Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 58 Law Enforcement Hall

Liu Hongwu punished them to eat after sorting out all the items, otherwise they would not eat.

After listening to it, the three sons shuttled desperately between the house and the square.

"Go on, I'll go somewhere else." Yun Chengtian waved his hand to Liu Hongwu and turned around and left here.

"Well, what about Ruoyan?" Yun Chengtian didn't see Dongfang Ruoyan all morning and came to the Tianji Hall to see if Dongfang Ruoyan was here.

Surprisingly, Dongfang Ruoyan is not here either.

Huh? It's strange." Yun Chengtian said secretly.

"Are you looking for the Oriental sister? She went down this path. Zhu Bing pointed to a narrow path behind the Dikun Hall.

"Oh, I'll look for it." Yun Chengtian said and stepped on the path.

The path is winding and long. Looking at the lush trees on both sides of the path, the clouds can't help wondering where the path leads to.

In the impression of Yun Chengtian, he never remembered that there was such a road here. Naturally, he naturally knew nothing about what was behind this road.

The vegetation along the road all exudes strong vitality. Yuncheng knows that Dongfang Ruoyan must have been here, and the vegetation on both sides has more or less been infected by Dongfang Ruoyan's spiritual power.

"Where on earth does this path lead to?" He has never heard from the Tianji faction that there is such a place, nor has he heard of Yutian. Yun Chengtian is secretly puzzled.

I saw the mountain road showing a downward slope, and the doubts in Yun Chengtian's heart slowly deepened. According to this way, it will definitely go down the mountain directly.

Clouds walk all day long, thinking nonsense, and suddenly, the front of them is cheerful.

The road suddenly became spacious, and the clouds felt as if there was something in front of them, and they couldn't help speeding up their pace.

Suddenly, a palace appeared in front of the clouds.

The plaque with the words "Law Enforcement Hall" hangs high above the palace.

"Law Enforcement Hall?" Yun Chengtian looked at the plaque and was very puzzled. He knew that there were law enforcement elders in the Tianji faction, but he had never seen law enforcement elders since he met law enforcement elders once when he started. Up to now, he doesn't even remember what law enforcement elders looked like.

But he knows that the law enforcement elders are second only to his master's sword-manding elders among the elders.

It's mysterious enough to think of my master. I can't see anyone all day long. It's also mysterious enough to think of this law enforcement elder.

"Is it that the older this person is, the more he likes to find purity?" Yun Chengtian looked at the law enforcement hall in front of him and thought secretly in his heart.

"Brother Tian, why are you here?" Dongfang Ruoyan flashed out of the side of the law enforcement hall.

"I'm coming to you." Yun Chengtian looked at Dong Ruoyan and was relieved.

"I saw that the trees at the intersection in the square were damaged and healed all the way. I didn't expect there to be such a place here." Dongfang Ruoyan looked at the law enforcement hall.

"Have you gone in?" Yun Chengtian wants to know something about the law enforcement hall.

"No, anyway, this is a heavenly place. I must tell you first when I go in." Dongfang Ruoyan looked at Yun Chengtian with a smile.

"Okay, to be honest, I haven't been to this place. Let's go and have a look." Yun Chengtian took Dongfang Ruoyan's hand and walked to the law enforcement hall.

"Have you never been here?" Dongfang Ruoyan listened to Yun Chengtian's words and looked at Yun Chengtian curiously.

"Hmm." Yun Chengtian smiled awkwardly and was a little embarrassed.

When the door was opened, two rows of dark candles immediately came into their eyes, and a strange breath swept over them in an instant.

"Brother Tian, I'm afraid." Dong Ruoyan felt very uncomfortable staying here and couldn't help leaning against Yun Chengtian's side.

"This law enforcement elder is also strange enough. If you hide here all day, you will be scared to death if you don't hold back." Yun Chengtian said secretly.

Suddenly, Yun felt extremely lucky all day, because he was not selected as an apprentice by the law enforcement elders when he started.

"Fortunately, the old man didn't choose me at that time, otherwise I might not be where I am now." Yun Chengtian was secretly happy from the bottom of his heart.

It's really uncomfortable to stay in this environment, and I don't know why this palace is so gloomy.

Yun Chengtian saw that the candlelight was too weak, so he reached out and hit a ball of spiritual fire, replacing the candlelight appearing on the candlestick.

After this, the law enforcement hall immediately became much brighter, but due to the flames, it was even more strange.

It's much brighter, but the clouds still feel more or less uncomfortable all day long.

The clouds thought carefully all day long, looked at the surrounding environment, and found that the surroundings were dark and there was no sunlight.

"I said, it turned out that the window was not open." Yun Chengtian suddenly realized.

"Yes, that's right. Let's open the window quickly."

Although it was in a valley and the sun was not very sufficient, when the weak sunlight slanted into the law enforcement hall, the dark and strange atmosphere of the law enforcement hall then weakened a lot.

"Ruoyan, it's much better." Yun Chengtian crossed his waist and looked at his masterpiece.

"Well, it's much more comfortable, but those flames still look uncomfortable." Dongfang Ruoyan pointed to the flames swaying on the candlestick.

"Well, this is better. It looks uncomfortable. Just withdraw it." Yun Chengtian said, and the flames went out by themselves.

Yun Chengtian and Dongfang Ruoyan carefully looked at everything in the law enforcement hall.

The facilities of the law enforcement hall are very simple. There are two rows of candlesticks in the center of the palace, and behind the candlesticks is a platform about one meter from the ground.

There is a desk on the platform, and there is nothing else.

"Isn't it a waste to put so many things in such a big palace?" Yun Chengtian muttered.

Seeing nothing else, Yun Chengtian directly pulled Dongfang Ruoyan to fly to the platform.

There is a wooden chair and a desk on the platform. The four treasures of the study room on the desk are complete, and there is a big token of slap.

The only special thing is the token. Yun Chengtian picked up the token and saw that the word "Order" was written on the front of the token, and the word Tianji was written in a seal.

"Is this the token of the celestial faction? It's the first time I've seen it." Yun Chengtian looked at it with a token, and then handed it to Dongfang Ruoyan beside him.

"Well, look at this, this is indeed the token of the celestial faction." Dongfang Ruoyan took the token and looked at it and put it back on the table.

Yun Chengtian picked up the token and put it in his arms and said to Dongfang Ruoyan, "Let's see what else is here. I don't believe that such a big palace only has such a simple decoration.

Dong Ruoyan nodded and saw that Dongfang Ruoyan also thought there would be other things here.

"Let's go." Yun Chengtian pulled Dongfang Ruoyan down the high platform and looked for it carefully.

Soon, they found that there were two identical doors on both sides of the platform, and there was a passage inside.

"What's in it?" Yun Chengtian was puzzled and pulled Dongfang Ruoyan into the door, but the passage was dark and she couldn't see what was going on inside.

"Brother Tian, I'm afraid." The law enforcement hall was originally extremely strange, and such a passage was found in this extremely strange place, and the passage was extremely dark, which was even more strange.

Although Yun Chengtian is skilled and bold, looking at this dark channel, Yun Chengtian can't help but have faint hair in his heart. This feeling is something he has never had before.

"Well, Ruoyan, since you don't like it here, let's go back." Perhaps Dongfang Ruoyan's emotions affected him, and Yun Chengtian also had a retreat.

"Then why don't you go and see what's inside?" Dongfang Ruoyan asked curiously.

"Hey, I can't run away from him without looking at it today. Just wait for me to come with them. I like this kind of place very much." Yun Chengtian found an excuse to leave.

Dongfang Ruoyan is innocent. Naturally, she would not think that this was an excuse for Yun Chengtian, so she answered and left here with Dongfang Ruoyan. Looking at the sunshine in the valley and the fresh air emitted by flowers, plants and trees, the clouds suddenly felt much refreshed all day, and Dong Ruoyan around her also smiled faintly.

"Ruoyan, let's go." Yun Chengtian pulled Dong Ruoyan's hand and went back along the winding mountain road.

Before leaving, Yun Chengtian looked back at the gloomy law enforcement hall. In his eyes, the law enforcement hall slanted by the sun was so strange.