Star of War

Chapter 175 Old Elf

Listening to Colmo talk about the deeds of the tribal high priest in detail, Haotian couldn't help but have a deep curiosity in his heart and wanted to see the high priest who was said by Colmo to be able to enter the world.

Time flows quickly in the conversation, and the night is quiet, only the occasional roar of silk beasts inside the grassland.

The bonfire is still burning, bringing a glimmer of light to the night. At this time, only Bian Jun was left sitting by the bonfire. He was on the first night of the shift, and the others went to bed.

I saw him looking up at the sky, his eyes were slightly confused, and he muttered: "Holy level... I don't know when I will be promoted to the holy level, with the destructive power of Haotian..."

The next day, three carriages moved forward again.

There are many tribes in the Kerko grassland, most of which are nomadic and prolife, but some larger tribes find suitable places to live and stop to build homes, multiply from generation to generation, forming a large tribe similar to towns.

The Lido tribe is located in a small forest in the southern part of the hinterland of the Kerko grassland. Because this forest is rich in materials, it is not only suitable for grazing, shelter from wind and rain, but also can resist the attack of warcraft. Therefore, the Lido tribe stayed after finding it more than a thousand years ago.

After thousands of years of construction, a relatively large town has been completely built in the whole forest. The number of the people living in Lido is more than 10,000, which is a relatively large tribe.

However, just because the good mountains and rivers occupied by the Lido tribe are the territory, which has aroused the envious eyes of many large tribes around them. They often bring people to attack the Lido tribe, hoping to drive Lido out of the forest and occupy such a safe and beautiful settlement.

However, the grassland nomadic peoples are all brave and war-friendly. After thousands of years of nourishment, there are more than 3,000 good hands in the tribe. In addition, a high and thick wall has been built around the tribe, and many tribes have not been able to attack.

Ten days in a blink of an eye.

At noon, Haotian and others drove three carriages and finally came to this beautiful forest called 'paradise' by grassland people.

Haotian looked out from the window of the carriage. In the distance, this forest covers an area of about 20 miles, which is not large, but the trees are quite dense and extremely tall, and the canopy shaded the sun looks very quiet. Several small peaks surround the periphery of the forest, forming a natural protective barrier, enclosing the central basin extremely safely.

However, this seemingly safe forest does not seem to be really safe.

On three sides around the forest, a lot of people gathered at this time. Looking at their strong bodies, killing faces, steel knives and spears in their hands, there is no need to guess that they came to attack the other three tribes of the Lido tribe again.

"Someone is attacking the Lido tribe."

In the middle of the carriage, Cassius, who jumped off, poked his head out of the window of the carriage and looked ahead and screamed.

Only Haotian and Kashu ride this carriage. The front one is Yan Feng and three soldiers to protect Colmore, and the latter one is the other three members of the kamikaze mercenary regiment.

Originally, according to the meaning of Yan Feng and Colmore, Haotian was allowed to ride alone, but Haotian didn't want to be too different in this team, so he pulled the youngest Ka Xiu, and there were people chatting on the road.

"Stop." In the front carriage, Yan Feng's order came, and the driver of the three carriages immediately pulled the reins and stopped the carriage.

Everyone got out of the carriage and looked at the forest a few miles ahead. Rough judgment, in front, left and right, three directions, a total of more than 5,000 people gathered on the edge of the forest, one by one with spears and knives, killing the sky.

"The Huangfeng tribe, the bud tribe, the barley tribe... Shit, it's these three big tribes that conspired to attack the Lido tribe..."

Colmore looked at the direction of the forest. The fourth-level warrior did not give him much combat effectiveness, but gave him a good eye. After careful observation for a while, he saw which side the three people and horses belonged to, and his heart immediately picked up.

"Mr. Hao, please save my daughter!" He turned around and looked at Haotian, his eyes were slightly rapid and full of prayers.

His daughter is still in the Lido tribe. If Lido is captured, isn't his daughter also in danger? So he could only pray that Haotian could save his daughter. As for the Lido tribe, it was beyond his imagination and there was nothing he could do.

"We took a detour and entered the town of the Lido tribe from the path behind the forest."

Haotian scattered his mind and covered the whole forest in front of him. He found that the people and horses of the three tribes were only in the stage of dispatching troops and generals at this time. Before attacking, he was ready to enter the Lido tribe first from a path found in his mind.

Everyone got into the carriage and ran to the left, far away from the forest.

The sun gradually darkened, and they had already made a big circle behind the forest covering an area of about 20 miles. Dimly, the people and horses belonging to the barley tribe on the left have sounded the horn of attack, and the sound of killing continues to come.

Three carriages quietly ran into the forest along a path. At night, they cooperated with the archer Bian Jun and climbed to the top of the carriage. Bows and arrows were ready to shoot sharp arrows from time to time and shoot some monsters hidden in the trees and grass.

When a small town surrounded by a tall wooden wall appeared in front of them, the main door of the town was in the midst of hot fighting, with howls, screams, roars, roars, curses...

The small door at the back of the town may be hidden and has not been found. Unexpectedly, there is no one else except an elderly person guarding a small tower.

And this old man, who is almost 50 years old, seemed to be frightened by the fierce fight at the front door or something, looking at him trembling in an old wooden chair on the tower.

"Huh? It's the head of the Zhang family.

The carriage stopped a hundred meters outside the wooden wall. Colmore poked out and saw the old man on the tower inside the wooden wall, as if he was stunned, and then shouted happily. He immediately jumped out of the carriage and ran straight to the wooden wall.

Hao Tiannian has been paying attention to this forest, and every plant and tree here is exploring his mind.

But when he saw the old man in his building, his face suddenly changed. He knew everything in the town, even a few people, the proportion of men and women, he knew clearly. However, in the mind, only the old man in the tower was not found.

As far as I can see, it is clear that this thin old man nestled in a wooden chair has white hair and a thin face, but is quite ruddy. A pair of eyes emit elite light. What is strange is that his pair of ears are actually bigger than ordinary people, long and pointed, shaped like cat ears.


As soon as Haotian saw it, he immediately knew that the old man was an elf.

The appearance of the elves is described in many books, and it is matched with vivid pictures. And the real elf, he has also entered Suzanne, the emperor of the elf king family.

"It is a great honor for our Li Duo family to come to our door! Sir, please come this way.

The thin old man was missing on the tower, and the five-meter-high wooden wall suddenly opened a three-meter-wide door. The old man looked at Haotian with a smile in his majestic standing door.

"There is this strong man in the Lido tribe. If those three tribes want to attack Lido, it's like an egg or a stone."

Haotian sighed slightly from the bottom of his heart, got out of the carriage, walked over to meet the old man, and arched his hand and said, "I hope the old gentleman will forgive me if you are not invited."

When Colmo ran under the wooden wall, suddenly there was a flower in front of him, and he saw an open door hole and the old Zhang's head he said. After being slightly stunned, he was about to say hello and suddenly heard his conversation with Haotian. After many years of doing business, he was shrewd and immediately understood that this old man, who had only been honest in his eyes, was actually a real strong man, and then swallowed the words that were about to be exported and stood aside.

"Jian Haotian, meet the senior!" Haotian came to the door and bowed to the old man. The old man can avoid his divine exploration, which shows that he is stronger than him and dares not be rude.

"Sir, you don't have to be polite. You and I are all holy and deserve to be commensurate with our peers. If you don't dislike it, you can call me brother or Lao Zhang."

This old elf, with a kind smile and a noble atmosphere that seems to have not appeared for a long time, looked at Haotian and smiled.

"Brother Zhang." Haotian was not pretentious and shouted with a smile.

"Hahaha... The high priest calculated that you would come today and specially asked me to wait here... Let's go in." The old elf was only under Haotian's armpit, almost 1.6 meters, but he ran over and put his arms around Haotian's shoulder, which was really funny.

The two entered side by side, and Colmore followed closely by the three carriages followed by the Shenfeng mercenary regiment, and the wooden door was closed with a bang, which was seamless...


The following is the opening of the new book, which is posted in the hope that readers can give some comments!

I also posted it once before, but readers don't seem to have any reaction. This new idea of a new book is tried to be written. I hope everyone can not hesitate to say anything. Even if the evaluation is perfect, it can let the little snake know what's wrong... Ha ha! Thank you!

Chapter 1 Qin Ren

In the south of the Qingfeng Empire, 50 miles west of Wufeng City, there is a small stone city called Mountain City.

The interior of the mountain city is all made of black stone, which is small in scale, at most slightly larger than the market town, and the population of the city is also less than 20,000 to 30,000.

The sky gradually darkened, and the scattered starlight became a little bright.

Go north on the main road of the city, and there is a dilapidated temple on the edge of the slum not far from the North Gate.

In this dilapidated temple, it was dedicated to the God of Wealth. However, because it is located in a slum, the residents of the city moved the statue of the God of Wealth to the east of the city and built a larger temple to worship in the east of the city. As a result, this old temple was in disrepair and became a palace for beggars to shelter from the wind and rain.

Beggars can be said to be a group living at the bottom of this society. They make a living by begging. No matter how rich and powerful the country is, such a group will always exist.

At this time, a group of old and young beggars with dilapidated clothes in the ruined temple walked out of this room to protect them from the wind and rain and give them a warm comfort nest. They want to take advantage of the nightfall and the bustling entertainment venues on the streets of the middle of the city begin to open. When the rich people begin to come out for recreation, they can fill in a rich amount of money for their begging.

In this way, there is no need to be exposed to the sun, and there are beautiful women in entertainment venues that are eye-catching and can earn more than during the day. How can beggars not come out?

The whole street is basically a man's paradise. From the street to the end, it is 300 meters long and very wide. Along the street, large and small entertainment venues are lined up on both sides. Such as the fragrant flower garden, the green green, etc., the famous places for pleasure in the mountain city are all gathered here.

After a group of old and young beggars who came out of the ruined temple entered the street, several people chose an entertainment place and implemented a squatting plan at the door in order to make more income.

On the street, in front of the fragrant garden, it is bustling at this time. Under the flashing lights, the girls at the door who invited customers were dressed in flowers, whispering and teasing the men who had passed by.

And in a corner next to the gate, there are three *-year-old male and female beggars, with messy hair that has not been washed for many days, and there is an unpleasant sour smell on their bodies. Their bright eyes looked at three or two groups of men going in and out of the fragrant garden from time to time.

One of the boys is slightly cleaner than the other two, and there are fewer patches on his clothes. Judging from his dusty face, he is also beautiful and handsome.

"Brother Hei, we have been here for so long that we haven't opened yet..." The beautiful little beggar thought that he had been squatting for a long time, his legs and feet were a little numb, and he stood up impatiently and jumped.

"Well, why is it so late? We haven't got one yet!" The only little girl, with a round face and a pair of dimples is so cute.

"Qin Ren, smile, you need to be a little patient. There is no two money in these pockets, and you have to be scolded if you ask them for it. When a rich man comes, as soon as we go up, we will send it tonight. Another black and thin little boy glanced at them with experienced eyes.

Continue to squat.

Time hurriedly, the women dressed in the fragrant garden, and the men welcomed batch after batch. And the three children, their plan to make a fortune, has never succeeded.

At this time, a glow suddenly appeared in the high sky outside the mountain city, and there were several roars from time to time. From time to time, this red and yellow glow of clouds gradually drifted over the city in the roar.

"Hahaha... Xiao Yuanhai, Xiao Yuanjiang, Xiao Yuanhe, I'll see where your three brothers can run this time."

At the front end of Yunxia, there were three strong middle-aged men in yellow flying in mid-air. The three strong men flew to the high sky of the middle street and stopped, turning to look at a mass of red light at a 100-meter distance. In the red light ball, there stands an old man with red hair and red beard. At this time, the red-haired old man laughed with his head held high, and the loud voice sounded the whole mountain city.

"Fire old ghost, although the five elements of our three brothers have entered the Wusheng level for the first time, and your fiery strength is the peak of the Wusheng. It is unknown who will die." The three middle-aged men, led by the most strong man in yellow, sneered.

"Then I'll show you the gap between the first level of martial arts and the peak of the first stage." The red-haired old man roared and punched out. Suddenly, a fiery red air mass punched out and then turned into a fire tiger like a burning flame. Roar!" The hot tiger roared and rushed to the three yellow brothers 100 meters away.

"Second brother and third brother, air wall defense."

The bodies of the three middle-aged men in yellow paused slightly, and three strands of yellow gas rushed out and merged into a yellow transparent air wall in front of them.

The fire tiger is extremely fast and instantly hits the yellow round gas wall. The collision between the fire tiger and the yellow air wall only made the air wall wriggle like water ripples, but it did not break the air wall.


A loud noise like thunder spread all over the earth in the sky.

The fierce and fast impact made the fire tiger explode, and the red light flew everywhere. However, all four flew at a very high altitude, and these four-shot red gas were much weakened when they flew to the ground. Touching the roof of the house on the ground only makes some tiles crack.

Although the red light-like momentum has weakened a lot, shooting on the crowds on the street can still hurt people. Suddenly, the screams of panic came one after another. As a result, the crowd around the whole middle street was hidden and messy.

Hidling in the corner of the street, the beautiful child named Qin Ren raised his head to watch the duel between the four people in the sky. I thought to himself, "Look at the color of the energy emitted by the four people, the red-haired old man is practicing the five elements of fire attribute 'fire strength', while the middle-aged people in the three yellow clothes are practicing the earth attribute 'thick earthy energy'. My father said before that if you cultivate the five elements to the level of martial arts, you can fly. These four people have obviously been cultivated to the level of martial arts saint.

"The fierce power of the holy-level strong man fighting is really terrible. Fortunately, they are fighting at a very high altitude. If it is on the ground, with the power of their Wusheng-level five elements, it is estimated that half of the people in the whole mountain city will be killed and injured. Seeing the momentum flying down from the air ravaged the ground, he was very puzzled. Is it strange? Why did they run over the mountain city to fight?

"Ah!" Seeing that a punch had not broken the air wall formed by the three brothers, he immediately roared again. Two fists came out one after another, and in an instant, a mass of fiery red flame in the sky instantly turned into a fiery tiger and kept bombarding the yellow gas wall.

"Boom! Boom..."

was bombarded by more than 30 fiery tigers one after another, and the yellow gas wall was fiercely shaken. Eventually, it broke into pieces and turned into light energy to dissipate without a trace.

The red light-like fire that flies everywhere is also shot to the ground one after another. Around the middle street, rows of tiles on the roof of the houses were also broken under the continuous shooting.

And a man and a woman beggar standing next to Qin Ren trembled with horror. Brother Qin Ren, I'm afraid." The little girl panicked into the arms of the beautiful boy.

"Don't be afraid of smiling. We hide here and they can't hurt us." Qin Ren hugged the little girl tightly and put her head on her chest.

And the three men in yellow in the sky did not panic when they saw that the air wall was broken. The first strong man frowned slightly and said, "I condensed the air wall defense, and the third brother, you attack the fire old ghost with anger."

Yes! Big brother."

Sus, a slightly smaller air wall condensed in front of the three brothers. The two shorter men in yellow are one on the top and the other on the bottom. His feet quickly sweep out a thick yellow earthy atmosphere like wheels, forming a thick earth gun, shooting at the red-haired old man one after another.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The impact of the fire tiger and the thick earth gun is more violently scattered.

Suddenly, Qin Ren, who looked up at the high-altitude fight, saw a small fire shooting in the direction of him and his smile, and suddenly nervously wanted to avoid it. But the speed of flying was so fast that he still held a smile in his arms and couldn't avoid it at all. Seeing that his energy was about to hit the smile, his only move was to turn around and protect his smile inside.


The sound is very small and crisp. The flying small red gas shot on the back of his head.


Qin Ren suddenly had an itchy throat and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. Blood sprayed on the white wall, blood red, and it was terrible. And he also fell on the floor softly with his smile.

"Brother Qin Ren, Brother Qin Ren..." The smile got up from Qin Ren's arms and saw him spitting blood and his face white. He closed his eyes and didn't know whether he was dead or alive. He immediately shook his body in panic and crying and shouted.

In the sky, the three brothers finally couldn't defeat the red-haired old man. They fled while fighting and flew away from the mountain city where they fought. What was left to the mountain city was just a mess and a group of injured people.

After the four people flew away, the doctors of major pharmacies in the city immediately rushed to Pezhong Street to treat the injured. The treatment after the chaos made the people busy with curses.

Qin Ren, who was hit by the brain with a trace of anger, was not dead, but he was also close to the verge of death. On the back of his head, a blood hole was suddenly knocked out, and the trickle of blood kept coming out.

The smiling face fell on him and cried loudly. She thought her brother Qin Ren was dead. The black and thin little beggar also kept crying.

At this time, an old man who was not far from them with a slight bruise came over. Just now, he also saw Qin Ren being hit in the head. At this time, when he saw that the second child was so sad, he came over and leaned under Qin Ren's nose and said, "Don't cry. He still has breath and is not dead yet."

"Grandpa, do you think Brother Qin Ren is not dead?" Hearing the old man's words, he raised his head with a smile, and his eyes were full of surprise.

"Well, he's still alive... Doctor Ke, come and have a look. This child's head is injured." The old man caught a glimpse of Dr. Koroiko, the doctor of Yaotang, treating the wounded not far away, and immediately shouted.

Coroy, carrying a medicine box, was dressed in a whitewashed shirt and looked very simple. On the kind and rosy face, the snow-white beard flutters in the wind. Although he is a little old, his body is very strong.

"Oh? Brain injury?" Coroy was stunned when he heard the words and then hurried over.

"It turned out to be the soul was damaged..." He reached out and touched Qin Ren's head, and Coroy was slightly shocked. He simply bandaged the wound for him, turned to the old man and said, "Help me take the child back to the medicine hall with me."


Huafeng Street is the oldest small street in the mountain city, with colorful traces of time on the houses. The shops on this street are all old shops that have been passed down from generation to generation.

And Coroy, known as a magic doctor, opened his 'medicine hall' on Huafeng Street.

The inner room of the pharmacy hall. Alas! The soul has been so damaged that there has been a big crack. After standing by the bedside to check Qin Ren's brain scars, Coroy frowned and said to himself.

After thinking for a moment, Coroy walked to a wooden cabinet in the corner of the room, took out a thumb-sized small porcelain bottle from the wooden cabinet and returned to the bedside. Open the cork, drip a drop of emerald blue ** from it in the palm of your hand, and then gently rubbed it on Qin Ren's forehead. I hope that the 'wood spirit liquid' can repair the cracks in his soul, otherwise..." In the rubbing, his palm gradually glowed a faint cyan light and kept penetrating into Qin Ren's mind.

The palm of his hand kept rubbing and rubbing, and Coroy closed his eyes to feel the damaged soul in Qin Ren's mind. In vain, he opened his eyes, stared at Qin Ren's head, and shouted with great shock: "Two souls..."

"Fifty years ago, I read it in a book recording difficult and miscellaneous diseases, but I didn't expect... The two souls of life, the two souls will die. Only with soul melting grass and soul cultivation liquid can have one hope of survival." Coroy closed his eyes again and observed the two souls deep in Qin Ren's mind. However, at this time, the two souls do not need to melt the soul grass and soul cultivation liquid, and they are already fused.

He found in Qin Ren's mind that there was still a weak soul in the soul that had been damaged and cracked.

Moreover, this weak soul is still growing, but the injured soul is about to break away. No, it is the injured soul that integrates into the weak soul, causing the weak soul to gradually become stronger.

One soul, two souls merge with each other.

He has never seen such a thing, and it is also the first time he has encountered it in his life. It's just that 50 years ago, I accidentally saw a case of the symptoms of the two souls of life in a book recording difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

He has excellent medical skills and has extremely high methods for the treatment of soul injuries. But he has never met such a wounded person with two souls in his mind. In addition, there has been no soul-melting grass in Tang Ming mainland for many years. Therefore, he is helpless. Qin Ren's two souls are merging. Whether he can survive or not depends on whether the fusion of the two souls will be abnormal and his own willpower.

However, although he can't treat it, he can feel the fusion of his two souls. It can not only give him a deeper understanding of the soul, but also provide a more perfect treatment basis for some people whose brains are injured and their souls are injured in the future.

Qin, who was lying in a coma, was completely unconscious at this time. He didn't know that there were two souls in his brain, let alone that the two souls were gradually blending in the depths of his mind.

In this way, Qin Ren was unconscious in the medicine hall for a whole month. During this month, Coroy would come every day to explore the harmony of his soul. And the magic doctor Ke also found that the soul, which should have been weak, became stronger and stronger day by day after absorbing the injured soul.

Finally, one night, his eyelashes shook slightly, and then a fine crack opened in his eyes.

"Where is this... I didn't die... Didn't I... be stabbed to death by the robber?" In a daze, Qin Ren muttered to himself. Strange? Why do I have more strange memories in my mind? What five elements of energy, Mulian Island, Tangming mainland... messy." In an instant, I fell asleep...


"Doctor Ke, have you recovered from my injury?" One morning ten days later, Qin Ren sat in **, while Coroy checked his brain injury.

"Congratulations! You have fully recovered." Coroy nodded with a kind face and smiled.

The fusion of the two souls in Qin Ren's mind not only brought him back to life, but also had the memory of two people.

When you die and your soul crosses, the bloody scene will also happen to you. However, he was extremely happy in the ten days when he was able to live and wake him up. He also asked him to spend ten days sorting out the memories left by the fusion of the two souls.

In his memory, there are some more messages, some information about the current world.

The world is called Tangming Continent, which is composed of four countries.

The country he is in is called the Qingfeng Empire, which is the most powerful and rich country of the four empires. The Qingfeng Empire is located in the eastern part of the Tangming mainland, bordering the North Plain Empire in the north and the Haiwei Empire in the south, bordering the boundless East China Sea. The West is the Leo Empire. The central region is the holy land of the whole Tangming continent - the sacred land of the green sea.

As long as people in the Tangming mainland have one of the five elements attributes of 'gold, wood, water, fire and earth', they can cultivate the five elements and become a martial artist.

The five elements are divided into seven levels, including martial arts, warriors, great warriors, martial arts masters, great martial arts masters, martial arts saints, and martial arts gods. If you practice the five elements to a higher level, you can become a very powerful master. Even if you practice to the level of martial arts, you can fly in the sky. And the god of war, that is the legendary existence.

However, at the thought of returning to the beggar's nest in the broken temple, he had a big head. This child with the same name is really pitiful. He was originally a happy family, but his parents were robbed and he became a beggar.

"Alas! It actually gave me such a 'promising' career..."