array repair

123, Qianyuanfu

He Chen was so calm that he didn't say the words in his heart directly, and Lan's hot temper could bear the neglect of the two people. Suddenly, Lan's tone was mixed with anger and said, "Don't you two guys want to be killed by us instead? Is it great to know in the later stage? In the later stage of knowledge, it is still a period of knowledge! Humph!" Zhuang Die said faintly, "Lan, why are you so angry? Isn't it unpleasant to have someone send us a head! Coupled with the heads of the two of them, our battle is enough to harvest 62 heads, which is not far from our goal of 400 heads.

He Chen looked at Zhuang Die with great interest and said in his heart, "The pride of this butterfly girl is simply penetrating into her bones. In a few words, she demoted the two late monks to nothing." The barren beauty had a cold expression on her face. At this time, Luo Xuan said, "Xu Rou doesn't care about these short-sighted guys. Unless they have late monks, otherwise... In the face of our two late monks, they will definitely die.

Xu Rou suppressed her anger and said lightly, "It's also human's normal for people to play some talk, so let's kill these four guys as soon as possible. Especially that child and the cheap-mouthed woman, I will definitely torture and torture both of them. Hearing Xu Rou scolding her cheap Zhuangdie, she was also unhappy, and even her unhateness was revealed in front of everyone. The ground on which her feet stepped on was frozen by a lot of frost. The frozen ground is enough to show Zhuang Die's anger at this moment. You should know that Zhuang Die is the daughter of the lord of Kaiyang City.

And Zhuangdie herself has the strength to understand the later stage, and if it hadn't been for her father, she wouldn't have been hiding her cultivation. Zhuang Die looked at Xu Rou with an indifferent face and slowly said, "It seems that I have to take action this time, and I must expose my own strength in the later stage. However, to deal with two late-stage monks... Even if I am a little reluctant, I can only hope that He Chen, Lan and Youluo can work together to contain a late monk.

In his heart, Zhuangdie took a step forward and said indifferently, "The woman with an unclean mouth has been handed over to me... Some people have to pay enough for her words. Youluo, the three of you are responsible for restraining the other person. If you two work together, I will not be their opponents. Youluo covered his mouth and said in surprise, "Sister Die, what are you talking about? Those two have late-stage opponents. How can you deal with them alone?

Zhuang Die took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, I lied. I hide my strength for some reasons that I can't explain clearly. In fact, I have the strength in the later stage. Youluo said with a suddenly enlightened expression, "So it is! Sister Butterfly is so powerful that she has such a strong cultivation at about the same age as me. Originally, I thought that in the face of two later cultivations, we would definitely die, but now with Sister Butterfly, we still have a glimmer of life.

Lan curled her lips and said disdainfully, "It's just two late monks... Thinking back then... Humph!" Half of Lan's words, I didn't say anything. You know, Lan was a stormy existence in the Lei family, and she could casually find a few monks in the later stage and even the foundation period as a training partner. However, no monks found by Lan dared to beat Lan at all, because Lan would lose his temper as soon as he lost. He Chen joked, " Lan, why don't you say it halfway?"

Lan blushed and said, "This... It's not important at all. Let's work together! It's the right thing to work together to deal with those two crazy bastards! Uh-huh, that's it!" Zhuang Die said in her heart, "I thought they would blame me for this, but I didn't expect that nothing had happened." Unconsciously, Zhuang Die felt a warm current filling her heart, and she sincerely regarded them as friends for Lan and other three people.

Xu Rou's temper was not good to see Zhuang Die ridiculed, and suddenly she was furious. At this moment, Zhuang Die's breath suddenly improved, and the huge spiritual breath emanated crazily. Xu Rou took a deep breath and said, "Outer! The breath emitted is about the extent of the later stage of knowledge. It turns out that you have been hiding your strength. However, if there is another late monk, I may be a little afraid, but only one late monk is not enough! Luo Xuan, you quickly kill the other three and then join hands with me to deal with this person. The two of us will definitely kill this woman in the later stage!"

Zhuang Die snorted coldly and said slowly, "Come if you want to die!" Although Zhuang Die has very little practical experience, as the daughter of the owner of Kaiyang City, she has a lot of treasures. And this banker is a Fu Xiu family. As the banker's beautiful daughter, Zhuang Die's precious runes naturally make some Fu Xiu, who are comparable to Zhuang Die's strength, envious. A spiritual force entered the storage ring, and an ice-blue symbol appeared in the void in a flash.

At the moment the ice-blue record appeared, the temperature of the whole air dropped a lot, and bursts of chills emanated from this ice-blue record. Zhuang Die looked at the ice-blue runes in the void with a little pain in her eyes. No one knew how precious the ice-blue runes were than Zhuang Die. Since getting this ice blue rune, Zhuang Die has never used it, because this ice blue rune is extremely special and can only be used 5 times in total.

After 5 times of use, it will crack in an instant, and almost every time you use Zhuangdie will have extreme physical pain. However, Zhuang Die is extremely confident in the attack power of this ice blue rune, which is enough to seriously injure the later monks. However, the attack of this ice blue rune must attack all the enemies in the later stage to seriously injure it, so Zhuang Die must seize the opportunity to attack Xu Rou.

However, Zhuang Die has made plans to use this ice blue rune twice or even three times. She wants to kill Xu Rou in one fell swoop. Only by killing Xu Rou can she join hands with He Chen and kill Luo Xuan. Lan looked at the ice-blue rune released by Zhuang Die and asked curiously, "This... What's the name of the ice blue rune? The breath it exudes is so surprising!" Zhuang Die replied with a smile, "This rune is called Qianyuan rune, but I don't even understand what the name of this rune means. The ability of the name and the record itself is not compatible at all, but... What I learned is that this rune is indeed called Qianyuan rune!"

Xu Rou looked at the ice-blue runes in the void with fear. Although she was a little panicked, her mouth said at all, "Let me see what you, an outsider, have to do, but my barren people are definitely much stronger than you outsiders. Luo Xuan, don't be dumbfounded there. Kill the other three!" Luo Xuan took a deep breath and nodded, "I know, just a few early and middle-term monks. For me, it's simply a cow knife to kill chickens."

He Chen sneered and said, "Youluo, Lan will obey my orders and let the three of us work together to stage a good play to kill the later monks. A late-stage monk dares to be so arrogant, which is simply tired of living!" If others are arrogant, He Chen will be more arrogant than them, because he has arrogant capital!" Youluo and Lan nodded without saying anything. At this moment, He Chen directly took out the ten ghosts and demon flags with endless cold atmosphere from the storage ring.

The ten ghosts and demon flame flags were gloomy, and the whole sky seemed to be extremely dark because of the appearance of the ten ghosts and demon flame flags. Strange Fajue came out of He Chen's hands, and all of them were integrated into the flag of the ten ghosts. Luo Xuan was not in a hurry to attack, but looked at He Chen's movements with interest. For him, it was just a few ants, which still needed to use his real power.

Light the enemy! Sometimes people always pay a relatively painful price for underestroy the enemy, and Luo Xuan has not realized what a painful price his underesity has brought to himself. At the same time, Zhuang Die said an extremely complicated sentence on the other side, and every word Zhuang Die said seemed to contain huge power. But no one understands what each word Zhuang Die said means, and even Zhuang Die, who reads these words, doesn't understand the meaning contained therein.

Generally, special symbols have special usage methods. For example, this "Qianyuan Symbol" must be used with the corresponding charm, otherwise others will not know how to use this "Qianyuan Symbol" at all. How could Xu Rou be an idiot to sit and wait for Zhuang Die to launch an attack, but Xu Rou's right hand has undergone extremely strange changes at this moment. The whole right arm instantly turned into a dazzling golden blade, and Xu Rou gently stroked her right hand and slowly said, "This is the power given to me by God... Let me kill you with a unique waste of life!"

Xu Rou killed a monk who was also in the later stage with her own destiny. Zhuang Die looked at Xu Rou in her eyes while reading the charm. Zhuang Die, who had always been shocked, was scared by Xu Rou's right arm. Her left hand actually kneaded her right arm, which turned into a golden blade at will. The right arm should not be extremely soft enough to change its shape at will.

But then Xu Rou's golden blade hit the void fiercely, and the huge golden light poured out from Xu Rou's right arm. Suddenly, Xu Rou's speed accelerated crazily with the appearance of golden light. Ten meters, one meter, the distance between Xu Rou and Zhuang Die quickly shortened. Luo Xuan also noticed what happened on Xu Rou's side, but Luo Xuan said to himself, "Xu Rou seems to be really annoyed and suddenly took out her own weapon. Even if I face her own destiny, I will be careful, be careful, and be careful. It is possible to fall in the face of her. Especially once her original weapon is pierced into other people's bodies, it will instantly change from extremely soft to extremely hard. The degree of hardness alone can instantly destroy the original waste of the mid-term monk, and Xu Rou's original waste weapon will burst out endless metal waste power as soon as it becomes hard. Tut-tut, it's really enviable to think that Xu Rou can exert an extremely huge attack power by swinging her right arm at will.

Although Luo Xuan's original weapon is also a little special, it is far less powerful than Xu Rou's original weapon, which is why Luo Xuan chose Xu Rou to form a team. However, Luo Xuan is not afraid of this Xu Rou. Even if Xu Rou wants to force Luo Xuan to directly blow up his own life, Xu Rou will be seriously injured even if she doesn't die.