cover the sky

Chapter 109 Holy Medicine

In the deepest part of the forbidden area of life, nine holy mountains are connected together, surrounded by a huge abyss, black holes, and it is difficult to see the end.

At this moment, a majestic and towering holy mountain is quiet, with lush and lush vegetation. In the center area of the flat top of the mountain, there is a two-meter-square spring pool, flowing, overflowing with crystal brilliance, like the gathering of divine liquid. There is a man lying in this very small spring, but it looks like a dead body, with dry flesh and blood, gray and dull skin, almost dry, and close to the bones. I'm not dead..." Ye Fan woke up the moment he fell into the spring. There was a strong essence of life in the spring, which prevented his body from aging.

His vitality is almost dry, his internal organs have shrunk, and his flesh and blood have been dry for a hundred years. At this moment, he is immersed in the spring pool and begins to absorb the essence of life quickly, like a long-drought desert.

Ye Fan lay on his back in the two-meter-square spring pool, feeling that his throat was dry, and his lips were only left with a layer of skin. He turned his head with difficulty, and then opened his mouth and began to drink.

The spring water is sweet, with bursts of fragrance, moistening Ye Fan's dry lips and throat, like agar jade liquid, which gives people an endless aftertaste, and he gradually has more power in his body.

Ye Fan swallowed the spring water, and the dry vitality gradually glowed with a trace of vitality. The flesh and blood were slowly rejuvenating, and the withered internal organs were slowly moistened by the essence of life.

He knew that he had finally got rid of the danger and survived. In the divine spring, the demonic power in the ancient forbidden land could not make him continue to age. Half a quarter of an hour passed, he didn't know how much spring water he had drunk, and his stomach was completely filled, and finally he couldn't swallow it.

Ye Fan lay on his back in the spring pool and no longer wanted to move. Looking at the blue sky, he breathed a sigh of relief. For the rest of his life, his vitality slowly recovered, which made him feel relieved.

He lay down for half an hour and felt that the vitality in his body was gradually getting stronger, so he moved his thin arm. The dry flesh and blood swelled a little, the vitality of life continued to recover, and his heartbeat became more and more powerful.

It was not until this time that his five senses slowly recovered. His body was very comfortable, soaked in spring water, and a large amount of life essence was flowing through the pores into the bones of his limbs. It's good to be alive..." Ye Fan's face showed satisfaction. Not long ago, the fire of life would be extinguished. He felt that surviving was the greatest gift from heaven.

"People will never be satisfied when they are at ease. Only when the mountains and rivers are exhausted and experience endless despair can they understand that simple and plain living is a kind of happiness." Ye Fan lay there, looking up at the sky, his face was full of smiles, and he slowly regained his vitality.

The flesh and blood were moistened with the viscera, the pulse became more and more powerful, the skin gradually stretched, and there was some luster. Ye Fan finally had strong strength and was no longer tired. He sat up slowly. At this time, his five senses completely recovered, and he suddenly felt the strong fragrance, which made the refreshing fragrance of the god rush to his face.

There are eleven small trees around the spring pool on both sides, all of which are more than half a meter high and green, like emerald carvings, sparkling and green. They are shaped like pine trees, and the needle-shaped leaves are clustered, like green jade marrow grinding out, shining brightly.

Ye Fan is no longer an ordinary person in the past. After practicing, his spiritual sense is extremely keen, and he naturally sees a lot of things that he could not perceive before.

Although the eleven small trees are very low, the branches are covered with old bark, powerful and winding and stretching, like dragons. They seem to have grown for hundreds of thousands of years and have existed for endless years, giving people an extremely ancient strange feeling, not like plants, but like living fossils.

At the top of each small tree, there is a brilliant golden fruit, which can be as big as a longan, crystal clear, like gold cast, very extraordinary.

The emerald-like turquoise tree bears such golden fruit. The two reflect each other and look very dazzling and fragrant, which makes people intoxicated.

It took a lot of effort to enter the ancient forbidden land for this holy medicine. Ye Fan was very excited at the moment. Looking at the eleven golden fruits of the eleven small trees, he felt that everything was worth it.

The Holy Land and the ancient family planned for a long time. They sent the strong men twice, consumed endless painstaking efforts, sacrificed out the forbidden weapons, and even brought in the imitation barren towers, but the result was ashes and smoke. All the super strong were destroyed, and the detached forces of several sides got nothing. At this moment, Ye Fan is sitting in the divine spring, and the holy medicine is close at hand. How can he not be satisfied and excited? "Oh, la"

Ye Fan stepped in the spring pool and came to the shore in two steps. He took down a golden fruit on the spot, and the strong fruit fragrance penetrated into his internal organs, which immediately made him feel refreshed and his soul was about to float out of his body. It's really a magic medicine. I don't know why it can only grow on the ancient abyss of evil.

Ye Fan sent the golden fruit to his mouth, chewed it gently, the sweet taste, the fragrant aroma, turned into tangible, so that the pores of his whole body relaxed in an instant, and his whole body was comfortable, as if he were bathed in the spring breeze.

The golden fruit of the size of the longan is less than one bite. After being bitten, it turned into agar jade liquid and slid down his throat. Ye Fan felt like he was going to fly up in the daytime, and he actually felt like he was leaving the ground. Today, he is already a monk. It is impossible to take it as an ordinary fruit as in the past. He quickly sat down, leaned against the strong tree, and began to operate the Xuanfa recorded in the Taoist Sutra.

However, he was too weak, his body was debilitated, and he almost died of old age. Although he drank the divine spring and recovered a lot of energy, he still had white hair like snow, wrinkles piled up, and his flesh and blood were dry. After the strange golden energy entered his body, he did not return to the sea of suffering, did not enter the divine spring, and rushed directly to his limbs and bones, moistening his aging body, and gradually giving his flesh and blood to a crystal luster.

After the operation of the Xuanfa recorded in the Taoist Sutra, it only played the role of accelerating the opening of the holy medicine. After only half a quarter of an hour, Ye Fan's flesh and blood swelled up, no longer swelled, and became more and more ruddy, and the hair of snow gradually darkened.

He reached out to take off the second golden fruit, took it in his mouth, chewed it gently, and the sweet pulp turned into golden energy. He quickly rushed to all over his body. His skin flashed with golden luster, and a little rippled out.

After half a quarter of an hour, Ye Fan felt full of energy, full of flesh and blood, full of strength, full of vitality, elasticity of the skin, and two holy fruits into his abdomen. He completely changed his old state and became a middle-aged man in his thirties, full of energy.

Ye Fan stood up and fought against the tiger. There was no sense of decay. He was quickly recovering his youth. At this moment, he seemed to remember something, his face suddenly changed, and he rushed not far away.

A hundred meters away, the golden book was brilliant and quietly crossed the grass. It was not wrapped in the endless abyss by the saint of Tianxuan. Ye Fan hurriedly picked it up and reintegrated into the sea of suffering. I'm lucky!"

After taking back the Taoist scriptures, Ye Fan walked back and inevitably looked around. The holy mountain was quiet, and there was no white skeleton here, which was very peaceful.

He looked into the distance and suddenly felt a numbness in his scalp. The rest of the sacred mountain was dense, and the white skeleton kept climbing up from the endless abyss. How could this happen? It's not here, but it's silent. Ye Fan turned his mind, and he thought of the green copper block in an instant. Shaking away the saint of Tianxuan, she has never appeared. Does the green copper block have a strong deterrent? He was shocked and didn't know if it was like this. The barren tower can town the millet immortals, and the green copper is also the most precious treasure. Maybe it has such a deterrent. The green copper block is silent, sinking in the eyes of the spring under the sea of suffering, like a rock, unshakable, he can't control it at all, let alone fight against the enemy with it.

Not long ago, it was the saint Tianxuan who penetrated into his sea of suffering and touched the green copper block before she suffered a heavy blow. The mysterious green copper was inviolable and uncontrollable, which really made Ye Fan hopeful and helpless. That's one r one one r one"

Ye Fan's expression stiffened. He found a man of flesh and blood on the adjacent holy mountain. It was far away and could not be seen clearly, but it could be confirmed that it was by no means a white bone.

On the top, a large iron more than ten meters long was inserted straight into the mountain. "The man stood quietly on the hilt of the sword, and the black cloak swayed in the wind." Wild slaves!" Ye Fan suddenly made such a judgment that the real flesh and blood body cannot last here. It must be the existence of Tianxuan Shengnu.

"And..." When Ye Fan looked carefully, he also saw a shadow on another holy mountain, also flesh and blood, standing on the top of the mountain, a silver bell with a house full of glory, quietly hanging above his head.

Ye Fan looked solemn and saw a third person, standing on the cliff of another holy mountain. The white bones around him climbed around him. There was an ancient pagoda hanging above his head, with nine floors and a high energy of more than ten meters, which seemed to suppress the world. The fourth person!" At this time, he saw the fourth barren slave. The man stood with his hand in hand. "The purple clothes are fluttering. Above his head, there is a large seal in all directions, which is full of ancient meaning and magnificent." What's the matter?! Ye Fan was extremely surprised, and there were people on the holy mountain that he could see clearly.

Bells, towers, seals and other utensils are the most difficult to sacrifice. People who use them as weapons are generally extraordinary figures, and those who really succeed in the end will certainly have unimaginable achievements.

"It is said that non-Gai masters cannot become barren slaves. Most of these people who use bells, towers, seals, etc. as weapons were earth-shaking figures in the past. Maybe they can be recorded in ancient history."

Ye Fan quickly walked back to the spring pool. He wanted to completely recover his vitality and pick two golden fruits one after another. The golden energy was like a trickle, flowing into his flesh, viscera and bones.

His body bloomed brilliantly, and the golden energy overflowed out of his body, making his body sparkling, like a divine jade carving. The exuberant breath of life permeated, and his body completely recovered, shining with glory. At this moment, Ye Fan became a teenager again.

He felt the powerful divine power, and the essence of life was boiling, rolling like waves, surging. His internal organs and six organs were brilliant, flawless, and his bones were brilliant, condensed with divine glory, while his skin was brilliant and dazzling. It was not like flesh and blood at all, but like a god worshipped by the world. It's only.

After the first chapter, continue to work hard to write the second chapter. ∫ To be continued. If you want to know what will happen, please log in. More m chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!) F