True King

Chapter 131 Eight-way Night Rain Overlord Gun?

The Jiuyang Golden Tower has a total of nine, and the first secret has been mastered by Yang Suxun. However, this guy is still not satisfied. This guy is more greedy, but this is also human, but his greed is greedy, which is only accidental. He is not so insatiable when he meets everything, and he is not so far as far as! If he comes to this point, he will definitely have a miserable life. Too greedy, it's always bad.

And now he is just a little greedy. Strictly speaking, this may not be greedy. It's just that he wants to go out and expect to defeat his opponent and win this bet to return to his original place immediately. There is nothing he can do. When he is helpless, he should do something helpless. In his heart, this matter seems to be forced by others, which is inevitable.

However, others have never known his thoughts. Of course, he knows the important thing. In this process, this boy also has a little selfishness. Isn't that nonsense? If there is no selfishness, what will his state of mind and his mental state improve?

Now his cultivation, especially his mood, is not high, which is far worse than many masters. In this case, of course, he will have some selfishness.

Now, he has not been trained by his mind. Under such circumstances, of course, it is difficult to control. His state of mind is not as high as that of the ancients, and he can't reach this state at all. I didn't realize it at all.

Previously, he wanted to get some benefits and tried to open the second one at this stage and during these hours. This was something he didn't expect when he didn't see the key just now. After that, in the process of observing the array and being completely familiar with various arrays, he occasionally found something. Later, he accidentally saw this strange key, and his eyes lit up and remembered what was going on. At this time, selfish greed came to his heart. .

However, he is not greedy at this time, and he can't do it, because if he doesn't do this, he may not be able to beat the disciples of the Daluo Arrow School on the Yuan Emperor's ship.

If you can't beat them, Yang Suxun will run away. I guess it's nothing. It's okay to run away, but it's different now. Here, if he can't beat him, can he run away? Where to go? With his own ability, this boy can't shuttle through so many heavy spaces at all. How much time does it take to go out, shuttle out and return to the Xuanyuan world? He can't estimate that it will take a long time, thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years. Is it worth staying like this? It's not worth thinking about it. He knew that if the demon cicada had not been sealed and could not be rushed away, it would have been out long ago. How could he stay here?

Magic cicada, such a powerful guy is trapped here and can only be projected outside without dissipating for a period of time. Last time, it can be seen that after what he said, it can be heard that this guy can only consume mana and vitality, let the projection shuttle out and stay outside for a short time. After this period, the projection will immediately disappear, which is an obvious phenomenon, that is, the reality that such a strong character as the devil cicada cannot escape. His real body can't get out at all. At least for so many years, he can't get rid of it now. Otherwise, if he left early, would he still stay here to drink the northwest wind? Did you think he was full and had nothing to do?

Yang Suxun thinks very clearly, analyzes clearly, and his heart is naturally transparent. His current thinking has become extremely active, and he thinks about things much faster and more orderly than before. He knew that this probably had something to do with the improvement of his strength. During this period, he has improved a lot and his strength has soared, which can be said to be a rapid progress. Ordinary monks may open their eyes wide when they see it, so why not close their mouths? Who would have thought that there would be so much aura for a very ordinary and low-level hairy boy to absorb? And absorb it to your heart's content, and there are no restrictions. Although this situation is not without, most monks have never encountered it. Even if they haven't encountered it, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that they basically dare not even think about it. Maybe I haven't thought about this for so long. This kind of thing, such a good thing, this thousand-year-old thing, has been encountered by Yang Su for the first time. Luck alone makes people enviable. And this kind of thing is not only met by luck.

Not to mention this, Yang Suxun sat there and felt something after recovering the mana and many vitality consumed. The next moment, he frowned slightly and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, he seemed to have checked his body and checked his whole body with his spirit, as well as his mana.

It's okay not to look at it. At a glance, he was immediately happy.

He looked at it and smiled! A very happy and pleasant smile, with a trace of unconcealed excitement.

At this time, the strength seems to have increased a little, but compared with the previous situation, the increase this time is not so obvious. This may be related to the key to the success of the sacrifice, otherwise there is no way to explain this situation.

After he recovered, he did not get up, but sat on the ground, closed his eyes and sat cross-legged. He has to calm down, otherwise, it will have some impact. Anyway, he can't be too excited now. If he is too excited, he will inevitably be proud. After calms down, there may be many unexpected gains. Of course, Yang Suxun did not have the consciousness to think about these gains. He can't do this!! In this way, you will soon be able to go in the opposite direction. It will also bring many dangers.

Jiuyang Golden Pagoda is not an ordinary tower or an ordinary magic weapon. It is very powerful. On that day, before opening the second, Yang Su saw its strength. Of course, it is far from being the opponent of the Yuan Emperor's ship. If this magic weapon is promoted, it is still very difficult to advance. But it's not as difficult to open another door here as you think. Now Yang Suxun has the key in his hand and has been refined. Everything is under his control, so opening the second building is a piece of cake, and it doesn't take much power. But now, Yang Suxun hasn't started to open it, but he is quiet, recovers his strength, and makes his heart quiet. That feeling will be very Comfortable, just like running water washing the mood, washing away the dust.

I don't know how much time passed. Yang Suxun suddenly opened his eyes, and his spirits were extremely strong. His eyes were shining. Between his breath, his breath was leisurely and continuous.


Then, his mind moved slightly, pointed to the key and shouted.

This sound "Go!!" The echo was still drifting, and the key flew over and suddenly inserted into a seemingly empty portal.

"Open!!!..." Yang Suxun shouted.

This key is very obedient, as if it obeys the master's order and cannot resist. In a blink of an eye, his body turned and made a sound.

This sound is made by the key and the door. The sound is very desolate and harsh. Ordinary people, after hearing it, I'm afraid that they will soon naturally reflex to cover their ears. But Yang Suxun is different. His ear power is very good now. He is not afraid of this sound, nor does he feel uncomfortable. He feels very natural, as if he had never heard these sounds. His face has no expression, his face does not change, and his heart does not beat.

After a while, I only heard a loud noise and the air trembled. The strange door suddenly opened!!

After opening, Yang Suxun flew in!

"Soon, I accidentally found this key, which made me use my mind to refine it in the past few days. Now I have opened this door and entered the second layer of the Jiuyang Golden Tower. OK, OK... OK!! Hahahaha!!" Of course, Yang Suxun was happy at this time, but he only laughed a few times and laughed happily. After that, he regained his calm and was no longer so obvious. Between waving his hand, he suddenly controlled his mood.

Then, Yang Suxun looked around.

The surrounding environment is similar to that of the first floor, which is very similar. It is also a palace with a hall in the hall, which is very beautiful, magnificent and magnificent. The decoration is very exquisite, highlighting a noble pride, and full of charm, dazzling.

The difference is that the formation here is different, and there are some things that look like weapons.

Yes, these are weapons set on each weapon rack.

At a glance, you can know that these weapons are extraordinary. Even the weapons are very powerful, and they are not weaker than ordinary flying swords in their hands.

These weapons are for martial arts warriors. One handle is very unusual.

Everyone knows that this ordinary thing will certainly not be placed here like this. The inside of this golden tower is definitely a treasure.

"Wow, so many weapons! Let's take a look first and play with that. That's good. It's also a good choice to take out one or two!! If I don't need it, I can also give it to others as a gift to some people who follow me as a gift to buy my subordinates in the future!!" Yang Suxun immediately flew over and picked up a weapon from that shelf to have a look.

Soon I felt that this weapon was not suitable for me, so I put it back and didn't practice here.

Then he picked up another weapon, looked at it, then shook his head slightly, and quickly put it down!

Then he picked up another weapon, and this time, his eyes lit up!

This is a snowy gun, a silver gun!!!

"Is this the Eight-way Night Rain Overlord Gun?" Yang Suxun couldn't help but say in surprise.