array repair

178, blasphemer

While flying while avoiding the pursuers, He Chen held a map tightly with his right hand. He read the map to the cross demon realm carefully again. Entering the cross demon realm is an extremely dangerous thing, and the whole cross demon realm is controlled by the three forces. Only a few monks except the three major forces can enter the cross demon realm, and even the first force of the nine swords faction on the whole nine sword island cannot enter the cross demon realm.

Because the three forces have existed in the cross demon realm for too long, and over time, this cross demon realm is also known as..." I can't get it!" As long as you have the strength to do anything in the Cross Demon Realm, the three major forces in the Cross Demon Realm are extremely worshipful of force. However, the three forces especially hate outsiders. Unless you have a safe route to enter the cross demon realm, you will be set a lot of traps by the three forces on the way to the cross demon realm.

How horrible the trap that can make the Nine Swords are afraid of it... This is self-evident. Many traps were arranged when the three forces just broke into the cross demon realm, and that was also the craziest time in the cross demon realm. He Chen read the map so carefully for fear in case he remembered the wrong route... If you touch a trap, He Chen will die. He Chen said with a sneer in his heart, "The monk of Moshan Gate... Enjoy the traps laid by the three major forces in the Cross Demon Realm.

He hated these monks of Moshanmen who had chased him for so long. He Chen was excited when he thought that these monks of Moshanmen were about to enter the cross demon realm. But at this time, He Chen found that those haunted guys were getting closer and closer to him, and at this time, He Chen seemed to overdraw his spiritual power and desperately injected it into the blue devil fan. He Chen, who suddenly accelerated, rushed into the scope of the cross demon realm like a blue meteor, but He Chen quickly controlled the blue magic fan and rushed to the left.

He Chen clearly remembered that there was a horrible trap hidden on the right, and He Chen escaped one trap after another like flowing water. How can the monks of the Demon Mountain Gate chasing He Chen know where and how many traps have been placed by the three forces of the Cross Demon Realm? And He Chen's extremely fast flight speed directly confused the monks of Moshanmen... Is He Chen going left or right now? A mistake in judgment was that the monks of Moshanmen died in an instant... Countless screams resounded throughout the cross demon realm.

Hearing the scream, He Chen knew which ghostly guys finally died cleanly, but He Chen muttered in his heart, "Moshan Gate... Wait for me! When I left the Cross Demon Domain, it was the time for you to destroy the demon mountain gate!" Now He Chen is just on the way to the cross demon realm, and there is still a lot of distance from the real cross demon realm He Chen. However, He Chen, who did not have a pursuer, relaxed a lot. When he controlled the blue magic fan to fly, he also constantly absorbed the aura in the air. Almost instantly turned a pure aura into a huge spiritual power and poured into He Chen's body.

is called "Unable to Zone!" He Chen knew that he must keep a low profile. Once he was found by the three forces, the three forces who were extremely disgusted with outsiders would definitely kill He Chen. But I'm afraid that He Chen will go there once in the black domain. The mystery of the black domain brings He Chen too much curiosity, and curiosity will definitely make people impulsive. When the black domain opens... Maybe He Chen will also break into the dark realm for a big adventure!

He Chen, who escaped countless traps in a five-hour flight... Finally, he arrived at the Cross Demon Realm, and He Chen finally arrived in the mysterious area that even the Nine Swordsmen could not touch. What came into He Chen's eyes was a desert, and countless dry sand grains swept over with the strong wind. He Chen did not set foot in this desert immediately, and He Chen did not know much about this cross demon realm. However, He Chen, who had not yet set foot in the desert, felt the huge aura that came to his face. He Chen couldn't help sighing, "Compared with the outside world's aura, my cultivation speed can at least triple. No, it should be five times!"

He Chen glanced slightly over the borderless desert land and slowly said, "This should be the area controlled by the three major forces of the cross demon realm, or to find a quiet and hidden place to concentrate on cultivation. I heard that the killers are very difficult to provoke."

The three forces in the cross demon realm control different regions respectively, while the desert-like region is controlled by the desert-cloud realm! He Chen's consciousness spread slightly towards the desert cloud field, and the divine consciousness rushed to the whole desert cloud field like waves. After the divine investigation, He Chen was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat. Originally, he just searched at random, but He Chen found that the number of monsters in the range of his consciousness was amazing.

The dense monsters hide in the golden sand grains, and many monsters are hidden into a huge sand dune. If you get close to the sand dunes, you will definitely suffer an unprecedented terrorist attack. Can you imagine the shock of the huge sand dunes instantly turning into a ferocious monster? He Chen suddenly felt that... While the aura is abundant, this desert cloud field is simply a dangerous and horrible place.

What makes He Chen most entangled is to find a safe retreat in such a dense desert cloud... It's almost a very difficult thing. He Chen didn't want to be interrupted by several monsters in the middle of the retreat, and may even be killed alive by monsters breaking into the retreat. Compared with the wilderness of Kaiyang City, it is too horrible and too many. It is possible to encounter a monster after almost ten or twenty steps.

He Chen really couldn't believe that someone could build a huge force in this horrible area, but he learned that the Mo Killing Territory did not completely rule the Moyun domain. A small part of Moyunyu has been occupied by the original indigenous people here. It can be said that the people who killed the territory are invaders. The indigenous people of Moyunyu call the people of Moyunyu "blasphemers!"

The indigenous people in Moyunyu have their own unique beliefs. As soon as the Moyun territory, they launched the most terrible attack on the indigenous people. Almost 60% of the indigenous people in the desert cloud were killed, and their homes were destroyed crazily. The day of the invasion of the desert killing leader means that the indigenous people will be at peace with them, and the other two major forces in the cross demon realm are the same as the desert killing leader. Massacre and occupy the homes where indigenous people live!

But... The three major forces have not killed all the indigenous people! The stubbornness of the indigenous people was terrible, and the crazy and tenacious indigenous people survived. The hatred between the indigenous people and the three major forces has penetrated into their bones, killing and being killed! In recent years, the power of the indigenous people has gradually begun to recover, with the help of the so-called "god!" The power also poses a great threat to the three major forces.

At this moment, the cross demon realm is murderous, and the friction between the three major forces and the indigenous people is intensifying. From a small-scale war to now... The direction of the war gradually became uncontrollable, and it had to be said that the time when He Chen entered the cross demon realm was very sad. From the beginning of the small friction to now, there will be a terrible fight between the indigenous people and the three major forces, for the "blasphemy!" The indigenous people are hated to the bone! The war between monks is more bloody and cruel than that of mortal armies. Indigenous people treat "blasphemers!" The means are extremely cruel.

However, if He Chen stood from the perspective of the indigenous people, I'm afraid that he would also hate the people of the three forces, and the indigenous people would almost be completely eliminated by the people of the three forces. He Chen, both the indigenous and the three major forces, do not want to make peace, but He Chen is now controlling the blue magic fan to carefully shuttle past the monster. There are hundreds of foundation-building monsters found by He Chen's divine consciousness alone, and even He Chen has found a few Jindan period monsters.

The Moyun area full of monsters suddenly improved He Chen's heartbeat speed and screened several closed places. He Chen finally finalized the place he wanted to retreat, the sand dunes! He Chen repeatedly used his divine consciousness to test it countless times, confirming that the sand dune was not disguised by monsters. He Chen stepped on the blue magic fan and rushed to the huge sand dune. There was a reason why he chose this sand dune as a retreat.

First of all, there are not many monsters around this huge sand dune, and the cultivation of monsters is almost like the period of knowledge. Then there is the difference of the whole sand dune, which is like hard steel. Thick and hard, unimaginable, He Chen manipulated the blue magic fan and the original weapon to attack together to burst out a big hole. Then, He Chen kept attacking the huge sand dunes.

However, the spiritual fluctuations emitted by He Chen's attack were deliberately controlled by him, and He Chen's terrible attack attracted the attention of monsters. If it attracts the monster of the foundation period... That must be a nightmare for He Chen. He Chen slowly built a small room inside the sand dunes, a room where He Chen could practice alone. The big hole blowd by He Chen is an unreachable existence for the whole huge sand dune, but the road to He Chen's practice room from the big hole is very long.

He Chen laid countless arrays, arrays and all kinds of improvised prohibitions on the way to his practice place for safety. He Chen did not get involved in the study of prohibition. However, many methods of prohibition are recorded in the strange talk. It is said that many arrays are understood through prohibition, so there are also many records of prohibition.

Although He Chen also knew that there were still many potential safety hazards, He Chen almost exerted his strength to the extreme. If monsters can still break into their own practice places, He Chen can only fight to the death. How can He Chen not pay the price for such a rich aura? However, He Chen did not think that there would really be monsters breaking in. After all, the location of the sand dunes He Chen chose was relatively remote, and as long as He Chen did not make any big moves, few monsters could detect his existence.

After fiddling with the cultivation place, He Chen's hard work is finally about to begin. He has decided not to practice until the peak of the later stage of knowledge!