cover the sky

Chapter 1694 This life

"Ah..." Ye Fan was like an injured beast, with white hair and messy hair, bleeding and tears in his eyes. His best friends were killed, and his favorite disciples had withered.

And her daughter, she is so smart and cute that she is only a few years old, but she struggles there and has no way forward.

And Ziyue didn't even see the last side after the secret method of tracing back to the source. Only a little blood in the remnants and a corner of purple clothes, his heart was like a knife, and tears rolled down.

Ye Fan has never felt as desolate as he is now. He hates himself so much. Why isn't he around them? It's across an era.

How cruel God is, let him see such a picture, but there is no way to participate in the war, full of powerlessness.

"Mom, don't leave me, Xiaozi is afraid." The tender voice came, and the void crack was closed, but she was not transmitted away.

Because the two big hands imprisoned eternity, no one could escape. Ren Xiaosong tried his best to make the ultimate blow, and he could not break through a crack in time and space.

When Ye Fan saw the two big hands grasping the void together and covering it, he closed his eyes, and tears were very salty and flowed into his mouth.

For the first time since monasticism, he was so tired that he couldn't help crying. He had heartbroken and regrets in the past, but he didn't despair this time.

"Father, where are you? Xiaozi is afraid, and her mother is gone... Whoo-hoo..."

These young words poked into Ye Fan's heart like a sharp knife, making him tremble all over, and he clenched his fist.


Ye Fan roared, roared, and angrily bombarded the sky, facing the two big hands. He wanted to stop all this and could not tolerate anyone hurting his daughter.

He smashed the sky with one punch, so that the two big hands were broken and disappeared, but this... it was just the broken picture, not really across the ten thousand years of war.

The last picture was fixed there. Xiao Zi sobbed, opened her eyes helplessly, and looked at the sky.

In this way, everything is broken and disappeared. You can't see the future or the result.

Ye Fan couldn't bear to see Xiao Zi for the second time. His heart was sore, and he had already been unable to help himself. The blood on his fist was flowing, and the blue veins were broken, breaking through the body surface.

His power surged, shaking the universe, making the remnants tremble, and many cracked stars were further smashed.

Ye Fan sang sadly and was crazy. He endured the pain and pain and walked to the depths of the ruins step by step. This is the pure land he once guarded and lived, but now there is nothing left.

The rubble, broken soldiers and blood stains show how tragic the war was in those years, and how desolate it is now.

The broken head of a mace under his feet made his eyes flash sad again. This is a savage's weapon. This result is not surprising, and it is also in sad speculation.

Since the heavenly court has been destroyed, few people can survive. Friends who once fought side by side and shared life and death will die forever.

Ye Fan is like a lonely soul, walking in the silent ruins, tears sliding down, no words, no sound, no want to stop, just want to keep walking.

Why? He failed to participate in the war in the past, and this regret can't be made up for!

He wanted to cry, but he choke in his throat. He wanted to roar, but when he opened his mouth, he was so hoarse. At this time, he could only look at the ruins, his heart was cut like a knife, and he could bear it silently.

How could this happen? Ye Fan grabbed his hair, and he began to hate himself. Why did he leave? Why did he close the gate for ten thousand years?

Walking in the cold starry sky, you can't find the warmth of the past. Ye Fan is like a soulless person, muddle-headed and cold, and this kind of injury is difficult to heal.

He fell into a deep self-reproach. Why didn't he accompany them? Why did he miss the war? This is unforgivable!

Ye Fan lost his soul, tasted bitterness in loneliness, chewed in silence, and kept moving forward alone. He didn't want to stop. He was heartbroken and sad.

If he cried loudly, he might feel better, but he couldn't do it. So many people were gone.

Ziyue's brilliant smile was buried under the ruins, with only blood stains. Xiao Zi cried loudly and lost her naughty.

Pang Bo's majestic body can't stand the blow of the hell giant, leaving only a sad red...

Ye Fan was like a puppet, taking mechanical steps, tears slipped silently, and his heart was so painful and uncomfortable. He watched, but he couldn't go back to the past.

He is like a ghost, wandering here for many days. There is no sun, no moon, only darkness here, because everything is broken.

Finally, Ye Fan knelt here like a child and cried loudly.

He is no longer young, with white hair and wrinkles like knife marks. The years have left indelible marks on his body.

After sitting for ten thousand years, looking back, how much love, hate, sorrow and hatred are all put into the river of time.

How can he be willing and bear it? Ye Fan looked up to the sky and howled sadly. He was like a lonely wolf, roaring alone in the bleakness of blood, white hair roaring wildly, indescribable melancholy, and inexhaustible sadness.

What kind of war is this? After parting in the past, we can no longer see each other. We can only see the bloody end through time and space, and we are powerless to take action.

Ye Fan sat here alone for many days. Without tears and words, he stood up many days later. He used his magic power to move one star after another from the depths of the starry sky, refined and condensed to a very small one, and then piled up. He built a star tomb here to bury everything in the heavenly court.

Ruins, blood, broken bones... He doesn't know which are daughters, which are purple moons, and which are friends, and there are only endless wounds in his heart.

Since the heavenly court was destroyed and everyone died in the battle, build a huge tomb so that everyone can be together forever and be buried under the eternal starry sky.

After that, Ye Fan resolutely turned around and walked to the starry sky. He was going to fight!

Where is the hell and where is the Phoenix Nest?

The blood in Ye Fan's [body] rumbled and the atmosphere of war was boiling. He couldn't wait to fight with the sky to save everything in the past.

It's just that he walked under the starry sky, but he couldn't see a person. Did all the creatures fight to death? Many ancient stars have been disabled, including many ancient places of life he has been to.

Can't you find a person?

In this long universe and endless galaxies, some of them are only broken and can't be complete. He has no way to find hell and Phoenix Nest to revenge.

Finally, he found an ancient place with life, but he did not see a master, which can almost be called a "mortal". There are monks, but they can't rush out of this star, and they can't go to the universe.

What's wrong with the world? Can't you even find a powerful monk?

Ye Fan traveled all over the star domain to look for the ancient land of the past, but almost all of them were disabled. He felt the wave of the remnants of the emperor level. Is it another dark war?

Even if he occasionally finds an ancient star of life, he can't see a sage, let alone a person of the same generation. Such a world is so strange that he seems to be incompatible with this life.

Ye Fan, who is white-haired, is full of sadness on his old face. At the end of an era, did he become himself in the last life?

Ye Fan marched towards the territory once ruled by the hell according to the old memories of the past. He trekked endlessly and saw a piece of desolation and a large area of debris.

"Is it the little girl who woke up? Did she become like this in the ancient supreme battle with the underworld?"

Ye Fan glanced over, and he moved forward. Even if he didn't know the exact location of the hell, he had to find a clue.

The fact was beyond his expectation. When he went deep into a sea of broken stars, he saw a haze covering the heavens. It was a vast underworld. The stars were like fireflies and sank from time to time.

The underworld was broken, where there was a collapsed underworld gate, and a broken bronze plaque was stained with the terrible blood of the ancient emperor, half hidden in the dust, with the word "underworld" on it.

"It's here, but it's empty."

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan was not happy, not excited, only infinite melancholy, and couldn't he even take revenge with his own hands?

All his friends and relatives have passed away. What's the point of his life? What supported him was only a sense of grief and indignation. He wanted to kill him all the way to the end and destroy the hell and the phoenix nest.

He walked alone, stepped through the underworld, and passed through it, which became ruins.

He walked to the starry sky again and walked on the road. Decades later, he found the phoenix nest, but this nest had already been broken and broken to pieces!

"There is nothing..." Ye Fan does not have the joy of revenge, but only endless sadness. How many past things can come from?

How many people missed it, and they could never meet again. He couldn't help shouting. Everything ended like this. He couldn't see his old friend or his enemy.

At this moment, the world is vast, he can't find his home, and he feels lonely.

"It's all gone, you all left me..." Ye Fan smiled sadly. Facing Gao Tian, his old face was full of pain and pain.

It's just a retreat, even more than the ancient legend. It has been a thousand years in the world for seven days in the cave. This statement is far from enough. Ten thousand years have passed all of a sudden!

His love and hatred, his joys and sorrows, and his hatred are all buried in the past, and there is no one he knows in this life.

Go to Beidou and enter the forbidden area of life!

Ye Fan broke into the Big Dipper and arrived here. Unfortunately, it was still a remnant. The galaxy here had already collapsed, and nothing was missing.

He is a lonely traveler. He has been walking for a hundred years. His body is getting old, the hell has disappeared, and his curse has never appeared.

No purpose, no future, it is difficult to see relatives, and even his enemies have died. These are the things he is most afraid of in his heart, and now it really happened.

"Should my life be over here?"

Ye Fan was already frustrated and felt that there was no meaning to live.

"I'm not willing. I can't even keep Xiaozi, and I can't even protect my friends and wife. What kind of man is he?" Ye Fan roared.

Originally, he was confused, and his eyes were no longer angry, but at this moment, his eyes were suddenly sharp, shining a beam of light burning nine heavens.

"My life should never end like this, my children, my friends, they should not die like this. I want to break the immortality, the end of immortality, and ask God what it is!" ( To be continued