cover the sky

Chapter 163 Purple Gas Refining Tripod

In the sixth layer of fire, the purple fog is hazy and looks expensive. This color is originally an auspicious expedition Jb, but it represents horror in the fire field.

How hot the fire is, it is impossible to estimate how hot it is. It burns some bigwigs to ashes, which is extremely dangerous. Even if Ye Fan holds the bodhisattva, he does not dare to take it lightly.

Ye Fan chose to go, and finally stopped in a stone forest. It is relatively quiet and the purple fog is thin, which is more suitable for temporary living. Around, there are chaotic rocks, some like crouching cows, some like bamboo shoots, strange shapes, "how on earth do you use purple fire refiners?" He frowned. Do you want to introduce the purple fire into the sea of wheels? It is absolutely very dangerous to do so.

The body can't bear it. It's hard to say what terrible things will happen if it is introduced into the body, but how to temper the tripod without attracting fire into the body? The weapon must be refined in the body so that it can integrate with the body. There is no other way. Only in this way can we exert the strongest power. Just give it a try. He sat with Bodhi, with a radius of three meters to form a pure land without a purple fire.

Ye Fan put this seed on the ground, and then went to the edge, carefully and cautiously attracted the purple fire. He did not dare to ingest more. He only deprived a trace with divine power. At this moment, the purple gas began to beat, igniting the divine power and quickly melted a small ball.

Ye Fan was shocked. The purple gas was so strong that even the divine power could be worn out. No wonder it was a threat to the big man. It was really dangerous.

When the purple gas was forbidden to the Bodhisattva, it stopped beating, and there was no damage to the divine power, and it completely calmed down.

"What kind of fire is this? A trace of purple gas is so powerful that it can definitely cut the spiritual treasure and pierce the human body. It's really surprising." Ye Fan said to himself that he controlled it carefully, let it slowly approach the skin, and touch the overflowing wisp of motherhood.

The point fluctuation came, and the wisp of Xuanhuang suddenly became much more active, slowly flowing on the surface of its body. At the same time, the purple mist was attracted, synchronized with it and flowed above. Sure enough, there is a chance!" Ye Fan showed joy.

At present, everything is to prepare for refining the tripod. Only when you really understand the purple gas can you lead it into the body. He held the bodhi son, concentrated all his mind, and let the purple fire and the mother gas of all things go together. 0

Like the breeze blowing across the lake, the ripples, the mother gas of everything fluctuated strangely, which seemed to absorb the purple fog.

Ye Fan suddenly felt a burst of warmth, and there was no burning feeling, like warm water flowing on the skin, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

With initial success, there was a smile on the corners of his mouth, running the mysterious method recorded in the Taoist Sutra, so that the mother of all things flowed on the surface of the body, from fingers to arms, to the beard, chest and abdomen, and thighs.

He observed carefully that after the purple fog melted into the mother gas of all things, it was very calm, there was no movement, and there was no sign of raging.

Then, he urged his divine power to inject into the mother spirit of all things, so that they could blend. He was still very calm and there was no abnormality.

This wisp of mother gas flows on the surface of the body, like a warm spring breeze, like a gentle massage, making him feel very comfortable. At present, everything is normal and there is no danger.

After half a quarter of an hour, Ye Fan attracted this wisp of basal yellow essence into his body. Of course, everything is carried out in an orderly manner. Let it enter the flesh and blood of the arm first. If there is an accident, it can be quickly blocked.

He had to be so cautious. After all, this kind of purple fire is a threat to big people. If it is directly included in the wheel sea and an accident occurs, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Travel through the flesh and blood, as if the essence is swimming, with a trace of fluctuation in the heat, it is still very accident-free, and there is no riot when the purple gas enters the body.

After repeated attempts, Ye Fan attracted the mother gas of all things to return to the sea of wheels, which merged with the mother gas source. The mother gas near the purple mist became active, but because there was only a trace of purple gas, it didn't really change anything.

In the early stage, everything went smoothly and there was no danger. Ye Fan decided to start absorbing more purple fire. After all, there was too little to refine the tripod at all.

In the fire field of "purple gas coming east", everything is active and easy to control. The second time, Ye Fan directly attracted San Ling, and after absorbing the purple gas, he returned to the wheel sea.

After repeated attempts, Ye Fan felt that the danger did exist, but it could be controlled, and he should be able to refine the tripod with the help of purple gas.

After the day, he sat there quietly, constantly divuling the purple gas into this pure land with divine power, and then absorbed it with the mother gas of all things.

Up to now, he gradually let go of his hands and feet, absorbs dozens of wisps of fog at the same time, and flows back to the sea with Xuanhuang, gathering bit by bit.

Two days later, in Ye Fan's sea of suffering, the color of all things was a little purple and warm. However, this is far from enough. If you want to refine the tripod, you must let the fire flourish and burn brightly.

On the third day, Ye Fan increased his firepower and sat quietly on the stone. His body was like a statue, surrounded by purple fog, and his body surface was hazy.

On the fourth day, there was a flame as big as a chicken egg beating in his wheel sea. The purple fog kept gathering and finally became a fireworks. The temperature was extremely hot. Even if it was shrouded in yellow, you could feel the heat wave.

Up to now, Ye Fan does not dare to attract purple gas. The fire contained in the fireworks exceeds his preparatory course, like a purple sun burning. This is the time!" He began to refine the tripod.

He held the bodhisattva in his hand and sat cross-legged on the blue stone. His heart was quiet. A small tripod appeared in the sea of knowledge, three feet and two ears, simple and natural.

This is the tripod in his heart. Everything should be tempered until it takes shape. There can be no trace of disqualment and flaws.

The mother gas of all things surged and surrounded the purple fire. He tempered with his heart, forged with gods, and his spirit was highly concentrated, like a full bow. Purple fire burns, and everything is hazy, tolerant of flames, constantly deforming, and evolving to the shape of the tripod. After a day, two days and seven days, the competition made a sonorous sound, as if it was really beating iron, and it spread far away.

In the past, it was not difficult for him to cast a tripod. It could be formed in half a month to a month, but as long as he left the green copper block, it would immediately disintegrate and be difficult to maintain.

Now, it is difficult to form with terrible fire energy. It is really like polishing the hardest holy iron in the world, tempering in every way, but just turning it into a ball.

Ye Fan is not worried. It should have been right. In the past, it could not be regarded as a refining tripod, but only as a gathering mother's gas. Such a shape, like piling high-rise buildings on the beach, doomed to collapse. At present, forging with the best source of fire, this is the real refiner, which will be indestructible after forming!

On the ninth day, the purple fire gradually weakened, and then flashed out. Unexpectedly, it burned out and was completely extinguished. In this S1, the mother gas of all things has been trained into an irregular shape, which is far from forming. It is worthy of the mother of all things. If such a fire can be burned out, it can't be formed..." You know, the purple fire can burn the big man and use it to refine the tripod, but it has just transformed and is far from meeting the requirements.

Ye Fan stood up, moved his muscles and bones, then ate food, drank some water, and said to himself, "I don't know what's going on outside. Is there anyone guarding the edge of the fire?" He did not immediately continue to refine the tripod, but walked out with the bodhisattva and wanted to go out to have a look.

After passing through several fire fields in a row, he finally came to the red fire area. Through the flames, he saw monks wandering in the distance. Ye Fan loomed down and explored out with a powerful divine consciousness. Everything nearby was immediately clearly captured into the sea of his heart. It took a long time to hear someone talking. After so many days, we can retreat. It's really boring here. "The sixth floor of the fire field is the place of the big man's refinery. If he doesn't go in for a moment, he will turn into flying ashes. Why do we have to wait here? It's really unnecessary."

Ye Fan is silent and A. He retreated to the depths of the fire and ignored those people. Now there is nothing more important to temper the tripod.

He attracted the purple fire into his body again. He was familiar with it, but in half a day, he gathered enough fire sources. The purple flame was hot and was tolerated by the mother of all things. "The Lith"

The sound of hitting iron came out again and again. He concentrated on his mind, concentrated his spirit, tempered his mother's spirit, and let it slowly transform. This time it was faster, but in three days, the purple fire went out. The mother of all things is really unimaginable..."

Ye Fan thinks that he can attract more purple fire into the body, otherwise he will always give up halfway. I really don't know when the tripod will take shape

In the end, he kept lighting fire and gathered into a dazzling brilliance in his body, as big as a fist. Everything could tolerate it, and a little more would overflow. The purple fire burned, the flames soared, and the sonorous sound came out again. Ye Fan tempered with his heart and forged with a god.


Suddenly, an accident happened. Most of the purple fires gathered this time were really gathered. In the process of casting the tripod, it overflowed from the mother gas of all things.

This is not a silk, nor is it dozens of silk, but a small ball, which can be as big as a longan, as strong as the sun, like a concentrated solar sperm core!

Ye Fan's face turned white at that time. He is not the elder of the Ji family. He is not the Lord of shaking light. He can refine weapons here because of the bodhi son. At present, the purple fire rushes out, which will be a disaster.

Sure enough, after the purple fire broke away from the mother gas of all things, it suddenly became violent, as if it wanted to burn out the nine heavens and turn him into ashes. Suddenly, the golden bitter sea rolled up the boundless waves, blocked the purple fire, and covered it inside.

A shocking thing happened. The purple flame was swept by the golden sea and was submerged and about to go out. This..."

Ye Fan was shocked and didn't expect that his unique sea of suffering still had such power, which suppressed the purple fire.

With a flash of purple light, the flame rushed back into the mother spirit of all things, and finally did not go out.

"Hahaha..." Ye Fan laughed and rose up.

It is a helpless choice to tolerate the flame with mother gas. It should have been to tolerate mother gas with the source of fire. Originally, he was still worried that it was too slow to refine the tripod at this speed, but now there is finally a solution.

Ye Fan got up directly and came to the hottest place in the "purple gas coming from the east" fire area, where the fog was thick, like a ** that could not be melted. There were some human-shaped ashes on the ground. Obviously, the big people also liked it.

sealed here, he directly absorbed a large amount of purple fire and kept gathering in the sea of wheels. The mother gas of all things was completely tolerated. He suppressed the purple fire with a golden sea of bitterness and did not let it leak out.

The purple flame is burning in the sea of bitterness, not relying on the essence of black and yellow, and the sonorous sound is endless.

One day or two...

Ye Fan doesn't know how much fire energy he has absorbed. He seems to be beating iron every day, and the purple fog in this area is thin. Until three months later, the sonorous sound finally stopped, and Ye Fan no longer absorbed the purple flame.

This S1, in its bitter sea, a small tripod comes out, simple and natural, with two ears of yin and yang, three feet to determine heaven and earth, and round and chaos.

The evolution of "Tao" and "reason" are formed together, accommodating everything, and there is a faint feeling of the beginning of heaven and earth and the natural nature of Taoism. Refining the tripod with purple gas is finally formed!

However, Ye Fan was not satisfied. He felt that it was just a crude embryo. He wanted to refine it with a stronger source of fire.

He also has an idea that after refining the tripod, it should evolve into a profound Taoist pattern in it, so that it can become the most powerful weapon. I didn't repair the pattern, but I have hundreds of ancient characters, each of which is a priceless treasure..." H