Supreme Crazy Concubine

Chapter 223 Battle! Kill Prince Huolan!

"Ha ha, the artifact is powerful or the magic weapon is powerful. Now everyone is serving the same master, the heavenly magic piano, you'd better speak slowly!" Duntian Ding said.

When Xue Aofeng was about to say something, the Lanhuo God Armor smiled faintly and said, "New master, I'll take you out!"

After saying that, Lan Huo Shenjia flew automatically with Xue Aofeng, and the speed could be described as a soaring.

The golden light on the armor suddenly wiped out everything! And broke through the magic barrier in an instant...

Is this the power of the armor? That's awesome! Xue Aofeng is as light as the wind at this time. Wearing this Lanhuo armor, his whole body seems to be different. It is like a ethereal wind in nothingness, like a barrier that can penetrate everything and soar between the universe.

Boom! Lei Lan Tower completely collapsed.

The golden Xue Aofeng flew proudly in the dark, dominating the wind and clouds in the night, like a beautiful white phoenix, beautiful and gorgeous, and suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"Wow! What is that?" The people outside the tower looked at the flying phoenix in the sky in surprise. It's so beautiful..." The flying ice wing muttered.

"Uh... Xue Aofeng is still alive." The wolf Muyan whispered beside him.

Flying ice wings were immediately handsome under the haze. Looking at the cannon pushed by the monk, they gave a vicious order, "Bang her!"

"..." When everyone was stunned and didn't react.

"What are you still doing? This hall asked you to bombard her!" Fei Bingyi shouted, pushed away a gunner, pointed the gun at Xue Aofeng, and personally ignited the line of fire!

"Xue Aofeng, you will die!" The flying ice wings smiled evilly.


A huge spark was fired from the muzzle. Then the heads of dozens of artillery were facing this side.

"Blast her to death!" The flying ice wings gave a cruel order.

Boom! Dozens of artillery were also attacked, and in an in an moment it shocked the world. Make this fire-lan imperial city towering.


shocked a certain part of the Huolan VIP Hall, where the guests who visited from Fengyi Kingdom, are said to be the nobles of the Fengyi Emperor.

The two people walking outside the palace frowned together.

"Tianya, what's going on? Is there going to be an earthquake in this Huolan Imperial City? A handsome man in a dark and gorgeous blue robe said. This man wears a purple gold crown and looks like a handsome jade, and he can see his extraordinary identity.

"Brother, it doesn't seem to be an earthquake! It's artillery!" Tianya replied with a long silver hair hanging on his thin handsome face with a shallow curvature, a silver crown tied to his head, and the bright metallic luster made the whole person look unparalleled.

"Oh? Artillery?" Ji Nan looked at him doubtfully, whether it was too unsafe compared with their Fengyi country. Soon, when he held his head high, he saw the flying object that day!

"Dizzy! What is that? Flying immortals outside the sky?" Ji Nan looked at the gorgeous golden shadow that suddenly appeared in the dark sky. It was so beautiful. Is that man wearing the golden armor? It's like a beautiful golden phoenix!

He Tianya took a look and replied meditously, "It's not a fairy, it seems to be a human!"

"People? Who is it?" Ji Nan is full of interest in the people in the sky. But after a while, the golden light disappeared again.

"Brother, the purpose of our coming here..." He looked at Jiannan and didn't say anything, but his expression was very indifferent.

"How's it going now? Where is that thing?" Ji Nan looked at the end of the world.

"I heard that after falling into the hands of a group of ruffians, the other party will trade at the tenth grave on the outskirts of Huolan!" He said to the end of the world. The breeze rippled a head of silver silk floating in the night sky, raising the beautiful curve of silk.

"Very good, then we will follow. This time, I must take back the 'Lotus Repair Mirror'!" The corners of Ji Nan's mouth raised gently, and a natural pride appeared on his face.

"Hmm." Jie Tianya answered and did not answer again, but his eyes sank mysteriously.


At this time, the sky of the Prince's Hall was blowing up one by one. Xue Aofeng wore the Lanhuo armor and quickly avoided the attack of those artillery, but no matter how good the patience was, it was also made angry by this artillery.

"Yad, these damn bastards dare to blow me up with cannons! Look, I won't overturn them!" Xue Aofeng shouted. He waved vigorously towards the cannons.

It rumbled and burst into thick smoke in the sky. The shell hit Xue Aofeng's fighting spirit and suddenly blossomed.

"There is something more amazing!" Xue Aofeng sneered and took the opportunity to quickly gallop down from the sky, almost at the speed of light to knock over the artillery monks, and a controlling mind of a summoning system passed through his mind. Soon the direction of the artillery turned around and aimed at the flying ice wings and wolf smoke, where there were the group of monks.

Xue Aofeng laughed fearfully, "Today I'm going to kill! Boom for me!"

The magic suddenly ignited the cannon lead and rumbled! A burst of cannons bombarded the flying ice wings.

The flying ice wings widened their eyes in horror and pulled up the monk next to him as a shield in front of him.

"Ah..." A scream sounded in the dark night, and the bodies of a martial monk collapsed.

"Prince, run away!" Wolf Muyan protected the flying ice wings and said quickly.

"Damn Xue Aofeng!" Fei Bingyi gritted his teeth angrily, looked at the wolf Muyan and shouted, "What about the seven-star god flower? Did you get it from the tower?

Wolf Muyan flashed with an embarrassed look, "Prince, there was a man in black on the tower at that time, took the lead and took away the seven-star god flower!"

"Idiot! What do I want you to do?" The flying ice wings stared at the wolf Muyan fiercely.

When Lang Muyan saw Xue Aofeng, who was going to kill him like a god, he couldn't take care of the prince and said decisively, "Prince Ice Wing, I think you'd better say less! The next second, you will become cannon fodder with meat sauce!"

Then the wolf Muyan quickly disappeared and flashed away.

The flying ice wing over there looked at the wolf Muyan who had escaped alone and cursed angrily, "Damn dead wolf, how dare you abandon your master and escape?"

"Damn it is you! Flying ice wings!" Xue Aofeng's cold voice was drinking in the air. With his hands and two guns, he stabbed at the other party.

Flying wings smelled the wind and quickly fought back with their swords, but only one round, their swords were interrupted by the other party's gun!

Flying ice wings were stunned, and at the same time, Xue Aofeng himself was surprised.

"I didn't expect that wearing this armor has strengthened my weapon strength a lot!" Xue Aofeng laughed and stared at the flying wings, and his face became particularly evil. "How can I punish you? What abominable and hateful ice-winged prince?

Fly ice wings are fhorrified, but the corners of their mouths say viciously, "Xue Aofeng, you can't kill me. If you kill me, my Huolan Kingdom will go to war with Diqian Kingdom!" At that time, more people will die in your land!"

"Hmm! Are you going to war?" Xue Aofeng's eyes were very tight. Looking at the person in front of him, the tip of the gun pointed at the other party's chest. "Then first of all, I will tie your flag!!"

"You..." Fei Bingyi conviled her fiercely. He didn't believe that the other party dared to kill him at all.

But just as he was ready to speak again. This place! Xue Aofeng's gun pointed out and attacked the other party's chest.

Flying ice wings quickly lift up the fighting spirit. Unfortunately, what is frightening is that Xue Aofeng's fighting spirit directly peeled off his fighting spirit, and the fire saw directly pierced his chest!

"..." Flying ice wings held their fists and stood on the floor tiles in front of the collapsed Leilan Tower, looking at the gorgeous figure opposite, saying that they didn't believe that there would be a moment of death! But the truth is the truth! The pain that pierced his heart made his lungs crack!

"Xue Aofeng, don't kill me!" Fei Bingyi looked at the other party, and the passing gunfire pierced his heart, but he knew that as long as the other party moved again, he would be completely finished.

"Hmm! It is also a shame for the Huolan royal family to live with a noble and low life like you! It's better to die clean!" Xue Aofeng sneered, and the gentle arc of the corners of his mouth was infinitely cold. This place! The tip of the sword pierced it, turned it again, and completely smashed his soul until the crackling explosion!

"Ah--" The flying ice wing screamed in horror, and a big hole was stirred up by the universe gun in his chest. With a roar, his body exploded on the ground, fragmented and died extremely miserable.

Xue Aofeng passed by a fire magic and immediately burned his remains. This arrogant prince finally got the end he deserved!

This is the end of Xue Aofeng!!

"Ah! The prince is dead! The prince is dead!!" The remaining monks saw that Xue Aofeng killed the flying ice wings with their eyes widened. The next second is to panic.

"Quick, go and report to the national teacher!" I don't know who shouted.

But then, "The national teacher is not in the imperial city at all!" One person in the distance answered faster.

Everyone was shocked. They looked at the woman who appeared not far behind her, wrapped in a green robe and wrapped her whole body. This woman Zhou was full of pearls and precious, and her proud face was unparalleled. This person is none other than Princess Feizi.

"The eldest princess!!" The monks saluted her in unison.

Princess Feizi did not look at those monks at all, but stared at Xue Aofeng, and her eyes were convulsive! Unexpectedly, Xue Aofeng was so powerful and evil! Even more so... gorgeous and beautiful!

The golden armor on her body is so close to perfection, just like the reincarnation of the beautiful goddess of war!

Xue Aofeng looked at the flying purple and moved the gun in his hand.

The noble face suddenly turned white. She knew that if the other party wanted to kill her, she couldn't escape at all!

But soon, a large number of imperial city guards were besieged from everywhere.