cover the sky

Chapter 720 Between Hell and Heaven

Chapter 720 Between Hell and Heaven

In the world in the furnace, this is a strange and bloody scene. Two caros are entangled in the air, while two identical people are looking up on the ground.

Yi Qingwu screamed in high decibels, and the originally beautiful magnetic sound was particularly harsh at this time. She could hardly believe all this. It was unbelievable.

She is naked in the sky, white and flawless, full of light. She can be called a masterpiece of the gods and axes. Her body is slender, and every inch of skin is shiny.

The "she" was entangled with another man, so dazzling that she almost fainted, which she couldn't even think about in the past.

Yi Qingwu witnessed everything about herself, as if she were out of the matter. She was an outsider, but she felt the same way, and what happened was truly perceived by her.

Her motogami is connected to the body, and every feeling is no different from her personal experience. At this time, she is inextricable, and her body is full of red clouds.

On the other side, Ye Fan is also a god è weird. This kind of thing is very strange. He clearly stood on the ground, but he saw and sensed what he had done.

It is clear that he is experiencing and acting, but he has such a perspective. When he looks at himself, he is also in a trance.

In mid-air, the man descended to earth like the God of War, with thick black hair, scattered on the back of his chest, and his body was shining brightly, strong and powerful.

And that nv is yù the body is horizontal, the curves are undulating, slender and graceful, the body is glowing, moist and white, making people's blood boil, and the two are entangled, all of which are too dreamy.

This is too untrue. He didn't have any idea, so all this happened. The yuan god is inseparable from the ontology, and he personally experienced what he had done.

The two carbs merge together and are endless.

Yi Qingwu stood in the distance, dependent on the Badebao wheel, and almost collapsed on the ground. She was so undressed that it was difficult to accept all this.

In mid-air, the gasp came from time to time, and the colorful nv body gave off a pink glow, which made her almost crazy and screamed.

"No, it's all fake." Yi Qingwu shouted weakly. She was so soft that she couldn't stand at all, and her body was pink.

"Under my way, everything is empty." Ye Fan also said to himself.

When Yi Qingwu heard his words, his head was full of green silk, and his starry eyes were shining. He wanted to scold him, but his rosy little mouth finally closed.

The scene in mid-air and the swaying sound of people's hearts are enough to charm the world. Everything is so strange.

Finally, I don't know how long it took, it calmed down in mid-air.

On the Badebao wheel, Yi Qingwu, who is a god and a bone, is wet with sweat all over her body and wants to take back the motogami, which is a kind of torture for her to walk through heaven and hell.

However, at this time, both her body and yuanshen were delicate and powerless, and she could hardly move. She fell there softly, and her whole body was covered with pink glow.


Ye Fan's yuan god took action to defend against the sky with a divine whip. The goldè divine thought turned into a Taoist sword and branded the body as white as ivory.


Yi Qingwu exclaimed, unable to struggle, the body of the Yuanshen was inconvenient to move, failed to get out, was suppressed by the divine whip, and stabbed into the sword, leaving an indelible brand.


Yi Qingwu's eyebrows were upside down, the melon seed's face was full of unwillingness, and a pair of pupils full of aura also contracted sharply. A pair of delicate fists were very tight, but it didn't work.

Offer the yuan god and brand it. This is her request to Ye Fan, and now it has been reflected in herself, which makes her ashamed and angry.

"Kill me!"

"Why did I kill you?" Ye Fan returned to the body, stood in the distance, and said, "In the future, I can help you compete with Yin Tiande, Sanque Taoist, Taiyīn Shenzi, Lu Ya and others, so that you can prove the ancient star domain of Ziwei."

"Do you want to use me to deal with them and become your slave? I won't give in!" Yi Qingwu withdrew the halal spirit, stood up slowly, and was dressed in pinkè the glow receded, and the graceful yù body was beautiful, white and touching.

"If you kill them, you are the first person in the future. No one can compete with you. In the future, you will testify that I will not compete with you in the Ziwei Star Domain. There is no conflict." Ye Fan smiled.

"You devil, you want to help me rise up. In addition to your enemy, you still say so grandly, but you want me to be your puppet!" Yi Qingwu Bingqing yù Jie, a collection of gods and shows, even if the godè cold, it is extremely seductive.

"In the thought of hell and heaven, it depends on how everyone understands and chooses. I think we can get along well with each other, not to mention using puppets." Ye Fan said.

Yi Qingwu's teeth were crystal clear, biting the fresh red lips, and her black hair covered half of the fairy face, but it was difficult to hide the seductive yù muscle. In fact, she really wanted to trample Ye Fan under her feet, but at this time, she felt a sense of powerlessness.


"I may have created a road to heaven for you, making your life sing all the way. From then on, the immortals leap up, and no one can talk about it." Ye Fan said.

"There are countless bones on the emperor's road. If you let me walk in front of me, how will you deal with yourself?" Yi Qingwu mocked.

"My way is not here, the world is yours." Ye Fan smiled calmly.

"You are really the devil. You want me to be your spokesperson." Yi Qingwu closed her hair, took out a long snow-white skirt, and slowly put it on in front of him, covering the radiant and perfect body.

"Don't be so unpleasant. Sooner or later, you will become the most gorgeous glory in the world, become the holy god nv that everyone wants to worship, and you will be shocked and shine the earth." Ye Fan smiled faintly.

"The flawless god nv in the eyes of the world is high, super dusty, does not eat the fireworks of the world, but it is controlled in the hands of the devil. Is this your god nv cultivation plan?" Yi Qingwu laughed at himself.

"You have to have confidence in yourself. If you have the heart to prove the Tao, what is the brand of the yuan god? Sooner or later, you will be cut off." Ye Fan said.

"Can I have no choice? If I fall into your hands, I can only look up to heaven in hell." Yi Qingwu is peerless, dressed in a dress, not stained with a trace of worldly atmosphere, ethereal dust.

"What do we say about these words? What else do we have to do with each other? We will cooperate happily." There was a smile on the corners of Ye Fan's mouth.

It was difficult for Yi Qingwu to maintain her ethereal posture. She thought of the beautiful scenery just now, which was opposite to each other. She really wanted to scold each other, but finally she resisted.

She calmed down the fluctuation of her mind, and her voice was very cold. She said, "Ziwei Ancient Star Domain, outstanding people and countless talents. With the current thought of competing for the world, I'm afraid it's still far away."

"As long as you have confidence in yourself, you will become the god nv worshipped by the world sooner or later." After Ye Fan finished speaking, Yuan Shen turned into a sword and killed himself.

He was erasing the traces of the road, and he had just experienced everything. He did leave something behind. He was afraid that it would really have an impact on the future.

In the past, when he broke the curse of the Eucharist, he was suppressed by the road, leaving terrible scars, and finally smoothed down. He was not afraid of this single law. His body steamed and boiled like water. After half an hour, everything was erased.

Ye Fan opened his eyes and said, "Do you need me to remove the Taoist marks for you?"

"If you don't bother, I can cut off all traces by myself." Yi Qingwu has regained its ethereal spirit, and her voice is very magnetic fairy muscle yù the bone is flowing and the clouds are overflowing.

Half an hour later, she also cut off all traces, super dust and refined, like a fairy on a misty cliff, she will take advantage of the wind at any time.

Ye Fan was shocked. This nv's talent is really terrible. No wonder he is regarded as one of the most likely people to prove Taoism in the future.

He felt that he did not kill this nv and raised it as a fairy of ice and clear yù clean. In the future, it will really be of great use. The Guanghan spirit body is so shocking to suppress the world.

The gods in the furnace have long disappeared. The catastrophe is over and no longer falls down. Both of them do not speak. The atmosphere is subtle, and they can't help thinking of everything just now.

In the outside world, the war was fierce. The Yan Yixi brothers grabbed a few yù Jane, but they were also seriously hit and besieged by everyone.

Li Tian couldn't help laughing evilly. He knew that the divine nv furnace must have been used, because he had just sent out the power of the road and retreated the people who besieged him.

"You attack me, and now I will give you a big gift to give you back the most beautiful woman in the world."


The void trembled. He turned over the god nv stove, let out the person who was put in, and shouted to everyone, "Please take a look."

I don't know how many eyes there are. They are all strong people of all religion. The god nv furnace is notorious. People want to know the fate of Yi Qingwu, especially the younger generation. Many people have long been anxious to kill people.

The face of Guanghan Palace is #232; Snow-white, they are extremely frightened. If Yi Qingwu has an accident, Guanghan Palace will not be able to raise his head.

At this time, it was night, a divine moon was in the sky, the dark ocean in the distance was undulating, and the island was hazy.

God nv furnace, Ruixia steaming, Yi Qingwu white clothes better than snow, light spirit flying out, that kind of beauty, in an instant, the sky and the earth lost the sun and the moon dim, and compared all the beautiful things.

A veteran of Guanghan Palace operated the eyes of heaven, looked at Yi Qingwu, and then took a long breath and said, "She is safe and sound. After this disaster, she can prove it in the future!"

Other immortal inheritances, there are also peerless masters here. Her eyes are like electricity, and she also find that she is safe, flawless, and all of them are shocked

"The fairy is the first person who has survived the robbery since ancient times!"

Many people of the young generation immediately cheered. Yi Qingwu was the most beautiful woman in the world and the nv god in many people's hearts. At this time, they all took a breath and let go of the big stone in their hearts.

"The light dance fairy is proud of the past and modern times, and even the divine nv furnace can't help it. It is unparalleled in holiness, and even the heaven can't bear to let it be hurt."

"Yi Xianzi Bingqing yù Jie, the most beautiful person in the world, the evil furnace can't be blasphemed!"

Everyone exclaimed and praised, and they were all extremely excited. The charm of Yi Qingwu can be seen.

"Damn it!" Li Tian cursed, and he had to hold the fire in his heart. He thought that the fairy would make Guanghan Palace lose face, but he witnessed a miracle. He is the heir of the Tao, and he can naturally see through the other party's real well.

Ye Fan flew out slowly, which also surprised everyone, but he didn't think much about it, because he was on the way with Li Tian and others, and he was safe and sound.

At this time, there are people's amazement and praise for Yi Qingwu everywhere. She is the holy nv god in the hearts of many people.

Her snow coat fluttered, like the reincarnation of a Guanghan fairy, which was so flexible. The divine moon in the sky seemed to be born for her, and the moonlight flowed to set off her.

Yi Qingwu, slender body, black hair as bright as silk, long as a small waist, a little red mole in the middle of the eyebrows, adding endless beauty.

Ye Fan showed a smile at the corners of his mouth, stood in the distance, and looked at all this quietly.

Li Tianshenè As soon as he moved, he looked at him sideways and said, "Why do I feel that you son of a bitch is mocking, as if to say that the nv god you worship used to be my nv person?"

"You think too much, but find an opportunity to release Guang Hanque and give it back to Yi Qingwu." Ye Fan said.

"You son of a bitch!" Li Tian cursed.

Ye Fan ignored his curse and flew down. He landed not far from the six-foot golden mulberry tree. He gave a salute to the old man in blue and said, "Senior, I sent you back to your hometown. Where is the creation you gave me?"

Many people were shocked, staring at the old man in blue, staring at the sarcophagus, and staring at Ye Fan. What's the meaning? Homeland... This is the sitting place of the ancient emperor of the sun!

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