True Immortal Robbery

Chapter 87 Devouring the Power of Lightning

Xu Chong looked at Xiao Qinger and said, "Isn't it me?"

Xiao Qinger's face was constantly changing. Finally, she smiled and saluted Xu Chong and said, "Disciple Xiao Qinger paid a visit to Uncle Xu. From the first time she saw Uncle, Qing'er, she felt that Uncle was a very person. Now when she looks at it, it's really good. In the future, she will rely on Uncle to help more." Although her words were respectful, her tone was mixed with a hint of joking. Obviously, she didn't think that Xu Chong was worthy of his name, but that Xu Chong was just lucky.

Xu Chong naturally heard the meaning of her tone and didn't care. He smiled and said, "You're good. You're a good man." With that, Xiao Qinger couldn't help but enter the room and was stunned for a moment: "Is this? Control? Not bad, this should be the art of object control. If you can perform this spell, at least you need to build a foundation period, right? I heard that Xu Chong's introduction is later than me, and the roots are extremely bad. Now it seems that the message is untrustworthy!"

Xiao Qinger put away her contempt and became respectful and solemn.

Xu Chong took out the sachet given to him by Liu Hou from the storage bag and handed it to Xiao Qinger, saying, "I once knew your mother in Liangjing City. I was entrusted by her to hand over this sachet to you. Please accept it."

Xiao Qinger took the sachet and asked, "Uncle went to Liangjing City a while ago? I don't know if my father and mother will be healthy?

Xu Chong said, "Although there is a small disaster, you don't have to worry about it. Well, it's over. Go back. I'm going to practice."

"Does Uncle Xu hate Qing'er? Why are you in such a hurry to drive Qinger away? Hearing Xu Chong's words, Xiao Qinger not only did not leave, but also showed a pitiful look.

Xu Chong laughed dumbly and said, "Sure enough, there is a mother and a daughter. Go quickly. Don't mislead me to practice. It's a great sin!"

As soon as Xu Chong said this, Xiao Qinger suddenly showed an embarrassed look. She knew that her mother must have used these means at the beginning, so Xu Chong said this and said, "Uncle Xu laughed. Since the uncle wants to practice, the disciple will leave." With that, he saluted again, and then turned around and left.

After Xiao Qinger left, Xu Chong calmed down for a moment and thought to himself: "Three days later, Master will officially accept me as an apprentice. It is estimated that I can't break through to the Peiyuan period in these three days. I have sacrificed the psychic mirror once, but failed. It's better to sacrifice it again. The mirror seems to be powerful. If it can be sacrificed. If the refining is successful, I will have another magic weapon to take advantage of it.

Thinking of this, Xu Chong took out a jade charm, but the jade charm was given to Xu Chong when Han Xiao left. It turned out that every room of the Jinying Pavilion was covered with a magic array, so that the elite disciples would not interfere with each other when practicing. After starting the magic array, others could not peep into the inside of the room outside the room. Starting or stopping the magic array is all controlled by this jade charm.

After opening the magic array, Xu Chong entered the inner room and sat down in the Taiji map. After adjusting his breath for a while, he took out the psychic mirror from the storage bag. When Xu Chong sacrificed last time, he only got a trace of divine consciousness. As a result, he was beaten by the strange man full of thunder and lightning power inside and suffered a lot. This time, Xu Chong was much more careful.

"The last time I sacrificed the skeleton flag, all my body entered the skeleton flag, and then I succeeded in sacrificing it. The thunder and lightning monster was quite strong, and even had a sense of autonomy as if it were a living thing. It's better for me to enter the body this time, and the hope of success is much greater."

For a moment of meditation, Xu Chong fit together and fell into the psychic mirror.

The space in the psychic mirror is still the same as last time, empty and lonely, with only a tall stone tablet erected in the middle. Xu Chong looked at the four words "Thousand Thunder Key" on the stone tablet and was still surprised. He didn't know what the key the stone tablet was.

However, Xu Chong did not pay much attention to it. He carefully and slowly approached the stone tablet. This stone tablet is said to be the spiritual prohibition of the psychic mirror. As long as the stone tablet can be refined, the psychic mirror is successful, but the spiritual prohibition of this psychic mirror is much more horrible than the spiritual prohibition of the skeleton flag. The monster full of thunder and lightning power People seem to be dedicated to protecting this spiritual prohibition.

Xu Chong's mana worked and slowly approached the stone tablet carefully. Seeing that he had come to the stone tablet, nothing happened. Xu Chong's eyes flashed, and his consciousness gushed out in an instant. He enveloped the stone tablet and wrapped the whole stone tablet at once. Xu Zhongzhong was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, this time it was like This went smoothly. Just as he was about to penetrate the divine consciousness into the stone tablet, suddenly something strange happened. Suddenly, there was a great light on the stone tablet, and then Xu Chong's divine consciousness was rebounded back by a huge force.

"Hmm! That's really unreasonable!"

Xu Chong saw that he was about to succeed, but he was actually failed again. How willing he was to cover his consciousness again when the stone tablet suddenly shined brightly, illuminating the space in the whole psychic mirror, and then a thunder roared and jumped up from the stone tablet.

"Sure enough!"

The man who jumped out of the stone tablet was the strange man last time, with no facial features on his head, and his whole body kept emitting a powerful blue arc. As soon as the strange man came out, he seemed to be a little smart. For a moment, he actually looked at Xu Chong and was stunned.

"It's better to do it first, and then you will suffer!" Xu Chong raised his hand and released several golden needles to stab the strange man, and then held it with one hand and shook the skeleton flag towards the strange man. Suddenly, there were bursts of ghost crying and howling in the space, and a strong gloom filled the strange man.

The strange man looked at Xu Chong in a daze, as if he was a little curious about Xu Chong and seemed to be a little confused. At this time, several golden needles pierced the strange man's body with strong golden light, but the strange man only flashed an arc, which actually eliminated all these golden yang needles invisibly.

Then the fog formed by the strong dead air surged, and the strange man suddenly looked up and made a sharp cry. Then suddenly raised a bolt of lightning like a bucket from above his head and went straight into the fog. He only heard bursts of sad screams, and the ghosts in the skeleton flag had flashed. The electricity killed a lot. Xu shouted in heavy pain, felt heartache, and hurriedly withdrew the skeleton flag.

"It's damn. I forgot that this skeleton flag is the most gloomy thing. Among them, the ghosts are most afraid of the power of this strange man's thunder and lightning. This loss is not small. I don't know when I can make up for it."

Xu Zhongzhong regretted that the ghosts and ghosts in the skeleton flag were collected by the old demon of Yin Shazong for nearly a hundred years. First, they were swallowed up a lot by Xu Chong, and now they were killed by thunder and lightning. It can be said that they are much less powerful than before. There is no big war. They want to search again. It's not easy to collect so many ghosts.

However, Xu Chong did not have extra time to regret. The strange man was attacked by Xu Chong twice in a row and seemed to have woken up. Suddenly, he released several lightnings to hit Xu Chong. Xu Chong quickly released the golden willow shield to protect himself, and at the same time, his hands continuously released various spells. The scene was suddenly colorful. Look, all the people who covered their heads and faces hit the weirdo. Although they didn't really hurt the weirdo, they also made the weirdo confused and tired of dealing with it.

Xu Chong's side was also burned by the lightning released by the strange man. Although there is a golden willow shield to protect himself, if the light mask emitted by the golden willow shield completely wraps Xu Chong, it will be thin everywhere, otherwise it can only be protected in one place, and the rest of the place will suffer. After a while, Xu Chong was already in a mess, his head and face were blackened by lightning, and his Taoist robe had been burned clean long ago.

"How can it be a leader if it goes on like this? I didn't expect this strange person to be so difficult to deal with, and I have to find a way."

Xu's mind turned sharply. He found that although the strange man seemed fierce, he was extremely measured. Although he made himself very embarrassed, he was not really injured. Moreover, the lightning released by the strange man did not have an obvious interception effect with other spells, but he inadvertently released two earth shields, which was more obvious and actually stopped two lightnings.

"Don't this weirdo dare to really hurt me? In this case, I will crush you to death with earth and mountains!"

At this time, Xu Chong obviously felt that his mana began to be scarce because there were too many spells released just now. He knew that he would not support it for long. In his heart, he simply withdrew the golden willow shield, gathered his remaining mana, pointed to the strange man, and suddenly a huge earth snake suddenly came from the strange man. Born under his feet, he quickly wrapped the strange man's body and entangled the strange man tightly in an instant.

Xu Chong was subjected to three flashes of lightning. Although he was injured, he was not serious. As soon as he saw the strange man entangled by the earth snake, he quickly stamped his feet again. A dark crack suddenly appeared under the strange man, which instantly swallowed the strange man and the earth snake, and then the crack quickly healed and disappeared.

Xu Chong seized the opportunity and was about to wrap the stone tablet. Suddenly, a shocking roar came from the ground, and then he felt the earth tremble violently. Then there was an infinite amount of thick dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, and there was an indescribable smell in the air, which quickly spread.

Xu Chong did not dare to be careless and quickly stepped back a few steps to watch the change.

The dark clouds became more and thicker and heavier. Suddenly, the roar stopped and stretched out a shining arc hand from the cracks of the earth. The hand stretched out a finger and shook the sky. An arc shot out, and then countless arcs shone from the dark clouds and gathered together, forming a giant The big ball suddenly hit Xu Chong.

Han smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I, Jin Liufeng, have enough aura, and even a few more brothers will not be hindered. Why do you worry about this? It's just that Han Xiao is also strange in his heart. I don't know what skills Xu Chong practiced. How can he absorb aura so quickly? This is simply grabbing it!

Xu Chong naturally didn't know this, but he knew that he still wanted to grab it. When he recovered his mana, he entered the psychic mirror.

The space in the psychic mirror has returned to quiet. Xu Chong had experience this time and directly covered the stone tablet with his consciousness and brought the strange man out again. The strange man seemed to feel a little surprised. He didn't know why this guy who had just escaped came back so soon.

Xu Chong did not delay, but directly turned the unearthed snake to entangled the strange man, and then a huge crack appeared on the ground to swallow the strange man and the earth snake into it to anger the strange man.

The strange man was really angered by Xu Chong and attracted dark clouds all over the sky. This time, Xu Chong was not like last time, just standing still and watching. Xu Chong already knew that the dark clouds were full of strong thunder and lightning, so when countless arcs appeared in the dark clouds, Xu Chong suddenly raised his hands and sucked a large piece of dark cloud, and then opened his mouth to swallow the whole dark cloud.

But as soon as the dark cloud was sucked in, Xu Chong suddenly let out a scream, and then his body was penetrated by a powerful electric current, and his whole body suddenly turned black.

The weirdo seemed to be very puzzled by Xu Chong's behavior. Seeing that Xu Chong was beaten into a piece of black charcoal by lightning, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the big dark cloud sucked by Xu Chong. Then he grasped it with his hand. The dark cloud suddenly rolled repeatedly and became smaller and smaller. The blue lightning in the strange man's hand became stronger and stronger, and finally black The clouds dissipated, and a huge thunderball appeared in the hands of the strange man.

Although Xu Chong was miserable, the injury was not very serious. Zhenyuan ran a few times, and it was fine. As soon as he got up from the ground, he saw the strange man throw the huge thunderball in his hand at him. This time, Xu Chong knew that he could not swallow so much thunder and lightning power at once, so he laid the earth wall one after another and polished the huge thunderball little by little. I don't know how many earthen walls were laid, and the thunder ball finally changed. About half a meter in diameter, Xu Chong opened his mouth and swallowed it.

The strange man had been staring at Xu Chong's movements. Seeing that Xu Chong had swallowed the thunderball, he seemed to be a little angry. Several lightning strikes in a row. Xu Chong saw that the lightning was not very strong, so he swallowed it all at once. Suddenly, he felt that the power of thunder and lightning in his body had become unprecedentedly strong, and he rushed wildly in the meridians, and there was faintly controlled. Xu Chong knew that he had reached the limit and could no longer swallow it, so he dodged the lightning from the strange man again and flashed out of the psychic mirror.

Xu Chong's whole body was split like coke by lightning. His new Taoist clothes had already been burned clean and could not be cleaned up. So he began to refine the power of thunder and lightning naked.

In the purple house, the power of thunder and lightning turned into a strong atmosphere. A trace was attracted by the cyclone and integrated into it, and then another trace was sucked into the sea of knowledge by the green light. The sky that knew the sea was originally dark, and there was only a green light covering the vibrant tree in the middle. At this time, with the endless influx of thunder and lightning, the sky finally changed.

With the continuous flashing blue arc with the power of thunder and lightning, under the action of the arc, the thick fog in the dim sky began to gradually gather, but the speed of gathering is extremely slowly. However, the power of thunder and lightning continued to replenish, and more and more blue arcs were emitted, and the speed of fog gathering finally slowed up. In the dark sky, the first extremely small cloud began to appear.

I'm sorry. Jiujin made beans last night, which was fried. As a result, LP and I were poisoned. We went to the hospital to wash our stomach and take some drops. Today, we are not energetic at all, so the manuscript was late. Sorry!!!

There are friends who make beans. Jiujin reminds you that you should eat it after it is ripe, otherwise - Jiujin pulled seven times last night and vomited more than 20 times. This result, hey hey, horrible!!!