Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 80 Forever Home

Yun Chengtian seemed to have expected that the Blood Shadow Demon Emperor would come to find him. Although he came to the entrance, he did not leave the demon world, but waited for the Blood Shadow Demon Emperor.

"Lord Wuji doesn't know, but I know. Maybe you won't have a chance to meet again in your life." The words of the Blood Shadow Demon Emperor are full of sadness, which make Yun, who was already very happy, feel a little sad all day long.

"Don't worry, I can come the first time, I can come the second time." Yun Chengtian slowly approached the Blood Shadow Demon Emperor and patted him on the shoulder.

"Alas." The Blood Shadow Demon Emperor sighed and said, "Anyway, without you, my Blood Shadow would never have today's achievements. I'm about to break through the realm of the Demon Lord. Without you, I would still be a little demon king, and even the Demon Emperor has no hope. Now, I'm going to become a Demon Lord soon, hehe ." The Blood Shadow Demon Emperor smiled bitterly twice.

"This is your luck. If you change someone else, if you are with me, you may not have such luck." Yun Chengtian said.

Seeing that the Blood Shadow Demon Emperor still looked sad, Yun Chengtian stretched out his hand and said, "Come on."

"What are you doing?" The Blood Shadow Demon Emperor was a little stunned.

"Come on, let's make an appointment. In ten years, I will come to the demon world and come to you." Yun Chengtian's eyes sparkled with a faint light.

"Really?" The blood shadow demon emperor's eyes were full of joy for a moment. For ten years, for a practitioner, it was just a flick.

"What's true or false? When did you think I didn't do what I said?" Yun waved his hands disdainfully all day.

"Whung or not, if you don't make this agreement with me, then I'll leave." Yun Chengtian shook his hand.

"It's decided, of course." The Blood Shadow Demon Emperor said hurriedly.

The two hands were held tightly together.

"When I come back, what I want to see is not the Blood Shadow Demon Emperor, but the Blood Shadow Demon Lord." Yun Chengtian looked at the Blood Shadow Demon Emperor with a smile, and then said, "See you again."

"Ye, see you later." The Blood Shadow Demon Emperor muttered.

The cloud nodded all day and turned into a white light and flew directly into the channel.

Although he experienced some twists and turns, he finally got the blood jade spirit stone. At the thought that he could return to the human world immediately, Yun Chengtian's heart was excited. Although he was still a little reluctant to give up the Blood Shadow Demon Emperor, Yun Chengtian knew that he still had many things to do.

I must go back to the human world.

Through the long corridor, Yuntian saw that the road ahead had reached the end. At the end, there seemed to be something similar to a root beard.

Yun Chengtian immediately understood that these were the big trees guarding the mouth of the cave. In front of him, Yun Chengtian showed a little smile at the corners of his mouth, grabbed a root and shook it back and forth.

After a while, there was a rumbling sound above his head. Yun Chengtian hurriedly looked up at the sky and found that the big tree was moving slowly, and a faint sunshine shone in.

"Sw." Yun didn't think about it all day and immediately rushed out.

The fresh air around refreshed Yun Chengtian. Looking at this familiar environment, Yun Chengtian knew that he had returned to the human world.

"Thank you very much." Yun Chengtian knew that the big tree was spiritual, so he arched his hand to him and immediately turned into a faint white light and flew out of the demon forest.

"Ky rude!" After a long time, the big tree made a dull sound.

Yun Chengtian is now eager to return to the ghost world, but he must find a hidden place. In this demon forest, Yun Chengtian always feels not so safe and has charm.

When he thought of the charm, Yun Chengtian remembered that he would accompany the charm when he came out of the demon world.

But now the charm can't be found. As long as she doesn't come to find herself, she will never find her.

has reached the outside of the Magic Forest in an instant. It belongs to the scope of Huyue City and is surrounded by a desert. Yun Chengtian looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't stand the eager heart. A purple light in his hand burst out, and a space crack immediately appeared in front of him. The space crack gradually became bigger and became The black whirlpool, the passage between the human world and the ghost world.

The cloud immediately turned into a light and flew into the black whirlpool, and the attraction generated by the whirlpool immediately attracted the cloud into the sky.

The strong breath of death immediately surrounded Yun Chengtian. Yun Chengtian stayed in the demon world for a long time. It was really uncomfortable to suddenly come to the ghost world.

"Alas, this channel is indeed a little evil. Every time it appears, the place is different. What the hell is this place?" Yun Chengtian found himself in a mountain, cooperating with the dark sky, dark air and environment of the ghost world, which was even more gloomy in the gloomy mountains. Yun Chengtian couldn't help cursing. Although he was a ghost king, he knew nothing about the realm of the ghost world.

"This is naturally a ghost place, and the ghost world is not a ghost place. What is that place?" A joking voice came.

Yun Chengtian immediately looked at the source of the sound and found that the ghost king Mingtong leaned against a big tree, with his hands diagonally in front of his chest, looking at Yun Chengtian with a rather joking smile.

Yun Chengtian suddenly realized a problem, that is, every time he enters the ghost world, Mingtong always appears at the first time, which makes Yun Chengtian very puzzled.

Yun Chengtian absolutely does not allow this kind of doubt to be hidden in his heart. Yun Chengtian didn't think about it. He immediately came to Mingtong and said, "Why do you appear every time I come to the ghost world? How do you know I came to the ghost world?" Clouds are very strange all day long.

"Well, you need to use a ghost token when you come to the ghost world. I also have this token. There is a resonance between the token and the token. As soon as you use it, I will naturally know it immediately." Mingtong paused and then said, "At present, there is only the ghost emperor. I have the token. Naturally, the ghost emperor can't use it. Then you are the only one left. You will undoubtedly come to the ghost world with the token. As soon as you come to the ghost world, um, don't forget, as long as I want to know, everything in the ghost world comes into my eyes." Mingtong saw that Yun Chengtian seemed to be a little angry, so he patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Aren't I afraid that you will get lost in the ghost world? So I'm here to help you. By the way, have you got your blood jade spirit stone?

Mingtong's words immediately made Yun Chengtian feel good. After listening to Mingtong's words, Yun Chengtian immediately came to his senses. With a shake of his hand, a blood-red diamond-shaped crystal immediately appeared in his hand.

"Look, when can't we do it? It's enough. If it's not enough, we still have it." After saying that, Yun Chengtian shook his other hand and immediately appeared another blood jade spirit stone.

"Okay, the oriental girl is saved now." There was a little smile on Mingtong's face.

"Bear by the way, how many spiritual stones do you need to save Ruoyan?" Yun asked casually all day.

"Oh, one piece is enough." Mingtong said.

"Oh." Yun Chengtian nodded, but he had put down the hanging heart.

"Let's go, let's meet the ghost emperor and let him save the oriental girl immediately." Mingtong said.

"Good." Yun has never felt so nervous in his heart.

The two immediately disappeared into the vast ghost mountains.

"How did you get this dress? The magic on it is very powerful." Mingtong looked at the blood silkworm coral clothes on Yun Chengtian's body and said in surprise.

"That's natural. This is the clothes that even the demon emperor wants to dye." Yun Chengtian said proudly.

"Ah?" Mingtong was a little surprised.

Yun Chengtian told Mingtong how he went to the demon world, and Mingtong sighed.

"I didn't expect that you got such a big opportunity to get the seal of ten thousand Buddhas, and can perfectly integrate the seals of ten thousand Buddhas and the slaughter of ghost flames, and also get so many powerful monsters. With your current strength, I'm afraid that the whole ghost world is no match for you." Ming Tong said jokingly.

"Well, there is nothing. Although I come from the human world, vaguely, I regard the ghost world as my home." Yun Chengtian slowly said that he not only said so, but also did think so in his heart. Just now, he thought that he could stand in any world of the ghost world, the human world, and the demon world he had just been to, but what really took root in his heart was the ghost world.

Even he doesn't understand why.