Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 49 The Mysterious Monk in Black

The meteorite, which had been silent, finally took action. He turned into a cost body, and his body soared directly into the air, stepping on the ten thousand Buddha seals released by the clouds, and then pressed down.

The power of the ancient holy beast is not small. With the appearance of the meteorite, the black Buddha seal immediately felt unsupported and retreated like destruction.

The meteorite did not stop at all, and stepped on the Buddha seal and rushed directly into the darkness. The golden light of the Buddha seal and the light of the Holy Spirit of the meteorite sun directly tore the darkness, and the heavy black fog dissipated. In the center of the darkness, an old man in black sat in the middle.

When Yun Chengtian saw the old man, he couldn't help but be surprised, because the old man's clothes were very similar to the big wheel Mingitan Buddha. It should not be said that he was similar, but also a monk. When I saw this scene on the meteorite day, I couldn't help but be surprised.

Looking at the Buddha seal and the meteorite sun attack, the black monk closed his eyes tightly, but the black gas on his body kept emerging. No black gas turned into a swastice, and the clouds and the meteorite sun attacked.

Those scorpion gradually became bigger, and at this moment, the dark atmosphere in the field suddenly thickened.

Yun Chengtian was shocked and knew that the maus he had just dealt with was just the black gas on the monk in black, not the real Buddha seal.

It's just that the ten thousand Buddha seals turned by this black gas can't be resisted by Yun Chengtian alone. If the ten thousand Buddha seals really appear, thinking of this, Yun Chengtian can't help but be secretly shocked.

It seems that there is no good place in this abyss.

Looking at the attack of the black swastlass one by one, Yun Chengtian was completely unprepared and could only hide behind the meteorite.

"Bad boy, hide behind me at this time." When I saw it on the meteorite day, I couldn't help cursing.

"Hey, this shows that you are old and powerful." Yun Chengtian said with a smile, but the strength in his hand did not dare to relax. Here, every point of relaxation may kill him.

The meteorite was not talking, but the sacred light on his body suddenly dispersed, and every light turned into a small spark ball and attacked the ten thousand Buddha seals.

At this moment, the fireball released by the meteorite suddenly sprinkled ten meters near the monk in black, and in that area, it was like a firestorm.

The black perp on each fireball collision produces a small explosion.

"Boom!" The sound of explosions was endless. These ten thousand Buddha seals failed to hurt the meteorite day and clouds, but the ten thousand Buddha seals of the cloud and the meteorite day could not take a step forward. The attack of the monks in black appropriately delayed the attack of the meteorite day and clouds.

Liu Hongwu was stunned below. Although he did not know what his cultivation was at the peak of the recovery of the meteorite day, with the refinement of his cultivation, he already knew that the existence of the ancient period, every person and every beast was an anti-sky existence, which was not something he could compete with.

And now that Liu Hongwu knows that he can't participate in this battle. Even the meteorite and Yun Chengtian worked together to draw with the weird black monk. If he goes up, it will be like death.

Therefore, Liu Hongwu decided to stay here to take care of Yuan Jie and others. Yuan Jie and the three of them were still unconscious and really needed someone to take care of them. In order not to accidentally hurt the three people in the battle between the two sides, Liu Hongwu moved the three to the entrance when they came and watched the battle between the two sides anxiously.

The battle between the meteorite and the monk in black.

The clouds are getting more and more frightened all day. The only thing he can do now is to maintain the power of the ten thousand Buddha seals, and all offensive aspects are completely handed over to the meteorite. If there is no meteorite day, with his current strength, even the ten thousand Buddha seals may not be maintained.

I don't know what the black monk came from, and his whole body was shrouded in an inexplicable black gas, and those black gas, countless small swans transformed by the illusion, are still constantly impacting the meteorite day, making the meteorite day unable to do its best in the attack of the ten thousand Buddha seals.

The monk in black closed his eyes and held a string of Buddha beads in his hand. His hands were folded. The string of Buddha beads was sandwiched in the middle, and he couldn't help saying anything.

"All day." Yun Chengtian was trying his best to maintain the seal of ten thousand Buddhas, but suddenly he heard the sound of the meteorite coming by sound transmission.

Huh? What are you doing? Yun Chengtian looked at the huge body of the meteorite and felt very strange.

"With us, we are not the opponent of this old monk at all. Let's go first and talk about it." The sound of the meteorite came.

The words of the meteorite surprised Yun Chengtian. The meteorite thought that he was not the old monk's opponent, so he had to go.

"Go!" The sound of the meteorite came. As soon as the clouds heard it, they hurriedly withdrew the Buddha seal and stepped on the body of the meteorite. Their hands continuously hit a purple-gold glow, covering the vicinity of the monk in black. At the same time, the sacred light of the meteorite also appeared again, and countless fireballs hit the monk in black like meteors, straight in this area. There was a meteor shower.

At this moment, the meteorite and clouds had arrived at the entrance, and a white golden light was emitted from the meteorite sun, which involved Liu Hongwu, Yuan Jie and other four people, and then rushed out of this strange area like a gust of wind.

"Wan Buddha Seal..." The black monk gently said these words and slowly opened his eyes.

The meteorite turned into a white light through the long winding passage and came to the empty area. Then he regained his human form and landed here.

Yun Chengtian looked behind in horror and breathed a sigh of relief when he was sure that the strange and powerful monk in black had not chased him.

"Wow, it's okay, that guy didn't chase after him." Yun Chengtian sat on the ground and thought about the horror of the monk in black. Yun Chengtian couldn't help feeling a headache.

"Hmm?" Liu Hongwu rubbed his head and found that he had suddenly changed a place. He felt very puzzled.

"Ah." Yuan Jie made a slight sound.

Everyone quickly gathered around.

Yuan Jie woke up.

"Yuan Jie, how's it going?" Yun Chengtian asked eagerly.

"Why am I here? The three of us walked all the way and saw a very beautiful place. Then we saw a waterfall and lake. Suddenly, we felt dry and hot, so we jumped into the lake to take a shower. Later..." Yuan Jie rubbed his head.

"Later, I don't know why I'm here." Yuan Jie was very surprised to see Dugu Aoyun and the float next to him.

"What's wrong with them?" Yuan Jie said in surprise.

At this time, the float and Dugu Aoyun had also slowly woken up, and Liu Hongwu told them the situation.

"This old monk is really horrible. I don't know where he came from. He can confuse people's minds and has so much power." Liu Hongwu still said with lingering heart.

"Hmm." Yun Chengtian nodded. He remembered the black ten thousand Buddha seal released by the old monk. Coupled with this dress and the ecstasy, it was a little similar to the power of the ten thousand Buddha seal. All these showed that the black monk seemed to have some connection with the Buddhist world and appeared in the abyss of annihilation.

"Fate Day, can't you really beat that guy?" Clouds look at the meteorite day.

"Fight? If I can beat it, I will do it directly. I have done my best, but the old monk has not yet done his best, and I vaguely feel that if I want to defeat the old monk, I am afraid that the five holy beasts will gather together or have hope. The meteorite said slowly.

"What? Five holy beasts gathered together? By the way, I saw Cang Ye a few days ago. Yun Chengtian said slowly.

"Canth leaves? Where is it?" The meteorite was shocked.

"In a place called the demon world." Yun Chengtian said slowly.

"Heavenly demon world, oh, he really went to that place." The meteorite nodded.

When Yun Chengtian came out, the meteorite seemed to know the demon world very well. He just wanted to ask about the demon world, but Liu Hongwu next to him had said, "What's the way for this old monk?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone fell into silence.

Only the meteorite and Yun Chengtian were really fighting with the old monk. Liu Hongwu just played a scene. As for the three people, they didn't even see the face of the monk in black, so they hit his skill, let alone know it.

Clouds naturally don't know it all day long, so the only person who solves this mystery has a meteorite.

"I have some questions. I need to find answers. Take care." After a long silence, the meteorite said such a sentence, and then turned into a firelight and flew out.