cover the sky

Chapter 77 Kyushu Heavy ware

Manager Liu and others were beaten with less breath and more anger, lying on the street like dead dogs. In the past, they had done too much and had already aroused public anger. If it hadn't been for the advice of a few steady old people, they would have been beaten to death and killed. In the end, everyone threw them to their respective doorsteps like dead dogs, which was very gratifying.

At noon, there was laughter in the small restaurant, and Xiao Tingting's smile was so bright that she was no longer worried and afraid. Uncle Jiang's stuffiness also came out, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to have melted a lot. He turned over and made several dishes, including red rabbit meat, clear soup rabbit balls, sweet and sour rabbit ribs, green leaf rolled chicken, spicy chicken diced, and some vegetables made of wild fruits.

This meal was eaten for a long time, mixed with laughter from time to time. This harmonious atmosphere gave Ye Fan an illusion that he had returned home.

After lunch, Ye Fan went straight into the deep mountains. He began to try to control the "divine pattern", because it was very critical and important for later cultivation.

Each "divine pattern" is like a divine iron chain, wrapped in the golden bitter sea, which is the original form condensed by the essence of life.

The monk can sacrifice the "divine pattern" into various shapes, such as flying knives, daggers, etc., which can release the outside body to kill the enemy, which is more effective than the "divine pattern". Some people will spend a lot of time and thought to sacrifice the original "divine pattern" into flying swords, small shields, halberds, etc., which is easier to control and will be much more powerful against the enemy.

There are also some people who are not afraid of complexity and mystery, repeatedly temper the "divine pattern" and sacrifice it into "dling" and "bell" or "tower", etc., which can exert all kinds of mysterious power.

Legend has it that very few monks sacrificed the "weaware" made of "divine patterns", which may have unexpected changes in the later period, interweaving the "track of the Tao" inside of the "weaware", which has unfathomable power.

Of course, this probability is very low, and only those gifted and extremely powerful monks can have such an opportunity.

Judging from past experience, the more complicated and mysterious the weapon refined by the original "divine pattern" is, the greater the power, the "trip" and the "bell" or "tower", etc., relatively speaking, the "track of the Tao" is intertwined internally, and I hope it may be larger.

Of course, the more complex the "inuity" is, the more difficult it is to form. It takes endless energy and time to temper an outline. It has been a waste of time.

Moreover, even if it is a fluke to succeed, it is difficult to get a reward if you practice hard to the later stage. After all, the hope of the emergence of the "track of Tao" is too slim. For many monks, it is just a legend, which is only exclusive to a few amazing characters.

It is very important for monks to temper the original "divine pattern" into a "indivine weapon", and everyone will take it seriously, because this is the foundation of their "royal object" in the future.

For example, Han Feiyu's imperial envoy Aoki Baoyin, Elder Han controls twelve green wood swords, and the unscrupulous Taoist priest controls a variety of psychic weapons, provided that the original "divine pattern" has already been tempered into a "weapon" to control and control various weapons.

After tempering the "divine pattern" into a "indivine weapon", most people will choose the spiritual treasure of the same shape as it. Only when the two are consistent can they exert the greatest power.

Of course, the shape is different, and it's not impossible to control other weapons, but it's just a little discount.

There are also some monks who constantly condense "divine patterns" and repeatedly sacrifice their own "weapons" without the need to control other physical weapons. The hammered "weapons" are their spiritual treasures.

According to the records of the sea scrolls of the Taoist scriptures, each of the four realms of the bitter sea, the spring of life, the divine bridge and the other side can temper a "use".

Ye Fan is already a monk in the realm of the bitter sea. Now he will temper his first "ware". He is seriously thinking about what to choose, because this matter is of great importance. Once the "ware" is sacrificed, it will be difficult to change.

Moreover, the first "in-in-one" is the foundation in the future, which is much more important than the "in-in-in-one" refined by other realms.

Since he chose the path of practice, everything will be considered in the long run. Ye Fan first eliminated ordinary weapons such as flying swords, shields and spears.

Although he knew that there was little hope, he still hoped that his "weaware" could interweave the "track of the Tao" in the future, so he decided to choose among those complicated and mysterious "weawares".

"What to choose..." Ye Fan thought about it seriously and carefully for a long time, and finally his eyes brightened.

In the end, he had a clear choice and decided to temper his "divine pattern" into a "dding".

is not a momentary impulse. This is what Ye Fan has thought about, not only because he likes "ding" subjectively, but more importantly, "ding" is the most mysterious artifact in ancient China.

The tripod runs through the whole ancient history of China. The mountains and rivers are broken, the dynasties change, the princes rise together, and the unification of Kyushu... They are inseparable from the tripod. They are the artifacts of Kyushu and the sacred objects of the country.

Win the Central Plains, the Spring and Autumn Period are prosperous... Countless idioms are related to the tripod, which is magnificent. The tripod has a long history in ancient China and is the most mysterious "national weapon". It can even be said that the "ding" can represent ancient China.

It is difficult to say how long the history of China is. Some things have not been recorded and passed down. Ye Fan thought of a lot, so he chose "ding".

In the pre-Qin period, many holy emperors and ancient emperors were zen in Mount Tai, including 72 ancient emperors such as Fuxi, Shennong and Huangdi. Now in Ye Fan's view, there are too many mysteries. Judging from his own experience, it is not difficult to find that ancient China was shrouded in endless fog.

There seems to be an extremely mysterious period in ancient China. That period of time was annihilated in the vast river of history. From all kinds of clues, some situations can be detected, and the ancient ancestors seemed to have extraordinary power.

And "Ding" as the most mysterious artifact inherited from that period, it was naturally particularly valued by Ye Fan. It ran through the most important sacred artifact in ancient Chinese history, and was naturally chosen as a "heavy weapon" by him.

Ye Fan is full of confidence in this choice. This is the crystallization of ancient China. As his first "inuity" and "root", it is the most suitable.

There are also many forms of tripods. The most famous ones are the three-legged tripod and the four-legged tripod. Which one should I choose? Ye Fan thought about it again.

"The three-legged and two-eared tripod appeared earlier..." He gradually made a decision in his heart.

In addition to the earlier reason, there are other reasons. Thinking about it as his current monk, he feels that the tripod contains some inexplicable truths.

The three-legged is more stable than the four-legged, which is the most stable form, and the circle is wider and deeper than the square.

Three-legged, stable, firm, firm and solid!

The circle represents the stars of the universe of heaven and earth. Legend has it that Pangu opens the world, that is, it breaks a circle and breaks a spherical space. It is the initial evolution process of chaos, and the circle represents the origin.

"That's right, just choose the three-legged tripod!" After careful consideration and consideration, Ye Fan made this important decision.

It is not so easy to temper the original "divine pattern" into a weapon. This is a arduous and long process, which cannot be achieved overnight.

First of all, we should determine the shape of the "intemper" and firmly imprint it in the sea of the heart. In the future, it will be tempered with reference, and there should be no flaws.

Ye Fan held the bodhisattva in his hand, immersed himself in an ethereal realm, engraved pictures in his heart, simulated the nineteen "divine lines" with divine consciousness, and then began to temper them, first shaping them in the sea of hearts.

After unremitting efforts, the 19 "divine lines" melted and finally condensed into a small golden tripod the size of a bean, which was brilliant and perfect.

However, Ye Fan was not very satisfied. He always felt that there was something missing. The shape was perfect, but there was a lack of rhyme.

"Yes, there is still a lack of Ding Er."

Ye Fan began to temper again, and the golden tripod the size of beans was slowly tempered into a pair of tripod ears.

When the golden tripod was sacrificed in his heart, Ye Fan suddenly felt a natural charm. He felt quite satisfied and couldn't help saying to himself, "One tripod, two ears, three feet. Yes, Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, three gives birth to all things, all things bear the yin and embrace the yang, and think that the anger is..."

The more Ye Fan looked at it, the more satisfied he felt. The small golden tripod with the size of beans became more and more mysterious in his eyes. Finally, it suddenly occupied his heart and became simple, atmospheric and natural.

"Yes, that's it!"

After Ye Fan's finalization, the three-legged tripod is engraved in his heart forever. In the future, he will begin to temper such a real "ding" in the sea of suffering.

"The most mysterious artifact that runs through the whole ancient Chinese history..." Ye Fan's heart was full of expectations.