Star of War

Chapter 30 Hua Yanhai Invitation

It has been half a month since Haotian's soul injury recovered. During this time waiting for the last arrival of the Lanjiang mainland family, in addition to accompanying Rui Ningna Muqingyan and other girls, the rest of the time was basically the strength gained after consolidating and devouring the blood of the dragon in his room, and, I have embarked on the road of understanding the mysterious law of the thunder system.

In this short half month, Haotian's soul has completely recovered as before, his mental strength has been greatly improved, and the time field has also expanded here, reaching a distance of two meters around him. The time in the field has been twice as slow as the time in the outside world. I believe that it won't be long before he will be fully formed in the three stages of time stasis, time acceleration and time reversal. At that time, as long as everything enters the field, it will be constrained by him, and all matter will stand still in front of time.

Skip the level and fight is no longer a difficult thing.

And the perception of the law, the understanding and integration of the law of the wind system is still progressing slowly, but absorbing the blood of the law of the thunder system, his perception of the law of the thunder system is extremely clear, and it has made progress in a few days. The power of the primary law has become clear. I believe that it won't be long before his thunder law Then you can also be promoted to the holy level.

The dual martial arts practice is extremely rare in the whole world of war stars, and even in the kingdom of gods. Just because the practice of the two-line law is far more difficult than that of a single series.

And Haotian is not only a fellow practice of wind and thunder, but also because he is an Apocalypse star, opening 108 soul stars. The road he takes will be a whole line of martial arts, and there will be no bottleneck obstruction. As long as there is no accident, it will be a smooth journey.

On this day, the Lanjiang mainland branch, who had not arrived for a long time, finally arrived at Muxue City.

At the same time, it also announced the beginning of the trial.

"Brother, brother..."

Haoling's joyful cheers came from the small courtyard. With a bang, the door of the living room was knocked open, and Haoling, dressed in a snow-white skirt, ran in with a long black hair. Then, Luqing, an elf in light green clothes, also ran in quickly. On top of her head, there was a small three-lingling spirit bird the size of a fist, Xuanqi.

"Xiao Ling, what's the matter with being impatient?"

In the living room, Haotian and Rui Ningna and Mu Qingyan were talking about the formal trial martial arts competition three days later. It was a little strange to see the impatient appearance of Haoling and Lu Qing, two innocent girls.

"Brother, two of the clans from Lanjiang mainland are subordinate gods!" Haoling's face was slightly surprised, and there was a strange look in his eyes.

"Oh?" Haotian's face was slightly stunned. The people who returned to the family headquarters in Lanjiang mainland arrived at Muxue City yesterday evening, but because he had been practicing behind closed doors for the past few days, no one came to disturb him. That is, Rui Nina and Mu Qingyan came with him, and he just knew that the Lanjiang people had arrived.

However, when the Lanjiang people arrived, the two daughters of Reningna did not pay attention to it, so it was not clear how many people and their strength were.

I didn't expect that there were two lower god-level clans.

The four branches of the family have returned to the family headquarters, basically all of whom have been gifted for thousands of years. Most importantly, few people over 100 years old return to the family headquarters every thousand years. In other words, if he fails to advance to the holy level before the age of 100, it means that his cultivation talent is not good, and his hope of advancing to the divine level is extremely slim. And Lanjiang mainland unexpectedly produced two people who were promoted to the divine level before the age of 100... What a terrible cultivation talent, which can be called a demon.

"Little spirit, do you know which of these two gods are from?" Haotian's thoughts flashed in his mind and he couldn't help asking in shock.

"Well, I know that one is from the Su family and the other is from the Nancheng family. Both of them are men and super handsome." Haoling said with great interest, and his face looked like a nymphomaniac.

Haotian looked at his sister's expression and stared at Rui Nina and Mu Qingyan, his eyes full of surprise and depression.

When will the innocent sister become obsessed with nymphomaniac?

He thought to himself.

The two girls jumped out to play again. Haotian fell into meditation in the room, and Rui Ningna and Mu Qingyan did not dare to disturb him. They went to the side and whispered.

The journey of cultivation is full of ups and downs. As long as the wisdom and talent are not far behind, they can reach the top in their lifetime, but above the holy level is not. The holy level is divided into three realms, star master, star general and star king. The difficulty of each realm will be more than a thousand times that of martial arts below the holy level. Most importantly, if the martial arts monk's understanding of the law is not clear, he may stay in the realm of the star master for the rest of his life and have no further progress. Even if you can clearly understand the elements of the law, you may stop in the realm of the star king and have no hope for life. Because the integration of laws is thousands of times more difficult than the perception of laws.

One hundred years is a long journey of life for ordinary people, but for martial arts monks above the holy level, a hundred years is just a few retreats!

As the saying goes, all ants below the divine level! The meaning of this sentence is that only when you reach the divine level can you be regarded as a strong martial arts practice.

The lower god is already a strong man who has mastered the primary law and mastered the high law.

It is not a simple person to be able to practice to the divine level in just a hundred years. The Su family and the Nancheng family, two branches of Lanjiang mainland, unexpectedly produced a lower Protossman respectively.

Haotian's thoughts slowly turned, and he was a little curious about the two clans who had been cultivated to the next god within a hundred years.

But when he was ready to see the geniuses of the two collateral clans, he received the invitation of the Lord of Huayan Mansion.

When Haotian came to the main building of the manor, he saw a man sitting in a black robe sitting in the living room tasting tea, while Duanmuzuifeng accompanied him respectfully.

The old man's name is Huaran, and he is the housekeeper of the lord of Huayanhai Mansion, with medium divine strength. Huaran's body was slightly thin, his hair was snow-white, and he looked quite old. However, his face was extremely ruddy and his skin was shiny, not as pale and boring as the old man. If you just look at his face, he is completely a man in his prime.

Huaran saw that Haotian had arrived, so he didn't stay too much. After saying a few polite words with Duanmu, he walked out of the manor with Haotian.

A luxury carriage was parked in front of the gate of the manor. Many ancestors of the family led by Duanmuyaofeng saw Huaran drive away.

The four families are regarded as powerful hegemons in the Eastern Land, and there are four powerful people in the clan. However, as the head of Huayan's mansion in Xilu and a strong two-line law, Hua Yanhai has been on an equal footing with the four families. Therefore, although he came at this moment, although he was the housekeeper of the house, Duanmuzuifeng did not dare to neglect anything. He sent him off from the way to meet him, he was respectfully accompanied by his future.

The blood crystal mountain is majestic and dangerous from afar. However, when you are in the scene, it is really shocking. The whole huge peak is composed of blood-red crystal, which does not grow a single grass or tree. Almost a whole piece of blood-red crystal is angular, and the sun shines, reflecting a dazzling red light, just like a sea of blood.

There is an exquisite courtyard at the foot of Xuejing Mountain. Next to the small courtyard is a mountain road leading to the mountain, winding and winding to the north of Xuejing Mountain.

The carriage stopped in a small courtyard under the mountain, and Hua Ran took Haotian up the steps. Soon, the two turned west and circled north.

What Haotian saw was a huge gap. At the gap, an extremely magnificent manor was built layer by layer to the top of the mountain.

The manor is no different from ordinary luxury houses, with pavilions, rockery fountains, flowers all over the ground, lush vegetation, straight trees, and a beautiful fairyland on earth.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this huge manor is a mansion of a rich family, except for envy and jealousy. However, in Haotian's eyes, he was shocked.

The blood crystal mountain can't grow even a small grass at all. The whole blood crystal mountain is made of blood-colored crystal stone, without a trace of soil and a drop of water. However, in this place where plant life cannot grow, the vegetation is lush, flowers like the sea, and ancient trees towering... Haotian can't help but look at the ground. On the top, there is no grain of sand, no pinch of soil, and the plant is completely planted in the blood crystal.

"Hehe! This is the owner's magic power to transform the material structure of the blood crystal, so that the blood crystal can raise plants. Huaran, who led the way forward, seemed to know Haotian's thoughts at this moment. He suddenly looked back at him and smiled gently.

"Transform the material structure..." Haotian was even more shocked and his eyes were straight.

All objects in the world have their own inherent structure. Air has the natural material structure of air, and the natural material structure of clear water has clear water. It is not difficult to change some simple structures in these substances. As long as they reach the divine level, they can do it, but it is impossible to completely change the subtle structure of matter. It's like turning a stone into gold, which is impossible.

Blood crystal is an extremely hard crystal that can be used as a material for forging weapons. It is almost impossible for such materials to contain water and nutrients for plants to absorb. However, Huayanhai has transformed the material structure of the blood crystal, making the blood crystal rich in moisture and nutrients... This is completely changing the blood crystal into soil. Although it is easier than turning stones into gold, such a great power can't be done by ordinary gods at all.

"It really deserves to be a strong double-line law..." Haotian sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Many people can destroy the material structure, such as kneading hard fine steel into powder, and simply changing the material structure. God-level strongmen can also do it, such as condensing fragile objects to more than ten times harder than 100 times the body.

But it is necessary to transform the material structure inside the object and turn one object into another object. In addition to the main god, some powerful great perfect star gods can do it.

At this moment, Haotian has a real admiration for the great perfect star god in charge of one of the four mansions in Xilu.

"Perhaps, only the two-series strong can transform the material structure in this way and turn one substance into another!" He thought to himself.

Soon, the two came to the gate of the manor.

At this moment, at the gate, a young man in white clothes leaned against the door frame of the gate with a smile and looked at Haotian coming from afar.

"Brother Haotian." Huashan greeted him with a simple smile.

"Huashan." Haotian also laughed.

The two hugged happily. Huashan looked at Haotian and smiled, "Brother Haotian, I wanted to find you a few days ago, but I heard from my father that you have been practicing in isolation these days, so I dare not disturb you. How about it? Has your strength improved?"

Although Huashan's strength is also the realm of holy stars, it weakens Haotian a lot, and you can't see Haotian's real strength realm.

"Well, there has been a breakthrough these days, and it has been closed for a few days." Haotian nodded with a smile.

"Let's go. Let's go in. Father is waiting."

The two walked into the manor together, and the housekeeper Huaran did not know when he had quietly left.