Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 95 The best food in the world

The clouds chewed the mushrooms slowly all day and seemed to find an important problem.

Although the mushroom is accompanied by a fragrance, it has no taste and is very boring in the mouth.

Yuncheng has only eaten this roasted mushroom once a day, that is, when hunting with the mountain people in the mountains, Yunchengtian has eaten it once, which was roasted for him by Dayong, but Yuncheng has never roasted it once. Although the mushroom is not the same mushroom, the method and steps should be the same.

Yun Chengtian carefully recalled the situation when Dayong baked mushrooms for him. Thinking about it, he thought of Dayong and the ingredients of the baked food that Dayong gave him.

Thinking of the ingredients, Yun Chengtian's eyes lit up and said to the white leopard, "White leopard, send me a small bottle I put with you."

After a while, the white leopard say, "Is this it?"

Yuncheng Tianjian saw that it was the porcelain bottle given to him by Dayong in his hand and quickly said, "Yes, that's it."

Yun Chengtian roasted the mushroom on the fire again, and then said to Dongfang Ruoyan, "Look, what is this?" After saying that, Yun Chengtian shook his hand, and a porcelain bottle appeared in his hand.

"What is this?" Dongfang Ruoyan asked curiously.

"You will know in a while." Yun Chengtian smiled mysteriously, took out a piece of mushroom from the shelf and put it on the edge, then pulled out the stopper of the small porcelain bottle, sprinkled the seasoning evenly on the mushroom, and flipped it from time to time.

In order to prevent the mushroom from being baked here, Yun Chengtian stared at the mushroom with big eyes, while Dongfang Ruoyan looked at Yun Chengtian.

The orange flame reflected Yun Chengtian's face, which made Yun Chengtian's handsome appearance a little better. Dongfang looked at it and couldn't help laughing.

A faint fragrance floated out of the mushrooms.

Yun Chengtian took out a piece of small mushroom on the edge and tasted it.

"All right." Yun Chengtian quickly put out the fire.

"Okay, I'll try it." As soon as Dongfang Ruoyan was about to reach out, she was stopped by Yun Chengtian.

"Try this first." After saying that, Yun Chengtian handed the mushroom that had just been taken from the side without ingredients to Dongfang Ruoyan.

Dongfang Ruoyan put the mushroom into her mouth with doubtful eyes and slowly chewed it.

Yun Chengtian looked at him with a smile. Slowly, Dongfang Ruoyan smiled faintly at the corners of her mouth.

"Well, it's much better than the one just now, with a clear fragrance." Dongfang Ruoyan said after thinking about it.

"Then you can try this." After saying that, Yun Chengtian picked up a mushroom with ingredients and put it on Dongfang Ruoyan's mouth.

Dongfang Ruoyan opened her mouth wide and swallowed the mushroom in one bite.

At the moment when the mushroom was swallowed, Dongfang Ruoyan was stunned for a moment, and her eyes looked at Yun Chengtian also had some strange eyes.

But Dongfang Ruoyan didn't say anything, just slowly chewed the mushrooms in her mouth.

"How's it going?" Yun Chengtian saw that Dongfang Ruoyan had not spoken for a long time and thought that there was nothing wrong with the mushroom she roasted.

Yun Chengtian picked up a piece of mushroom and put it in his mouth.

"That's right. Although mushrooms are different, is it still no different from the taste of Dayong Roast?" Yun Chengtian's first roasting mushroom was complacent, but Dongfang Ruoyan didn't say anything, and Yun Chengtian's heart was always in her throat.

"Well, this is delicious, much better than the one just now. It has an indescribable taste. Anyway, it's delicious." Dongfang Ruoyan slowly finished eating the mushrooms and said to Yun Chengtian with a smile.

After listening to Dongfang Ruoyan's words, Yun Chengtian's heart in his throat finally went down.

"Oh, I'm scared to death. If you think it's delicious, don't hesitate to eat it." Yun Chengtian said to Dongfang Ruoyan and thought to himself, "Oh, this Dongfang family is really not a good place. I guess there is nothing good about the Dongfang family except Ruoyan. Looking at him like this, he doesn't even know the basic taste of salty and spicy, and I don't know how she came over the years. , I guess the Oriental family has trained her to practice since she was a child, so it is estimated that she has not had a serious meal so far. How much loss and how much to suffer. Yun Chengtian thought secretly in his heart, looked at Dongfang Ruoyan's beautiful face, shook his head all the time, and felt sorry for Dong Ruoyan's previous days.

"You eat, why do you keep shaking my head?" Dongfang Ruoyan looked at Yun Chengtian strangely with a pair of beautiful eyes and put a piece of mushroom into her mouth.

"Ah, eat, eat." Yun Chengtian reacted and quickly reached out to get the mushrooms, but found that there were only half of the mushrooms left.

"This, is all what you ate?" Yun Chengtian stared at Dong Ruoyan with wide eyes and pointed to the mushroom.

Dong Ruoyan blushed and smiled shyly.

"I'm sorry, I think it's delicious for a while, so I just... eat more. You can eat the rest. I won't eat it." Dongfang Ruoyan had already picked up another piece of mushroom. Seeing the appearance of Yun Chengtian, she put the mushroom back into the mushroom pile.

"Ah, it's okay. It's okay. You eat it. You eat it. I'm baking." Yun Chengtian pointed to a pile of raw mushrooms that had not yet been roasted.

"Really?" Dongfang Ruoyan showed a trace of doubt.

"When did you think I lied to you? Come on, open your mouth... Ah..." Yun Chengtian handed the mushroom to Dongfang Ruoyan's mouth.

Dong Ruoyan opened her mouth obediently like a child, allowing Yun Chengtian to put mushrooms into her mouth.

Yun Chengtian saw that Dongfang Ruoyan liked to eat his baked mushrooms so much. Although he was hungry, he was very happy.

The protest from the stomach became more and more obvious. Yuntian lit the fire again, roasted all the remaining mushrooms, and then took a wild fruit and bit the wild fruit to get through the difficulties.

As Yun Chengtian sprinkled the ingredients evenly on the mushrooms, Dongfang Ruoyan looked at the porcelain bottle in Yun Chengtian's hand, and a big question mark was always printed in her mind.

Dong Ruoyan, who was curious, couldn't help asking Yun Chengtian again: "What's in this porcelain bottle?"

Yun Chengtian looked at Dong Ruoyan and said with a smile, "Don't the mushrooms you eat have an inexplicable taste? That inexplicable taste is because of the things in it."

Dong Ruoyan took the small porcelain bottle doubtfully, pulled out the bottle stopper, looked inside, and then poured out the ingredients a little. Seeing that it was some powder, she put out her tongue and licked it.

"Cough." Dong Ruoyan couldn't help coughing with the spicy cough of the ingredients.

Yun Chengtian looked at Dongfang Ruoyan with a smile. In his eyes, Dongfang Ruoyan seemed to be a child and didn't understand anything.

"Ruoyan, don't worry, if you follow me in the future, I will definitely let you eat something 100 times better than this mushroom." Yun Chengtian patted his chest and made a promise.

"What...what do you call me?" Dongfang Ruoyan stared at Yun Chengtian, and there seemed to be some ripples in her calm eyes.

"Ruoyan... why... can't you?" Yuncheng's confidence suddenly became much weaker, and his voice became much smaller.

"It's okay, I..." Two tears slipped out of Dongfang Ruoyan's eyes again.

"Oh, why are you crying again?" Yun rubbed his hair with regret all day.

"It's okay, I'm just so happy." Dongfang Ruoyan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and showed a faint smile.

"Your mushrooms should be ready." Dongfang Ruoyan suddenly came up with such a sentence.

The cloud was shocked all day and quickly looked at the mushrooms. The mushrooms have floated a faint fragrance, and there are some other smells faintly mixed in the fragrance.

A trace of ominous omen surged into Yun Chengtian's heart.

Yun Chengtian stretched out his right hand, and aura quickly wrapped the flame and extinguished it.

"How's it going?" Dongfang Ruoyan leaned against Yun Chengtian and looked at Yun Chengtian tidying up the roasted mushrooms.

"Wow... Thank God, fortunately, only the bottom one is scorched." Yun looked at the mushroom all day and felt his sweat flowing down drop by drop.

"You just said you would take me to eat other delicious food in the world, is that true?" Dongfang Ruoyan looked at Yun Chengtian seriously. After eating roasted mushrooms, she seemed to realize that her previous life was too boring.

"This is still a question. Of course, it's true. It's a hundred times more delicious than this roasted mushroom." Yun Chengtian was very happy to see that Dongfang Ruoyan was so interested in this.

"No, this roasted mushroom is the best thing." Dongfang Ruoyan looked at the clouds all day.

"Why?" A big question mark surged into Yun Chengtian's heart.

Dong Ruoyan's words made the lake in Yun Chengtian's heart ripple here.

"Because this is what you baked for me."