Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 2 A World with Strict Systems

"This... we entered a purple whirlpool, and then we were introduced here." Yun Chengtian just said a simple sentence and didn't introduce too much to Mingtong.

"Oh, that should be the passage between the underworld and the human world, which will be opened once in 60 years." Ming Tong suddenly realized.

"60 years, can't we go back?" Dongfang Ruoyan took Yun Chengtian's hand, and there were already some crying in her voice.

"Don't worry, it's okay. There will always be a way." Yun Chengtian stroked Dongfang Ruoyan's head and comforted her.

"Do you want to return to the human world?" Mingtong said.

"Of course, your ghost world is dead, not angry at all, and not interesting at all. Of course, you want to go back to the human world." Yun Chengtian waved his hand and said helplessly.

"But now that the channel is closed, how are you going back?" Mingtong continued.

"I don't know." Yun Chengtian shook his head.

"I know someone who may be able to help you go back." Mingtong's words immediately raised the interests of Yun Chengtian and Dongfang Ruoyan.

"Who?" Yun Chengtian and Dongfang Ruoyan asked Mingtong almost at the same time.

"The supreme ghost world, the ghost emperor." Mingtong said faintly, but these simple words exploded like thunder in the ears of Yun Chengtian and Dongfang Ruoyan.

"Ghost Emperor?" Hearing this name, Yun Chengtian knew that he was the emperor of the ghost world and the boss of the ghost world.

Not to mention whether you can see the ghost emperor in this unfamiliar ghost world, even if you can see the ghost emperor, can the supreme of the ghost world help these two human practitioners?

Yun Chengtian has a big doubt in his heart. Although he knows that there is little hope, this is the only hope at present, so he is ready to have a try.

"Where is the ghost emperor? I'm going to find him." Yun Chengtian looked at Mingtong.

"Ghost emperor, the ghost emperor is in the ghost city." Mingtong answered.

"I'm going to find him and ask him to help us return to the human world." Yun Chengtian's voice gradually increased.

"Do you need help?" Mingtong looked at the clouds all over the sky.

To be honest, Yun Chengtian does not trust Mingtong, but in the ghost world, Yun Chengtian needs help now. Mingtong is the only one who can

plays a helpful role, so no matter what Mingtong thinks, whether it is good or bad, and what is his intention, Yun Chengtian can only take one step at a time.

"Need." Yun Chengtian said affirmatively.

"Okay, then come with me." After saying that, Mingtong turned around and left.

Yun Chengtian and Dongfang Ruoyan didn't know where Mingtong was going to take them, but they still followed Mingtong.

The three walked on the barren land of the ghost world and were dead. Mingtong seemed to be used to this and did not have much reaction. Gradually, Yun Chengtian gradually got used to it and chatted with Mingtong.

In the chat with Mingtong, Yun Chengtian roughly understood this desolate world.

The ghost world is not as special as the world thinks. In fact, it is roughly similar to human beings. After death, if human beings are willing to be reincarnated, they will enter the land of Wangchuan, eliminate the memory of their previous life, and prepare for reincarnation. If they still fall in love with people or things in their previous lives and are unwilling to be reincarnated, they will exist in the form of ghosts. This desolate world.

Ordinary people will become ordinary ghosts after death. If they remain in the ghost world after death, their cultivation will be greatly improved, and correspondingly, they will turn into various levels of the ghost world: ghost pawn, ghost general, ghost handsome, ghost envoy, Shura, ghost king, ghost emperor.

The supreme ghost emperor of the ghost world lives in the king city of the ghost world. In the ghost city, under the ghost emperor, there are four ghost kings. There are 28 Shura in total. There are countless ghost envoys, ghost commanders and other categories. After all, the human world is crossing the disaster, and there are very few people who die in the Mahayana realm. Most of the practitioners are He flew to the fairyland, and the ghost emperor was elected by all the people in the ghost world to inherit the rights and power of the ghost king.

The ghost world is different from the human world. Each sect in the human world is independent, and there is no unified and responsible person. The system of the ghost world is quite strict, the class system is quite obvious, and the rights of the ghost emperor in the ghost world are unique.

The ghost world is centered on the ghost city, and is also the place where the ghost emperor and the four ghost kings live. There are a total of 18 cities in the ghost world. No city is managed by a Shura. There are different number of ghosts, ghosts, ghosts and so on under the Shura account. The other ten Shura are the ten temples Shura, living in the ten halls of the ghost city, responsible for the work of the whole ghost world.

Yun Chengtian and Dongfang Ruoyan heard Mingtong introduce the ghost world. Gradually, he thought that the whole ghost world was not as terrible as the legend, and he had a trace of admiration for the ghost emperor invisibly, and could bear the burden of managing the whole ghost world. This person's ability and cultivation must be very powerful.

"The front is the light city, one of the eighteen cities." Mingtong pointed to the front and said.

Yun Chengtian and Dongfang Ruoyan looked in the direction of Mingtong's fingers, but they didn't see any city.

"The city alone?" Yun Chengtian felt strange when he heard the name.

"What's wrong?" Ming Tong didn't look back.

"Why don't you avoid the name of a city in a ghost world?" Clouds feel very strange all day.

"No, the other layer of light means pulling out the tongue. I just said this just to make it sound good. Mingtong said faintly, but the word "pulling the tongue" shocked Yun Chengtian and Dongfang Ruoyan.

"Pull out the tongue...? What do you mean? Yun Chengtian sta stably asked.

"In the human world, there are also good people and bad people. If a good person wants to stay in the ghost world, we are very welcome. If he is an unforgiving person in the human world, he will enter the prison of our ghost world. There are 18 cities in total, and the prisons are also 18 prisons. According to the sins committed before his life, it will determine him to enter. The prison in that city, of course, the punishment of each prison is different. Mingtong said calmly. This kind of thing sounds horrible in Yun Chengtian and Dongfang Ruoyan's ears, but in Mingtong's view, it is quite calm, as if talking about family affairs.

"So...this tongue-puling... Guangdu City, isn't it the most powerful prison?" Yun Chengtian asked.

"The most powerful, no, pulling out the tongue is only the lightest of the 18 punishments." Mingtong's words once again hit Yun Chengtian and Dongfang Ruoyan.

"Oh..." Yun suddenly felt as if he had nothing to say.

Yun Chengtian remembered that he had beaten birds, touched fish, smashed chickens with stones, and smoked cows with branches when he was a child. Yun Chengtian couldn't help thinking of a series of crimes he had committed when he was a child. He didn't know which city he would enter when he came to the ghost world after death.

Dongfang Ruoyan didn't know what Yun Chengtian was thinking at all. She only saw Yun Chengtian sweating, so she took out the handkerchief she carried with her to wipe his sweat.

"Brother Tian, what's wrong with you?" In the continuous call of Dongfang Ruoyan, Yun Chengtian came to his senses and looked at Dongfang Ruoyan: "What's wrong?"

"What were you thinking just now? I stood here for a long time and sweated all over my head." Dongfang Ruoyan said, still taking out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat that was still slightly oozing on his forehead.

"What are you thinking about?" Yun Chengtian thought carefully, but he couldn't figure out what he was thinking just now. Hearing Dongfang Ruoyan say that he had sweaty and touched his head, he was indeed extremely slippery. In order not to worry Dongfang Ruoyan, he smiled and said, "It's okay. It makes you worry." After saying that, he took Dongfang Ruoyan's hand and said to Mingtong, "I'm sorry, let's go on."

"Okay." Mingtong turned his head and continued to walk forward.

Yun Chengtian and Dongfang Ruoyan were talking about something there, and they didn't notice a trace of strange brilliance suddenly flashing in Mingtong's eyes.

"Master, I have lost my brother's deeds since last night." Yutian bowed and said to Ziyin.

Ziyin Zhenren sat on a jade seat and nodded slightly.

This is a palace. The whole palace is crystal clear and emits a faint green color. The whole palace is completely made of jade. Ziyin is sitting in the right seat. Going down are a few simple steps. Yutian is reporting under the stairs, and on both sides of the palace, there are about a dozen standing there. Famous men and women, but they wear the same clothes as Yutian.

"Master, otherwise, I will go to the place where my brother disappeared, and another man about 30 years old stood up."

"Okay, then you can go and be careful not to leak your deeds." Ziyin said faintly and waved his hand to signal everyone to disperse.

"Where the hell have you been?" A woman's voice came slowly.