True Immortal Robbery

Chapter 57 Spiritual Symbols and Instruments

When he came to this trade fair, Xu Chong's goal was very clear, which was to buy a suitable magic weapon, and then buy a few spiritual charms.

In the foundation period, you can use the first-level magic weapon. When monks fight, the magic weapon is often far more powerful than the magic weapon, so if they don't have a magic weapon, they will suffer a lot.

Originally, Xu Chong thought that he had got Chun Yuzheng's storage bag. Anyway, Chun Yuzheng was also an inner disciple who was responsible for the late foundation and foreign affairs. Anyway, he should have had a decent magic weapon. Unexpectedly, there was nothing he could do. Xu Chong had no choice but to buy it by himself.

The spiritual charms he bought last time also left a deep impression on Xu Chong. At that time, he only had the cultivation in the early stage of Yangqi. With two charms, he unexpectedly set Chunyu Zheng in the later stage of foundation in place and could not move. Although Xu Chong attacked, the effect was still far beyond Xu Chong's expectation. Of course, you have to prepare something like this.

Xu Chong walked around slowly and took a general look first.

There were obviously more people in the trade fair than last time, but Xu Chong did not meet anyone he knew. The things sold are also similar to last time. The main thing is the elixir, which is also the fastest selling thing. Lingfu was still only sold by Tu Liufeng's disciple last time, but this time he was not surrounded by the disciple who sold storage bags.

The disciple who sold the spiritual charm clearly recognized Xu Chong. Seeing him coming, he stood up and said, "How about the little brother? Are those spiritual charms useful last time? Shall we buy a few more today?

Xu Chong frowned slightly and said, "You have a good memory. You still recognize me after a month."

"Hey, this is not my good memory. You are the only one who has bought my spiritual charm in the past three months. How can I not know you?"

Xu Chong said, "You have only sold these few in three months? It can be seen that your charm doesn't work very well, and it's so expensive. It's cheaper this time. I'll buy a few more.

When the disciple heard this, he became excited: "Am I still expensive? Don't ask. Is there anything cheaper than here in the whole fairyland? Let me tell you, when I practiced at the foot of the mountain, I had the most common charm at the following trade fair, at least five pieces of spiritual stones. If I didn't need spiritual stones to buy rune paper and cinnabar, and I didn't have time to go down the mountain recently, I would have sold two spiritual stones here? Do you still think it's expensive? Look what this is?"

The disciple said that a wooden plaque suddenly appeared in his hand, with two lines written in cinnabar. Xu Chong almost fainted at a glance. It actually said: tearful charm sale! It's so low that you spit blood and jump off the building, and don't bargain!

Then the disciple said with contemptuous face, "At first glance, you are an ignorant foreign disciple. Go and play at the same time. Don't make trouble with me!"

Xu Chong laughed and said, "Then you won't do business?" I've never seen you sell things like this and drive guests out. Then I'll go." Saying that, he pretended to leave.

The disciple took a look and pulled Xu Chong again and said, "Are you really leaving? Let me tell you, I'm the only one who sells spiritual charms in the whole Wuliu Fairy School.

Xu Chong also said, "Then I will also tell you that I am the only one who wants to buy spiritual charms now!"

"Do you want to buy it or not?"

"Then let's see how much you sell it!"

The two began to bargain. After talking for a long time, Xu Chong bought all the spiritual charms of the disciple at the price of two low-grade spiritual stones and three spiritual charms. A total of 30 spiritual charms cost 20 pieces of low-grade spiritual stones.

"Little brother, next time you buy a spiritual charm, come to me. My name is Changle, Tu Liufeng's. In terms of generation, you should call me uncle, but if we suffer a loss, we will make friends with your brother, haha."

"My name is Xu Chong, Jin Liufeng."

"What, you are Xu Chong? That fake vein?"

Xu Chong's face was suddenly a little embarrassed, and his heart was even more depressed.

"But you are really rich, haha. It's a date. If you buy a spiritual charm, you will find Tu Liufeng Changle. That's right, whoever uses my spiritual charm will know!"

Looking at Xu Chong's escape, Chang Le smiled and said, "It's an interesting little guy, not bad, hehe."

Xu Chong escaped from Changle's stall and began to choose magic weapons.

He has looked around just now. Although he didn't pay much attention, he already knows that the scale of the trade fair is too small, and the level of the participating disciples is too low, so naturally there will be no decent magic weapons.

Xu Zhongsong wants to buy one first to deal with, right? Is it better than nothing? Just change it in the future.

Relatively speaking, Xu Chong prefers two magic weapons. One is a small sword that is only the length of the palm of his hand. Let's call it a palm sword. The material of this palm sword is ordinary, but it is only made of ordinary Tianxing steel, but it actually depicts three spells. In addition to breaking the general armor, it also dazzling and disturbing the enemy's mind. Function.

The power of the magic weapon, in addition to the user's mana, the most important thing is the power of the refined materials and the charms carved on it. The better the material, the stronger the carving charm, the greater the power, and vice versa.

On the general first-order magic weapon, there is often only one spell carved, and there are very few people who have carved three spells like the palm sword, so Xu Chong is very excited.

The other one is a ground needle. As the name implies, it is a steel needle engraved with a ground charm. This steel needle is refined with black gold. In addition to the ground charm, it is also engraved with a simple invisible charm. If it has been cast, it can invisibly escape into the ground, and then break out to attack the enemy. It is a necessary tool for sneak attack and assassination, which is very suitable for Xu Chong's appetite.

As for the defense weapons such as armor that Xu Chong originally wanted to buy, it was abandoned. Xu Chong had no choice but to find that the defense weapons sold in this trade are really bad, not to mention the materials are poor. The defense charms on are almost all earth shields and water shields and so on. He knows it himself, and his defense ability is really poor. Point.

Xu Chong asked the price of the two magic weapons, and then found that the magic weapons were really expensive! The sword needs 120 pieces of low-grade spiritual stones, and the ground needle needs 140 pieces of low-grade spiritual stones. Xu Chong has less than 40 spiritual stones left now, and he can't even afford one.

Just as he turned around and was about to leave, Xu Chong suddenly remembered something and stopped and asked, "I don't have so many spiritual stones, but there are elixirs. I'll give you 30 spiritual stones. How about giving you the rest with elixir?"

The stall owner is an inner disciple of Huo Liufeng. After listening to Xu Chong's words, he asked, "Do you have a spiritual elixir? What kind of elixir? I don't want Jin Liufeng's Jin Lingsan."

Xu Chong shook his head and said, "Of course it's not that kind of elixir... I have two foundation elixirs!"

The stall owner's eyes lit up: "Building a foundation? Good, but you only have two pills, which is not enough. If you have three foundation elixirs, I don't want one spiritual stone, how about that?

Xu Chong said, "There are only two grains, but how about adding a bottle of Juyuan Dan? It's okay. If it doesn't work, forget it."

The owner of the stall calculated for a while and gritted his teeth and said, "That's it. How come there are 30 or 40 capsules in a bottle of Juyuandan? I'm not at a loss."

The two checked their own things. After there was no problem, Xu Chong left the trade fair.