True Immortal Robbery

Chapter 138 Selection War 2

A solemn and low voice sounded throughout Anlaifang City.

"The deacon token, a total of 150 yuan. After three hours, you will stop fighting, and those who can hand in the deacon tokens will be selected!"

Xiangxiang stood in front of the venue. After listening to it, she couldn't help looking into the pavilion. She felt a little strange. She also participated in the last time she selected the deacon of the Presbyterian Senate ten years ago, but at that time, there were much more rules than this time, one of which was very important - no harm to people's lives! Why didn't you have this one this time? Did the master forget to say it?

Nearly 4,000 monks in the site have completely boiled, and many have begun to run to the tower. There is a ban in Anlaifang City, and no one can fly, but there is no such ban in this venue. Hundreds of escapes have flown and staggered in the air.

Many monks who did not want to participate too early were forced to come in. Xiangxiang looked at it indifferently for a while, and then quietly retreated. There were only a few thousand monks left in the field to fight. For a while, the light emitted by various spells quickly filled the field.

Xu Chong and Wan Liangjin stood on the edge, but they could still be quiet for a while. Wan Liangjin turned his head and looked at the evil son of heaven from time to time. The evil son of heaven coldly looked at the monks who began to fight in the middle of the venue, with a cruel and ferocious smile on the corners of his mouth, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Many of these scattered practitioners know the evil son of heaven and know that he is extremely difficult to provoke, and there is a powerful master, so no one came to trouble him for a while.

Soon, there have been screams, and Xu said seriously, "This is the sad thing about the subordinates. As long as those high-ranking big men throw a little ** casually, the subordinates will fight desperately. These people are for the deacon tokens, and I want to break the barrier. The big men look at the scene here. What will come to mind? Maybe, in their eyes, it's just a game.

Wan Liangjin said, "Brother Yan, there are still a lot of people here. We should go there so that we can't get involved by others."

Xu Chong naturally knew what he was worried about and shook his head and said, "It's the same everywhere. Let's just stay here. Besides, it's too late to leave now!"

Wan Liangjin listened and looked in the direction of the evil son of heaven. Sure enough, he saw that the evil son of heaven had come towards him. He knew in his heart that he was definitely not the opponent of the evil son of heaven. He couldn't help looking at Xu Chong, and then hid behind Xu Chong.

"Uncle will give you another chance for the last time. As long as you let the mother-in-law play with you, the uncle will let you go this time!" The evil son pointed to ten thousand taels of gold, and then pointed to Xu Chong and said, "As for you, you just sacrifice the magic weapon to the uncle. Today, the uncle will be the first to kill you!"

In Wanliangjin's heart, Song Qinger is the most important, even more important than her own life! Hearing the evil son's words and humiliation to Song Qinger, he immediately surged blood, and he didn't care about fear, so he wanted to fight with the evil son of heaven.

Xu Zhong said, "But it's really unwise for a woman to take her own life." But he immediately thought that if someone humiliated Xingyue in the past, I'm afraid he would be the same. Isn't that the reason why he had a grudge against Tang Feng at the beginning? From this point of view, I really want to thank Hua Lifo. If it hadn't been for him, I'm afraid I wouldn't have seen through this. Did you really see through it?

10,000 taels of gold took out the yellow wide back from the storage bag. The flying sword, without saying anything, pointed to the evil son of heaven fiercely. The evil son looked contemptuously at the flying sword that was cut at him and said, "This kind of goods are also used to show off. I really don't know whether to live or die!"

He said and took out a small blue-purple iron umbrella. With just a shake, the umbrella opened, and then released a circle of purple light, which immediately blocked the 10,000 taels of golden flying sword. Wan Liangjin had long known that this sword could not split the evil son of heaven. He said a spell in his mouth and pointed with one finger. The flying sword was instantly divided into three handles, one of which was still holding the Moro umbrella, and the other two sticks stabbed the evil son of heaven from the top to bottom.

The evil son still looked disdainful. He patted the umbrella with his hand, and the umbrella flew out by himself. The original purple aperture instantly enlarged and blocked all three flying swords. Ten thousand taels of golden fingers flew, and three flying swords flew up and down, stabbing from different angles, but no matter what, they were blocked by the purple aperture and could not break in at all.

Ordinary free practice is extremely difficult to practice. Without the support of the sect, most of the limited spiritual stones are used to buy the elixirs that must be used for cultivation, so the level of common magic weapons is not high. Naturally, 10,000 taels of gold is the same. He has practiced for decades, but he only has such a flying sword in his hand. At this time, he is blocked by the Moro umbrella and can't make achievements. There is nothing I can do for a moment.

Naturally, the evil son also knew this situation and said with a ferocious smile, "Now look at the uncle, the uncle will let you see the power of the Moro umbrella! Hey hey, when the uncle kills you and is a deacon, your little lady still can't escape from the uncle's hand!"

Wan Liangjin was even more angry when he heard this. Seeing that Xu Chong was still watching, he did not help and shouted, "Brother Yan, help quickly!"

The evil son laughed and said, "You two wastes are still useless together. How can you get the old man at all!" As he opened his mouth and sprayed, a gloomy fire sprayed on the Moro umbrella. The Moro umbrella suddenly began to rotate, and then quietly shot a purple light to stab ten thousand taels of gold.

Although Xu Chong did not take action, he could see clearly and knew that the purple light was an umbrella bone of the Moro umbrella, which could not be handled by ten thousand taels of gold, so he reached out and grabbed the purple light. The purple light fell into Xu Chong's hand and disappeared in an instant.

10,000 gold and the evil son did not find Xu Chong's action. The evil son of heaven only felt that the Moro umbrella that had been connected with his heart sank, and the umbrella bone shot out had disappeared, and he was shocked.

10,000 taels of gold originally had no way to avoid it, and it was even more shocking to break out in a cold sweat.

Xu Chong received the umbrella bone of Moro, and then turned to the evil son of heaven and said, "Yan's divination has always been accurate. The hexagram said that if you die today, even if the immortals come, you will die today!"

The evil son sneered, but his heart suddenly moved: "Is it this man who took away my Moro umbrella bone?" With this idea, he couldn't help showing a trace of timidity in his eyes. Although people like him don't take other people's lives seriously, they take their own lives very seriously and are most afraid of death. At present, it's like trying Xu Chong again.

He punched his face three times, opened his mouth and spewed out a dark fire. The Moro umbrella immediately shone brightly, and then unexpectedly gave up his 10,000 taels of gold sword to cover Xu Chong.

Xu's mind moved and flew more than a dozen blue stones from the ground, and then turned into a big blue hand and grabbed the Moro umbrella fiercely. He was about to grab the Moro umbrella. The Moro umbrella emitted a strong fire all over his body, which actually burned the cyan big hand and continued to cover Xu Chong. Go.

Wanliang Jin was shocked, but then woke up. Three flying swords suddenly hit the evil son of heaven, but the evil son of heaven waved his hand and released another purple shield and smashed the three flying swords out.

Seeing that the Moluo umbrella was about to cover Xu Chong, the evil son of heaven was determined, as if he had killed Xu Chong first and then packed up 10,000 taels of gold. Unexpectedly, the Moro umbrella flew to the top of Xu Chong's head and seemed to be blocked by something. He couldn't cover it at all. The evil son of heaven hurriedly read the formula and urged the Moro umbrella, but no matter how he urged him, the Moro umbrella There is no response.

He was surprised and looked at Xu Chong doubtfully, but two divine lights suddenly shot out of Xu Chong's eyes. He stabbed into the eyes of the evil son of heaven. The evil son of heaven felt a sharp pain in his mind, and then the feeling between him and the umbrella completely disappeared. He was shocked and wanted to urge the mana to smash Xu Chong with a purple shield, but he found that the power was However, it is unusually sluggish.

At this time, Wan Liangjin saw the purple shield light above the head of the evil son of heaven and quickly dimmed. He knew that something was wrong with the evil son. Although he didn't know what was going on, he still seized the opportunity. His fingers stroked far away, and the two flying swords suddenly flew behind the evil son of heaven and stabbed down fiercely. The evil son of heaven screamed and was blown by two sticks. The sword was instantly divided into three pieces and died.

As soon as the evil son died, the Moro umbrella and purple shield became ownerless things and fell to the ground one after another. At this time, Xu Chong's consciousness had found that the true spirit of the evil son flew out of the field, so he shook his hand, and a white fire instantly caught up with him, burning the true spirit of the evil son of heaven.

He confusedly defeated the evil son of heaven. Ten thousand taels of gold seemed to be dreaming. He couldn't believe it was true for a long time. It was not until Xu Chong came to call him twice that he came to his senses and said, "Brother Yan, the evil son of heaven died? Killed by me?"

Xu said, "It's exactly, I didn't expect that Brother Wan's magic power was so strong that he could easily kill that guy. Yan admired him so much! Naturally, his two magic weapons also belong to Brother Wan.

Nowadays, Xu Chong does not lack magic weapons. His shining gold wheel and red treasure tree are much stronger than the Namoro umbrella, so he simply gave these two magic weapons to 10,000 taels of gold.

10,000 taels of gold went over and picked up the Moro umbrella and purple shield, looked at it, and said, "Brother Yan, this is the booty of the two of us, or one for each person!"

Xu Chong shook his head and said, "Brother Wan is not polite. Although Yan is poor, he still has several magic weapons on his hands. What's more, the evil son of heaven was killed by Brother Wan. Yan is just helping from the side. How can he compete with Brother Wan?"

Wan Liangjin has the intention to talk about it again, but on the one hand, he is really reluctant to give up, and then he immediately thought: "If Yanwu became a disciple of Elder Liu, there will be nothing in the future. Naturally, he will not care about these two magic weapons." So he smiled a little awkwardly, put the two magic weapons into the storage bag and said, "Brother Yan, don't say that your divination is really effective! He said that he would die today, and he really died. It's strange to think that the two of us were not rivals at all, but he seemed to have been injured and weak, and he couldn't control his magic weapon! But this kind of person deserves to die! I just don't know what to do if his master comes to us for revenge.

Wanliang Jin was originally very happy, but when he thought that the moth might revenge him, he suddenly became worried again. After all, the evil son was only in the late stage of Peiyuan, and he could hit the big luck to kill him, but the moth was a middle-level monk in the Ningdan period, and he could not deal with it. That's it.

At this time, among the monks who had fought together, several lights flew out and attacked them. Xu Chong waved his hand to block these lights and said, "Brother Wan, don't worry too much. Who knows who killed the evil son here? As long as I don't say anything, it will be fine.

I was a little relieved after listening to this.

At this time, there was a chaotic sound from the middle of the venue, and one shouted, "Stop him quickly!" He has three tokens in his hand!"

At the same time, several shouts came from different directions, and the content was similar. A large group of monks rushed to the middle of the site. Those inside wanted to rush out, and those outside wanted to squeeze in. The scolding, screams, the bursting sound of the impact of the magic weapon, and the sound of gold and iron rushed up into a mess.

But for a moment, there was no one around them, and Wanliang Jin couldn't help it and said, "Let's go there too?"

When the two first met, it was basically Wanliangjin to decide everything. Xu Chongyi didn't know about Anlaifang City, and he had no idea. Naturally, it was up to him. However, after a few days of getting along, the role between the two had changed. Now no matter what he did, Wanliangjin had to ask Xu Chong. And he hasn't realized it yet.

Xu Chong shook his head and said, "There are still too many people inside, and it's still early. Let's not worry. Just look here coldly. It's not too late to wait for the last half hour to go in."

In fact, for Xu Chong, it doesn't matter when to get the token. Although there are a large number of these low-level scattered practitioners, they can't help but get him. However, although his cultivation is high, there is a prohibition in this venue. He can't exert his cultivation above the marrow washing period, and he can't be exposed at this time, so even if he just dealt with Tian The evil son, he is only opposed by the mana of the peak in the late Peiyuan period. In this way, it is obviously not convenient to participate in the fighting method at this time.

Wan Liangjin listened to Xu Chong's words and felt reasonable, so he forced himself to wait. The two stood alone on the edge of the field and watched the melee in the field.

The deacon token has changed owners countless times. If it hadn't been for the fact that it couldn't be put into the storage bag, and there was a special smell on it, I'm afraid it would have been hidden. But in this way, it is almost impossible for anyone to keep the deacon token.

All the monks who got the token first are the people who are at the top of their mana cultivation in the stage of human prohibition, but good tigers can't stand the wolves. Although their magic weapons are powerful, they keep swallowing the elixir, and even directly absorbing the aura in the spirit stone, it is still useless. Some people can't do anything, so they take the initiative to take the order in their hands. The cards were thrown out to save their lives, but some people were really unwilling to give up. As a result, they were bombarded into pieces by the magic weapons released by a large group of monks.

In the field, it soon turned into a hell on earth, full of monks' corpses, and the bluestone road has already flowed into a river! And the strong smell of blood greatly stimulated these monks, so the scene became more and more tragic.

Xiangxiang and Brother Zhuge stood outside the venue and watched the fight in the two venues. Although neither of them were good men and believed in women and were used to the struggle in the world of immortal cultivation, there was still a huge wave in their hearts. Now, both of them can be sure that it was not that the master forgot that "not to hurt human nature. The rule of life, all this is clearly intentional! Otherwise, the first time there are casualties, there will be a great monk to stop it!

"What on earth is it for? Do you want these people to fight like this? How long has it been since there was such a tragic scene in the scattered repair in Anlaifang City?

Brother Zhuge said, "Anyway, there must be their reason for them to make such a decision. As a junior, we just need to listen."

Xiangxiang sighed, "After so many people have died, I'm afraid that our dispersion will be weaker..."

Brother Zhuge's eyes flashed and said, "That may not be. If I'm not mistaken, the purpose of this time is to select deacons, but I'm afraid that the 300 deacons selected will not be only ten years in office."

Xiangxiang looked at Brother Zhuge doubtfully and said, "Oh? Brother, you seem to know something, why don't you tell your little sister?

Brother Zhuge smiled mysteriously and said, "How can I say it before the time comes?" When the time comes, why should I say it?

Xiangxiang said anxly, "Well, don't say anything. What's the big deal? Do I care about it?"

In the field, a huge fireball scattered, and suddenly more than a dozen close monks were blown into pieces. A brilliant young monk raised his hand high, with a black iron token in his hand, and shouted, "The token is in Huang's hand. If you have the ability, you can come and get it, but you have lost your sex. Don't blame Huang!"

The nearly 100 monks around were quiet for a moment, and suddenly one shouted, "No matter how strong the Huang is, he can't stop so many of us. Let's bombard him together, and the token will naturally get it!"

The young man surnamed Huang saw a thin man at a glance. What he said just now was. Seeing that nearly a hundred monks had begun to move, the young man surnamed Huang was extremely hateful. He opened his mouth and spit out a virtual shadow, and then exploded with a bang. The body of the thin man who spoke had become several pieces.

But it seemed to be stimulated by the strong smell of blood. Nearly a hundred monks around them bombarded and released spell weapons to bombard the young man surnamed Huang. Among the various colors of light, there was a cyan light ball that hit the young man surnamed Huang. The cyan light ball roared and blew the yellow young man into pieces.

As time goes by, the number of monks in the field is getting smaller and smaller, and the brilliance of magic spells has gradually faded. Xu Chong and Wan Liangjin have been standing quietly watching. Except for a few occasional flashes, none of the monks noticed them.

Looking that the time has almost passed, Xu Chong said lightly, "Brother Wan, it's time. Let's go!"

The two rushed to the middle of the venue. Xu Chong had long aimed at a man and a woman who were firmly trapped among dozens of monks. These two were also the peak of Peiyuan's later period and each got a token.

Xu Chong took out the skeleton flag from the storage bag, and the endless gloom gushed out of the skeleton flag in an in an hour. The little ghost with many ghosts and ghosts rushed forward from the ghost crying and howling. Ten thousand taels of gold were stunned.

"Brother Wan, just stay behind me and wait for me to get those two tokens!"

Xu Chong threw the skeleton flag in his hand, and the skeleton flag suddenly rose in the wind, more than ten feet high, fluttering. The true spirit primordial spirit around him, who had not had time to escape, was suddenly sucked into the flag by the powerful suction.

Dozens of monks around the man and a woman were shocked and dodged one after another. Xu Chong passed through the crowd, and a big flame suddenly appeared from behind the two people, holding them in their hands. Xu Chong grabbed two tokens, stretched out his hand, held the skeleton flag in his hand, and shouted: "Who Dare to fight with me!"