Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 47 Ecstasy

After a while, Yuan Jie took Yun Chengtian and Liu Hongwu to an empty place.

A gust of wind blew, which made Liu Hongwu shiver.

The cloud looked around vigilantly all day.

"Well, what about those two?" Liu Hongwu turned his head and didn't see the two, so he asked Yuan Jie very puzzledly.

"Oh, the two of them were here just now." Yuan Jie turned his back to them and said slowly.

"Yes, why is there no one now?" Yun Chengtian looked at Yuan Jie's back and took a step forward.

In addition to the road, there is also a green hole in front of the whole empty area.

"Will they go first?" Liu Hongwu looked at it and found that there was only the green hole.

"Yes, it's possible. Go find them quickly." Yuan Jie said, and his body turned into a light and flew into the hole.

"Let's go in." Liu Hongwu looked back at Yun Chengtian and wanted to walk into the cave.

Unexpectedly, he was stopped by Yun Chengtian.

Liu Hongwu felt very strange, and at the same time, a faint message came.

"Yuan Jie is weird, be careful."

"Is it weird?" Liu Hongwu was stunned. At this moment, Yun Chengtian had walked into the mouth of the cave.

Liu Hongwu didn't say anything and took two steps to catch up with Yun Chengtian.

It's not that he doesn't believe Yuan Jie, but he also believes in Yun Chengtian.

This is a corridor emitting green light, and the whole road presents a faint green light.

The corridor is winding and long, and I don't know how long it has been. Suddenly, a light came in front of it.

And Yuan Jie's figure disappeared in the light.

"Ah, it's at the exit." Liu Hongwu was shocked.

Yun Chengtian didn't say a word, silently accelerated his pace and rushed out of the corridor with Liu Hongwu.

What kind of scene was in front of him? Yun Chengtian was stunned, and Liu Hongwu was also stunned.

When Yun looked at this scene, it was as beautiful as the demon world. Not far away, a waterfall flowed down and turned into a winding river to the courtyard. As for what was in the distance, it could not be seen or touched.

And Dugu Aoyun and the float are happy to swim in the waterfall at this moment.

And Yuan Jie walked to the waterfall and didn't know what to say to the float, Dugu Aoyun. The two turned their heads and waved to Yun Chengtian and Liu Hongwu.

And Yuan Jie also jumped into the lake under the waterfall and looked very comfortable.

The bright sunlight shone down, and a burst of enthusiasm came from Liu Hongwu.

"It's so hot. I wish I could take a shower at this moment." Liu Hongwu wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the lake in front of him.

In the sky, I also feel inexplicably dry mouth. Looking at the clear lake water, I really want to take a sip of it.

"I don't know why it's so hot here. Come down and take a shower. It's not too late to leave when it's cool." Yuan Jie said.

It makes sense to think about it all day, so he squatted down and prepared to take a sip of water.

Looking at the clear lake, Yuntian felt even more thirsty, so he hurriedly took a sip of water and wanted to drink it.

At this moment, a vigorous flame rushed directly and hit Yun Chengtian's hand.

The clouds were stunned all day, their hands trembled, and all the water they held fell into the lake and sprinkled on the lawn.

"Who is it?" After being manipulated strangely for a while, Yun Chengtian felt quite angry and looked at the flames.

"I finally caught up." A familiar voice came.

A firelight rushed, and Liu Hongwu had jumped into the lake. The firelight rushed over with lightning speed, directly rolled up Liu Hongwu, and then circled around in the air, hitting Liu Hongwu heavily on the ground.

The firelight dissipated, and the person who came was a middle-aged man with red hair and a red robe, which was suddenly the meteorite day of one of the five holy beasts.

"Fate Day, why are you here?" Yun feels very strange all day, but it is more surprising.

"Well, if I don't come, I'm afraid you can't get out of this abyss." The meteorite said, and then waved a breath of the Holy Spirit, covering the sky.

Cloud only felt a burst of force coming and instantly entered his brain. This force is powerful and gentle, without any aggression, but with incomparable deterrence.

Light after light came, and Yun Chengtian suddenly felt a burst of power forced away by these lights and withdrew from his body.

Yun suddenly woke up all day, looked at everything in front of him, and suddenly felt a burst of confusion.

"I, this is..." Yun Chengtian looked at Liu Hongwu and found Liu Hongwu lying on the ground and screaming, while Yuan Jie, float and Dugu Aoyun, seemed to be floating in the water instead of swimming.

"You have been enchanted." The meteorite said, and then another light covered Liu Hongwu.

Yun Chengtian clearly saw a gray gas emitted from Liu Hongwu's body.

"This is." Clouds are very surprised all day long.

"This is ecstasy, which is condensed by the most evil gas in the world, which can interfere with your thoughts. It must be expelled by the light of the most holy spirit in the world." The meteorite said slowly.

"What? Did we win the spell?" Yun Chengtian was surprised.

Next, Liu Hongwu had rubbed his head and muttered from the ground. I don't know what he was saying.

"How's it going?" The meteorite looked at Liu Hongwu and said with a smile.

"Why do I feel dizzy?" Liu Hongwu muttered softly.

During this period, Yun Chengtian carefully observed the meteorite and found that the whole body of the meteorite exuded a sacred breath.

"Feteor Day, have you regained all your strength?" Yun said in surprise all day long.

"Not bad." The meteorite nodded, and then said, "This is not the place to talk. Let's go out first."

"Go out?" Liu Hongwu was puzzled.

"Yuan Jie, let's go. Don't soak in it." Liu Hongwu greeted Yuan Jie.

But Yuan Jie was still soaking in the lake and didn't pay attention to Liu Hongwu at all.

"Hey, you boy, how dare you ignore me." Liu Hongwu tried to beat Yuan Jie, but was stopped by the meteorite.

"He doesn't answer you, he can't answer you at all." The meteorite said, and then waved his hands together, and the glory of the Holy Spirit enveloped the place in an instant.

With the appearance of the glory of the Holy Spirit, this place like the demon world is changing step by step, as if it emits a strange light.

The ancient stone walls and withered vegetation appeared in front of Yun Chengtian and Liu Hongwu like magic.

"This..." Liu Hongwu opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth like a dream.

However, the surprising thing is still behind.

The waterfall turned into a blood-red blood waterfall, a ferocious ghost head. At the edge, the blood-red waterfall flowed out of the ghost's big mouth, and the clear lake of the lake also turned into a blood-red lake.

And Yuan Jie, float and Dugu Aoyun, soaked in the blood-red pool like a floating corpse.

"This..." Yun Chengtian was shocked, and Liu Hongwu stepped back a few steps in horror and sat on the ground.

"They are also immersed in this ecstasy and soaked in it. If they come later, they will be swallowed up by the pool water, turn into a skeleton, sink into the bottom of the pool water, and never live." The meteorite said in a low voice, and then a burst of Holy Spirit rose up and rolled up Yuan Jie, floating wheel and Dugu Ao Cloud.

Yun Chengtian vaguely remembered that while he had just won this technique, he still wanted to drink this water, and Liu Hongwu also wanted to jump into the lake to take a shower. Thinking of this, the two couldn't help feeling creepy. Yun Chengtian even felt his stomachs churning. Although he had been practicing for many years and had not eaten the fireworks of the world, he still let Yun Chengtian It's uncomfortable. Open your mouth and spit out some sour water.

The two couldn't help but thank them for the meteorite.

A burst of light covered the bodies of Yuan Jie and the three of them, and another black gas came out of the three people. Yun Chengtian knew that the three people's skills had been lifted, but somehow, the three of them did not wake up.

"They have been victimized for a long time, so it will take a while to wake up." The words of the meteorite made Yun Chengtian let go of the hanging heart.

"Hehe, hehe, hehe." Yun Chengtian just wanted to ask about the situation here on the meteorite day, but a strange and erratic laughter came from somewhere.