True Immortal Robbery

Chapter 49 Building the Foundation

Xu Chong said, "Okay, I'll promise you to help you break the battle!"

The old man's empty and godless eyes suddenly burst into luster and said, "It's really great. In this way, the day I get out of trouble is not far away!" As he spoke, he let out a gloomy dry smile.

"However, my cultivation is too low now, but I can't help you, you..."

"Haha, don't worry, I will give you a big gift to help you improve your cultivation and break through the foundation period!"

At this time, the scene in the whole cave was very strange. Yu Yuan was still hissing, and his face was distorted by fear and pain. Chunyu had broken Xu Chong's two fixed charms. At this time, he did not dare to make a sound at all. He just knelt on the ground and his eyes couldn't help turning around. After a moment, he looked at Yu Yuan. Let's take a look at Xu Chong.

Xu Chongze stood opposite the old man and sat and laughed, as if both of them had heard the most interesting jokes in the world.

It took a long time before the cave became quiet.

The old man pondered for a moment, slowly stretched out his hand and waved to Chunyu. Chunyu's body immediately floated uncontrollably and slowly floated to the old man.

Chunyu was shocked, with an extremely horrible look in his eyes. His facial features were twisted together. His mouth grew up and seemed to want to shout, but there was no sound.

Xu Chong stepped back a few steps, and then simply sat down cross-legged, with curiosity and indifference on his face, watching what happened.

Chunyu floated in front of the old man and stopped. A psychedelic brilliance suddenly flashed in the old man's eyes. He looked at Chunyu for a while and muttered, "In the later stage of foundation? Well, it's a little better than I thought. It should be okay. It's you.

Chunyuzheng's expression was confused for a while, and then there was crazy resentment and unspeakable regret, fear and relief on his face. Then the old man stretched out his hand and stroked him. Chunyuzheng then relaxed, his eyes showed confusion and emptiness, and he had completely lost consciousness.

"This is..." Xu Zhongzhong was puzzled, but he still looked on coldly.

"Well, it can save me a lot of strength..." The old man showed a satisfied expression, and then ignored Chun Yuzheng, allowing him to float in front of his eyes like this.

"Little friend, run the skill that Yu Yuan taught you and mobilize all the Zhenyuan!"

When Xu heard it, he began to practice according to the unknown skill.

The old man slowly closed his eyes, operated his true yuan, and read a few formulas in his mouth. Suddenly, the old man's face suddenly turned red, and his skin seemed to bleed.

"Puff--" The old man donated blood and sprayed out, and countless blood drops suddenly hit Chunyuzheng's body floating in front of him. Then the old man's formula changed into a magic seal. A big dark golden "refining" word came out of thin air, and then integrated into Chunyu's body.

The old man kept changing his formula and formed a magic seal. Finally, when he waved his hands, a magnificent black light gushed out, instantly wrapping Chunyu's body.

The big ball formed by black light began to wriggle and tremble. The old man read a few more formulas and suddenly shouted loudly. A hazy virtual shadow suddenly flew up from the old man's body, hit the big ball formed by black light, and instantly integrated into it.

Then the big ball began to tremble violently, making an unusually sharp sound from inside from time to time. The old man ignored it, but just frowned and kept reciting the truth. The trembling of the big ball became more and more fierce, as if there were two people fighting fiercely inside.

Finally, after nearly a long time, the tremor of the big ball reached its peak. After a bang, the big ball completely stopped tremor. Then it began to squirm constantly, and the big ball would be a little smaller after each squirm.

After nearly half an hour, the ball suddenly trembled violently, and then began to contract sharply. When it contracted to only one plum, the old man opened his mouth and spewed out a black flame. The ball was burned by the black flame and suddenly glowed. After a few breaths, it suddenly cooled down.

At this time, the black light and black flame disappeared, leaving only a dark red pill floating in the air as if it had been soaked in blood.

The old man opened his eyes, grabbed the Danwan floating in the air, looked at it, and showed a satisfied look. Then the old man jumped in front of Xu Chong and stuffed the Danwan into Xu Chong's mouth.

Xu Chong frowned and seemed to be enduring great pain. He only felt a strong heat flow flowing very fast in the meridians, and it was getting more and more turbulent. At the same time, a magnificent thought force separated from the heat flow and rushed to his own eyebrow mud pill palace.

Like the yuan god who devoured Zhao Peng, a huge sense of pain and dizziness suddenly came, and it was much stronger than that time. Last time Xu Chong took a small axe, but this time in a hurry, he did not wear the small axe on his body. This pain was no longer bearable by Xu Chong. Almost in an instant, Xu Chong lost all perception and fainted.

The old man's face flashed red again, covering his hands above Xu Hei's head, and a powerful Zhenyuan poured in, guiding Xu Chong's own Zhenyuan to operate according to the nameless skill.

Yu Yuan had calmed down at some point. At this time, he was staring at the old man and Xu Chong, and his fear was like countless branches crawling over his heart.

"Chunyuzheng, unexpectedly, was refined into a spiritual elixir by the whole!"

Yu Yuan desperately tried to control himself not to make a sound, as if he didn't make a sound, and no one would see him, but he couldn't control it. His body kept shaking and his teeth cackled.

I don't know how long it took, Xu Chong opened his eyes. He seemed to have slept and felt very comfortable.

"What is this? Oh, by the way, this is my sea of knowledge. But how can it be so big?"

Xu Chong's sea of knowledge at this time is more than ten times larger than before! The clear stream is also much wider. The original new green on both sides of the clear stream has become a fragrant grassland, occasionally decorated with a few small flowers. But beyond the grassland, the wider area is sand land. And the sky here still looks cloudy.

With the flow of the clear stream, those pictures appeared again. Xu Chong looked at it, which was a little clearer than the original, but the blurred figure still did not change and could not be seen clearly.

Xu Chong suddenly felt a burst of fatigue, and his sleepiness surged. He couldn't help but fall asleep.

When Xu Chong woke up again, he found that he was really awake this time, not in the sea of knowledge, but in the cave.

"You finally woke up, feel it and see what has changed?"

When Xu Chong heard the words, he took a look at the old man who was still sitting in front of the stone hall and was stunned: "How did you become like this?"

The old man was dozens of years older than before, and his face, which was originally flat, had become as rough and wrinkled as bark! A pair of eyes are even more sterless, and the hollow seems to be just two black holes.

"I'm fine. I just consumed some blood."

Xu Chong stood up and tried to run Zhenyuan. Suddenly, he felt that Zhenyuan was thick and surging, as if it was endless.

At this time, Zhenyuan turned into a qi and merged into Zifu Niwan Palace from Dantian. Xu's center of gravity moved, and his mind entered the sea of knowledge, and then returned to his body. When Zhenyuan flowed, Xu Chong clearly saw the meridians and internal organs of his body.

"The foundation period, I have broken through the foundation period!" Xu Chong shouted excitedly.

The old man also smiled: "Yes, you are now in the early stage of foundation construction."

I have collected one, it's depressing...