Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 143 Help her practice

"..." Yin Shuang was silent and did not answer immediately. She just looked at Xue Aofeng, "I have seen everything in the past. How can the door owner ask this question?"

"Do not pretend to be with me!" Xue Aofeng stared at him and said word by word, "Yin Shuang, there is only me and you here. What else can't you say?"

"What did I say?" Yin Shuang still replied. But the pupils sank.

"Oh!" Xue Aofeng smiled and then stopped his face, "Your heart is too deep. How can I trust you again? Or, let me ask Xiao Ke to come here together."

"Master, there is no need to waste it." Yin Shuang replied faintly and tastelessly. Because there is no Xiao Ke in the world...

Xue Aofeng understood something in an hour, and a nameless anger made her squeeze her palms.

"No matter what I do, Xue Aofeng, you should remember that you are the master now, and what I have done, whether before or in the future... is for you!" Yin Shuang looked at Xue Aofeng, and her eyes gradually became as sharp as snow. "If the door owner doesn't believe Yin Shuang's sincerity, he will stab Yin Shuang again. Yin Shuang... can stand it!"

This passage is coming down and powerful. Xue Aofeng was stunned.

Looking at the vicious and handsome Yin Shuang in front of him, Xue Aofeng stared for a while and suddenly passed away and smiled, "It's good, it's all for me." However, I have never let you do this for me!!

Xue Aofeng's heart sank. This person is too sinister. He really has the ambition and talent of Cao Cao in the world. I don't know whether it's good or bad to keep this kind of person around?

"Yin Shuang, this position should be yours. Why did you let me sit down? Stop talking about me. It's really fake. Xue Aofeng looked at him.

Yin Shuang was silent and replied, "I thought you understood."

Although her last sentence is indeed a little hurtful, whether it is true or false, the result is so... He will prove to her that he will accompany her to the peak of the world, and only he, Yin Shuang, can take her to achieve this grand hegemony!!

Xue Aofeng glanced and brushed his sleeves, "I'm very tired. Go away!"

"I'm outside. The doorkeeper only summons Yin Shuang if he has something to do." After saying that, Yin Shuang sighed from the bottom of his heart.


A few days later, when a flash of light shone in the hall. The figure in red also appeared in this Shuihua Hall again.

Xue Aofeng looked at him and said in a faint tone, "Yin Fazun, how's Mo Yuner's afterwork going?"

"Please rest assured that the door owner has been buried." Yin Shuang replied that she had not summoned herself in the past few days, and he did not disturb her. He only felt that one day, she would understand her painstaking efforts for her.

"Well, these are all things that should be done." Xue Aofeng said, and his eyes showed a sinking look. "One more thing, you must know where that thing is better than me."

Yin Shuang thought for a moment, "Is the door owner talking about the seven-star god flower?"

"Not bad. Where is that thing? Xue Aofeng confounded him and guessed something.

Looking at her expression, she knew what she was thinking. Yin Shuang smiled helplessly and said, "Aofeng, that thing is not on me."

"Is it really not here?"

"It's really not here."

"Well, go find it!" Xue Aofeng no longer beats around the bush.

"Good. I will." Yin Shuang nodded and agreed. The eyes are still full of softness. "I have gone down to arrange the grand event, and the grand event will be held on the first day of next month."

"Very good. Yin Fazun, your efficiency is really very fast! My master appreciates you like this." Xue Aofeng smiled strangely.

"Thank you for your praise. It's an honor for Yin Shuang to host the door." Yin Shuang replied with a smile.

"Hmm. I'm going to be closed these days. If you have anything to do, you can do it. Xue Aofeng said lightly and tastelessly.

"Closed?" Yin Shuang was a little surprised, but quickly, "Ao Feng, are you still worried about Jin Jin?"

The other party's doorkeeper was Aofeng for a while, which made Xue Aofeng feel quite uncomfortable. However, she didn't say anything and suddenly said mysteriously, "Yin Shuang, what kind of skill do you mean by attracting the power of nature?"

"hehe." Yin Shuang smiled and said boldly, "Ao Feng, if you want to enter Jin, it's not difficult. I can help you to take your fighting spirit to a higher level."

"What about magic?" Xue Aofeng asked impatiently.

"Magic... I'm not a magician. You know, this can only depend on your own opportunities and efforts. However, magic and fighting spirit are two different cultivation methods. For attack, the first choice is fighting spirit. Of course, the defense of magic is also immeasurable!" Yin Shuang explained lightly.

Xue Aofeng didn't say anything, but she lingered in her own thoughts for a long time. If this person knew that she wanted to become a demon guide of the dead through the variant, or even a magic guide, would she scare him?

"Don't think too much. I'll help you refine your energy in the next few days." Yin Shuang looked at her face and saw that it was the confusion that had encountered a bottleneck for a long time.

"Good." Xue Aofeng answered and didn't feel anything wrong. After all, if you want to become a great magic guide, don't you need that King Kong-like physique? Perhaps, her fighting spirit is as strong as him, and she may become a great magic guide without changing.


In this way, every night, Yin Shuang stayed in the Shuihua Hall all night to help Xue Aofeng practice his anger. The so-called qi training is also very simple, allowing one person's breath to pass through another person's body and then swim around the whole body, and again to achieve the effect of practicing qi and lifting energy.

In the Shuihua Hall, there is a beautiful lotus pond with a huge plate in the pool, which is prepared according to Yin Shuang's instructions. The surroundings are foggy, and it looks like a fairyland.

Xue Aofeng looked at the lotus pond and his eyes sank.

"Are you ready?" The handsome man beside her looked at her and smiled gently.

"Hmm." Xue Aofeng answered, and then his figure jumped, then stood firmly on the lotus platform and sat quietly cross-legged.

A flash of lightning flashed, and Yin Shuang also came to her side and put his hands behind her. This method of practicing qi does not need to be undressed. As the guardian of the twins of the Demon Domain, it is easy for Yin Shuang to ingest the other party's body and practice qi for her. This method is better than his own hard cultivation. Breakthrough is much easier and faster. Just like taking the elixir, it will work amazing.

However, it is not easy to get this big devil willingly to practice for it. In this alien world dominated by force, no one can make a master to embarrass himself. After all, human nature is still very selfish!