mysterious power of the eldest brother who has been closed for more than ten years!"

Haotian's feelings are full of domineering, and his eyes show a kind of fanaticism.


Mogang's whole body is also full of power.

Both of them are full of domineering characters. In deep terms, they are born with stubbornness, arrogance and arrogance. After a battle, the belligerent factors in the bottom of their hearts completely broke out. At this time, even if they were asked to stop, they could not stop. If they were refreshed without fighting, it was impossible to stop.

The law is mysterious - the wind is the mysterious power, and the confrontation law is mysterious - the earth is mysterious.

Haotian's heavy sword blade was rolling, and there were waves of whirlwinds. And the Mogang sword also emerges a faint yellow elemental power, which is extremely heavy.

-Lei Yunzhan!

Haotian shouted, and the heavy sword whirlwind rotated rapidly. As if it were real, there was a rolling thunder inside, and there was a bright golden light while crackling.

Lei Yunzhan is a holy battle skill selected by Haotian from countless martial arts secrets left on the sun's scepter Venus. He displayed a thunderbolt and a long sword turned into a thunder and lightning dragon.

Leilong sank and bombarded Mogang with his head!

And Mogang has been promoted to the holy level, has been closed for more than ten years to understand the laws and combat skills, and is not an idle person. The blade in his hand was exposed, and the spirit of killing kept condensing on the blade and waved forward.


Mo Gang also shouted, and the murderous spirit on the sword formed a substance, and the cry seemed to incarnate the boundless killing hell, covering Haotian.


A huge thunder exploded, and two weapons collided with each other in mid-air, emitting a destructive power. The terrible murderous gas and thunder and lightning suddenly shot out and kept shooting outside the square.

However, as it was near the square, it seemed to receive an irresistible blocking force and quickly shot back inward.

The stars were bright and the moon was bright. Suddenly, the wind was hunting, and a dull pressure fell from the sky, as if to crush the earth. The crowd standing around the square could not resist this violent destruction at all. In Moyan's shouts, they all quickly slipped back to hide in the hall.



The sky was windy, and the dust was flying on the ground. Suddenly, a loud vibration broke out around the bodies of Haotian and Mo Gang.


The wind swept away again, and the rolling dust emerging from the ground suddenly swept into the sky and disappeared into the night with the tornado wind in the sky.

The square quieted down again. Haotian and Mogang raised their heavy swords and swords and swords, and stood in the middle of the square. The hard stone-paved floor around the two bodies was ten meters in radius, and the stone slabs were broken and sunk down about half a meter. Countless gravel was rolled up around this area and piled up a gravel circle.

"What a strong blow..."

"What a great combat skill..."

"It's terrible..."

"It can destroy the world..."


In the hall, several nine-level strong men, such as Moyan, Peacock Dongfei and Victoria Liancheng, stood at the gate and watched Haotian perform a shocking blow on the field, and their brains suddenly came to a standstill. These nine-level strong men can see some Taoism in the combat skills exerted by the two of them. Although the subtlety of the moves can't be seen, the power with the momentum and pressure of the law and vowing to cut the heaven and the earth into pieces completely shocked their hearts and made them shocked that only the destructive sword and blade kept lingering in their minds for a long time.

Amazing blow!

An unparalleled blow, like a lightning in a thunderstorm, hit their souls, with deep marks in their memories.

A group of Mo clans protected by Moyan and others, as well as Kub and others, gathered their heads and looked out. They were all shocked by Haotian and Mogang's amazing opening their mouths and couldn't speak. Although their strength and cultivation are slightly insufficient, they can't see why. However, they can still see the scene of wind hunting, pressure, wind and clouds, flying sand and stones. In their eyes, the power to destroy everything is no different from the action of the gods.

The wind dissipated and the pressure disappeared. However, the two people in the square still raised their weapons and stood motionless.

"Why don't they fight?"

"Yes! Why don't you stand still?"

"What's going on?"


The people in the hall couldn't help but feel surprised to see Haotian and Mogang standing in the sunken pit.

"Shut up." Moyan shouted in a low voice, and the sound of discussion suddenly disappeared, and they all looked at Moyan with doubt.

Moyan has guessed why the two have not finished the battle, but they stand still. That's because of the shocking blow just now, which made the two of them feel something and enter into an epiphany.

At the same time, Peacock Dongfei and Vito Liancheng also thought of this, and couldn't help looking at each other, both of whom showed a look of frustration.

The two of them belong to the strongest forces on both sides of the chaotic leader, and the Mo family can only rank in the top ten in the chaotic leader. But why did the leaders of the young generation of these two families appear in the Mo family just to make friends with the new holy strongman Mogang? However, when they saw that Mogang's sworn brother was just a low nine-level warrior, they treated him indifferently and did not see him. At this time, Haotian, the sworn brother of the holy strong man, suddenly showed his strength that was not weaker than Mogang, which made them feel an unprecedented loss.

The Peacock King family and the Elf King family are more powerful than a country in the territory of chaos, and they are also the top ten forces in the Qiyuan continent. Although Peacock Dongfei and Victoria Liancheng are the best in the young generation, there are still many young talents competing with them for the position of future patriarch. If the two of them are not strong in the future, the position of patriarch will become more and more out of reach for them.

At this time, the Mo family came to attract the holy strong man Mogang and become their own power. However, it is not impossible to neglect Haotian this time, and it may also leave a pimple in Mogang's heart, which will make it more difficult for them to attract Mogang.

If this trip can't win over the Mo clan and wait for other talented people in the family to win over, it will definitely be a huge threat to both of them.

The two have been good friends for many years. At this moment, they nodded together and left the hall and returned to their temporary guest room in the Mo family.

"Dongfei, what should I do?"

In a delicately furnished guest room, the two came to the table and sat down. Vito frowned sincerely and asked.

The Peacock King family and the Elf King family are among the best in chaos. Naturally, the family has many strong men above the holy level, and it is not a problem to pull out three or five people casually. However, these are the elders of the family, who belong to the backbone of the family, not their personal power. In order to win the position of patriarch in the future, they must constantly attract powerful forces for their own use.

And Haotian and Mogang are their ideal targets. One is the patriarch of a small family of chaotic leaders, and the other is a foreign trio.

"There are two ways to plan today. First, tomorrow you and I will say goodbye to Brother Mogang, return to the family immediately, and then take a treasure to apologize to Haotian; Second, after we go back, we will immediately send an invitation to invite Brother Mogang and Haotian to our family. At that time, I will apologize to Haotian again." Peacock Dongfei Slightly meditated, said.

Victor thought for a moment and couldn't help nodding. Peacock Dongfei's two ideas were good. On the one hand, it can quickly win back Haotian's favor, and on the other hand, it shows the importance that his family attaches to Haotian, which can quickly eliminate the pimples in Mogang's heart.

"Dongfei, you and my brother have been advancing and retreating together for many years. This party has offended Haotian and Brother Mogang. We must strive to get their understanding, otherwise it will give the bastards of the family a chance... It will be a great stumbling block for the future of you and me. Vito Liancheng looked at the peacock flying east, showed a touch of light in his eyes, and said, "Tomorrow, we will immediately say goodbye to Elder Moyan, and then you quickly come to apologize to Haotian and Brother Mogang with your treasure, and invite them to visit your family, and then you will personally lead them to our Mingwang City. Hey hey! At that time, the power of you and my brothers will far surpass that of the fools in the family.

Peacock Dongfei's eyes were also bright when he heard the words, and he nodded quickly. However, in his shining eyes, a strange light flashed obscurely.