array repair

176, puzzle

He Chen clearly knows that the possibility of solving the first mystery array is very low, but He Chen is unwilling not to try it. At this moment, He Chen's consciousness slowly attached to the army of red monks, and instead of taking any roundabout tactics, he directly took a strong attack! The vast red monk army stabbed the blue monk army like a sharp sword, but the next moment He Chen knew that the attack could not be won at all.

The blue monk army directly surrounded his army, and the cruel siege began in an instant. He Chen originally wanted to use the tactic of killing the enemy one thousand and losing 800 to disturb the blue monk army with this desperate tactic. However, the commander of the blue monk army clearly saw He Chen's intention and guided the army led by He Chen to a place where the terrain was obviously beneficial to the blue monk army. Then, the army of blue monks rushed up.

The obvious number of enemies and us indicates the failure of He Chen's tactics, and He Chen does not want to try circuitous tactics. In the confrontation between the two armies, most of the weak parties adopted circuitous tactics to seek a turning point. But... This is when the gap between the two armies is not much, and the number of the army led by He Chen and the army of blue monks must have been too large. The first puzzle was completely failed, and 115 people were killed and 296 were injured.

The army led by He Chen... It is completely destroyed! He Chen looked at the endless monk's body on the light curtain with embarrassment and said, "Mysterious array! The more difficult it is, the more difficult it is. I can't solve the first puzzle array. It seems that... I have to use this 500 exchange point. After saying that, He Chen said directly to the empty old man, "Exchange! I want to continue to try, but if the mission fails, I will have to die. Please tell me when the deadline for completing the task is!"

The empty old man said directly, "Three months! You only have three months... If you fail, I will be responsible for erasing your existence. After saying that, the nihilless old man casually threw a book to He Chen and said, "This is information about 15 mysterious arrays. Maybe you can get some inspiration from it." He Chen was very distressed. In his eyes, the fillusory old man became an exploiter, and the 500 exchange points he had painstakingly saved turned into nothing.

But He Chen could only turn grief and indignation into motivation to carefully read a book without a name given to him by the nihilistic old man, while the nihilistic old man directly integrated into He Chen's illusory treasure. In about half an hour, He Chen has finished reading the information about the first mysterious array. At this time, He Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "The information is very perfect, and I already know the key to solving the puzzle. But... If you make a mistake, you will lose the whole game! Every link of the plan should be perfect and lure the enemy deep! Then defeat the local monks according to the different abilities of our monks, and use the special ability of each monk in the monk army, so as to achieve the record of defeating the weak and the strong one by one.

In fact, the information is not a deep-seated thing. The key is how to fully develop the capabilities of our army of monks. The only advantage is that the ability of the red monk army led by He Chen has a check and balance on the blue monk army. He Chen only needs to expand this role of checks and balances to achieve an opportunity to win.

If it hadn't been for this information, He Chen could not have found this only advantage at all. He Chen took a deep breath and attached his consciousness to the army of red monks again. He Chen defeated the Blue Monk army step by step according to the previous plan, but when Chen thought he could solve the first mystery array. The blue monk army fought desperately at a critical moment, and the crazy blue monk army suddenly disrupted He Chen's deployment, causing He Chen to be defeated by the blue monk army again.

One war after another continued in the light curtain, and almost every time He Chen almost defeated the blue monk army. But every time, a little mistake led to cause the destruction of the army of red monks led by him, but He Chen was still extremely patient. After 21 failures, He Chen calmly reflected on the reasons for the previous 21 failures. After reflecting for half an hour, He Chen looked at the light curtain with a cold face and lured the enemy to an area full of dark magic grass at the cost of 30% of the red monks.

Then, 20% ambushed in this red monk army desperately to release fire attribute spells. Dark Magic Grass has the ability to strengthen the power of fire attribute spells, and almost 20% of the red monks have exhausted their spiritual power. The whole area full of dark magic grass was wrapped in endless flames, and all kinds of fire spells rushed desperately towards the blue monk army. Although the blue monk army killed 20% of the red monk army, the blue monk army lost 60% of the monks.

In this battle, it has to be said that He Chen won a great victory, at the cost of 50% of the monks in exchange for 60% of the enemy's monks. In the final battle, He Chen divided 50% of the army of red monks into a group of monks, and constantly harassed the blue monks army with countless monks. The small team continued to disrupt the deployment of the entire blue monk army with harassing offensives, and the war suddenly fell into a stalemate battle. This is almost... It's a king-to-king army.

The leader is the king, and once Wang loses the army of monks led by him, he will also be defeated like a mountain. He Chen calmly gave the correct orders one by one to force the army of the blue monks, and a trace of anxiety could be felt in the orders given by the commander of the army of the blue monks. The final result of the war ended with the complete annihilation of the blue monk army led by He Chen, but He Chen couldn't help taking a deep breath. He Chen also felt a little tired when he ordered so many monks with the power of one person, but in the end, He Chen finally solved the first mysterious array.

He Chen suddenly has a sense of satisfaction, and perhaps everyone will feel a sense of satisfaction when solving a difficult problem. At first, He Chen thought that he would definitely not win. After all, the enemy and us were too aware of it. But as the war continued, He Chen's calm enemy's panic made him find a chance to win. As soon as he found the loophole of the enemy, the army led by He Chen bit the "loophole!" like a hungry wolf, constantly enlarging the loophole.

He Chen lay directly on the ground and gasped, and his back was soaked with sweat. He Chen, who had been frowning tightly, finally showed a relaxed look. Solving the puzzle was a kind of spiritual battle, and He Chen couldn't stand solving the first puzzle alone. But... He Chen found that he seemed to like to understand puzzles. The satisfaction of solving puzzles successfully is simply great!

The progress of the puzzle array is constantly accelerating, after the baptism of the first puzzle array. He Chen is also more and more good at solving the puzzle array, and the mystery array is also diverse. The most outrageous thing is the 11th puzzle array, which is actually a chess game, but this is not an ordinary chess game but an endgame. He Chen also took a lot of effort to solve this mess, and with the resolution of the 15th puzzle array, He Chen's task also came to an end.

He Chen was also quite surprised by this virtual array system. It was too powerful to be able to break the remaining mysterious array with brute force. When He Chen completed the task, the nihilist old man also appeared. He Chen looked at the nihilless old man's mouth and said slowly, "It only took me a month and a half to complete the task... So is there any reward?" The empty old man smiled and said, "Reward? This is not the one. Master, will you immediately break all the remaining mysterious arrays?

He Chen nodded heavily and said, "Hurry up and break the remaining mysterious array... I don't want to stay in this damn place for a second. The empty old man then took a deep breath and patted his right palm on the magic stone fiercely. He Chen only heard a broken sound suddenly sounded. And the countless streamers on the magic stone also kept disappearing, and in an instant, there was no mysterious array of magic stones slowly suspended in the air and rotated.

He Chen looked at the magic stone and couldn't help snorting coldly, "Thank you very much... If it were not for you, how could I start the "mission record!" " After saying that, He Chen released a water chopping technique at will. The huge water blade is fiercely cut on the magic stone. In addition to the extremely strong ability to create fantasy, the magic stone itself is extremely fragile.

With the destruction of the magic stone, the whole magic array was also destroyed, and countless illusions disappeared in an instant. However, He Chen suddenly saw the exit of the whole cave, and He Chen controlled the blue magic fan to accelerate crazily. In the surprised eyes of countless magic mountain gate monks, He Chen rushed out of the magic mountain cave directly with the blue magic fan. Almost three seconds after He Chen disappeared, the magic mountain gate monks reacted and hurriedly took out the flying magic weapons from the storage ring and chased them in the direction He Chen had fled.

These monks of the Magic Mountain Gate can't believe that He Chen came out of the death maze in a month and a half. You know, they have never seen anyone who entered the death maze and came out again. Zhang Peng also ordered them to stay here for a year. If He Chen did not come out of the death maze, they would return to the magic mountain gate to practice. But... After only a month and a half, He Chen appeared alive in front of them.

He Chen is constantly accelerating and flying crazily, but the distance between the pursuers and him is constantly shortening. He Chen looked behind him and couldn't help cursing, "Damn it! The monks of Moshan Gate are all a group of crazy dogs! This... It's just forcing me! When I practiced from the cross demon realm to the foundation-building period... I must want your whole demon mountain gate to disappear from the nine sword island of the sea of demons!" He Chen was really aggrieved. Originally, he had finally solved 15 mysterious arrays and left the death maze through the power of the virtual spirit array system, but as soon as he came out, he was chased by the monks of Moshanmen. How could he not make He Chen feel aggrieved?