Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 59 Refining the Flying Sword

"What? If you want to refine it with your original spiritual fire, just like you are now, and return the original spiritual fire, you can make a fire first and show it to me. After listening to the meteorite day, Yun Chengtian couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at? Don't you believe me?" The meteorite looks at the clouds.

"I don't believe it...haha." Yun couldn't help laughing all day.

"I can't do it, but the white leopard can do it. He uses my body, and my original spiritual fire will naturally fall from him." The meteorite day is word by word.

"Haha, haha... Huh? What?" Yun Chengtian quickly stopped smiling.

"Do you want the white leopard to come?" Yun was very surprised all day.

"Yes, the white leopard uses my body to release the original spiritual fire. If you really want to refine the flying sword, there is more than this refinery furnace here. You can get some materials by yourself. Don't delay my affairs." The words of the meteorite hit Yun Chengtian hard.

"This is my flying sword. Why are you so careful?" Yun Chengtian has been puzzled about this issue.

"This is your flying sword, but in the future, I will attach it to this sword. The flying sword that can be attached to the meteorite day has to be worthy of my meteorite identity anyway." The meteorite is invincible.

"Oh, that's it. I said, why do you care so much about this?" Yun Chengtian suddenly realized.

Yun Chengtian knew that his refinery level was very average. Except for looking at the seal a few more, he knew nothing else. In this case, he let the meteorite day handle it.

"If you don't help, get out of the way." The meteorite pointed to the clouds.

"Feteor, you can do it. Dare to point me out. When the flying sword is finished, I'm going to settle this account with you." Yun Chengtian's heart was secretly fierce.

"Okay, I'll help. Tell me what to do." Yun said casually all day.

"White leopard, you surround the refinery furnace with the original spirit fire in the way I told you.

The white leopard nodded, stretched out his right hand, and a colorful flame appeared in the white leopard's right hand.

"Is this the original spiritual fire? It's still colorful, but it's quite beautiful. Yun Chengtian looked at the flame in the white leopard's hand in a daze.

The colorful flame surrounded a refinery furnace under the command of the white leopard.

"Xiao Yunzi, you, listen to my command later. If I ask you to throw a piece of the spirit stone, you throw it. I said once, you throw a piece, okay?" The meteorite said to Yun Chengtian.

"I know." However, Yun looked at the bag of spiritual stones all day and felt a little hairy.

"Well, when refining, the white leopard should think about the appearance of the flying sword and inject the divine consciousness into the spiritual fire, so that the refined flying sword can meet the standard.

"What does it look like?" A confused look appeared on the beautiful face of the white leopard.

"This? I don't know, hey, Xiao Yunzi, what do you think the refined flying sword looks like? It's more right for my identity as a holy beast. The meteorite day is full of clouds.

Yun Chengtian was in a daze at the pile of spiritual stones. Hearing the question of the meteorite day, he didn't react and could only say, "Ah? What?" Dealing with the meteorite day.

"Let me ask you, what kind of flying sword is better? It can be worthy of my identity as a holy beast." The meteorite said it again.

"I don't know about this. There are only a few swords I have seen, but there are some swords. I have only seen graphics, but they are too complicated for me to describe. Yun Chengtian thought about it and wanted to say it.

"Alas, I can't think of such a simple problem..." He hurriedly circled around the ground.

"If you don't need the appearance of the Sky Sword, you have all seen the Sky Sword, because I don't need to introduce it." Yun Chengtian said with a smile.

"Oh, okay, let's start." The white leopard stimulates the original spiritual fire.

"No, how can I attach to a fake and inferior product on my meteorite? No, absolutely not." The meteorite shook his head and said.

"Why are there fake and inferior products?" Clouds are very strange all day long.

"Think about it, your sky sword is not an ordinary sword, and there is huge power hidden in it. If the flying sword refined this time is not as good as the sky sword and the appearance is the same, it will not be fake. No, definitely not." The meteorite shook his head and resolutely refused.

"Then think about it yourself. Anyway, you can refine it and use it. I don't have any requirements for appearance, as long as it can be used. After Yun Chengtian finished speaking, although the meteorite was just a dark shadow, he still felt the hostile eyes of the meteorite.

"Oc, listen to me, since this sword is my possessed sword, it must be seen from the appearance that the sword body is not as good as the sky sword. In the center of the sword grid is a statue of my head on the meteorite day, and then with a pair of wings, it's settled and start work." After thinking for a long time, the meteorite finally decided what the sword would look like.

After listening to the meteorite, the leopard thought about it for a long time.

"Do you understand?" The meteorite asked the white leopard.

The white leopard replied cheerfully: "Og, no problem."

The refining began, and the white leopard controlled the spiritual fire and tightly surrounded the refinery furnace.

The refinery furnace slowly rose into the air surrounded by spiritual fire.

The meteorite first picked up the Tianqian virtual iron and threw it into the refinery furnace. Originally, the refinery furnace was wrapped by the original spiritual fire and emitted bursts of colorful light. After the Tianqian virtual iron was thrown in, the colorful light gradually turned into white light.

The meteorite day closely watched the movement of the refinery furnace and dared not slack off at all.

"It's not ready yet. I'm hungry. I'm going to eat." Yun Chengtian sat on the ground, leaned against the wall, and stared at the refinery furnace.

The meteorite and the white leopard were focusing on refining the flying sword and did not pay attention to him.

Yun is bored all day long, and he doesn't know when he will need to devote himself to the spiritual stone, and he dares not move. He can only stare at the fire in a daze. After a while, he fell asleep.

A day later, the white light in the refinery furnace gradually turned into silver light. After the meteorite saw it, it quickly grabbed the dragon stone and put it into it. The white light instantly turned into orange light.

After Yun Chengtian woke up, he was shocked to see that the furnace had turned into orange light. He quickly got up and looked at the meteorite and the white leopard. Seeing that the two were still the same as before, the white leopard was still controlling the spiritual fire, while the meteorite was still staring at the refinery furnace.

Another day later.

"Xiao Yunzi, hurry up, don't sleep." The sleepy and hungry cloud was woken up by the meteorite day in his sleep all day long.

"What's wrong? It's refined. Bring it here. Let me have a look. As soon as Yun Chengtian opened his eyes, he stretched out his hand to ask for the meteorite sun, but found that the meteorite sun was waiting for a pair of black eyes to look at him.

"Hurry up, gather the spirit stone." On the meteorite day, Yun Chengtian remembered and quickly threw in a spirit stone.

The orange light in the furnace instantly turned into flame and rushed out of the refinery furnace, and then took it back.

The cloud stared at the flame in the furnace, holding the spirit stone in his hand and ready to throw it into the spirit stone at any time.

For a long time, there was no movement on the meteorite.

An hour later, Yun Chengtian was ready to lie down and rest for a while again. As soon as he yawned, the meteorite said again: "Juling stone!"

When Yun Chengtian heard it, he yawned and hurriedly picked up the spirit stone and threw it in.

After repeated tossing, Yun Chengtian has figured out that this gathering spirit stone is an hour and one throw. With experience, everything is easy to do. Although it has entered the Yuanying period, hunger does not hurt Yun Chengtian much, but eating and sleeping are the iron law of Yun Chengtian. For a long time, Yun Chengtian You will feel very uncomfortable.

After having experience, every time Yun Chengtian invests a spirit stone, he will close his eyes and rest for a while, calculating that it is almost time to prepare the spirit stone and wait.

In this way, the gathering stones were put into the refinery furnace one by one. Seeing that there were fewer and fewer gathering stones, Yun Chengtian knew that the day of successful refining the flying sword was approaching.

Ah.... Alas..." Yun Chengtian looked at the empty cloth bag and silently calculated in his heart. It was already the fifth day.

All the spirit stones have been thrown in, and the white leopard and the meteorite are still the same, without any change.

"Well, you can practice. Anyway, it's nothing to do with me. I've been tossed around these days. I have to have a good rest." As soon as Yun Chengtian finished speaking, he saw the meteorite throw the last material into the refinery furnace.

After the flame was put into, the orange flame in the furnace seemed to have a soul, dancing up and down. At the same time, it was heard the meteorite say to the white leopard: "Now, the flying sword has reached the casting stage. You have to convey the shape of the sword I just told you to your original spiritual fire through divine consciousness. This is the last One, it's about to succeed. Hold on." From the words said by the meteorite, I can feel that the meteorite is also extremely excited.

This is already the seventh day of refining the flying sword. Yuncheng was sleeping loudly. He only heard a loud bang. He quickly woke up and stared around. He wanted to know what was going on, but he found that the original spiritual fire surrounding the refinery furnace had been recovered, and there was a faint red light in the refinery furnace.

Looking at the meteorite and the leopard, the leopard is still the same as before. There is no expression on its face. You can't see whether it is happy or sad, but on the meteorite, you can clearly see the trembling of your body.

"Success?" The clouds jumped up all day and almost went to the refinery furnace with the white leopard.

A flying sword with a faint red light stayed quietly in the refinery furnace.