Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 85 Wall of Sighs

"What, these are all black souls?" I really don't know. I was shocked when I looked at it. Yun Chengtian took a closer look and found that the original dense black souls here were all.

"Yes, this place is called the land of black souls because these black souls, these black souls, are the ancient power that killed countless evil spirits in ancient times, and used special refining methods to refine them into black souls. These black souls are not only invulnerable, but also not afraid of any spells, and no attack on them can It works. Even the burning flame of the magnificent dragon can't hurt them at all. On the contrary, they can swallow your body and devour your soul. Therefore, there is only one way to restrain them in the world, that is, to slaughter the ghost flame, and use the slaughtering ghost flame can devour their energy and lose energy. He They will disappear automatically."

Yun looked at the group of black souls all day long and knew that what the ghost emperor said was true. It was true that if he did not slaughter the ghost flame, it could not pass at all, but it was not necessarily only the slaughter of ghost flame. In his opinion, the Buddha seal could also subdue these black souls.

Although he has this idea in his heart, he can't say it.

"Well, in that case, let's go and let these black souls all die under my slaughter flame." Yuncheng was soaring, and his hands patted one after another, turning into purple flames. Then those purple flames kept changing their shape in the process of running, and finally turned into a sharp sword and rushed to the black souls in front of them.

"Brush brush." The black soul looked so vulnerable in front of the sword turned into ten thousand purple flames.

A large number of black souls disappeared in an instant.

It's not enough to look at it all day. The ten thousand flame swords suddenly flew over the sky and combined into a purple fireball in the sky.

The huge purple fireball fell down like a meteorite and hit the middle of the black soul accurately.

"Bum." Almost all the black souls in the land of the black soul died under the blow of this purple fireball, and the huge destructive power caused by its falling attack covered the whole land of the black soul.

"Oc's it, don't kill it all. After all, this is something left by the predecessors in the ghost world. It will be more or less useful to leave them." When the ghost emperor saw that there were few black souls left in the field, he made a statement to stop the clouds.

As soon as these black souls were removed, the situation in the field was immediately clear. The land of the black soul has restored the gray environment of the ghost world and the gray sky.

The clouds waved their hands all day, and the scattered purple flames all converged into wisps of purple flames, following the fingertips of the clouds and entering the body of the sky.

The three walked forward. Yun Chengtian was afraid of an accident. With a wave of his hand, a small purple fireball appeared beside him, protecting the ghost emperor and Pluto.

It turned out that Yun Chengtian was indeed right to do this. The remaining black souls felt the breath of the three people and immediately jumped up, but they were all swallowed up by the little purple fireball.

The three walked leisurely through the land of the black soul.

"There is only one last level left, but I don't need it anymore. I can take a breath and have a good rest." Yun Chengtian said and couldn't help stretching his waist.

At the end of the land of the black soul is a dark pool.

Looking at this pool all day, a creepy feeling arises spontaneously.

"I don't feel good about this pool." Yun Chengtian looked at the pool and said to the ghost emperor.

"You can't help it if you feel uncomfortable. This is the only way to enter the sealed land." After saying that, the ghost emperor jumped into the pool. Mingtong also jumped in, leaving Yun Chengtian at a loss.

This pool is extremely dark, and I don't know what the danger is, but I know at a glance that it is not a good place.

But the ghost emperor and Mingtong have jumped in, and Yuncheng is helpless and can only jump in.

After entering the pool, Yun Chengtian found that there were not so many dangerous factors in the pool. This is a very simple lake.

After entering the lake, Yun Chengtian found that the ghost emperor and Mingtong were standing in front of a stone tablet not far ahead.

It is said to be a stone tablet, but rather a stone wall.

The statues of two strange beasts are distributed on the left and right of the stone wall, and some strange patterns are carved on the stone wall.

"What's wrong?" Yun Chengtian saw both of them standing in front of the stone wall, and they were stunned and couldn't help wondering.

"Take a look, otherwise you will never see the wall of sighs in the future.

" Ming Tong sighed slightly.

"Wall of Sighs? I haven't heard of it." Yun Chengtian said secretly, but Yun Chengtian was not in the mood to inquire about this kind of thing that did not pose a threat to him, so he nodded as if something had happened.

Yun Chengtian looked at the ghost emperor and found that the ghost emperor also looked sad, mixed with a little regret.

The strange expressions of the two made Yun Chengtian couldn't help paying attention to this beautifully decorated stone wall.

But no matter how you look at it, Yuncheng can't see what is mysterious about this stone wall.

"Is the wall of sighing a thing that makes people sigh from the front of this wall?" Yun Chengtian was thinking about it when he suddenly heard the voice of the ghost emperor.

"Flash back so as not to be injured."

"Injured?" Yun Chengtian looked at this stone wall about three feet high, which was very strange.

Suddenly, Yun Chengtian felt that someone pulled him. At a glance, it was Mingtong.

Ming Tong motioned him to retreat. Yun Chengtian nodded and slowly stepped back a few steps. He stood side by side with Ming Tong, leaving only the Ghost Emperor standing in front of him.

"I said, what is this wall of sighs and why do you all have such expressions?" Yun Chengtian asked the underworld pupils around him.

"The wall of sighs is the strongest thing in the world. No magic weapon or any attack can hurt it at all, but it is used by the power to block the sealed land. If you want to break this wall of sighs, you can only use the head of the three treasures of the ghost world, but once it is broken, then This wall of sighs no longer exists. There is a trace of loss in Mingtong's words.

While talking, the ghost emperor has begun to do it.

The speed is so fast that Yun didn't imagine it all day. It's not that he didn't imagine it, but that he didn't dare to imagine it.

didn't see how the ghost emperor did it, only saw a shadow brush flashing by.

There was silence around and fell into a heavy silence.

Only then did Yun Chengtian see that in the hand of the ghost emperor, there was a sharp blade. The handle was a dragon head, and the blade from the bottom was wide to narrow, and the whole knife emitted a purple light. Although it was very light, it was very dazzling.

Yun Chengtian knows that this is the head of the three treasures of the ghost world, the ghostly dazzling blade. Suddenly, the sound of "click, click" was continuous, and an almost indistinguishable crack appeared in the middle of the huge wall of sighs.

"Boom!" The wall of sigh was split in half, one left and one right, and fell to the ground.

The ghost emperor withdrew the dark blade, stood with his hands back, and looked coldly at the wall of sighs that fell to the ground.

Behind the wall of sighs is a huge black whirlpool. As soon as the wall of sighs fell, all the pools in the pool were sucked into the black whirlpool.

Yun Chengtian came forward and looked at the wall of sighs and found that the wall of sighs was built of an extremely special material, which he had never seen or heard of.

"Let's go." The ghost emperor said, and then entered the whirlpool in front of him.

Yun suddenly felt a little big all day. Although it was a little thrilling all the way, it did not encounter any substantial danger, but so far, it has not seen a side of the sealed land.

Yun Chengtian couldn't help wondering. At that time, he was so small and had no cultivation at all. He entered the sealed place so easily. Now his cultivation is more than tens of millions of generations higher than before, but it is so difficult to enter this sealed place. Is it possible that the more he lives, the more he regresses?

However, looking at the ghost emperor and Mingtong entering the whirlpool one by one, Yun Chengtian had no choice but to enter. Moreover, the traction of the whirlpool was not so strong, very soft, and Yun Chengtian passed through the whirlpool comfortably.

Through the whirlpool, the clouds found themselves in a palace all day. Although it was dark, it still could not hide the luxury of the palace.

At the end of the palace, there is a human statue.

And the ghost emperor and Mingtong, at this moment, are half kneeling in front of the statue, looking very respectful.

Looking at this appearance, Yun Chengtian knows that the statue is the legendary ancient god.