True King

Chapter 124 Achievement of the Destiny

Chapter 124 Achievement of the Destiny

A golden gate floated in the air. Yang Suxun took a look and did not hesitate to step in and went in.

I heard from the demon cicada that this is the lifeless door he created. As soon as he enters this door, there is no life and no destruction, and the world is long.

However, only others can enter this door, but he can't get in by himself.

Because his level is so high that even his projection is so powerful.

If you go in, the golden gate will soon be shattered by him, leaving no slag.

Only some people with low levels can be effective if they enter.

When it comes to this, the living space will appear, and the time in it is extremely slow.

Time is fixed!

Only in this way can we know how much time has passed.

He gave Yang Suxun half a year of time to retreat, and the time outside is uncertain. The time and space are distorted, and the time is fast and slow. No matter how powerful you are, you can't calculate how much time has passed. The magic cicada is no exception, and he can't do it.

I'm afraid immortals may not be able to do this!

Fortunately, he has no life, and he can control the time in that space.

Set the time to half a year!

That is half a year in the Xuanyuan world.

If this time can be fixed, ordinary monks can't do it at all.

Only an old monster like him can do it.

When Yang Suxun entered it, he felt the passage of time. The speed of time made him feel an extremely cordial taste, just like seeing his relatives who had been separated for many years.

He knew that this was the time flow of Xuanyuan's original world.

He looked at the space around him. There was nothing here, no sky, no land.

As soon as he walked in, he floated in the void.

When a person enters here, it seems that he can float at will.

"Why is there no trace of aura here?" Yang Su searched the surrounding environment, but there was no aura at all.

How to practice?

"Ky, don't worry about here. You can have as much aura and vitality as you want." While Yang Su was wondering, the voice of the magic cicada came in.

"What? Senior, don't joke. What's the spirit here? Nothing. Except for time and space, I'm the only one here. I haven't seen or felt anything else. Yang Suxun said.

"Real?" The devil cicada said.

"Senior, don't play with me!" Yang Suxun is extremely depressed and really wants to say [If you have something to say, fart quickly!].

There is nothing in this place, but this old monster said that it has aura and can't be used up. How much is it? Isn't this playing with him and brushing him?


A spiritual charm came.

Yang Suxun was very surprised to see this spiritual charm flying towards him.

However, he did not hesitate at all. With a wave of his hand, the spiritual charm came to his hand.

"What is this?" Yang Suxun asked curiously, and the spiritual charm kept flashing in his hand.

"There is no sign of vitality!" The voice of the magic cicada came from.

"Hmm?" Yang Suxun's eyes were full of strangeness.

"Take this charm and summon it. If you want any aura, you will get any aura, which is very useful." The devil cicada said.

"How to use it?" Yang Suxun looked at this charm and didn't know how to use it.

"Spell a breath of energy in the charm, shout at the charm, shout any aura, shout any aura, shout, and come as soon as you shout." The voice of the magic cicada sounded and said.

After that, Yang Suxun tried it and found that it really works. As soon as I shouted the fire aura, a strong fire aura flew over with flames. As soon as he shouted water aura, Yang Suxun immediately found that thick water aura condensed into water beads and flew over. There were fish, shrimps, crabs, water plants, duckweed... There are many aquarium animals and plants.

After these things flew out, they were immediately absorbed by Yang Suxun, and there was nothing left, which was very sharp.

In this way, Yang Suxun kept summoning and absorbing.


The aura here seems to be really endless and endless.

In this retreat, Yang Suxun has been there for half a month.

In half a month, he did not stop for a moment and tried his best to absorb Na's aura every moment.

On this day, he finally felt that his Reiki was almost full and was transformed into soul power. After the mana, he made a "bang" sound. Soul power and mana converge together, overlapping together, clicks, and undergoes transformation.

After most of the day, a rune suddenly appeared in front of Yang Suxun. It was very huge, as tall as 18 feet. With such a big rune, all kinds of runes flashed on it, the light floated, and the white clouds below.

And when it appeared, there was a simple tune singing in the void.

This is his destiny.

At this time, he has broken through.

Break through to the realm of elixir charm, and there is a personal charm that belongs to me and has cultivated by myself. Since then, it has been extremely powerful, and the magic power has progressed again.

He estimated the power of this spiritual charm. At this time, if he sacrifices his own divine charm, the monks in the ordinary armor realm are not opponents, and they will definitely be unable to escape. If they are hit, they will die immediately. Ordinary monks in the realm of Danding should avoid the edge for the time being.

But it is not enough for the master at the peak of Danding.

He estimated that only by further improving his realm and reaching the level of array armor can he challenge the existence of the peak of Danding. Otherwise, you will definitely die.

Of course, even a master at the peak of Danding can't kill him now. Defeat him, no problem. It's still very difficult to kill him. It is even more impossible to subdue him.

Yang Suxun is very satisfied with his performance and feels good about himself.

Then, he didn't stay much.

Continue to absorb aura.

The originally saturated aura immediately declined after gathering the power of the cost of life and charm.

The original charm almost used up all the aura of Yang Suxun.

Now, the mana on his body has been almost consumed.

And those soul power also consumed a large area. Now the elixir soul is very weak. Fortunately, his original elixir soul is very powerful, much stronger than ordinary monks. Ten ordinary monks combine the elixir soul and add up the power. They are not the opponents of his elixir soul and can't compete with his elixir soul at all.

And now, this spiritual charm is many times larger than that of ordinary monks. No wonder it consumes so much aura. It can be imagined that if it hadn't consumed so much, would such a huge charm have been refined? It's impossible. It's like refining magic weapons. The refining quality is high and the power is large. When refining, the mana that must be consumed is also large, and some require a lot of life and blood. The same is true of the divine charm.

Then, he wants to consolidate it. When the spirit reaches the peak state, he can hit the armor again.

At this time, he consumes a lot. First of all, he has to replenish his vitality, otherwise he will be weak and unable to support his body and spirit.

So while summoning the aura and continuing to absorb it, he regulates the qi, calms his mental state, and makes his spirit full. Otherwise, I'm afraid that his breakthrough below will suffer losses.

Bo Bo, all kinds of aura flew over like him.

His skin is absorbing, and the elixir soul is also flying out here to absorb it to its heart's content, gathering all kinds of aura. Now his elixir soul is extremely powerful.

After flying out, you can directly refine the aura into soul power and mana and store it.

Now, the role of the elixir soul is naturally not comparable to that of the past.

His realm has reached the realm of Danfu, which is naturally different.

A stream of flame vitality, fire aura is absorbed by Yang Suxun, water bead vitality, and water essence are absorbed by waves by Yang Suxun's body, as well as earth energy, earth aura, wood essence, wood aura, gold vitality, and gold aura. The five elements are all absorbed by him.

His current body is colorful and very beautiful. On the periphery of his body, all kinds of aura energy are constantly dripping. His skin, as if opening an opening, is constantly swallowing, bringing vitality into his body and transforming aura into mana.

Because the aura is very strong, there is no end, he doesn't have to worry, so his absorption speed is also very fast now. It was very powerful to absorb, and suddenly absorbed a large area.

Slowly, the spirit became fuller and fuller, and slowly, the vitality of the body recovered.

The mana has also returned to its heyday, even more powerful than just now, many times stronger.

Now, everything is ready, the mana has been restored, and the vitality is full, so he can do the next step. The next step is to consolidate the original charm that has just been refined to make it stronger.

Now, his destiny charm is already very powerful. No matter how powerful it is, if it is consolidated, he doesn't know how strong he will be when he reaches the peak, which he is looking forward to.

He can't imagine it now, because he is different from ordinary monks and is more special. Otherwise, it is impossible to condense such a powerful charm.

A series of mana is input into the original charm, so that this huge charm can slowly accumulate energy. It will be better if it is refined with the power of stars. But is there any star power here besides Reiki? There are not even stars.

"Bear, senior, do you have any star power here? Can this powerless charm attract the power of stars?" Yang Suxun still asked strangely.

"Yes, but not much. The power of the stars can only summon a little, otherwise, my magic weapon will be broken and can't be supported." The cicada said.

"Oh! The younger generation understands that they will carefully summon the power of the stars, not much, just a little bit, a little bit is fine. With just a little bit, I can refine this original charm, so that it can quickly transform, become strong, and reach the peak state. Yang Suxun immediately said. While talking, he had already picked up the breathless charm in his hand and shook it.

"Gate of no life, listen to my orders, the power of the stars, urgent, urgent, urgent! Like the law!!..."

Yang Suxun shouted loudly and summoned.


In the void, a crack was suddenly torn.

In this crack, the purple starlight keeps shining, dots, very beautiful, and the whirlpools are as bright as the stars, which are very beautiful.

Yang Suxun hit a formula and took a big move to absorb the power of stars. Between turning hands, he broke into the charm of his own life.

Zizzling! ~~~~Zizz!! ~~~~~~

made a strange sound, which was like a tree being electrocut by lightning.

The power of the stars in this life charm emits twinkling stars, as if they are about to condense and change into the stars in the sky.

This state has continued.

lasted for a long time, and I don't know how long it took.


Suddenly there was a loud "rumbling" sound.

The charm suddenly shrank and expanded, tens of feet, hundreds of feet, thousands of feet, and almost invisible.

It's so powerful! The momentum is extremely huge. Shocking.

Then, Yang Suxun stretched out his hand and pointed around his body. Then he tightened his body.

This process is equally huge and needs to be restored.