True Immortal Robbery

Chapter 18 Calculated

Xu regained the tool and went straight to the water room. There are nine huge water tanks in the water room, each of which is three meters in diameter. Xu Chong was very surprised when he saw it for the first time.

He picked up the bucket and went to fray water. As a result, he looked at all nine water tanks and was stunned to find that there was not even a drop of water.

"Why is no one fing water today?" He was puzzled and came in alone. He saw that it was Yu Yuan. Usually, it was this brother Yu who was responsible for watering, but Yu Yuan's face was very bad today, and he had been covering his stomach with his hands, which seemed to be very uncomfortable.

"Brother Yu, I'm here to fg water... You don't look well. Are you uncomfortable?"

"Oh, is there any water in the tank?" Yu Yuan frowned and didn't take it seriously.

Xu Chong picked up the bucket in his hand and said, "There is no water in the nine mouths of water tank."

"Damn, why did you use it so fast?" As soon as Yu Yuan heard that there was no water, his face suddenly turned black like carbon: "Yesterday there were two cylinders of water. Why is there no water at all today? Isn't this killing me? I really don't understand why it's so fast to wipe the dust and cook!"

Xu Chong listened to Yu Yuan's complaints and didn't know what to say for a moment. He thought that you were lazy and didn't fudge water, and complained about others. Zhao Peng's requirements were so high in such a big Jinying Pavilion. How could he not cost water?

Seeing that Xu Chong didn't say anything, Yu Yuan pressed his stomach hard with his hand. The expression on his face seemed even more painful and even moaned.

When Xu Chong saw him like this, he thought that there was no need to count on this water, so he said, "Brother Yu, are you all right? Since you are not feeling well, it's better to tell Brother Zhao to go back to rest.

He was about to leave with a comfort, but he didn't expect that Yu Yuan's reaction was a little loud: "Damn it, why should I talk to his surname Zhao if I want to rest? Does his surname Zhao also want to take care of me? I went to rest. Who the hell is going to get water? You?"

Xu Chong didn't expect his reaction to be so big, but he was shocked. It sounded that he didn't seem to deal with Zhao Peng, and the contradiction should be easy. But why do all the people you meet have such a bad temper? The nerves are a little abnormal.

Xu Chong stopped talking and was about to leave with his tools, but Yu Yuan grabbed him and said, "Brother Xu, don't mind. I'm not targeting you. I just don't like Zhao Peng. Which uncle said let him be our head? No, he didn't know how much he weighed by relying on his relationship with Uncle Xingyue in those years!

Hmm, who have I told you that Uncle Gao is a relative? Ouch..."

Xu's center of gravity is a little funny. Zhao Peng seems to be a person who can't hide things in his heart, and this Yu Yuan is not very good. Looking at him like this, I guess no one in Jin Liufeng does not know his relationship with the senior uncle.

Yu Yuan grinned, but then took another breath of cold air. Oh, his hand hammered his stomach heavily at the same time, and then said, "I don't know what's wrong with me these two days. My stomach hurts so much that I didn't fg water. If I don't flick water today, I guess Zhao Peng will definitely tell Uncle Chunyu.

This, Brother Xu, please do something. Can you help me water it? Brother, I must be very grateful!" Yu Yuan said with a sincere face.

A hundred people in Xu's heart were unwilling and said, "Well, Brother Yu is not that I won't help you. As you know, Uncle Gao is coming back today, and I haven't done my own work at all. I really don't have time... Why don't you ask others?"

Yu Yuan said urgently, "Others? They all wear a pair of trousers with Zhao Peng. How can they help me? Brother, you are new here, and you are easy to talk. Only then did you wipe your face and be beg. Don't be afraid of Uncle Gao, I will speak for you... Oh, you don't have to fill it all up, as long as it is enough for today.

Xu Zhong thought that most of the other elite disciples did not live in Jinying Pavilion and only came back once in a while, but Gao seemed to be a permanent resident here. He had something to do with Yu Yuan. If Yu Yuan could talk to himself in the future, he would undoubtedly have less trouble.

And if you save two cylinders of water a day, it won't take much time.

Yu Yuan saw that Xu Chongxiang was thinking about something and said, "When Uncle Gao comes back, he will be the eldest here. Naturally, I will be the second. Zhao Peng and others, hum, will be unlucky! I won't forget Brother Xu at that time.

Xu Zhongxin said, "I believe that you have a ghost. If so, will you still be afraid that Zhao Peng and others will complain to Uncle Chunyu?"

"I can also give my brother a low-grade spiritual stone, how about it?" Yu Yuan saw that Xu Chong still didn't say anything, so he endured the pain and added chips.

Xu's heart moved and remembered that Tu Kang once said that the spiritual stone not only contained a lot of aura, but also could help practice, but also be used as money. I haven't seen what the spirit stone looks like yet. This is an opportunity.

However, he thought that the spiritual stone is a good thing for everyone. If he wants this spiritual stone, even if he helps Yu Yuan, he will definitely offend him. On the contrary, the gains outweigh the losses. It's better not to do it at all. After all, it will be sent to the spiritual stone every month. Now it's just because he came for a short time.

Xu Chong pretended to be very helpless and said, "Brother Yu, please tell me where to fg water, but Lingshi doesn't want it. They are all brothers. You're welcome."

The expression on Yu Yuan's face is still painful, but his eyes still shows the meaning of "you are interested": "Then I'm sorry to trouble you. The place to fw water is in the tap pool at the top of Nanfeng Peak."

Xu Chong was a little confused when he heard it: "At the peak of Nanfeng? Are you kidding me?"

"How could I fool you?" Yu Yuan said solemnly, "Don't you know? There is only water on Jinliu Peak. Of course, we have to go there to get water.

Xu Chong didn't say anything for a long time, and finally said a word to Yu Yuan: "Fuck!"

The road is far away, and the water tank is big. When Xu Chong finally filled the two large tanks of water, the sun had begun to turn west. It took him three hours to finish his work, and he was so tired that he almost vomited blood.

"Damn Yu Yuan has made me miserable. Why did I help him with fascination? It's good. After such a long delay, I haven't done my work at all..." Xu Zhongxin lamented, thinking that he still had a lot of work to do. He didn't care about rest and rushed out with tools.

As soon as I went up to the second floor, a group of people suddenly came to face, led by a thin Taoist in white. Zhao Peng, Zhou Xian, Yu Yuan and others followed the Taoist.

Xu Chong quickly put down the tool in his hand and bowed to salute: "Disciple Xu Chong has seen Uncle Chunyu."

This person is Chunyuzheng, who manages Jin Liufeng's disciples. At this time, his face is very bad, and he is as gloomy as a black pot. Seeing Xu Chong salute himself, he only snorted with his nose and said to Zhao Peng, "Is he the one responsible for sorting it out?"

Zhao Peng took a look at Xu Chong and said, "Yes, uncle, this is Xu Chong's younger brother who is responsible for sorting out Jin Yingge."

Xu Chong's psychology suddenly became nervous. He couldn't help looking at Yu Yuan and said that I delayed my work in order to help you fw water. Should you say something?

As a result, Yu Yuan always looked down at his feet, but he didn't say a word.

Xu Chong was anxious and wanted to speak. Chunyu was already walking past him and said, "Go to the water room."

Xu Chong followed the crowd and finally returned to the water room. Chunyu was looking around and saw that there were still two large jars of water, and his face became better.

Xu Chong paid attention and found that Zhao Peng's face also showed a smile, while Yu Yuan frowned and showed a trace of intolerance. He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, as if he had fallen into other people's calculations, but he couldn't figure it out for a moment.

Chunyu was rearing everyone, paced in front of Xu Chong, and suddenly shouted, "Why didn't you do your work in the whole Jinying Pavilion?"

Xu Chong looked at Yu Yuan again. As a result, Yu Yuan still lowered his head and stared at his feet indifferently. Xu Zhongzhong xin and secretly said that you were not kind. Don't blame me for being unrighteous. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he heard Chunyu Zheng say, "Huh, do you want to be lazy? In the future, the water here will be watered by you and give you a day. I will come again at this time tomorrow to see that the water in the nine tanks is full, otherwise, hum!"

After saying that, Chunyu was leaving and didn't give Xu Chong a chance to speak at all.

"Uncle Chunyu, walk slowly." Zhao Peng saw that Chunyu was going far away and looked at Yu Yuan with a sneer at the corners of his mouth. Yu Yuan's head was lower at this time. Zhao Peng looked at Xu Chong again and said, "Hey hey, Brother Xu, you are fine!"

With that, he quickly left with Zhou Xian and others.