Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 71 The Legend of Yuyin Mountain

Because of the appearance of Flaming Warcraft, several people did not have a good rest at night. After leaving the valley, they casually found a place to rest and quietly waited for dawn.

Yun Chengtian originally wanted Dugu Tianzhuo to tell him a story about Yuyin Mountain, but since he settled down, Dugu Tianzhuo has been flirting with luck and recovering Zhenyuan. Yun Chengtian was also embarrassed to disturb him. Liu Hongwu and Yuan Jie were both shocked and soon fell asleep. Yun Chengtian was bored and turned left. Looking at it again, soon after, the sleepiness gradually came and fell into a deep sleep.

The night passed quickly, and the sun soon showed its head, and a glimmer shone on Yun Chengtian's face. Yun Chengtian yawned and opened his eyes to find that the sky was already bright, so he sat up.

When Dugu Tianzhuo heard the sound, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the clouds.

"Are you awake?" Dugu Tianzhuo asked the clouds faintly.

"Hmm." Yun Chengtian answered and looked at Liu Hongwu and Yuan Jie. They may have heard the sound. Years of military career made them feel much more sensitive than ordinary people.

The two turned over and looked at Yun Chengtian and Yuan Jie. They saw both sitting there in a daze. They didn't know what had happened, and they were at a loss for a moment.

"Since you are all awake, let's go." Dugu Tianxuan got up and found that a horse could not be found.

"Where are our horses? It's a bad thing if the horse is gone. All the water and dry food are on the horse!" Liu Hongwu asked.

"It must have been the flame warcraft appeared yesterday, and the horse was buried in the valley." Yun Chengtian said.

"Impossible. The horse is much more alert than ours. If they feel that danger is coming, they will naturally find a way to avoid the danger." Yuan Jie said.

As soon as Yuan Jie said this, Dugu Tianzhuo and Liu Hongwu agreed. The clouds were hung there alone.

"I'll look for the horses. Stay here and don't move." Dugu Tianzhuo said and went to the sky with his sword and disappeared.

"Alas, practitioners are so good. They can fly at will. You see, we can't do it. We can't walk and run all day long. We have to use horses to run a long way. You said that if Yuan Jie and I are practitioners, how much effort will we need to save on this trip to Huyue City?" Liu Hongwu frowned and cried.

Yuan Jie looked at Yun Chengtian, and suddenly there was an inspiration in his eyes. He said to Yun Chengtian, "All day, do you mind if we worship you as our teacher? How can you teach us?"

"What? Are you sitting on my apprentice? Yun Chengtian opened his eyes wide and looked at Yuan Jie.

"Well, yes, Yuan Jie's idea is good. You are a true practice, and Lord Dugu looks at you with new eyes. You must be amazing. So, how about being our master?" Liu Hongwu also said.

"No, no, play the piano randomly. We are friends. You are my apprentices, which is not the same generation?" Yun Chengtian waved his hand quickly.

"It doesn't matter, we don't care." Liu Hongwu quickly answered.

"That doesn't work. I still have masters and brothers. My kung fu is handed over by them, so I have to accept apprentices with their permission to let me accept apprentices without permission. No, no, no." Yun Chengtian never agreed and moved out the master and brother.

Liu Hongwu and Yuan Jie saw that Yun Chengtian moved his master and brother out, and it was not easy to force it. They could only temporarily dispel this idea and look for an opportunity.

"Don't worry, when I see Master, I will ask him to accept you as apprentices, and my master will teach you, which is not much better than what I teach you?" Yun Chengtian saw that the two were dejected and quickly comforted them.

"Really?" The two showed another glimmer of hope.

"A man, a man, is hard to catch up with a horse." Yun Chengtian patted his chest and gave them a big guarantee.

The three were chatting, only to hear the sound of horses' hoofs not far away.

"It must have been found by Ma." As soon as Yun Chengtian finished his words, he saw Dugu Tianzhuo coming here driving four horses.

"Oh..." Dugu Tianzhuo gently raised the reins and said to Yuan Jie, "Brother Yuan's guess is really good. The horses were found three miles away from here." In his words, he couldn't help but respect Yuan Jie.

When Yuan Jie heard this, he quickly said, "Lord Dugu's words are heavy, and the subordinate is just unfortunate."

"You're welcome. Now that the horse has been recovered, we can go on the road." Dugu Tianzhuo didn't want to say much, so he turned over.

Yuan Jie is not a person who likes to talk more. Seeing this situation, he also turned around.

Because Dugu Tianzhuo drove the horses quickly, everyone was not in a hurry to go on the road, but drove the horses slowly.

"All day, here you are." Liu Hongwu said and handed over a beef roast.

"Do you want to be Dugu?" Liu Hongwu asked Dugu Tianzhuo with beef.

"Oh, I don't need it." Dugu Tianzhuo waved his hand slightly.

"All day, I heard that practitioners don't eat. Why do you eat every day?" Liu Hongwu asked Yun Chengtian, who was devouring with beef.

"Well, this is the secret of the practitioners, and you can't reveal the secret." Yun Chengtian stuffed the remaining half of beef into his mouth.

"Do you still want it?" Liu Hongwu saw that the clouds had eaten up the fire all day.

"No." Yun Chengtian looked at Liu Hongwu and Yuan Jie as soon as they had just had breakfast, and then drove together with Dugu Tianzhuo.

"I said, that lonely brother, if you have nothing to do, just tell me the story of Yuyin Mountain." Yun Chengtian looked at Dugu Tianzhuo with a smile.

"Oh, okay." Dugu Tianzhuo pondered and told Yun Chengtian about this dusty past.

In those years, I don't know what happened in the magic forest. There was a warcraft. It is rumored that this warcraft has a sphin, a dragon head, wings on its back, and most importantly, this warcraft has nine heads. The size of a flame warcraft, no one has ever seen this kind of warcraft, and no one knows what the warcraft is called.

Huxiao City is the closest to the Magic Forest, so this monster first found Huxiao City.

When the soldiers of Huxiao City found him, before they could report to the city owner, the wall had been crushed by the Warcraft. The Warcraft directly entered the city and destroyed it at will in the Huxiao City.

The city owner asked people to go to Huyue City for support and personally led a few people to resist the warcraft, but most of them died in this battle.

At that time, my grandfather was still young and did not participate in the battle in person, but Zengzu personally participated in the battle and survived. Zengzu's description was that Huxiao City was full of blood at that time, and I don't know how many people died in this battle.

The Dugu family is the largest cultivation family in Huyue City. That is, the family is still in Huyue City. Huxiao City is in trouble. The Dugu family sent all the masters above the Yuanying period to fight, a total of 56, including as many as seven masters in the Guangda period, but only so many masters can't kill this warcraft.

The owner of Huyue had no choice but to whisper to ask the other suzerains or city owners of the two gates and three valleys, hoping that they would send troops to rescue them. Even Fengjian Valley, which had always did not like to fight, participated in the fight. Finally, because the warcraft was too powerful, other sects saw Huyue City He was not an opponent. He was afraid that Warcraft would destroy Huyue and attack himself again, so he set up an alliance to deal with Warcraft together.

The coalition army is composed of masters from two gates, three valleys and four cities, and a total of more than 600 practitioners participated in the battle. Among them, there are three masters in the ascension period and more than 100 masters in the Mahayana period.

Hearing this, Yun Chengtian's eyes widened and couldn't help saying, "The ascension period?" He really can't imagine what more than 600 practitioners will be like together, let alone the horror of practitioners in the soaring period.

The soaring period is the peak of cultivation in the human world, only one step away from becoming an immortal. And 100 masters of the Mahayana period are 100 people who are similar to Dugu Aoyun.

Yun has always thought that Dugu Aoyun is really a horrible existence. If he doesn't use the slaughter of ghost flame and has the advantage of the blade, he is not the opponent of Dugu Aoyun at all. The ghost flame is even very afraid of the holy beast such as the meteorite, which is enough to show his horror, and he inadvertently got it and can't be counted at all. If you think so, if you fight with Dugu Aoyun all day, you don't know how miserable you will lose. And a hundred people who practiced in the Mahayana period can't imagine what a horrible alliance this is.

Dugu Tianzhuo took a look at Yun Chengtian and thought it was normal for Yun Chengtian to be scared by such a situation, so he continued.

More than 600 masters went to Huxiao City under the leadership of three ascending masters.

When they arrived at Huxiao City, everyone was dumbfounded. Huxiao City was in a mess. not only the nine-headed warcraft, but also some other warcrafts in the demon forest also participated in this battle.

For some reason, the monsters in the magic forest usually stay in the magic forest. This time, the nine-headed monsters made a scene, and nearly 100 other monsters, large and small, came out. Although their strength is not as good as these nine-headed monsters, they have more or less made the alliance army more gods.

The appearance of the Warcraft army disrupted the layout of the allied forces. The allied forces directly joined the battlefield without much consideration.

The battle lasted for seven days and seven nights, and the nine-headed Warcraft and Warcraft army were successfully returned to the Demon Forest, and the alliance army was killed by more than half of the casualties.

When everyone just took a breath, someone reported that the nine-headed Warcraft led the demon army and came back.