array repair

85, this life waste

He Chen was speechless when he saw the old man's excited expression, and said to himself, "This old man won't have a problem with his brain. He looks like a madman." The old man suppressed the excitement in his heart, looked at He Chen and said slightly, "Continue to practice. It is not common to cultivate such talents in our wilderness in an hour. Since you have just cultivated your power, congratulations on not having to die. There will even be unexpected surprises waiting for you, so I won't say more.

He Chen cursed in his heart, "Damn it, this old guy actually appetizing me!" But just as He Chen was about to sit cross-legged and continue to practice the waste power, the old man said, "Yes, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Qian Bo, and you can call me Qian Lao. He Chen also politely answered, "My name is He Chen, the peak monk of the refining period. By the way, what exactly is the waste weapon you said?

Qian Lao thought for a moment and explained, "The so-called natural waste weapon can only try to condense the natural waste weapon if it reaches the sixth layer of the gas refining period, but there is a possibility of failure to condense the natural waste weapon. Once the first time is not able to condense the original waste weapon successfully, it must reach the peak of the gas refining period before starting to condense the original waste weapon for the second time. However, the later the waste of life condenses, the smaller the potential of the waste of life will be. Most people begin to condense their own waste weapons after reaching the sixth level of the refining period, with the exception of only a few people.

After saying this, Lao Qian secretly said, "Nine9% of the people of my barren began to condense their own waste when they reached the sixth layer of the gas refining period, and I didn't know that this boy would start to condense their own waste when they reached the first layer of the gas refining period. Anyway, the most powerful existence of my barren is that the barren force reaches below the sixth level of the gas refining period and begins to condense its own waste, but I don't know exactly which layer of the gas refining period. After all, that's not something I can know at my level.

Just as Mr. Qian was thinking about it, He Chen had already sat on the ground. His right hand quickly turned over the pamphlet called Huang Jue, and he did not start practicing immediately. Instead, he firmly remembered everything recorded in this absurdity how to cultivate the peak of the gas refining period in his mind. After feeling that there were no mistakes, He Chen began to practice. I have to say that He Chen is also extremely looking forward to this desolation, and the power of the waste power makes He Chen seem to see a new path.

The strength of Huangli cooperates with his own formation will certainly become extremely powerful, and it is simply a good thing for monks to be able to increase their strength. At this time, Mr. Qian's voice sounded slowly: "After you condensed your destiny, I have something to tell you. Naturally, there is only good and no harm to you. Your talent for cultivating waste power and cultivation of waste power is extremely powerful. As long as you stay at ease in the wilderness, your status will continue to improve.

He Chen could care what Qian was saying, and he almost entered the state of practice wholeheartedly. He Chen only felt that countless waste forces were condensed by himself, and countless waste forces with different attributes swam in his body like small fish the size of a nail cap. What made He Chen more incredible was that the spiritual power in his body did not have any hostility to the sudden emergence of the desolation. On the contrary, he got along very well, which made He Chen extremely doubtful.

And He Chen feels that these two forces seem to be able to integrate together, and it seems that they need special decisions or other things to integrate these two forces. He Chen clearly felt that if he wanted to forcibly merge these two forces, these two forces would definitely explode in an instant. Although these two forces get along well with each other, they can't be integrated casually. He Chen didn't think much about why these two forces got along so well. Instead, he practiced his power crazily.

This waste force gives He Chen an extremely familiar feeling, just like the power he is born with. I have to say that this familiar feeling makes He Chen feel very strange, but the barren power in He Chen's body is increasing. In an instant, He Chen raised the waste power to the second level of the gas refining period. Qian Lao's face twitched and said in his heart, "Two minutes of waste power broke through... This talent is too evil."

Lao Qian has regarded He Chen as a demon at this moment. The speed of his own cultivation is simply a snail-like speed compared with He Chen. He Chen's breakthrough is like eating and drinking water. This breakthrough is too common. He Chen was a little surprised by such a terrible breakthrough speed and couldn't help saying, "Am I actually a member of the wilderness that has been separated for many years, otherwise how can this cultivation power be so hand-made?" Then, He Chen remembered the waste of life.

He Chen is extremely curious about this wasteland. According to the wasteland, the wasteland is the most important thing for the wasteland. The sign of condensing the waste weapon is the formation of a whirlpool of the waste force, and the whirlpool of the waste force is the time to condense the waste weapon of life! Naturally, He Chen hoped that the sooner he condensed his own waste weapon, the better. He Chen, who reached the second level of the gas refining period, did not relax but continued to practice.

This breakthrough seems to be a little slow, and the feeling of breaking through is coming again in about ten minutes. The feeling of this breakthrough was simply too pleasant for He Chen. He Chen couldn't help thinking to himself, "If only I had practiced spiritual power so fast? I can't believe the breakthrough speed of practicing waste power." However, when he broke through the waste of power and reached the third level of the gas refining period, He Chen suddenly felt something wrong.

The hard-earned power in his body gradually began to be out of his control and began to swim crazily. Gradually, countless waste forces swam crazily in their Dantian, and countless waste forces slowly formed a small whirlpool. He Chen's consciousness slowly invaded his Dantian. After seeing the whirlpool of waste power, He Chen said in his heart, "Finally, I can condense my own waste weapon. I hope I can succeed at one time."

And Mr. Qian seemed to notice something, and his consciousness suddenly quietly entered the inside of He Chen's body. When he saw the whirlpool of waste power formed in He Chen's field, he couldn't help but say, "The barren power can try to condense the waste of life only if it reaches the third level of the refining period. Such talents are really terrible."

Mr. Qian dares to guarantee that today is the day he is the most surprised. He Chen's talent is really unbelievable. He Chen is a little nervous at this moment, but He Chen doesn't want to fail at all. He wants to succeed once, and once he condenses his own destiny. Gradually, when his mood became extremely calm, He Chen began to run the waste power and began to condense his own life. The barren vortex is collapsing little by little. When the barren vortex collapses, if nothing appears, it means that you have failed to condense your own life.

On the contrary, no matter what strange things appear, it means that you have succeeded in condensing your life. He Chen's forehead was already covered with cold sweat, which showed how difficult it was to condense his life. It is extremely painful to collapse the vortex of the hard-won wild force. But He Chen is still holding on, and an hour has passed rapidly. Finally, a roar resounded through the clouds, and at this moment, the wild whirlpool in He Chen's body has completely collapsed!

He Chen endured the severe pain and suddenly rushed to his Dantian, but found that there was one more thing in Dantian that surprised him. A white cloud appeared in front of his eyes. When He Chen saw the white cloud, he couldn't help saying, "This... It's my original weapon. It's a little too special. After saying that, He Chen had already opened his eyes. And Mr. Qian asked, "He Chen, how's it going? Have you condensed your own life?"

He Chen nodded helplessly and said, "It's condensed, but the appearance is a little strange." Mr. Qian frowned slightly and said, "Call out the waste weapon for me to have a look!" He Chen immediately ran wild, and suddenly a cloud that was not the size of a palm appeared in his hand. The white cloud in front of Mr. Qian also fell through his glasses. It was the first time that Mr. Qian had seen such a strange waste of life. He Chen pinched the white cloud with his hand fiercely and said, "Why did you look like this? Even if it is an ordinary sword, I can accept it!"

However, as soon as He Chen's voice fell, the palm-sized cloud emitted a faint white light. In an instant, the slap cloud immediately changed its shape, and a slender sword appeared in He Chen's hand. He Chen swallowed the saliva in his throat and said, "My wipe, won't it be so unbelievable!? Is my original weapon so human that this sword is exactly the same as the ordinary sword I thought in my heart?

Naturally, He Chen can't refuse such a big **, and he keeps imagining an extremely windy sword in his heart. The black sword body, ferocious pattern, and the abrupt He Chen thought of the blue phoenix with blue flames, which kept flashing in his mind. Finally, the weapon in He Chen's mind was fixed in his heart. At this moment, He Chen said excitedly, "Jiancheng!" As soon as the two words were said from the air, a black sword that was more than half a person tall appeared in He Chen's hand.

The black sword body, countless ferocious monster patterns, and the whole sword is wrapped in a blue flame. The sword in He Chen's hand is exactly the same as the sword he thought in his heart. He Chen couldn't help laughing and said, "My destiny weapon is simply too powerful. When I'm tired of using this sword, I will change my destiny weapon into other weapons. Daggers, long whips, big knives, all kinds, it's really cool!"

After saying that, He Chen suddenly thought that he had not yet tested the power of this life weapon. If this girl doesn't like it, it will be a tragedy. At this time, He Chen took a deep breath, and the fire power was wildly injected into the waste weapon. Although He Chen has never used a sword, he has never eaten pork and hasn't seen a pig run? He Chen is still familiar with Jianxiu. He Chen grabbed the black sword and cut it randomly into the void.

Abruptly, a sword flower burst out of the black sword in He Chen's hand. The blue flame sword flower hit the ground in an instant, and there was a loud noise, and the ground was directly blown up by the blue flame sword flower. Although this blue flame has no special ability, the temperature is much higher than that of ordinary flames. Although it is not as high as the high temperature of the blue flame exerted by the blue phoenix, it will not be much different.

And when Qian always saw this scene, he couldn't help covering his head and said, "Enough, that's enough. This guy is too unbelievable. How can the original weapon that has just condensed be so powerful? He Chen's casual blow is equivalent to the full blow of the sixth level of the gas refining period!"