Star of War

Chapter 28 Get out

The colorful light mass is quite huge, with a diameter of 100 meters, and the light inside is shining, colorful and beautiful. The light seems to have life, shooting straight out or hovering in the light mass, building an extremely orderly and mysterious map in the light mass.

This map, which is so complex that the human brain is difficult to sort out, slowly rotates from left to right at a constant speed.

The source of the colorful rays, the central area of the light mass, has a narrow space. Except for the extreme brightness, there is no colorful rays in the space. In this narrow space, there is a teenager with hazy golden light all over his body.

The teenager was naked, and his skin highlighted the fluorescent golden color. Even the long hair scattered on his head was golden color. Even his slightly opened eyes, his pupils shot out golden light.

The teenager's body is slightly thin, but his muscles are quite developed and full of explosive power. A slightly immature face, extremely beautiful.

If Haotian's divine consciousness can penetrate the colorful light, it will be shocked and inexplicably.

This young man with bright golden light all over his body is the main artifact of the sun, Xiao Ri.

"It's almost, just a little bit, but it's a pity..." The golden teenager lay his head slightly raised, and his eyes stared at the two gray shadows outside the light mass through the dense colorful light map. For a moment, he seemed to give up a gentle sigh, "Although I am not recognized by heaven and earth and endowed the power of the Lord God, but with the wisdom far beyond countless people and the peerless talent in cultivation, I have created this colorful glazed realm that can fight against the Lord God... Unfortunately, the sky does not love me, and the earth does not allow me, the most At the second moment, she was detected by Ye Liweiya, a dead woman, and was abruptly broken by the heart of the original glazed realm... Alas! Now I have lost all my strength, and my soul has broken into nothingness, leaving only a touch of consciousness. How many years can I recover..."


Haotian and Ao Fang's two souls are only ten meters away, but for the souls of both sides who are incomplete and their spiritual power has basically disappeared at this moment, this distance is simply like heaven.

As time goes by, their souls move extremely slowly on the colorful light mass and slowly approach each other.

However, when the other party struggled to move their souls and wanted to join hands to fight against the devouring power of the colorful light mass, the gorgeous light tied more and tightened, and more powerful forces poured out to pull their souls into the light mass.

"No, if it goes on like this, you will be pulled into the light mass without contact with Ao Fang..." Half of Haotian's soul fell into the barrier group, and countless gorgeous colorful lights were tightly bound to the upper half of the soul, which had strangled deep traces, and the powerful force wanted to drag them into the light mass.

Obviously, the colorful light group has life, can feel their thoughts and practices, and is blocking their approach.

Haotian's only eye glowed with tough eyes. He looked at the Aofang dragon soul not far from him, but it was like the end of the world. Half of his mouth was slightly opened, and he suddenly roared a violent roar. Half of the remnant soul gushed with the silent sound waves and pulled back, which actually trapped his upper body in the light curtain. Out of the light mass, however, his upper body was still wrapped in countless rays and tightly strangled.

As the upper body of the remnant soul left outside the light mass, Haotian opened his mouth again and roared again, and silent waves suddenly sprayed on the side of the light mass, and a strong rebound directly hit the remnant soul of Haotian.


There is no sound, but it is a loud and shocking illusion.

Haotian took advantage of this heavy rebound force, and the remnant soul moved quickly to the left.


The remnant soul rushed quickly, crossed a distance of ten meters, and pounced on the illusory dragon soul of Aofang.


At this moment, the almost blurred dragon's eye flashed a flash, and the illusory and ethereal dragon soul suddenly appeared with a strong spiritual power. The soul that had been lying on the side of the light ball turned over and turned into a horizontal face. The dragon claws of the limbs were raised, and half of the remnant soul of Haotian was held into his arms.

The spirit spewed out and quickly invaded into the remnant soul of Haotian.

"Sure enough, he wants to devour my soul..." As soon as Haotian saw Ao Fang's behavior, he immediately knew what he wanted to do. However, he is not worried. Although he only has half of the remnant soul, and his spiritual power is extremely weak, what is left in this half of the soul is not a sense of consciousness, but 54 complete consciousness. After Ao Fang's dragon soul merges with his remnant soul, he can attack him with this unique 54 consciousness and devour Ao. Fang's dragon soul.

The two souls came into contact and began to open the fusion of mutual devouring. Who will devour whom depends on the strength and scheme of the individual.

It didn't take much time to merge. In a short short film, Haotian's remnant soul and Ao Fang's dragon soul merged together.

With this moment, Ao Fang's dragon soul spewed out strong spiritual power again and began to devour the remnant soul of Haotian. However, at this moment, Haotian also tried his best to mobilize his 54 consciousness to make anti-devouring.

The battle begins between the souls of the two.


Ao Fang snorted silently, and every trace of spiritual power exerted twelve points of power, devouring the spiritual power of Haotian.

But Haotian was not willing to lag behind and integrate his consciousness into the spiritual power, let Ao Fang devour it, and then began to encircle and suppress his consciousness in Ao Fang's dragon soul.

"Kill it! Kill it! It's better to lose both sides, and then I'll get a profit!" In the narrow space in the center of the colorful light group, the golden teenager saw the souls of both sides devouring each other and fighting, his tired and lazy look disappeared, and his golden eyes flashed with surprise.

Ao Fang's dragon soul has only one consciousness, and Haotian's consciousness invading his soul spirit is indeed as big as 30. Such a huge amount of consciousness, even if each one is much weaker, the numerical advantage still dominates.

Haotian invaded the consciousness of Aofang's spiritual power and launched a fierce attack around Aofang's soul consciousness...


Ao Fang's consciousness was gradually weakened by Haotian's 30 conscious attackers. He dared not roar, and the roar silently was indeed shocking.

However, as his consciousness was gradually broken by Haotian and then swallowed up by him, Haotian's remaining consciousness outside entered Ao Fang's spiritual field, sweeping the whole spiritual position like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, swallowing up Ao Fang's remaining spiritual power and integrating it into his remnant soul.


The full spiritual power of devouring Ao Fang's dragon soul gave birth to a powerful force, without any hesitation, when this strong force was about to surge.


The only left hand and foot supported on the surface of the light mass, and then the spirit gushed, bowed at the waist, bounced, and bounced straight to the sky.


The light wrapped around the body is torn off.

Haotian's remnant soul finally left the entanglement and devourment of the colorful light.

"It's a pity..." The golden teenager's face was full of astonishment, and his golden eyes were stunned, and then he shook his head and sighed.