Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 53 turning waste into treasure

After listening to the words of the float, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that the float still had research on such an ancient thing, but when he heard that he saw it from an ancient book, he knew it.

"The barbarians are indeed barbaric enough to look at the secondary body." Yun Chengtian looked at the bones as high as three feet and said slowly.

"But the battlefield of the ancient war, why is it in this abyss of extinction?" Dugu Aoyun feels very strange.

"This, this, is not what I can understand. I'm afraid only those seniors who participated in the war at that time and lived to the present can know." The float smiled bitterly.

"Well, let's continue to walk in. Maybe we can find something else, and maybe the demon refining pot is here." Yun Chengtian said and walked forward first.

The ruins of the ancient battlefield are really like a world, but now, nothing has been found except the bones and broken blades on the ground.

The float picked up a few blades, looked carefully, then shook its head again, looked disappointed, and threw the blade back to the ground.

Yun Chengtian knew that the float was in love with these ancient blades. He wanted to find a suitable blade and then recast it, but it seems that he hasn't found it yet.

I don't know how far I walked, and the sound of water came from the front of me.

Several people walked forward, but found that a blood-red river flowed down from above and down the waterfall. They didn't know where it flowed downstream. The roaring sound of water was emitted by the waterfall.

"Is this?" Liu Hongwu's face was full of surprise. As soon as he saw the blood-red water, he couldn't help feeling a nausea.

"The downstream will not be with the monk in black." Dugu Aoyun suddenly said something.

When everyone remembered the strange monk in black, they all felt a burst of terror, and they couldn't help feeling the coolness coming. Coupled with the environment of the ruins of the ancient battlefield, everyone felt a chill in their hearts. No one spoke or mentioned it.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't say a word, so they turned around and hurried away, while Liu Hongwu was still looking around for fear that the monk in black would suddenly appear in front of him.

Everyone walked upstream along the river. All the way, they saw bones all over the ground. Yun Chengtian was a little bored and found that there was no special place here. They thought that this was just an ancient battlefield. Damn people died, and those who were alive must have left this place long ago, so they didn't take this at all. The area is in his heart. He is now focused on finding the demon refining pot, but he didn't expect to find such a mysterious place. In any case, it is a small harvest. As long as he doesn't think of the strange monk in black, his mind is quite good.

Looking for a demon refining pot in such a vast area is undoubtedly like looking for a needle in a haystack. Looking at the blood-red pool water all day, he suddenly became interested and said to everyone, "Let's go to the upstream of this pool to see how it is. I really want to know how the pool of water flows down."

As soon as he said this, Liu Hongwu immediately shouted. He has always been a guy who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

Yuan Jie was silent, but the float was firmly opposed.

"Although this ancient battlefield has disappeared for tens of thousands of years, and it doesn't look dangerous here, I don't know how many great gods fell here in ancient times. It is said that the six worlds and the high divine world were separated after the ancient war. Therefore, there are still many unsafe factors here, and we are still not It's good to walk around."

"Well, it turns out that the divine world came like this. That must be the biggest winner of the ancient war. If you have a chance to come into contact with the divine world, why not break through?" As soon as Liu Hongwu heard about the divine world, his eyes immediately glowed.

No matter which world you are in, the divine world is a high existence and extremely mysterious. Everyone only knows that people in the divine world have profound cultivation and many magic weapons, but no one knows what the situation is like in the divine world. Now there is a chance to explore the news of the divine world, and no one can't help it, let alone Liu Hongwu.

"It's good to go and have a look. Anyway, there is no whereabouts of the demon refining pot now. You also need to look in this area. Go to the top of the river and maybe you can find some clues." Dugu Aoyun spoke.

"Well, even if you add Yuan Jie, it's still two people. Now it's three to two. We won. Let's go." While Liu Hongwu spoke, he pulled Yun Chengtian and walked forward.

Dugu Aoyun followed and also left.

"I believe what you said, but now, if we want to find a demon refining pot, we must go deep into this place. There is nothing we can do." Yuan Jie slowly walked to the float and said to the float.

"Let's go." Yuan Jie took a look at the float and walked forward.

"Alas." The float sighed, shook his head, and walked forward.

I don't know how long this blood-red river is. People have walked for several hours, but the river is endless and still flows for a long time.

On the way, people saw many strange bones, such as winged animal bones and a human bone, but there were two heads on it. Everyone knew that it was a creature in ancient times, and they were all secretly surprised.

And the float is looking for the blades of those broken soldiers all the way, hoping to find something.

"Float, what are you looking for?" Liu Hongwu felt very strange, so he stopped and looked at the float find a broken sword in the broken stone pile. He looked at it, then looked at it with a disappointed face, and then threw the flying sword to the ground.

"This is an ancient battlefield. I don't know how many ancient gods fell here, and their blades and magic weapons are likely to be left here. Even if they are broken, they are not comparable to ordinary blades. If you can find one and a half, it will be of great help to practice, and their own strength. There will be a great improvement.

"Oh, so that's it. Let me help you find it." As soon as Liu Hongwu heard this, he became interested in an instant and looked around like a float.

"Which of these is OK?" Liu Hongwu disappeared for a period of time, and then suddenly appeared again, holding a broken blade in his hand, with more than ten swords.

"Wang..." Liu Hongwu scattered these patients on the ground and let the float look.

The float was stunned and looked at them one by one, but shook its head in disappointment and said, "These are ordinary blades. Although they are very ordinary, they existed in ancient times. If they are recast, they are still better than the flying swords of ordinary human monks, but they are of no help to the monks in our realm. " The float shook his head and then continued, "Although the magic soldier used by the ancient gods is left in this battlefield, it can't be found. I'm just taking the attitude of trying. You can't find it in this way." The word of the float made Liu Hongwu lose his interest.

But the cloud on one side came over day.

"Float wheel, you said that these broken blades are much more powerful than the weapons of ordinary human monks after re-sacrifice, so I ask, what kind of weapon will this ordinary blade reach if it is newly sacrificed."

"Well, the flying sword magic weapons in the human world are divided into three types: treasure weapons, magic weapons and spiritual weapons. Of course, there are also a few fairy weapons handed down from the fairyland. The highest of these three weapons are spiritual weapons, and spiritual weapons are also divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower levels. This ordinary blade is similar to the lower level spiritual weapons. If there is a slightly better one Then it is not impossible to reach the middle-grade spiritual weapon, and it is even possible to reach the top-quality spiritual weapon. The floater didn't know what Yun Chengtian asked about this, but since Yun Chengtian asked, the float wheel said everything he knew.

After listening to it all day, Yun's face shined brilliantly, stretched out a golden light to cover it, and collected all the scattered weapons on the ground.

"If you don't use these blades in the future, give me all of them, and I'll take them all." In everyone's surprised eyes, Yun Chengtian said loudly.

"You are for the Sky School, right?" Yuan Jie said first, and at Yuan Jie's prompt, everyone understood what Yun Chengtian meant.

Spiritual weapons may not be used by themselves, but if the disciples of the Sky School hand a spiritual weapon, it will be a sensation in the human world.