True King

Chapter 182 Powerful Gun

A piece of snowflakes came down. This is an illusion. Yang Suxun was very clear and didn't care about him. He suddenly opened his hand, grabbed the mirror image in front of him, shattered all the light and shadow inside, pinched it into a vitality, swallowed it into his stomach, and refined it. In this way, Yang Suxun refined all the mirror images one by one without leaving any room. As soon as he touched a period of light and shadow, he completely broke it. Now he has realized many mysteries in the mirror image of the Yuan Emperor. There is only a trace left, and after understanding this trace again, I will completely understand. Yang Suxun's heart is very clear that this trace contains this kind of light and shadow. Only capture the light and shadow, control the situation, stop it, and the scenery inside will not change, and then use some means to bombard these things, crush them, shake them to crush them, and absorb them immediately. After refining, they will definitely be able to get them. If he understands the true meaning, then he will completely understand this mirror image of the Yuan Emperor. More than that, he will also greatly increase his cultivation, ascend to the sky in one step, and even derive it, and suddenly understand all the martial arts magic power of the Yuan Emperor, and can do everything at once. Then the realm will reach the level of Junxian. This is a step-by-step, directly crossing several levels. As long as he integrates the Yuanhuang ship, he can. At this moment, he has refined a lot of light and shadows. He suddenly found that there are still several fairy elixirs hidden inside the Yuanhuang ship. The elixir is sealed. Only by absorbing the light and shadow of this Yuanhuang mirror image can he directly enter the seal, take out the elixir and swallow it. Only he knows the process now, and even Pu Yang outside absolutely doesn't know it. Yang Suxun is very happy. Now he can be said to be much better and has made rapid progress.

When he absorbed these mirror images, his body also suddenly expanded, exploded, exploded into powder, and turned into innate vitality. But the next moment, these innate vitality were recombined. This sudden change was very sharp. Yang Suxun understood that he was about to reach the edge of Junxian, and he was more likely to rob. There is no need to read it, just go through it one step at a time. This is not one among tens of millions of people. Yang Suxun's heart is beating now. He felt that he suddenly became tall, and his body was as huge as a towering mountain, like a giant. No one expected that it was extremely terrible. Even when he went out, he would hit the first master of others at once, which was also very difficult. Originally, if it had been like this, he was not sure, but now he is not universal. Now he is so powerful, which is not powerful, because he is powerful. There will definitely be more powerful, and even powerful means. If they are used one by one, it must be so powerful and powerful that it makes people dumbfounded.

Yang Suxun suddenly attacked. After tens of thousands of punches, all these lights and shadows were cracked, smashed, and not intact at all. Yang Suxun then absorbed the big shou hand and absorbed it crazily.

Above his body, the pores opened, and a breath of vitality spewed out. With a roll, all the things inside were rolled in. There was no trace left, which was very clean. Then, he closed his eyes and finished refining. Messages came from his mind. Then, Yang Suxun was happy and his heart beat with it. When Yang Suxun's heart was beating, he saw that his strength increased sharply and changed dramatically.

Then, Yang Suxun's body suddenly shrank and became like a child, but for a moment and expanded. Then he stretched out his hand and waved it slightly. The mirror images were formed, and dozens of mirror images were formed, which were extremely wonderful. Compared with Zhipu, what that guy used is dozens of times more powerful, even hundreds of times. Yang Suxun just waved his hand very casually. In terms of power and means, he did not fully unfold, and most of them were retained. He was so powerful that he had gained a lot of benefits now. Who is not happy?

Huhu, there seemed to be a wind blowing in his ear. Yang Suxun felt a gust of wind under his feet. There was no doubt that he had come out. After he broke this mirror image, he immediately came out and absorbed the light and shadow, which was equivalent to breaking the mirror image. Now he owns such magical power. Pu Yang, who stood there, exerted magic power, which was actually very difficult. Suddenly, at the moment when Yang Suxun appeared, he spewed out a mouthful of blood and vomited wildly. Yang Suxun could know that this guy must have been injured even if he closed his eyes. When he broke through, the image of the Yuan Emperor controlled by the other party had been completely disintegrated and absorbed. He still did not spit blood, which was strange. If he doesn't spit blood, how can he do it? If he doesn't spit blood, Yang Suxun will spit blood in his eyes.

For good, Yang Su found it in time, otherwise, he would be in trouble. It turned out that Puyang still had a big way to give up his millennium longevity to increase his combat effectiveness. This kind of abandonment is quite crazy.

"I actually let me abandon the millennium longevity yuan in vain. My longevity yuan has paid attention to this mirror image of the Yuan Emperor. I didn't expect that I just paid attention to it and was immediately recognized by you. How did you recognize it?" Pu Yang said that his look was a little ugly, probably because he abandoned Shouyuan.

While he spoke, his eyes were full of anger. When he looked at Yang Suxun, his hand also pointed to him.

"Humph, do you want to take this out and give it to me? This Shouyuan has been refined when I absorbed the mirror image of the Yuan Emperor. Yang Suxun said lightly. He felt a little funny and didn't find it at all. When I first absorbed the mirror, it was just as soon as possible, and I didn't do so much. Now he knows that it was extremely dangerous just now.

Yang Suxun was very clear. When he absorbed it just now, he didn't expect that the other party still had such a good hand. Fortunately, he broke through quickly and did not delay any further, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Now he has absorbed the image of the Yuan Emperor and got so many benefits, so he naturally made a profit.

"What did you absorb? My thousand-year longevity, I am at antagonism with you! Today, if you don't die, I will die. There is no reason for both of them to live in the world. I will never die with you! Take your life! Ah--"Pu Yang went crazy. He never thought that he would lose his wife and soldiers. How can this be? Today, if Yang Suxun is immortal, he will have no peace of mind and can't get rid of his hatred. He wants Yang Suxun to die here, otherwise, he will not only lose face and deserve so much capital, which is not worth the loss.

Who is willing to joke about his life? Pu Yang is also a talented person. He is a genius. He has his own temperament, pride and dignity, anything. Dignity is not allowed to be trampled on by others. Otherwise, what's the point? What's the meaning of life?

Soon, he used powerful means and waved his hands repeatedly. In an instant, there was an extra weapon in his hand, which was a robbery made of arrow gas condensed. The gun looked like the light of stars and moon, an invisible treasure, very ethereal and illusory, but with powerful power. Sense of quantity.

When Yang Suxun saw the gun, his body trembled slightly and stepped back a few steps. The pressure of the gun was unimaginably powerful and incredible.

"What kind of gun is this? It's so strong. This momentum makes me unconsciously under great oppression, like a mountain. What kind of weapon is this? Isn't that too exaggerated?" Yang Suxun's body was actually affected by this momentum, which shows the extraordinaryness of the gun.

After a few steps back, Yang Suxun stopped.

"Ky, take your life! Today next year is the anniversary of your death. Don't blame me for your death. You can only blame yourself for being too arrogant. Even if you die, you can only blame yourself. When you are unlucky and unlucky, you met me. You are dead today." Pu Yang said, and as he spoke, he waved and shook the gun, and the tip of the gun flashed.

Huh? What kind of gun is this? Is it so powerful? Yang Suxun saw the fame and knew the strength of the gun, but he was not afraid, but Xiaoxin was careful not to miss, make sure that he was not injured, and defeated this guy.

"Well, even if his gun is powerful, I'm not afraid. No matter how powerful it is, I have a way to deal with it. There is no problem in saving his life, but it's a little difficult to kill him, but it's easy to defeat him!" Defeat and kill are different concepts. Yang Suxun knows that he can defeat this guy now, but it is very difficult to kill, let alone surrender, which is absolutely impossible.

His current combat power is at most difficult to kill this guy, so I'm afraid he will be seriously injured. If this guy has another stunt, secret method, some blood, a powerful tactic, abandon something, and improve his combat effectiveness, then he may not be able to guarantee that he will not be injured at all. You should know that this guy is also a top master, a genius figure, and a powerful method. Who knows how many kinds there are? In case, this guy works hard and is not easy to clean up. Yang Suxun knows that he still defeats him directly. It's best to kill him. If he can't kill him, he can't force him. But it's no good. There is no good fruit to eat, and the twisted melon is not sweet. Yang Suxun knows the truth. Naturally, he will not be reckless and reckless, which is not his character. He is generally careful, careful, not nervous, calm and calm. He knows that his means may not be as powerful as that guy, but his current strength is definitely not comparable to that guy. Now Yang Suxun is much more powerful than Zhipu. It's not one or two. However, if the power is strong, it is not necessarily powerful. It still depends on their respective means and play!