Star of War

Chapter 198 The Power of Thunder Grid

Seeing that Haotian killed the middle-level mythical beast, Melina and Susanna had a blind sense of trust in him. They believed that he could stop this group of ancient flying beasts full of violence and murderous pursuit, and even wipe out the murderer.

Therefore, Melina and Susanna, the two subordinate star gods, took one by one, and took Dora and Zhan San to fly forward quickly, instantly disappearing in the white fog.

Haotian stopped, and his magnificent figure stood in mid-air, with a strong wind blowing on his face, his eyes narrowed, and his eyes were constantly flying close to the dragon eagles.

"A lot of souls... a lot of spiritual power..."

In the soul star array, the spirit Xiaori looked at this group of ancient fierce beasts, the dragon eagles, and their lips kept grinding, as if they were extremely greedy.

He is the main artifact spirit. After the fall of the main god of the sun, the main artifact was also damaged, and the spirit naturally suffered a lot of damage. The main component of the artifact is the soul consciousness. In order to restore the damage of the soul consciousness, it naturally needs the spiritual power of the biological soul to make up for the repair.

In the star array, the spirit day is thinking about the soul spirit of this group of fierce beasts. Outside, Haotian stared at the huge dragon eagle with a trail of golden light at the end of the wings and feathers in the middle surrounded by the group of dragon eagles.

This dragon eagle is twice as large as other dragon eagles, with wings spreading 30 meters, and a dragon head is extremely large, with a touch of golden light in its red eyes, and its power flows in it.

Obviously, this dragon eagle is the most powerful and is the dragon eagle king.


The dragon head eagle sings, extremely bright, full of sound waves that shock the soul.

Haotian's intuitive soul was shaken, and even the star array shook slowly, making his soul feel extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the main artifact was suppressed in the star array, and a golden light appeared on his soul, completely isoling this soul-shaking sound wave, which was relieved.

The cry of the Dragon Eagle King contains the sound wave of soul attack, which is obviously testing Haotian.

The wisdom of ancient fierce beasts is really high.

When it saw Haotian's face change, it was obviously attacked by its sound waves and its soul was uncomfortable. However, in an instant, it returned to normal, and the dragon's blood and red eyes and golden pupils were even more brilliant, and a trace of murderousness began to steam.


Another chime, and the sound was still extremely loud, but it did not contain a soul attack, but made an order to attack the dragon eagles.

At the order of the Dragon Eagle King, this group of ancient fierce beasts, the dragon eagles, roared loudly and flapped their wings. Countless hurricanes swept out from under their wings, and their huge bodies swept towards Haotian with the hurricane.

Each dragon's wings spread more than ten meters, and hundreds of dragon eagles rose up and besieged. These scenes are extremely spectacular and can be described as overwhelming.

Haotian is like an ant standing in front of an elephant in front of this group of fierce beasts. The only difference is that Haotian's strength is not as weak as an ant, but as strong as a dragon.

Lei Yunshuo, the top-quality artifact in the soul, floated above his head, and the virtual shadow of the girl appeared on the surface of Lei Yunsuo, surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the deterrent was strong.

The artifact contains strong divine power, and the power is extremely strong. People with low strength will only feel the palpitations that shake the soul when they see such magic soldiers, and can't judge the level of the magic soldier. However, after their strength reaches a high point, with the super sharp sensing of the soul, they can see that The artifact even vaguely guessed the level of the artifact.

This dragon and eagle king is obviously a powerful fierce beast. After Haotian sacrificed Lei Yunsuo, his eyes shrank slightly and there was a trace of fear. However, this little frightened, and the blood-red eyes flashed slightly, and once again became violent and murderous.

"Wo!" The Dragon Eagle King shouted loudly, and the sound waves directly tore the hurricane in front of him into pieces.

In the sound of the dragon eagle group, its wings fanned more fiercely, and the speed of lightning rushed to Haotian, flying with a murderous atmosphere.

Haotian and the dragon eagle group are still two or three miles away, but in this short time, the dragon eagle group has surrounded him, and then--


Hundreds of dragon eagles got up and shouted, and the sound waves shocked the sky. Hundreds of souls attacked the sound waves and hit the soul of Haotian.

And when Haotian got up and shouted in the dragon eagle group, he was slightly stunned and immediately smiled faintly.

If the dragon and eagle group besiege by physical attack, he will be a little worried, but he is really not worried about the soul attack at all.

My soul has long been protected by the power of the main god shot by Xiao Ri, and I am not afraid of soul attack at all.

"Soul attack sound wave..." Haotian smiled indifferently, glanced at the dragon eagle group, then stared at the dragon eagle king a few miles away, and smiled, "I will also..."

He can also use soul attack methods. What he met before was a mythical beast. Its soul is really super strong. His soul attack is not as good as one-tenth of others, so he did not attack the mythical beast. However, although the sound wave of this dragon eagle king is strong, it is not as good as the mythical beast. He dares to fight with him.

His soul was shocked, and there was a star array of 108 silver stars, one of which was covered with green by life. A bright light flashed out of the star array and shot away at the dragon eagle.


This dragon eagle king's wisdom is extremely high. When he saw the soul attack shot by Haotian from his soul, he immediately shouted, and the sound wave shook the air, pushing like waves, impacting into the emerald green rays.


An explosion exploded in the air that only one person and one beast saw. The hurricane was destroyed and dissipated. The air kept shaking and spreading out and rumbling.

The huge body of the dragon eagle king was shocked, and Haotian was pushed back by this fierce explosion, and his back was close to a dragon eagle.

The dragon eagle obviously saw the opportunity. Its wings flapped, its body shot obliquely forward, and a pair of steel claws like fine steel went straight to Haotian's head.

However, although this dragon eagle is strong and wise, it still has a lot of gaps with people. It completely ignores the top-quality artifact Lei Yunsuo above Haotian's head.

When the dragon eagle's claws grasped the top of Haotian's head like fine steel, Lei Yunsuo suddenly burst out a thunder and lightning power, and lightning formed a layer of lightning grid, directly covering the claws of the dragon eagle.


Only a shock was heard, and the lightning power grid was attached to the claws of the dragon eagle, and the lightning suddenly melted into its claws and spread up along the claws.

In an instant, this dragon eagle, who thought he had seized the opportunity, was immediately blackened by the thunder and lightning from the thunder and clouds. The smell of barbecue spread in the sky and was swept away by the hurricane in an instant.

The dragon eagle directly turned into coke in the castle. While falling, its body was torn into pieces by the hurricane, and then ground into powder and dissipated with the wind.

Haotian was pushed back by his soul shot into the power that hit the sound wave of the dragon eagle king. He immediately felt that there was a dragon eagle behind him taking the opportunity to attack. When he thought that he would be hit forward like a ball, he instinctively looked sideways and saw the thunder cloud shuttled out. The charred dragon eagle in the net of thunder and lightning.

"What a strong power of thunder and lightning..."

Haotian sighed from the bottom of his heart and loved Lei Yunsuo more.